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Confession Stories

I have to confess ... Please forgive me for I have sinned. Read free confession stories online.

Illegal immigration. I see it as modern slavery. I make most my own repairs. But at times either long work hours or illness would force me to hire contractors. I noticed changes in my area once illegals migrated there. People who used to work for others were now running own crews.
It was wild. I’m constantly in supply stores fixing my own or others stuff. Or at least I used to.
I dress like a contractor; & know my stuff. But in reality I engineered; taught college, etc. A few times people would ask me questions. Then they’d talk to a Hispanic who spoke English. He’d speak to a crew who only spoke Spanish. I got it. I even asked some to confirm.
Some guy who used to say paint. Now ran a paint crew. Here he was asking me; a Physics teacher; how to do something. Me thinking he was a homeowner; told him. Now he told the crew lead, who translated in Spanish to the crew.
Someone’s home was now being repaired based from info from a guy who at that time worked in the space industry & taught science part time.
I guess there’s worse things than having a rocket scientist tell your contractor how to repair your house, but I think I’d rather have someone who is an expert for a living.
Hey; I worked on my own BMW’s; but I doubt you’d chose me over an actual mechanic who specializes in German cars.
It’s so funny. While working in my house I’ve had people stop; look at my work, & try to hire me. I once told a man if he’d pay me by the hour what I got at my job I’d do it. He decided not to hire me. Wish I still made that LOL.
But what bothers me are two things. Slavery. Quality. You used to see small crews taking a long time. You hired the people & they actually led the repairs. You could check their work. If you were cautious you could get quality work at fair price.
Now days you think your hiring someone. Then a crew of Hispanics roll in. Your like how can they pay that many people. Then zoom they are gone. If you later find mistakes the contractor has moved away and is long gone.
We had a large house built in 70’s. High quality materials. Great craftsmanship. I fully remodeled & updated it. Added onto it. Loved it.
Wife insisted on a new home. I finally relent. I was sick. Working. Kids. Did my best to watch them but was very hard. Could never find builders. I’d go there & no one was working. Then zoom. Something was done. These crews would swoop in. Do what it would take me & a helper days to do in less than one.
At times I’d roll up & there would be like 15-20 people working. Only one would sort of speak English. I’d start arguing with them at times because they’d be doing stuff wrong. Some of these guys looked like kids. I’ll grant most men look like kids compared to me. But some of these guys were like 5’; 80 lbs; no facial hair. I know a lot of Hispanics are tiny & can’t grow facial hair. I’m not mocking them. I’m saying I’m convinced some were like 12 yrs old. My 12 yr old now is 150 lbs; has blond facial hair. Is very muscular. But he looks like a kid. So did they.
I’ve talked to some of these contractors. They laugh & admit get whole teams to work dirt cheap (but you may get shoddy work from clueless people who in fact don’t know their trade. Or can paint, but are now running pipes without much training). I also hear whites & blacks complain. They now have to work cheap; work fast, & use cheap materials to compete. So in the end the consumer pays for it.
Well I kept a close eye on things I could. Was high end builder. Much of my house is great craftsmanship. However; some things I’m still trying to redo myself.
I’ll give a few simple examples. One is the current job I’ve been trying to fix off & on for 5 yrs. water getting under my house. I redid the flower gardens. Farther from walls. Steeper slope. The outer decoration down to ground level. Raised an area around house. Mixed clay & soil. Topped with plastic. Sealed to stop moisture leak thru stones. On & on. I gave up & pulled plastic to see why kept crawling on endless crap. All their garbage was under it. Wood now rotting. Cups. Fast food bags. A pair of underwear. Not kidding. Concrete chunks.
No matter what I did I couldn’t completely stop it. My house is on a hill. So I finally dig deep outside & some under house. Missing mortar between stones seems to be letting water to flow in. When soil outside gets saturated it rises inside some. My little pools that magically appear. Oh I’ve fixed it so it evaporates rather quickly. But I don’t want mold. So I now will dig. Expose whole wall a little at a time. Mortar myself. Rebury. Hear from my wife how grass is dead thru winter. Hear her mom say she would have just hired a contractor.
IMO. Illegal immigration is modern slavery. People being paid cash. Far less than should earn. Working hard & fast. Shoddy work. Others put out of business. You trying to fix what they did wrong.
Being too hard? Here are a few things I’ve caught & fixed lately. One room never got good air. Thought was just because big house. Well the line was taped to collar. But when I cut loose it was just the outer aluminum coating. A long section inside had no insulation or spiral wire. I had to under 3 runs; rehang, to create enough play to cut & attach correctly.
One room started sagging. Had wrong shim & too thin. I had to jack up house & re-shim.
A bath started leaking. The drain was sealed in place. Was wrong drain. Threads didn’t reach to bottom. So I started checking. 3 of my tubs had the same thing. So I had to Oder & install correct ones.
One room always felt cold. Fully insulated. Nope. These jokers had cut thin pieces of insulation & made it look thick. Why?
Now that was aging started drooping between sections. I realized were gaps. I have just recently finished pulling every piece of insulation under the house. Reinstalled correctly. It took me 8 large packages of R30 to replace fake insulation & get full coverage. So they’d carefully made it look like the did it right. Far back in low space to crawl areas there was vapor barriers only. That’s supposed to never be exposed. Touch wood. Here it was all they’d installed. Was no insulation. I’d had my baby & toddler. So never wriggled all way up there. It’s endless little crap like this.
A faucet got a little loose. I finally take whole thing out. They didn’t secure something behind wall. So I had to do all that. I think back. Every part of house that has issues had large Hispanic crews whipping thru. The failed mortar on my steps; around every window; by two tubs I’ve had to tear out & replace after it started crumbling. The sink that fell in. Oh you’ll love that one. They installed nails & screws that were too short. Mostly wood glued in place. So one day an under mount sink just fall out & break pipes.
One day I was pulling & reinstalling some tile whose mortar was failing. Felt heat under a cabinet. Was sealed everywhere. WTF? So I measure. Climb under house. An airline was running up under the cabinet. A vent was installed & pumping air into a tiny gap under one of my custom cabinets. Uuugghhg. It’s endless stuff like this. I feel like I’m slowly rebuilding the whole house.
My neighbors all have pools; flower gardens with mulch (never use); bird feeders. All the things that help these big bugs thrive. Kept get in my house. I finally realized why as I redo my insulation. Was some hole that couldn’t see from inside. Bugs crawled up & squeezed into sink. I fixed that.
I’ll say this. For first time in 5 yrs my house is not drafty. Is warm & toasty. Utility bill is lower. My living room doesn’t creak. Of course now the paper between pieces of Sheetrock is lifting. Has been since year one. But now that is my obsession. I’ll end up redoing all that & repainting entire inside. How did I ever agree to buy a house this big with all these bathrooms & 15 foot ceilings? This place may look pretty but it keeps us house poor & I have to maintain all this space. In the old house I could have bought me a new car. I had money for stuff. Now I drive an old car. Eat sandwiches. Can’t go eat pizza. Mortgage. Utilities. I want my old house with the 10 foot ceilings back. A roof I could climb on without fear of death
The low spot is like 20 feet. I climb up there & walk around. On one side I look over & it’s like a cliff is down there. I’m like woah. Don’t slip.
She said you know the motion sensor lights on that side are malfunctioning. Can you change them. Ha ha. No. I can. But I’m not going too. Too old. I’m going to pay someone to gutter guard that side of the house.
Oh. The best part. The sinking floor. That thin shim that was failing. Wiring was under the beam & over the blocks. I had to move that.
We need to finish that wall. Let the Hispanics legally enter in large numbers with soc sec cards. Pay taxes. No more contractors using them. Hopefully better craftsmanship.
Oh. I tried to sue the builders. But others with similar issues whose houses were built before mine had already put them out of business. This company built million dollar homes (not mine). Same problems as mine. Some much worse. I checked on mine as it was built. I will say this. It’s beautiful. Too bad we have to live like paupers to make the mortgage since I got sick. Miss that old house.


I’ve got a hidden camera to spy on my girlfriend’s sisters. I live with my girlfriend and her sisters due to some personal financial problems. I know I’m a terrible person for this but I just can’t help it. My girlfriend has two sisters that are both curvy and thick. Her older sister has the biggest boobs while her younger sister has the biggest ass. The urge to spy on them first began with her younger sister. While in the kitchen one day her younger sister came out of her room for some water with shorts that fitted her ass nice and tight. I immediately began to imagine what she would look like naked. This thought sticker with me as I kept imagining how hot it would be to see her nude. My girlfriend’s room is connected to the bathroom her younger sister uses. One day while my girlfriend was at work I heard her younger sister entering the bathroom and knew it was my chance. I took out my phone and slid it under the door and hit record. I think got the best view in the world as I saw her nice bare ass and even her well rounded tits. After this my obsession to seeing her nude didn’t stop as I gathered many videos and photos of her naked and even got a spy camera to place in her room and recorded her changing (I have yet to catch her masturbating but I have not given up). After a few months I became bored but accomplished of seeing her naked since I’ve got all kinds of clips and angles. My attention then shifted to her older sister after one day I saw her wearing a sports bra and noticed how huge and nice her tits were. Spying on her older sister was more of a challenge since she worked from home and had her own bathroom in her room. However I was able to place my spy camera in the perfect spot where it could charge and remain on. I was finally able to catch her older sister naked and it was definitely worth it. I do feel accomplished but I do feel some guilt and shame in my actions but I just can’t help it. I love seeing sexy women and thinking about how they look naked and if there’s a way to see I must take my chance. My next goal is to catch them masturbating. I don’t know how I will pull this off but it is worth the try.


I felt the urge to have sex and haven't had it for many months. I needed to feel my cock inside a woman. I saw several sexy women on the street, in parks and didn't want to do it but I knew the only way my ugly self was getting sex was to pay for it or force it. I didn't have the money to pay. I went to wait inside a washroom in a public park. While waiting a young man came in very drunk. I followed him out and from behind threw him on the ground in a patch of bushes. He could barely speak, I pulled his jeans down and then his underwear and spread some Vaseline on my cock and stuck it in him. He grunted but was unable to do anything else. I pumped him full of my seed after a very short time, probably only a minute. I hit the back of his head and told him to lay there and not get up. As I pulled my pants up and fastened them I stared at his raped cock, I guess I shot so hard none of my sperm was coming out yet. I walked away. I've done this a few times now, even once taking some cash and going to a street hooker and buying pussy sex with his money.

#forced   #mm   #nc  

Okay so My mom met a new guy when I was about 9 or 10 and I was really cringey back then and luckily he had a cringey daughter just like me so when we were 11 we started to mature (less playing, more serious, ect.) so I had stared watching porn when I was young and knew what sex was and soon found out she did to when I found it on her tablet, so fast forward to fouth of July 2020 so were both 12 and we were having a sleepover like usual and I had my leg on top of her and while I was sleeping I guess I grabbed her tit and she started shaking her leg this turned me on so much I started to whimper and she thought I was asleep still and she grabbed my hand and put it on her down there area and I started to feel sick and decided to "wake up" and use the bathroom. Were both 14 now and We have never talked about it but we both know what happened I just want it to happen again....

#stepsiblings   #lesbian   #sleepover   #sex  

I cheated on my boyfriend once. We have been together for seven years. It hurts me to think about it, but one more time, I ask for forgiveness and to forget it from my mind forever.

I barely knew the guy. I was 18 and I had only ever had sex with my boyfriend. I began feeling like I was missing out, that maybe I wanted to try with someone else once. I regret it. I pretend it never happened. My boyfriend started to make me dinner. I told him I was going out for a little while to get away and think. I met the guy. I didn't actually plan on going home with him, but when he showed up, he was really nice and we got along well. My boyfriend texted me a picture of the dinner he made and told me it was ready and asked if I was coming home.

I curse at myself for not going straight home. If I could rewind, I would have never left that day, I would have never contacted that guy, and I would have stayed home with my boyfriend and ate the dinner he made me.

The guy told me he would never make me do anything I didn't want to do. But I went with him anyway. I told myself I would just hang out for a little while. It had been three hours and I was debating in my head if I would do it or not. I told myself that I was already there and that I should just get it over with so I could have that experience and so I could find out if I really wanted to be with my boyfriend. I ended up having sex with the guy and by the time it was over it was past midnight. I did not even really enjoy it. The guy asked if I wanted to stay over, but he said that the only thing was that he would have to wake up early the next morning for something he had to do. I said no and he drove me home, and thank god he did!

When he was driving me home we passed by my house and I saw my boyfriend waiting outside, staring at his phone. I looked at my phone and realized that he had sent me a whole bunch of messages and calls, my mom, brother, and dad had called. I told the guy to drop me off a block away from my house and I went home.

When my boyfriend saw me walking around the corner, I could tell he had been crying. He started crying again. It broke me into a million pieces to see him that way. He was shaken and he was worried. He was so happy to see me home. He told me that he had called my mom and dad and everyone we knew, he had even called the cops. I noticed that he had not even touched the dinner that he made me, it sat cold on the stove. It hurt even more. The cops came by to ask if everything was okay and i was forced to call my mom and dad who were states away and tell them everything was okay. They had been ready to come pick me up.

At first I told my boyfriend that I had met some friends in town and that they had wanted to hang out and my phone was on silent. (that story is mainly for my family) but I ended up telling him about the guy because he had gone through my messages and saw pictures of him. I told him it was just a friend I had met and that he was gay, because he really did seem to be gay. He had been a male model but he wasn't gay. He just looked like it.

Unfortunately it didn't stop there, it happened once more when my boyfriend had gotten mad because I didn't want him to meet the guy. It lasted maybe three to five minutes so I regretted that even more. We ended up moving back to my home state of New Jersey because our jobs had failed. Once back in our home state, things got better. We should have never left. It was almost as if it never happened. But I started thinking about it again and I was sad. My boyfriend would comfort me without knowing what was really wrong.

I thought maybe he didn't know. So tonight, I told him I don't like to think about that time. And he kind of understood. It was like an unspoken agreement. I told him I loved him so much and I would never ever hurt him like that. He trusts me a lot. And I brought up that incident and I couldn't believe my ears at what he said.

I knew that he had done something similar in the beginning of our relationship and he was so guilty he cried for hours and he stopped talking to any other girls and wouldn't even go near them. That is how I am now but with all the guys.

He told me that sometimes he thinks about that time away from our home in New Jersey and that he wonders if anything did happen with me and that guy, but he told me that whenever he thinks about that time, he knew that even if anything DID happen between me and that guy, he reminds himself that I had come home to HIM and I have never gone out again. He trusts me even more now that I have gotten it out of my system and I know deep in my heart that I would never do anything like that again. If I ever think about having sex with anyone other than my boyfriend, it disgusts me. I love him so much and we plan on getting married.

I am happy once again. Other girls may be debating on doing this (please don't make this mistake if you truly love the guy you're with, but then again sometimes you have to know for sure. All I ask is that you never cheat on your husband. Because you have already made that permanent commitment.), and other girls may look at this and call me a slut. I don't care, I know who I am and what kind of person I am. I am a good person who truly had a lapse during that time and I truly know that I fucked up. I know that I will never do it again. My boyfriend and I want to get married. Some people may scoff at that, but again, I couldn't care less. Fuck 'em I say. He is happy with me and trusts me completely and I am happy with him and trust him completely. For those people who think I will probably do it again, I will prove you wrong. In fact, you already are wrong.

#cheating   #regret   #unfaithful   #promises  

My girlfriend an I live in LA but we don't live together.

She has 2 other female roommates. One of the roommates is kind of hot in a nerdy way. Anyway, I was at my girlfriends apartment one day helping fix her bed frame. I took a personal day from work and the roommate worked from home.

Her and I got lunch and had a couple beers. We came back to the apartment and she gave me head. I had sex with her for a little bit stopped because we were afraid someone would walk in.

Later that night my girlfriend went down on me. She said my dick tasted was from the pussy cum from her roommate. I told her I was sweating all day putting the frame together. She believed me.

Nothing ever happened again with the roommate. I'm an asshole


I fantasize about laying somewhere secretly and as people walk by I squirt all over them! Or like lay on a balcony and squirt on people below me!


Masturbating at my cottage with computer on my lap. I thought I locked the door. Neighbor came in without knocking. Luckily my screen was hiding my erection. 2 steps either way and she would have seen everything. Exciting but scary.

#caught   #almost  

I want to suck my cock. I want auto fellatio. I eat my cum. Cum on hand then eat it.


I threw up (out of my window) directly on a parking car. Yeah, I was pretty drunk and I ate pretty disgusting stuff before I got sick. I stunk like hell. Fortunately, the car was gone the next day...

#car   #drunk   #food   #window  

I wonder.
I sometimes wonder if I make mistakes. Cause and affect.
I think maybe I need to stop talking to people.
Oh it was fun at times. It had purposes.
Sometimes you can help someone without it being obvious. You present yourself one way. Push buttons. Hope for a response. So long as the person doesn’t catch on; and the goal is to help innocents. Help do good. Be fair, but serve Gods will. Then I think it’s OK.
Maybe it’s time for me to focus on just my loved ones who still need me, and stay as healthy as I can for them. Let the rest of the world do it’s best. I only have so much energy left.
I’ll have to dwell on that.

#tired   #shifting   #focus   #service   #love   #christian   #happiness  

I'm secretly a sissy slut to all my friends my girlfriend gets me sissified and takes me to her friends house and let's all her big dicked men fuck my sissy hole relentlessly while she makes fun of my sissy clitty(that's what she calls my little dick )

#slut   #whore   #sissy   #worthless  

I separated from my boyfriend after three years. I was young, exploring the world. So I didn't see anything wrong with him being mean to me, yelling, drinking.... However, he was very masculine, confident, I loved how he dominated me during sex. I was submissive like a little kitten, I let him do everything, even being violent....
At the end of the relationship, I met my current fiancé. He is a loving, caring ... Also in bed. We decided after a few years that I would not take the pill. Nevertheless, I still couldn't get over it and didn't let him come inside me.
However, a year ago I met my ex when he was shopping. We chatted, I went to his place for coffee and somehow it happened that I succumbed again. Triumphantly he fucked me again as if I were a whore, and I begged him to be harder on me, and later, all battered I begged him to impregnate me.... Which I allowed him to do. Since then, I dated him behind my fiancé's back, got pregnant and now have a two-month-old daughter. My fiancé further doesn't know that I don't think she is his....
And now, even though the pregnancy wiped me out and the delivery was terrifying, twice before I went back on the pill (I regret it a little... But it's safer that way), I let my ex come inside me again.... I'm stepping on thin ice but I can't stop....

#cheating   #pregnant   #impregnation   #betrayal   #engaged   #fiance   #adultery  

I know my girlfriend cheated on me. She denied it completely, but I just know. She's not the type to forgive and forget, she's the type to do the same thing I did. It bothers me because in the end at least I was honest that I did it, but she was not. I had to hear it from someone else.

#cheating   #lying  

I'm very sad and lonely.and depressed every day. I wake up this way and I cry every day. I just hide from people and cry. I can't get my wife to see me anymore. She just looks past me or thru me. My kids are growing up and don't need me. I'm horrible at maintaining relationships with friend and can't trust the way I feel about things and people. I wish for death in my sleep every night. But I wake up every morning. I've asked God for help but he doesn't answer me. He never has. I carry this with me everywhere I go. Every day. It never ends. I fail at everything I try. Nothing I do makes a difference in my life or anyone else's. People dont even hear me anymore when I talk. It's like I don't exist. Or I exist outside of this world. I can see it but can't change it or do anything to make it better. I'm so sad. I'm so angry. I'm so lonely. And I'm so tired. I don't expect anyone to read this or comment. I just wanted to say it out loud for once instead of just carrying it with me. It's a secret that I hide from everyone. And it is eating me alive.


I think I'm a zoophile and I'm absolutely disgusted in myself. I don't know what to do or how to even bring it up to get help. I love my dog so much (not in that way) Andi want him to be safe and feel comfortable with me.


Me and my girlfriend are both 20 and we’ve been together for about 2 years now. We also live together. In the beginning year of our relationship we were very sexual. Especially at night we would always makeout and touch eachother and there was a good month or two where we had sex about every night. We had sex so much in the start. Now we have sex maybe once a month if that. And we only do peck kisses and even that is rare. I’m starting to feel like I’m living with just a friend. She says she just isn’t craving sex anymore and she is just never in the mood. I jerk off a lot now and I always imagine being with other women. I’m 20 and the sexual stuff is pretty important at this time. It’s hard to just lay next to them at night and having to play on our phones until we sleep. I’d rather bang it out real quick then go back to phones. I can sense the end of our relationship coming and it’s scaring me.

#sex   #gf   #problems   #help   #relationship  

I am married and I like to have affairs I'm on my 6 affair and he don't know I try to have hot sex not just regular so I met a few men who actually fuck me like I want it call me a whore slut I enjoy the force sex I've let these guys rape me and I love it what can I say I love pain

My fantasy is to watch my girlfriend have sex with another guy but she is completely against it.

#cuckold   #cheating  

A preacher is converting a good person into being terrible. I know a nice person. But he’s getting racist & very homophobic because his preacher are both. He thinks he’s learning to be more Christian. But he’s being made nasty. That’s why I don’t like most preachers. They are worse people than me. I need someone better to inspire me. I don’t want to have to be embarrassed to be seen near a homophobe or racist & then have to say oh that’s my preacher. The guy who hates gay kids & minorities.


Pray and roll the dice

Confessions by

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