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Lying Confessions

Read the best #lying confession stories

What do you think... is it ok to lie to a person that is dying? That is a question I get to ask myself over and over again for the last 3 years. My Dad was very sick. I do not want to say too much about it to protect my identity, but after his diagnosis, we knew that he did not have much time left. He needed a kidney transplant and he needed one fast.
My sister and I immediately went to the doctors to see if we were a match and could save his life by giving him one of our kidneys.
I remember that my sister's appointment was on a Tuesday, mine was following the next day on Wednesday.
Here comes the horrible part... I never went to my appointment. I was drinking and partying the night before and overslept. It was such a terrible, horrible and terrifying time and I used to get my mind off things by doing a lot of wrong stuff with a lot of wrong people.

I woke up in a haze on Thursday afternoon to a frantic phone call from my sister telling me that she was no match. She was crying hysterically and beyond reasoning. I still remember that moment. I could have said that I forgot my appointment and that I would make another one. But a lot of other stuff happened before (I do not want to talk about it in detail), that I was ashamed to admit it. In this moment, I was certain, if my sister was not a match, I would not be one either.

So, I lied. I said I WAS at the appointment and that I also was not able to donate.
In that moment I really believed that the universe would not be so sadistic and evil as to let my kind and good father die because of his terrible excuse of a daughter.

Well, he lived for 3 more months. They were not able to find a match or a donor in time. And I will never know if I could have saved his life.

#father   #dying   #donor   #match   #lying   #lie   #horrible   #death   #confession   #ashamed  

I lie so much, i can't stop and i do it every day. I lie about school work, friends my secret drinking habit that i try to beat, but i can't. I want to stop lying but it just feels natural and i sometimes don't even catch myself when i do it until it is done. I always get in trouble but i never care.... uggg i feel so bad about it and i know it is wrong.

#lying   #school   #work   #secret  

I am living in sin for several months now. I have a long distance relationship with my boyfriend and we only see each other every couple of months. We've been together for over 10 years now and I am now 25 years old. We promised each other our virginity and wanted to save each ourselves for the other one. I am pretty sure that he will propose to me on Christmas, the next time we see each other.
My secret is that I've been seeing some else since summer. And that is not the worst part. The person I am seeing is also a woman.
I don't know how it happened, but we met on the bus, started to talk and it was just like BOOM! I've never felt anything like this before. I, of course, still love my boyfriend to death, but with this woman... I feel complete, I feel so happy I never thought I could feel.

We went out for drinks rather quickly and that was the same night we shared our first kiss. It was electric. It was magical.
I know now that I am totally and irrevocable in love with her.

But that is not all... She doesn't know anything about my boyfriend either.
We have to keep our relationship secret, because my family is very very very religious and they would never talk to me again if they found out.
And they of course wouldn't talk to me anymore if they only knew that I cheated on my boyfriend.

Why am I writing this now? Because yesterday... yesterday was the first time we had sex. I do not feel bad for the sex itself because it was rather spectacular and I am more than happy that I had my very first time with her. But I feel bad that I am living a life full of lies and that I betrayed and cheated on my boyfriend, best friend since middle school...

I don't know what to do know. I know, someday everything will unravel, but I just don't know what to do....

#betrayal   #cheating   #woman   #boyfriend   #inlove   #love   #sex   #lesbian   #confession   #sin   #lying   #lie   #family   #religious  

I am a 13 year old girl, Caucasian, 5'3 and I self harm. I have been feeling the urge to self harm lately, I've been clean of self harm for two months now but since Friday when these girls began to point out all of my flaws and laugh at me... I broke.

My family doesn't know about it and I still have my drawer of things I would use at my house: Razors, Needles, Pencil sharpeners and even fabric cutters.

If you're only on this website to make fun of people, just know that I could be someone you know. Be careful what you say to people

#bullying   #flaws   #careful  

I know my girlfriend cheated on me. She denied it completely, but I just know. She's not the type to forgive and forget, she's the type to do the same thing I did. It bothers me because in the end at least I was honest that I did it, but she was not. I had to hear it from someone else.

#cheating   #lying  

I use to be a delivery man and I meet this girl in the poor part of town. I never gave her my real name but we hooked up ever few months for about a year. A few months after one of our hook ups she texted me saying she was pregnant. I wasn't gonna deal with that. Got a new phone number and acted like I never saw it. A few years later I got couriious and looked her up on Facebook. Sure enough she was rasing our son. I facebook stalked for years. Finally around the time he was 10 then I had my life together I had partied. And I "accedsntly' ran into her at a dave n busters party she tagged herself as going to. Once I saw her I pulled her to the side and acted like I never knew what happened to her. She told me all about our son. We ended up getting into a relationship and getting married. She treats me like I saved them because being a low income single mother is hard. My confession is a do honestly feel bad for making her do it all on her own. But if I tell her now it's going to wreak the rest of our lives.....

#betrayal   #lying   #pregnant   #disappear  

I have been cheated on by my ex bf but with men he is disgusting

#cheating   #gay   #lying   #sex  

I lie about everything. I lie to my teachers, I lie to my friends, I lie to my family. I don't want them to know that I am not ok. I don't want them to worry. I don't want them to know that this is the worse I have ever been. I don't want them to know that I think about suicide everyday.

#depression   #lying   #suicide  

Every family member hates me so much.

#family   #bullying   #confession  

When I was younger (age 8-12) I lied. A lot. (I am now 15 and I don’t lie anymore, I just want to be myself)
I never really had any interests or did anything interested so I lied.
I always said things that I did with my “cousin” or said things that happened with him, I just lied so much about him because no one of my friends knew him. I even barely knew him.
Sad thing is, he was sick. He had cancer.
He was only 9 when it started and past away at the age 13. When he past away I kinda blamed myself.
Because I was always lying about him being sick and stuff, so this is the punishment I received for lying this much. He suffered and then my family suffered because of his death.
I knew it wasn’t my fault because it was a illness, no one could help him.
But till this day I kinda blame myself for it, I low-key know it is my fault and this is the punishment for it.

#cancer   #lying   #lie   #thoughts   #sorry  

I recently quit my job and my apartment as I want to travel the world and experience new things. Doesn't sound that bad, right?
Well, I have a girlfriend and a rather close-knit family and I haven't told them anything about it yet. I'm from Europe, but found a job in Australia for the next few months, just working on the field, travelling, exploring the country that kind of stuff. After Australia I want to go to Asia, I'd really love to go to Tokyo.
I don't know when I'll be back or if I ever will be back. For now, I think I am just going to tell my girlfriend that I'll just use my holidays from work to travel the world and that I'll be back in a few weeks... But I guess it is more like going to be for 2 or more years... Who knows what will happen.
Therefore, I'd like to confess that I am going to abandon my family, friends and my girlfriend and live the life I always dreamt about.

#dream   #travel   #world   #girlfriend   #lying   #family   #confession  

I don’t know if I have ever felt love. Well, I certainly haven’t felt romantic love, but I don’t know if I’ve felt platonic love. Family love. And I feel like a monster because of it.

I tell everyone “I love you” all the time because I’m so scared that I actually don’t. Every time those words leave my lips, all I can think is “Do I actually love them? How do I know if I’m feeling love? What if I don’t and I’m just lying to their faces?”. I don’t think I know what platonic love feels like and I hate it.

I want to feel it.

I NEED to feel it, because otherwise...

Because otherwise, I am telling my family the cruelest lie I could ever tell them and I think that it would break both mine and their hearts for them to find out.

I just want to know what’s wrong with me? Why can’t I feel it? There has to be something wrong with me, right?
Please help me...

#love   #family   #lying  

I've never confessed this to anyone; but it hurt me when he spoke about him. If he had asked, if he had meant it, I think I might have dropped everything right there to be with him. My friends treated me like a junkie, and I can't even fault them. I lied so much, while all I could think about was. Something. Him. It feels like everything has changed, and I don't know how to feel about it. Is it really possible to get over someone if you still love them? If so, how?

#heartbreak   #love   #relationship   #problems   #lying   #addiction  

When I was a teenager way back in the early eighties, I was taunted by some of the other boys at school for being overweight. I was a little, but in my mind at the time I was convinced it was a lot. It got to me so much that a few days before the start of the new school year I went into town with some money I'd been saving and (I can still barely believe it even after all these years) I went into a department store, went into the lingerie department and, with a bright red face, bought myself a panty girdle. Even though I dreaded the thought of wearing it, I thought a girdle would reduce my belly, tighten up my backside and get the bullies off my back. As I was excused gym class on medical grounds, there would be no problem there. And surely I'd get used to it? The assistant was initially astonished and thought I was joking at first, but when she realised I was serious, I guess she figured my money was as good as anyone else's.

So, on that first day, I headed off to school as if everything was normal, went into some derelict buildings along the way, took off my trousers, quickly tugged on my long-leg Playtex "I Can't Believe It's A Girdle!", got dressed again, and headed off to school, wide-eyed and stiff legged. My "weight loss" since the start of the summer break was noticed, but I was still bullied. And now I had to get used to wearing a tight girdle every day to maintain the weight loss illusion - I could hardly get paunchy again overnight!

Have you ever had that terrified sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach when you realise you've really screwed up? That's how I felt when it dawned on me what I'd done and that there was no going back. The whole idea was dumb from the start, had failed totally in its objective, my initial overconfident attitude about getting used to it had died the moment I'd put it on and realised as it compressed my belly, backside and thighs exactly what it was I was going to have to get used to...and now I had no way out! I felt sick as I realised I was going to have to wear a girdle - a Playtex panty girdle! - every day from now on. For no good reason. And it was all my own damn fault.

By the end of that first day of being firmly held in, I could definitely believe it was a girdle! I'd fidget around in my seat trying to get comfortable - sit forward, sit back, legs apart, legs together - but I could get no relief. It was a girdle, and it did what a girdle was supposed to do. I'd catch myself gasping as I stood up or sat down, and walking up or down stairs experience. By lunchtime I felt like I just wanted to scream, but I had a long afternoon in front of me before I could take it off.

After school, I hurried back to the derelict buildings (as quickly as I could manage!) to get out of my tight new panty girdle. I was almost crying with frustration as I fumbled frantically with my belt buckle in the rush to get my trousers off and get the bloody thing off me. The relief I felt as I peeled it off was incredible. But I just had to get used to it being part of my uniform from that day on. I'm not ashamed to say that, as I tugged it on the next morning, I was actually crying. I did eventually come to terms with the situation and get used to it, but it did take a very long time.

I guess that was about the only notable thing I achieved at school, though being the only boy to have his underwear made by Playtex is something I was quite happy to keep secret!

#bullying   #school   #crossdressing   #girdle  

I am always sad and want nothing to do with my school friends or friends that I have made through cheer. I used to be the person who was always doing something and never wanted to be home. I was constantly surrounded by people and friends. Ever since I started high school, that has all changed. I lost all of my close friends and no I find myself playing with my pets and doing nothing but going to practice. Its sad because I want to be back to my super social life and have all my friends back but everyone seems to hate me. I have thought about killing myself due to the amount of mean comments and things being said about my by people I thought were my friends. I am most certainly depressed but I don't want to talk to my parents about it because they are very abusive.

#selfharm   #bullying   #hate   #depression  

This something my mother did, and told about recently. When I was really young she worked in a very nice department store. Almost every week she would bring home really nice things. Pretty embroidered shirts for me, but most of it was for her. Beauty creams, and imported black underthings, beautiful hosiery and nighties. Perfumes. I thought she was using the discount store employees receive. Well one night we were talking on the phone and she told me ALL OF IT was lifted. She and two other employees would stay and close things out for the day and all 3 of them would pinch things. She said most people took a little something here and there, but she and her 2 buddies were notorious. And they never got caught!

#theivery   #stealing   #lying  

My husband of 24 years (we are both in our mid 40's) requested that I get a tattoo above my vagina. I agreed if it was where my pubic hair would cover it most of the time except when I'm trimmed or shaved. He agreed and I agreed to have "Pussy" tattooed.
We went to the tattoo parlor and I reluctantly agreed to take my pants off in front of the guy (it was supposed to be a woman) and have it done. I had shaved and all was ready, They put a bandage over it, and when I was taking care of it I took off the bandage and it said, "Fuck my Pussy for Free". I am angry as hell and can't believe he lied to me and treated me like this. He tells me that he will get one on my butt telling everyone that I take it back there too.

I hate him for this. I'm too embarrassed to go to my doctor and have it removed once it's been long enough.

I'm cheating/lying to/on my GF. No one except really close friends even know we're dating, but I wish we were still just best friends like we were in the past. She confessed her attraction and love for me over skype one day. At the time she was at an extreme low point in her life, and she put me on the spot. I could only think about what she'd do if I didn't accept her confession, she would kill herself. I knew it. I felt it. So I told her that I was feeling the same way, with intentions to eventually break up with her. Now I'm here. I'm not even really all that sure I'm bi. Do I like lesbian porn, yes. But who doesn't?! I still think dicks are awesome and I'd much rather ride some guys dick than finger another girls pussy. It's just not for me. On top of all of that, I was flirting behind her back. I'm a freshman in high school and she's an eighth grader in middle school. I feel so guilty. I know it was wrong, I even have a male date to homecoming. But I'm not gonna go cause it's just too wrong feeling for me. I can't keep this up! I know I have to break up with her eventually but she's so unstable. I could really ruin her for good. She loves me and I don't love her. I still see her as JUST my best friend. I'm an awful human being for leading both her and the guy on. I should just kill myself for doing this. I deserve to die.

#cheating   #lying  

I constantly lie to my boyfriend about thinks I needn't lie about.
For instance about my condition, when I have headache, I'll tell him that I have stomachache as well.
Or when I forget something, I come up with ridiculous excuses. I even tell him wrong information when he asks me what I ate.

#lies   #lying   #constantly   #secret   #excuses   #confession  

Christmas is next week and I still do not have gifts for my family. The problem is, I told them that I already got amazing presents but I don't have a glue what to get them.. Why did I lie about it? God damn it!!!!
I bet they get me really great presents again and I probably will just get something from the drug store...

#christmas   #gifts   #presents   #confession   #lying  

Pray and roll the dice for #lying

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