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Marriage Confessions

Read the best #marriage confession stories

I sometimes secretly wish my wife would die. I love her and I always will but sometimes I miss the freedom I had when I was single. Divorce is out of the question so the only way our marriage can end is if she dies. If she does die then I already know what my life will be. I can smoke, drink, and eat myself to death and that is how I will be most happy to die.

#death   #loneliness   #marriage  

I am the second daughter of a Hindi family born in the USA. I went to college near my home and when I graduated I got a job in Florida. My parents were totally against me leaving my hometown. I was working for three months, living for the first time in my own apartment, when my mother and grandmother showed up without warning. They told me that they had been working hard to find me a husband and they had been rewarded in their search and I was promised to a man from Bangalore. He was in need of a wife with the ability to bring him to the USA. I listened and didn't offer any resistance. It's useless. He came to the USA and we were married two months later with all the Hindi traditions. He took the marriage seriously and consumated me on my wedding night getting me pregnant. I gave birth to a son nine months later. I have two more sons and I am a full time Hindi wife. He doesn't hit me and his punishments are easy.

#arranged   #marriage  

I have explicit thoughts and dreams of my husband even though he left me for another woman. We're still married and I just wish he would come home.

#sex   #love   #marriage  

My mom and my dad separated some years ago but still stayed married. Mom moved out, found a knew apartment and they both didn't talk to each other.
Some nasty stuff happened, she moved back in, they fought, she moved back out.
That happend quite a few times.
Now, my mom lives about 50 miles away, I don't see her that often. But she and my dad get along really well the last months.
Now she told me that she wanted to move back in.

I don't want her to move back in! It's a disaster! A catastrophy! They will get along for a few weeks or two months, then there'll be screaming, and destroying things, maybe the police has to come. I don't want that!
I have to prevent it! That's not possible.

Now, I am in the first row when the party begins. And I promise you, I'll destroy it, before it even begins!

#mom   #confession   #fight   #marriage   #secret   #destroy  

Everyone thinks we are ideal gay couple- a model for straight and gay people to follow.

Truth is, I've been cheating on my husband since I started dating him. I lost count of the number of cocks I've sucked or had up my ass- or how many mouths and asses I've fucked.

I've cheated on him at my job, in public bathrooms, at porno theaters, and in our own bed.

I look for sex on the street, at work, online, and even with some of our mutual friends- especially those married to women.

I still love him more than anything and I dread the day that he finds out.

#adultery   #betrayal   #fake  

Here's the deal. I'm in a loving, commited, fantastic relationship that I know will lead to marriage. We've been best friends for a couple of years and he's seen me through the best and worst times in my life. He also witnessed my emotional rollercoaster with my ex. This ex was a guy I dated on and off for about 3 almost 4 years. We never ended up in a commited relationship. It really only consisted of whenever I was in town, we'd hook up. There was a time I loved him, but knew he was just having his fun with me. He would tell me that after all he finished dating other people and I finished dating other people, that we'd get married. That he wanted me, more than anyone else. After going through this for almost 4 years, living off of the crumbs of attention he'd throw my way, I finally put an end to it and cut off communication. If the man really wanted me, he would have made sure no one else had me.

#relaionship   #marriage   #ex  

Never marry or have children. Try your best, but others will mess it all up. Just stay single and have a good time.


I got married too early and I would rather be with her sister or her sister’s roommate. She’s gotten so fat and she just lives her life depressingly. I would love to be single for a week

#marriage   #sex  

I became really close friends with my English and math teachers in high school. I even babysat for them. After graduation, they became really close friends of mine. We would drink and tell stories. After about a year of this, I learned that they are in an open marriage. And I also learned that this woman, kinda not pretty and over twice my age, wanted to fuck me. We were already faced and I went for it. Her husband was in the house. And he would occasionally walk through the room. After about an hour of sex he walked in and said break it up or else he would join. I cheated on my girl for some 38 yo cougar. I have dropped them as friends and refuse to talk to them.

#teacher   #husband   #sex   #scarred  

My advice to young people.
You will think having children is a great idea. But no matter how good a person you are; you can’t fix society. You can’t make the world safe. You can’t make people kind or get them to care.
As for marriage. Love is not enough. You & your spouse can completely love one another. But in-laws and stress will still almost certainly destroy your marriage. When it ends; your happy well adjusted children will emotionally fall apart.
As for Church. I’m very spiritual. I pray & know my Bible. I have lived a fairly clean life. But I never found solace in a Church. Just people trying to exclude others as they patted themselves on the back. Preachers trying to cheat on their wives and shake down members for every penny while they went on nice paid vacations. They’d spend an hour at a mission, then a week at a fancy resort.
I used to work with guys who just invested their $; stayed single, & enjoyed life. That’s probably the least emotionally painful way to live.
I used to try to talk young people out of suicide. It’s amazing how many were the children of Church members. They’d be gay or have a mental disability. The preacher & congregation would have these young people convinced God didn’t love them. Let me tell you; Churches are full of people lying; cheating; looking at porn; you name it.
Go to restaurants after Church let’s out. Unhappy rude people giving the wait staff a hard time, then barely tipping.
Oh I pray and can recite the Bible. But I try to live it rather than talk about it. I’m also a sinner & know it.

#church   #marriage   #divorce  

Today, I told my wife that I cheated on her.

#cheater   #liar   #affair   #sex   #marriage  

I married a much younger woman, and she knew about my sexual submission and addiction to total enclosure bondage, at the time, but said she didn't care. Well, after about a year, she put me into my leather strait-jacket, pulled up the attached hood, and hauled it viciously tight to my head and face, leaving me only two tiny nostril holes, and a small zipper across my mouth, sealed tight shut at the time, which reduced me to silence, with insufficient air for speaking. After checking the tightness of the buckles, she teased me into massive erection, and then calmly told me she was having an affair with Herb, next door. He was a younger, new divorcee, and not someone I liked a lot. Pushy, loud, aggressive, bit of a drinker, he just rubbed me the wrong way. In silent distress, I heard her say that Herb knew all about me, and while he "didn't like perverts" he was curious, and wanted to see "it" for himself. Just then the doorbell rang and Gretchen said "that'll be him! Don't go anywhere!" and went to the front door. A minute later Herb's unpleasant tones said "Fuckin' A!" with a hint of glee. He went on "Wow Greta, you weren't fucking kidding were you! And LOOK at the size of that thing! Man, he's really havin' fun isn't he!" She sniffed, and said icily "Him yes, me not so much!" Herb came close, and then his fat fingers seized my swollen balls and squeezed hard! "MMMMMMMMMFFFFFF!" was all I could manage. They both laughed. Then Gretchen said thoughtfully "you guys have never liked each other, have you? I know he thought you were loud and ignorant!" She sniggered evilly, and said "I gotta meet the girls - can you look after him while I'm gone?" He said coldly "Oh you better believe it, hon! I'll take REAL good care of him! He'll be really glad to see you, I guaran-damn-tee!" Soon as she was gone, he said menacingly Oh you in trouble now, asshole!" He twisted my balls painfully, yanking on them, as I writhed in agony. "Thing is, doofus - greta and me we're sort of close, and we think you should just become our slave, from now on! Do exactly what you're told, no exceptions, or punishment! Real punishment! Gonna be fun, shit-for-brains! At least for me! I'm gonna fuck you up so bad!"

Cat crapped in floor. Roommates ask me what to do. Really? It’s cat crap. I said leave it and let the owner clean it up.
So now one of them has stepped in it. I can tell I’m the only one who grew up on a farm. So they told me they stepped in it.
Uuugggg. Yet they laughed when they learned my daughter can bow hunt and power lift.
They told me my daughter would never get a man dressing like she does and being so manly.
My daughter is now dating a 6’ 5” blond male with blue eyes whose dad owns a large farm. He wears a cowboy hat and drives a big truck. He’s very nice and polite. I’m good with her choice.
I wonder how old my daughter will be; after several years of complaining about me, when she realizes she’s dating white versions of her dad.
It’s like after years of marriage when my wife realized she married a bigger version of her grandpa. And that her mom did too in her first marriage. But is now married to a male version of herself, & they never hug or kiss. They just do the same things and endlessly complain.

#crap   #marriage  

Yesterday, someone parked in my driveway. My neighbours celebrated their marriage or something like that.
I was so pissed of that I put bird seed on the car, shortly afterwards, a dozen doves were sitting (and shitting) on the car, picking for the seed, making huge scratches in the car. It was great!

#parking   #driveway   #neighbours   #celebration   #marriage   #bird   #seed   #revenge  

My first marriage our sex life was great, the best. We were so compatible on every level, since it was often her that brought up something new to 'spice' up our sex life. We did a lot of role play, anal sex, she loved to be fucked in the ass, and she would use a life-like strap on cock on me. I would often 'encourage' her to go out and have fun with her girlfriends on the weekends. Often she would go out dancing and get back home about 3am. She would only tell me that guys would be coming onto her all night, and her pussy was so wet when she got home, we would usually have sex unless she was too drunk or tired or I was too sleepy. But often we'd have sex within the day after that. She did tell me she did have sex with some other guys while we were married, usually when she went on a 'business trip' or when I was away on my 'business'. But shit happened, and we got a divorce, though remained friends. I wish we would've stayed married and built a solid cuckold-open marriage, which I'm sure that would have been the end result of staying together, which is, what I want. She met this one young guy, she said he had a nine inch cock, and fucked him a few times, though he had a fiance' back home, he was in town on a business trip himself.

#adultery   #cuckold  

i am from ind mus family recently get married but i felt my wife don't have any fantacy i told and asked so many thing always nagative answer getting from her but i am different guy i can't be be one women in my life i need changes lot of changes i need every week or every month different women lot of affairs i like recently one of the my relatives aunty got with 3 boys . When u see her husband i felt jealous. I want something like that in my life . My wife should enjoy so I also can be enjoy.even if she don't want to do infront of me threesome or something like that i dont have problems she can hide and she has to respect my feeling also. Wo bhi Azad hum bhi Azad . We can show world we are very good couple or good mus. But from inside we can play wat ever wat we want.let me know if Any IND mus lady want to enjoy life like a free bird and same fantasy i have let me know vicky6f6 is my gmil id contact me and mentioned this confession

Thank you

#lust   #affairs  

I've been lying to everyone. I was born and raised in a religious family and society where it is wrong to have sex before marriage. But I am not virgin like they have always been thinking about me. I had sex with someone in university. I have a boyfriend now, and he is also a religious person. He doesn't want to have sex before we get married. I wonder what if one day he find my secret..
I never told anyone about this. My parents would disown me if they knew and no one would want to be with me. Fuck me, right.


I am stuck in a sexless marriage and hate myself for it. I have had opportunity to cheat and offers from other women but turned them down because I'm in love with my wife. I contemplate divorce everyday but I stay for my kids. I hate myself for not having the strength to walk away.

#divorce   #marriage   #self   #hate   #resentment  

I’ve resulted to the internet to help financially and at a complete loss. And I afraid to tell my husband.

#marriage   #sex   #boobs   #sugardaddy  

I often contemplate divorce, I love my wife but I have not been happy for years and I keep convincing myself things will get better but I'm starting to get the the point where I dont care anymore.

#divorce   #marriage   #depression   #lonely  

Pray and roll the dice for #marriage

Confessions by

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