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Parents Confessions

Read the best #parents confession stories

She was in front of me at the amusement park coaster ride. We talked as we got closer to and closer to the ride. She agreed to ride with me. After the ride she agreed to get a Coke at the concession stand. I offered to take her for a ride in my car and we left the amusement park and rode around for a while. We got bored and she told me that she had to be home by ten, so we just drove out to the river and sat there while the sun set. Things took over and I had sex with her, no one got undressed, just got our pants down.

Everything was supposed to be OK, except she was fourteen and I was sixteen and she got pregnant. Her parents let us get married, somehow they convinced the judge. I never had a high school experience or a college experience, I had to work from then on. She didn't either, being a teen mom. Somehow we didn't figure it out and she had another kid at 15.

I hate to admit that I don't love her. Not like you should. She is 100% dependent on me and the kids are teens now, even if we are just barely in our early thirties. I think she loves me but I don't really know, we don't have choice sort of thing. We pretend for the kids.

#sex   #immature   #parents  

My Father used to physically abuse my half-brothers a lot. He slapped one of them so herd he left a hand print on his face. He shoved my brothers head through a wall. He once broke my mothers nose. He purposely cuts my dogs nails so short she would bleed because he was mad at her. My mother knew about this so she kept me away from him. He still hurt me mentally. He is the reason i have to take anti-depressants now. I don't see him anymore but he's old and I'm afraid hell die before I'm ready to talk to him.

#abuse   #emotional   #parents   #father   #physical  

I'm 14 and last night I was trying to sleep and I heard my mom moaning, then I heard this weird slurping sound and the bed moving. I kind of got horny. but now I feel really uncomfortable around my parents what should I do

#parents   #sex   #confession  

when i was masturbating one night i thought my parents was in bed i had my ear phones in whachting porn then my dad walked in started talking the just left before i realsied whats happening

#masturbating   #parents  

So this started with me blaming my friend, at first i was blaming him for my parents finding vapes in my room , then it went bigger and worse, my parents found a box of condoms in my room and when they asked me about it, as usual i blamed my friend for it. the next time he came to my house it was with my ex who i'd used the condoms on, and my parents asked him about it. my ex said i had used it on her, my parents face dropped. they were very angry... that it for now.

#sex   #betrayal   #ex   #friends   #parents  

My mother got some money in her drawer. I stole it.. about 1,000 bucks and I don't even know why I took it.
Actually... I don't need it.. If I want something I can ask my parents, they would buy me...

#money   #stolen   #parents  

I asked someone out and the emails my friend after school to telll me yes this was two weeks ago I haven’t told my parents but he is so nice and easy to to talk to we have both had depression and add athsma ect how do I tell them any tips??.

#love   #tips   #parents   #how   #boyfriend  

My wife and me are serving as foster parents for three nephews, these kids are my wife's relativos and thay are horrible. They can't behave at all, they argue all day and fight all the fucking time.
My wife and me are sick to the point that we are not getting along at all and just keep fighting and fighting, and I hate it, because these kids came home just to ruin my marriage just because of my wife's brother who is a lazy scum that doesn't want his spoiled kids.
I've even been contemplating divorce since she is unbereably angry all the time.
I just want these kid to leave, they are horrible, they are extremely spoiled, if you don't give them what they want they scream and shout, they acuse us of beating them to give us problems with the neighbors, one of them tried to break my nintendo switch on purpose because I didn't let him play with it one day.
They scream all the time, they try to not eat anything for days just to make it look like we don't give them food. These fucking brats are ruining our lifes and it was all thanks to my wife who said yes to this, foster shitty project that I just want it to end as soon as posible...

#spoiled   #kids   #wife   #marriage   #foster   #parents  

Im 15 gay and boy. I made a fake facebook as a girl texting this boy in school that isnt gay and is one of those who gets bullied and i hate him.but as the girl i said wank off that guy called (my real name) in the changing rooms. His mum comes to my house and tells my parents, school questions me about the situation and i deny everything saying i dont know anything and everyone believes me it has been gone the police know aswell but in scared someone will find out and expose me i dont know what i was thinking at the time but i feel bad someone help me get rid of this guilt

#guilty   #online   #policeknow   #parentsknow   #schoolknow   #imnervous   #someonehelp  

I went to my friend's slumber party but there were only six of us because parents were afraid to let their kids out of lockdown. We had fun anyways and I still made three new friends. At bed time we changed and lied togheter on the floor with sheets and pillows. We giggled, talked, told stories and I fell asleep. In the middle of the night a head between my legs and a tongue at my vagina awoke me. I was startaled and afraid to. It felt good so I pretened to stay asleep. I had no idea when it all started but it lasted another five minutes or so before she quietly slid away. My pleasure feelings stopped and I fell back to sleep. When we got up that morning it was weird to look at everyone and know that one of them just gave me my first sexual contact. I talked and even stared at their hair looking for clues. Nothing. I went home not knowing who gave me those pleasurable feelings. Was it one of my friends or one whom I just met. And why me? Will I ever know, do I want to know? Will I look at girls in the same way as before? Curiousity is still in my head. I have a new bad I cannot break. I go to bed and end up thinking of that night. I start touching and rubbing until I have to get up, lock the door, and get naked. I put my blanket and pillow on the floor. Then I hump, ride, and grind my pillow with each girl running their tongue on my pussy. I try each girl to find the who gives the most pleasure. Every day gets better and better and I cannot wait till bedtime to masturbate.

#tongue   #slumber   #friends   #sleepover   #girls   #parents   #sex   #pussy   #virgin   #pleasure   #pillow   #hump   #grind   #ride   #stories   #curious   #habit   #masturbation  

Recently my friend celebrate Halloween and he turn on a candle in the night (surrounded by glass panes). I wok up in the night because his fishes make some wired noise... but ironically the noise came from above where his parents and little brother slept. Definitely I take of everything from the aquarium (oxygen and so...) and in the morning they were dead. My friend cried a lot and still cries if he only hears the word "fish". But I have slowly noticed that the noise had to have come from his parents. I think they try out the Kamasutra book they got from my parents. The party was at a 13th, therefore my friend gets paranoia when this day comes. Then he will sleep in his parents bed. I regret nothing.

#parents   #fish   #kamasutra   #paranoia  

hi,i am m 22
i don't know where to start. i am finding myself in a horrible situation these days. I took admission in a costly university for my graduation degree. I had spent all of the money for my fees over the years on myself and my girlfriend who does not have a clue about this. She thinks i am some rich brat. She loves me a lot and i love her.I always had thought i will make out a way out of my misery. But the problem is now my days here are going to end and i don't have a single clue for what i am going to do next. I want to support my family, i want to give everything to my girl, but all these hopes are fading away. i quit smoking 2 weeks ago, and that is the only thing i had done right in my past 5 years Now i am restless all the time.

#hopeless   #despair   #lies  

Yesterday I finally decided to move out from my parent's house. I am 31 years old (going to turn 32 next monday) and I was always frightened to leave home to live in my own. I now live about 10 minutes away from home, in a small flat and I consider to buy me a cat or something because I feel very lonley. I miss my parents so much, it's awful. But I can't tell anymore because it would be too embarrassing. :(

#parents   #move   #house   #lonely   #awful   #embarrassing   #confess  

I am a dentist and I need to confess my frustration with my patients. When I opened my practice I was full of hope and tought I could help all my patients in keeping their teeth healthy.Oh boy, was I wrong. I can talk till I am blue in the face. There are many idiots who do not brush their teeths for months on end, who do not show up to their appointments and who complain about their teeth rotting or falling out. They expect me to do miracles when they show up 4 years later, they teeth full of cavities. But the worst of all are the parents who do not show their children how to brush their teeth. I had children in my practice, around 12 years old, mouth full with dental fillings. How can parents be so irresponsible? Those kids probably will have to start liking soup and smoothies, because they won't be able to eat solid food for much longer. I am disappointed in today's society......

#disappointed   #society   #confess   #dentist   #mouth   #teeth   #tooth   #kids   #parents   #practice  

I listened to my mother talking to my father and heard that she confessed to have cheated on him. I hate her.

#parents   #wtf   #confession   #cheating  

I have some really demanding parents. They want everything to be perfect. I understand that, they want the best for me. But the thing that they are never satisfied. Never... They just want me to do their requests. I obey and respect them. But recently they have been shouting me for no reason and they have disrespected me a lot. I want to have peace with them, but it simply cannot be done. I wanted to release my anger, but I have never reached that boundary. I just want to have peace. I'm only 16 goddammit. God help me please.


I just realized that I made a big mistake in life. I am female, 19 years old and I think I completely destroyed my whole future...
Couple of months before I graduated from high school, I met a guy in the café I worked at. She were chatting a bit, making small talk mostly, but I really liked the attention a stranger was giving me. I really liked looking at him, he was (still is) a very attractive guy although a bit older. He is 43, has no children and is divorced. I was 17 years old when we exchanged numbers.
I was not worried about his age. We started texting, he called me every night and we talked for hours about everything and anything. We started going out and I fell in love with him quite quickly. And so did he. Everything felt right. He was a real gentleman - corteous, generous and so so attractive.

So now, after my graduation, we are newly married. All of my friends and family told me not to commit to him and not to get married, but I did not listen to them. I was in love. So, I broke off contact to those people who tried to talk me out of it.
I wanted to go to university after high school, get a diploma, travel the world, live in my own apartment. But I moved out of my parents' house, right in with my husband.
Well, I kinda feel totally unprepared for this life as a wife and an adult. (I mean, a wife, at 19!!). I still feel like a child most of the time and I feel inexperienced. I think that is what my husband likes best about me.

Now that the honeymoon phase is over I realized that we have nothing in common. We are living different lives, we are from different times. We do not share any common interests. And he does not want me to go to university or start a job, as he said I should care for our home and be there for our future children. He's already planned having children in the next few years, without talking to me about it.
He is some big shot at the police force, so he earns a lot of money. That is not a problem.
And I can be myself when I am around him, 100 %. And I do love him, but he kind of treats me like a child sometimes.

My family does not want to hear about my concerns any longer, as they say they told me from the beginning. Now I am all alone, with no friends or any social contacts and I know I've driven myself into a corner.
I confess that I am here, bawling my eyes out, listening to sad music, realizing that I have no way out.

#husband   #older   #married   #young   #regret   #parents   #children   #life   #sad   #unhappy  

When I was young my parents divorced , was was mad at my mom for treating him badly , I stayed with him as much as I could but he met and arrived another women who was really jello us of me .
They moved away , my mom had turned I to this huge slug and had guy after guy visit.
I stayed with my auntie a few times but she ended up coming on to me, she went down on me a few times but I just didn't like it as I'm not a lesion.
I went back to my mom's and tried to get used to shit, more than a few times I witnessed her giving blow jobs, she would come out of her bedroom cum dripping out the side of her mouth, .
There was one guy that came by a lot, he had a very pretty pens , it was lovely , I would master ate thinking of him.
I was in the bathroom peeing and he came in , he looked down saw my bald pussy I could see him start to grow as he was wearing boxers, I finished up but didn't get off toilet, he came over or me pulled his shorts down and I did what I saw my mom do.
I was so turned on I grabbed his ass as he pumped my mouth, he started to breath heavy and felt his dick get harder, I pulled back so just my lips were at his hole as I felt him pulse into my mouth, I loved the feeling , enjoyed the taste of sperm .
He finished I got up off the toilet, and went outside right into my mom, she yelled at me and slipped me on the face , unfortunately I still had cum in my mouth and when she slapped me it left my mouth and was all over my face.
She yelled at the guy told him to get out and take this slutime with him.
We left together him holding his pants me in a long tee shirt and drove away in silence . After about a hour he asked me what I wanted to do , I said I was cold and hungry so we went to his place he made me some breakfast and gave me some of his daughters clothes .
I tried to go back to my mom's house , but she was Pisces, I we think back to his place and asked him if I could stay there , he was a bit nervous about it as I was younger than his daughter (she visited on weekends) and how he could explain me being there , I went up to him took his dick out and gave him a blow job looked up at him with my mouth full of cum and said I can be your girlfriend .
He smiled and asked me if I had ever had sex before I said yes 2 times I gave a blow job , we laughed.
I've been with him since

#curiosity   #parents   #confession  

My dad constantly makes sexual jokes and comments on my body, sometimes even in front of my mum and we just laugh it off even tho she knows it makes me uncomfortable.

#dad   #parents   #disgusting   #abuse  

I am a first and second phase psychopath, both my girlfriend and parents know. But I think they secretly fear me, and the best part it feels good to know people fear me. sometimes, I am one just to get a fear reaction out of them. I am not really asking for forgiveness, I am just bored. However, my church, do not know, but sometime would bring up the topic of psychopathy during discussion to see how much they are fearful of my kind. It make me smile every time XD.

#psychopath   #girlfriend   #parents  

Pray and roll the dice for #parents

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