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Hurt Confessions

Read the best #hurt confession stories

Because I have some kind of suppressed anger or something, I hurt my boyfriend VERY often. I don't know how it happens but I often say something that really hurts him or I hit him unintentionally.
Some time ago, I thought about leaving him for another man but I thought we handled it and that we were happy but I notice now that there's still some anger in me I can't control. Very strange.

#suppressed   #anger   #boyfriend   #hurt   #hit   #strange   #confess  

Life isn't fair. I had this friend who received a mean hurtful anonymous letter. I knew who the letter was from, but my friend didn't. The letter was from my friend's best friend, and I knew that she would be hurt if she knew what her friend really thought of her. So I took the blame. I told her it was a joke, an accident. She stopped being friends with me and went of with the "friend" who had actually sent the letter. Nobody ever knew that it wasn't me. I still feel anger towards the person who actually sent the letter for letting me take the fall.

#bully   #hurt   #betray  

About two months ago a friend from school contacted me that I hadn’t talked to in probably 12 years. He first asked random questions regarding the story I had posted on my Instagram account. This didn’t occur often but a couple of weeks ago he told me he was moving back across the country. He mentioned getting a bunch of our old mutual friends together since it had been so long. This happened at about four o’clock in the morning. I thought that it seemed weird he would be sending out messages to everyone so early in the morning but went on to disregard it as being in a different time zone. I told him it would be nice to see everyone and to get a hold of me when the little reunion would be. Not until tonight did I realize that he has only been contacting me. I hadn’t thought of him in any inappropriate ways but thought about how my boyfriend would feel if I told him about the situation. I’ve been head over heels in love with the most amazing man I’ve ever met for the past five and a half years. He’s my dearest best friend and the best thing to ever happen to me. He’s the man I’m going to marry. I’m not sure how I would feel about the situation being the other way around but I’m sure it would start with feeling physically hurt. I am so ignorant for not realizing the hidden agenda of this “old friend” and cannot believe I would be so stupid to reply and give him the time of day.

#friend   #story   #hurt  

I was attacked yesterday for looking at the actor patrice in lady hear me tonight video and yeh I said I liked him 10 years ago and 20 years ago and no one bullied me then? its not nice people doing this shit on me. I should be allowed to like what I want.

I am sick of being bullied over this stuff.

is it just due to my ignorance?

#the   #hurt   #is   #there   #and   #painful  

So my girlfriend and I had a long fight last night... I would go into details but I don't have the energy to type... Right now though... She's been talking too much about hurting herself... She's had a history and I've made he promise not to do that so she hasn't yet... But she keeps talking about it... I wanna hurt myself and show her how much it'll hurt me of she hurts herself... But if I do that I'll be hurting her myself... What do I do

#love   #pain   #anger  

I got drunk and lost my virginity to my friends dad. I was too drunk to remember exactly what happened but I was asleep and woke up to him thrusting inside me. Then I blacked out again. The next morning I woke up and found he didn't use a condom. Its basically rape and I fear I might have an std.

#sex   #virginty   #drunk   #date   #rape   #hurt   #pain   #std  

I told a sweet person she needed to exercise & lose weight. Then I told her to find someone else. Why? She claimed to be someone from my past. She didn’t realize I had known the person she was pretending to be. The person from my past was very kind & had been hurt. I thought a lot of her & didn’t like someone posing as her. However; this person i couldn’t see in the chatroom was a very sweet person too, & also hurting. I tried to set aside my pain from my own broken heart, to help her. But then her friends didn’t like my advice & put me out of the room. I wish I could undo the mean things I said. I did not care about her weight. I just didn’t like her pretending to be someone I knew. Does that make sense? This person from my past was a very good person. I tried to help her before my life nearly ended. So it was odd to have someone posing as her. Plus she caught me at my worst, & then I experienced a health scare. But I feel so bad.
I’m also heart broken because I had a wonderful woman, but I hurt her. God gave me a wonderful person, & I broke her heart. Then I turned around & hurt someone else who was nothing but kind to me. I seem to keep hurting people. But I don’t mean too. I’m just overwhelmed. My heart is broke. Im lost. Now a big moment is coming in my life. So I’m trying to make my peace just in case. Hopefully I come out the other side. But if I don’t I at least tried to make things right. If your a person who thinks your overweight or not beautiful. Quit thinking that way. These are labels society put on us. People used to tell me they wished they looked like me. Well I paid a heavy price to look like this. So no ones appearance is perfect. That lady I met about 11 years ago was beautiful. She just couldn’t see herself the way I did. My ex was the same way. She also couldn’t see herself the way I did. Sadly. I couldn’t be the man she deserved. I let everyone who cares about me down. I am sorry for all the pain I caused others. A lady tried to flirt with me the other day. No way. I’ve already left a trail of broken hearts. I wish I could set those right. But I’m not going to hurt someone else. I’ve did enough harm. I don’t want to hurt sweet people I care about.

#sorrow   #pain   #sad   #remorse   #feelings   #hurt   #weight  

The online relationship started a long time ago. It involved abuse and manipulation, it was so bad that i didn't realize until it was too late. There was nothing i wouldn't have done, it left me empty and completely dependent on him. He left me, all i ever asked for was my love to be returned and to be given the affection any girlfriend would receive. When he left i wrote a suicide note and decided to end my life.

I don't know where i would be had it not been for an amazing guy we will call william. He scooped me up, loved me, and treated me in a way i never felt before. I was happy and trying so hard to forget the guy i met online.

When he came back into my life, i felt as vulnerable as the time i was with him. Though i never cheated on william, i began to hate him for not being my first love. Again, i became dependent and desperate to be with the other guy. William and me ended things, he could see right through me and had enough. I tried to be with my first love and was sure things would work out this time.
He lied to me about everything. He was with someone else. I found out and again i was broken. The whole time he was with her, it didn't matter if i was happy, he needed me to be broken and dependent on him.
He had someone who he said he was in love with and was happy. He said i was a mistake and he just wanted me to be with someone else. Never mind that when he was harassing me i was with someone else and trying to be happy. ( he knew that)

So here i am again, living a hell i deserve for hurting a good man. Every night i think about killing myself. Never let anyone take away your free will, even if they say they love you. All this taught me is what a horrible person i am. The online guy out living his happy life (with her at his side), and all i can think is me being in this state is what i deserve.

#breakup   #love   #addiction   #sad   #hurt  

I (m/(28) hate the kids in my neighbourhood! I live in a little house in an otherwise very nice street, but in both houses next to me live families with smallish children. Those kids do not have anything better to than to play RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY HOUSE all day long. They apparently love playing ball and throw and kick those around all day, every day. They even managed to destroy some flowers and plants I have in my front yard. They are always laughing hysterically, especially loud when I am either working in my front yard or if I am leaving the house. I think they are making fun of me.

They are now at an age where they learn to ride bikes. They are all around 6 or so and teach each other.

I would like to confess that I was feeling overjoyed and quite a bit of schadenfreude when one of the loudest and most annoying ones fell off their bike and broke their arm. I was leaving my house and walking towards my car when it happened. I tried to act concerned and worried but I was partying hard on the inside.

#confession   #neighbours   #children   #kids   #family   #hurt   #schadenfreude  

I think I'd like to hurt someone. Not like hurting someone physically, but more emotionally. I want to break someone's heart.
I've been heartbroken so many times already. I've cried so many times for people that I loved, but they did not love me back.
I also want someone to cry because of me because they think I am the ideal one.

#hurt   #love   #heartbreak   #heartbroken   #sin   #confession  

When me and my boyfriend first started having raw sex, I gave herpes to him not knowing I had herpes and I still feel guilty about that because he always talk about it. He’s given me an STD TWICE ! And every time I bring up him cheating on me and giving me and STD , he throws it in my face. The difference between my situation and his situation is that I didn’t go CHEAT and brought it back to him and he literally went and got head from another dirty bitch and brought me back trichomoniasis . My situation is this, me and him we’re starting a relationship and he decided to take off the condom. I didn’t know I had herpes because before me and him met I was promiscuous so when me and him got together I stopped doing what I was doing . He literally went and cheated on me while we were together and gave me an STD. I FEEL mostly bad about my situation because I gave him something he can’t get rid of because of my PAST and who I was . We both did terrible in this relationship and in two weeks it’s gonna be three years since we’ve been together and these years have been STRESSFUL, HARD, depressing. He put me down like it’s sooo much stuff this man has put me through. I’m 21 and he’s 28 and he manipulates me and controls me and my money smh

#hurt   #cheated   #lies   #stds  

i have fictional stories i make with my partner, and they have stories with their friends as well. they only talk about or find any comfort in this one particular friend’s story and characters and it stresses me out, plus as of the past few months they’re extremely reluctant to talk about our stories and tend to get distracted, leave me on delivered, or otherwise show a lack of interest until the subject changes. it’s really hurtful and i don’t know what to do about it, and i’m especially worried not only because i’ve been cheated on before but because said friend is their ex. i trust them, but it’s really painful to think that they’re more comfortable and happy with their friend than me, their partner.

#relationships   #hurtful   #hurt   #pain   #cheating  

There's day when I feel 100% and days like today when I want to end it all... I don't know why it's like this or why I tend to get this way but I wish he knew I needed him.

#lonely   #hurt   #depression  

I cut myself. At first it only happened when I had a bad time or when something bad happened, when I got a bad grade or when my parents fought again for example.
But with time, I cut myself more often, sometimes just because I was bored.
I just cut myself in places where the cuts can't be seen, legs and belly mostly.

There also was a time where I haven't cut myself, but after a while I started again.
No one knows about it but I really wanna talk about it to someone but I'm too scared.

#secret   #hurt   #confession  

I love you more than anything or anyone. I want to be with you every second of every day. I want you to be happy, for me to be happy. I wish you could see it the same way I see it. I’m sorry I hurt you. I did not desert you. I’m not crazy. But I may think you are. I really love or loved you more than anything in the world. I’m sorry you had to say Goodbye.

#sad   #hurt   #love   #aint   #enough  

I am 15 and I got my first tattoo like 3 days ago. I managed to find a tattooist who did not ask for any ID and as I look older this was no issue at all. I got a big anchor and a cross on my upper arm, it looks lit as fuck!!! But it started to hurt like a couple of hours after I got it and it hasn't stopped. Now I am quite scared that it will get infected or something. It's a bit red and a bit swollen...
The problem is, my parents are not supposed to find out about it. They would have my head if they knew. So I am only wearing long sleeves for now but I am scared I need to go see a doctor about it? They will find out if I have to go...

#tattoo   #illegal   #minor   #parents   #confession   #hurts  

It's been a month since I last self harmed.

I stopped doing it because I got into a relationship, and I'm afraid of my girlfriend's reaction if she found out.

The thing is, I don't know for how long I can keep going. Every day is a struggle and it never leaves my mind. Even when I'm doing something or distracted the "want" is always lurking around.

It feels stronger than me. I want to just give in, but at the same time I can't. This is killing me.

#depression   #hurt   #girlfriend   #relationship   #secret  

On the 8th of April 2015 I confessed to a girl who seemed to have no interest whatsoever in me. We got closer and closer as the days passed. Two weeks from the confession day, she asked me out on a date (25th April). We went for a movie date. That was my first and my last date with her. We held hands throughout the movie. We weren't even officially together when we went on that date. On the night of 10th May 2015, she asked me to officially be her girlfriend. I was over cloud 9. My happiest moment. We were like the happiest couple but I don't know why she started ignoring me. Exactly on her birthday was our one month as a couple. Things weren't roses between us but I still loved her. The ignoring got worse after her birthday. For 2 weeks I felt like poop. Being ignored by the person I loved the most. I decided to break it off with her considering the fact that she didn't seem to have interest in me anymore. She agreed which shattered my heart into pieces because what's lost will never return.
I cried like a baby that night. 45 days with her. It's not that long but every memory just makes me smile. It's been 2 months since the break up and now she treats me like a stranger. It hurts.

#heartbroken   #breakup   #hurts   #lesbian  

I argued with a friend of mine because he said things to me that hurt me very much.
I told him to stop but he kept on nagging and making jokes way below the belt.
It hurt really bad because he said some mean stuff about my personality.
I, then, told him my opinion on him and now he's mad at me! It wasn't even the bad stuff I think about him.

I'm writing this because I urge to cut myself again.
Haven't done it for a while ... well, I guess one or two weeks.
In the last few weeks, I felt so weak, so vulnerable.
The only thing that helps is cutting.

#cutting   #personality   #fight   #friend   #hurt  

I really am fascinated by blood, is that weird? Sometimes I bite the base of my tongue and press until I taste blood. I’m not saying I love the taste of blood, because I don’t. This is just a repetitive habit, and other times I have liked the feeling when I pierce my thumb with the edge of a steak knife and the blood just drips and drips. Am I too dark? Is this too bad?

Then last week I made a mild slit on my nigh wrist since the knife was incredibly blunt, and I actually really like the way those scars look. And it didn’t hurt at all. I don’t know what I am.

#blood   #pain   #masochism   #hurt   #anger   #vampire   #dark   #help  

Pray and roll the dice for #hurt

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