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Girlfriend Confessions

Read the best #girlfriend confession stories

When my ex girlfriend got a new boyfriend, the thought of them together realy turned me on.
I wished I could have seen her suck him off and orgasm on his cock.
I ended up being friends with both of them and did some stuff but never got her all the way there.

#watching   #exgirlfriend   #cock  

About a month ago, I was at my girlfriends house and I turned the corner and saw her mom standing there in these white silky high wasted panties and a bra. I just stopped in my tracks and stared. She looked up and was startled and quickly moved away. I was instantly hard from just that sight. Later that night when she was back from work she took a shower and took those panties off and put them in the hamper. When everyone was asleep I got them from the hamper and went to the bathroom to jerk off to their strong smell. They were stained as well which made them even better. I came twice then put them back. Ever since that point I have wanted to fuck the living shit out of her.


My girlfriend's father thinks I am going to church every Sunday. That was a necessary lie I had to tell for him to trust and like me. He is a very religious man and I thought the best thing to do is tell him I am too.But I am not. Not at all. My girlfriend doesn't know either! I am sure she wouldn't approve lying to her father about something like that. So I tell her as well that I am at church at Sundays. We live 50 miles away from each other so that's not a problem.In reality, I'll lie in bed, just turn off my phone and watch some stupid videos online.I really enjoy this time because I do not have to think about anything or anyone. I thought about telling them that I am going to the evening mass on Thursdays as wel just to have a few hours for myself. Maybe masturbate, maybe watch a movie, maybe take a nice bath. That's my own holy time. I love my girlfriend but I like my alone time as well. 

#holy   #church   #lie   #mass   #confession   #fatherinlaw   #girlfriend   #oops  

There is no difference if you cheat on your girlfriend or not. It simply does not matter. If you are loyal and faithful to her, she will talk down to you anyway and accuse you of cheating "with that b*itch". Does not matter if it is the truth or not. Of course, denying it does not help the matter either. She will not believe you. Period. You start to fight and eventually break up because there is no trust between you two.
And if you cheat and the truth comes out, you are at the same point as if you would have told the truth right from the beginning.
It just does not make sense and it definitely does not matter.

#cheating   #relationship   #trust   #faithful   #girlfriend   #breakup   #confession  

I am gay, but to hide it from my reactionary family, I always got an alibi girlfriend.

#gay   #alibi   #girlfriend  

i have a teeth licking kink. I tried to lick my girlfriends teeth and she let me lick her beautiful sharp canines and i haven't stopped thinking about it even though that was 4 months ago. I know its weird i like licking sharp teeth but whatever.

#teeth   #licking   #odontophilia   #ilickedmygirlfriendsteethandilovedit  

It's been a month since I last self harmed.

I stopped doing it because I got into a relationship, and I'm afraid of my girlfriend's reaction if she found out.

The thing is, I don't know for how long I can keep going. Every day is a struggle and it never leaves my mind. Even when I'm doing something or distracted the "want" is always lurking around.

It feels stronger than me. I want to just give in, but at the same time I can't. This is killing me.

#depression   #hurt   #girlfriend   #relationship   #secret  

I have been enabling my girlfriend’s horrible habits. She used to be very thin in high school, but she always has had a sweet tooth and loves to eat fast food. Once we moved in together I started bringing her more and more food, she is so gluttonous she ate everything I put in front of her. I have done this for years, and she has ballooned. She is nearly 350 pounds now, and I only want to make her bigger. I have stayed fit, and I get immense satisfaction from maintaining my physique while simultaneously ruining her figure with food. It’s been amazing so far, and I do not plan to stop.

#girlfriend   #enabler   #weight   #gain  

I guess I know some of the people writing those confessions. Some of them are just so familiar to me, it's fascinating. If I find out that one of the girls who cheat on their boyfriends is my girlfriend, I'm going to cut off her long wonderful hair!

#revenge   #confess   #familiar   #girlfriend  

I’ve been dating my bf for a year and five months and lately we’ve been having problems but we’re good now and I want to bring up something that has been bothering me, my bf follows many lewd anime girls accounts. It may be stupid of me to feel insecure about it but I can’t help it, I just feel like he sees the drawings more attractive than me. And I want to address it without causing an argument.

#boyfriend   #girlfriend   #insecure   #anime   #animegirls  

Im a 21 yr old male in a relationship. I love my girlfriend. But i sometimes fantasize about my ex while my current girlfriend and i have sex. She was beautiful and i cant get over her.

#exgirlfriend   #sex  

So I met this person online, maybe December or November? Well yea I thought they were pretty chill so I asked to be friends with them, they said yes. I talked to them everyday starting from then, they played a game I played too so what id do was wait till they were online in that game instead of contacting on social media since they were sorta inactive there. Waited till 4am once, yeah was not mentally okay. On valentines day, I asked them to be my platonic valentine (excuse to say I had a valentine haha) and they agreed! Was psyched, after that we flirted alot. I said 10 fucking pickup lines in a row without them replying. Tell me you have attachment issues with telling me you do. I imagined fake scenarios with them, dirty ones included and I have no regrets lol. Then I found out their appearance and holy shit did it make me even more crazy about them. Shoulder length hair, 6,0, rings, nice hands, black clothing most the time and dark brown eyes. She was so pretty and I was absolutely starstruck. Then there was me, a 5,6 asian pansexual woman who sits in front of a screen 24/7. One pickup line (a more recent one) let me find out that im allowed to call them mine. We are still only friends keep in mind. A flirtationship was what I assumed it was and the urge to confess was unreal. My biggest peeve about this obsession was..pretending they were my partner when meeting new people, not sure if other people do this. Its so fucking silly lmao and I regret it so much, I also dont, it felt nice haha. The fake scenarios got bigger and bigger, pretending we went on dates and guess what? I plan on confessing on their birthday next year if I buck up the courage to. Probs won't but I hope they know I love them. I make it clearly fucking obvious im into them so im waiting for a good time. They send me websites on how to get better if im ill, they help me, flirt with me, tease me and care for me. Partner material. So uhh if you're 5,11 but 6,0 with good shoes and you think you know who this is, hi. I like you lol. Praying they dont find this though aha. Thanks for listening to my cringe obsession phase story time. -A.T

#onlinerelationship   #onlinecrush   #girlfriends   #crush   #wlw   #love   #cringeyobsessions   #attatchmentissues   #obssession   #lovesick  

I left my ex girlfriend for another girl 6 months ago. I texted her couple months ago and we were in contact for a while. We also fucked once and I really wanted her back.
But then she found out why I broke up with her back then. I hadn't told her about the other girl.
Now, she won't talk to me and is sleeping around with other dudes.

I am furious!!

#ex   #girlfriend   #love   #sex   #confession  

I lived with my girlfriend for 3 years. Her mother being a stay home women and divorced. She was a thicker women. Not very into her self . Kept hair nice . Nails and toes always painted. However their was something abou her. He laid back attitude and knowing she wasent getting any dick for the last few years. I used to think about making a move on her when we were left alone. While my gf was out or at work. Over the weekend the both went out for brunch. I stayed back to do some work . I was really horny. I snuck into her room . And in her hamper inside her jeans was her thong from the day before. It was a silk teal thong. Pretty sexy , more so that a 50 yr old lady was wearing that. I laid on her bed . Pulled my cock out and started to sniff her thong . It was amazing she had such a good smelling pussy. And her cum stain was what made me explode . I came on her jeans put the thong back neatly and waited till she came home. She has a thick ass and some big tits . She smokes a lot and isnt very organzed but she need a dick inside her

#girlfriend   #mother   #sex   #confession  

I (m/20)'d like to confess that I think my cousin (f/19) is the most beautiful girl in the whole world for me.
She looks exactly like my dream girl would look like. Short, braun hair, evenly tanned skin, narrow shoulders, wide hips and a fantastic ass. She has cute little feet (yes, I just recently discovered this fetish for myself).
I am not in love or anything, but I just want to have her. Taste her and feel her. It drives me crazy knowing that I can't ever have that.

I haven't met another girl as beautiful as her. And believe me, I've looked.
I am not into old(er) women, they often times wear too much make up and they simply lack the W-O-W.

I am with my girlfriend for awhile now and she is exactly the opposite of the things I named above. I never cheated on her and I don't think I ever will (that is just not me) and I will not leave her because of this.
But I feel bad and helpless, because my cousin has everything I ever desired.

#cousin   #desire   #body   #perfect   #beautiful   #sex   #girlfriend   #male   #confess   #secret  

I am 6'2", and I'm 210 lbs, but I can only bench press 100 lbs. I found out a week ago my girlfriend, who is 5'6", can bench press 120 lbs. I lied and told her I can bench like 200, but in secret I've been masturbating to the thought of her muscles.

#shame   #muscles   #girlfriend  

I'm male, 21 years old and I've got serious trust issues.
Me and my girlfriend actually meet every day, in school, after school, on the weekend, in the holidays. We are together for almost half a year now. When we are not together (what doesn't happen very often), I always carry my mobile phone around. For the case she's calling or texting or something.
And when she doesn't text me back within... let's say 5 minutes... I become anxious, nervous and impatient.
I always imagine that I said/texted something wrong, that she's mad at me or that she doesn't want me anymore.
Or I think that she's betraying me or anything like that.

Last saturday, I thought she went out with some of her friends, so I texted her around 11 pm and then I waited and waited and waited and waited and waited and she didn't write me back. I really got worried and thought she would never contact me again. The night was horrible. I couldn't sleep properly, I was staring at my phone the whole night.
Next day, around 11.30 am, she texted me that she was so stressed the last night that she fell asleep around 9 pm and that she hadn't gone out with her girls.
All night long, I was a total wreck, I imagined all the worst things to happen.

I haven't told her about this because it's kind of embarrassing and I don't want her to feel sorry for me or anything.

#girlfriend   #anxious   #nervous   #impatient   #betrayal   #embarrassing  

I'd like to confess something BIG.
I share a flat with my best friend (both M/22). He is in a relationship with the horrendous and absolutely terrifying bitch walking the earth. No one of our friends understands why he is still with her. She treats him terribly, always making condescending remarks, she even slapped him once!
We all tried talking to him reasonably to see that he could do so much better, but to no vain. So, we kind of agreed that he would eventually get it himself.
Oh well... everything came a bit differently than we had thought.

I was out drinking with some friends in a pub (best mate not with us as he had to attend to her mayesty's call aka 'the bitch') and I got quite drunk and actually managed to hook up with this beautiful girl.
We were both intoxicated but somehow managed to end up back at my place. We had sex twice and once more in the morning and then she left, also leaving me her number (I am yet to call her). After my sex-induced haze (still in bed at this point) I noticed that I was actually not in MY bed. But in my flatmate's. I had to have been rather pissed for not noticing.
Oh well. I did not think much of it, simply went to my room and got some more sleep.

Sometime while I was sleeping my flatmate got home and half an hour later his devilspawn followed.
I woke up to shouting and screaming.
To make a long story short: I left my used condoms in my mate's room and his "girlfriend" found it and thought he was cheating on her in the half hour it took her to get to his place. She wouldn't listen to his reasoning that he could not have had sex with another girl in that short period of time. And especially not three times (we had sex three times remember).
She screamed some more, threw some pillows and stuff around, but finally left exclaiming that she was done with him and not to contact her ever again. Before she left she told (or rather shouted) that she never loved him and cheated on him quite often in the last year.

He was gobsmacked at first and couldn't fathom what just happened. After the initial shock he deduced that those must have been me condoms. I actually thought he would be mad. But he thanked me. Really, he THANKED ME.

Yeah mate, you dodged a bullet there.
You're welcome.

#ex   #girlfriend   #hookup   #condoms   #sex   #woops   #misunderstanding   #cheating   #flatmate  

Ok let's start. I really wanna hurt my ex-girlfriend, not just physically but emotionally and mentally. I want her to be sent into an asylum for being crazy and stuff.
She destroyed my life and now I wanna destroy hers... I hope she is going to read this and knows what's going to happen. I am not going to write it down because it would definitely be illegal.

#revenge   #illegal   #asylum   #crazy   #girlfriend   #confession  

I used the text now to text my dad pretending to be my girlfriend because I suspected he had lust for her. I quickly confirmed it was true he thinks I'm her and wants to fuck her behind my back

Pray and roll the dice for #girlfriend

Confessions by

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