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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #istri

As I get close to my election, I want to spend more time in my district and focus on my reelection.

Henry Cuellar

#district #election #focus #get #i

So the - the part of the problem is not just the rhetoric. It's the fact that we - we're so polarized in what we've done to each other as parties over the last thirty years in redistricting that it's very, very hard to overcome your own constituencies and move to the middle.

Howard Dean

#done #each #fact #hard #just

Common sense is the most fairly distributed thing in the world, for each one thinks he is so well-endowed with it that even those who are hardest to satisfy in all other matters are not in the habit of desiring more of it than they already have.

Rene Descartes

#common #common sense #desiring #distributed #each

Nothing is more fairly distributed than common sense: no one thinks he needs more of it than he already has.

Rene Descartes

#common #common sense #distributed #fairly #more

A safety net for the poor indeed requires some level of income redistribution.

Ari Fleischer

#indeed #level #net #poor #redistribution

I have no distributor... it is indicative to me that there are these pockets of players and collectors all over. You should see the correspondence I get from over the world letting me know how significant they think I am. I know that wherever I go, I am well received.

Bill Dixon

#collectors #correspondence #distributor #get #go

In the '80s, I can't say that Amy and I were aware of an independent film community. We could only get a certain amount of money for our pictures, which made them low budget movies, but they were distributed through studios.

Griffin Dunne

#amy #aware #budget #certain #community

The way campaign funds are distributed are all a matter of record.

Elizabeth Edwards

#distributed #funds #matter #record #way

There's no safe Republican district. You can run, but you cannot hide.

Rahm Emanuel

#district #hide #republican #run #safe

I'm definitely nervous and excited. I feel like I've been playing off-Broadway, not to say that Boston doesn't have a great theatre district or great theatre, but it's not going to Broadway; it's just a different city.

Todd English

#boston #broadway #city #definitely #different

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