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Death Confessions

Read the best #death confession stories

I very good friend of mine died at the age of 18, I was 17 to that time. I got a condolence card and everyone at my school, students and teachers, signed it. But I forgot to send it, today I found it in my messy room.
I feel terrible...

#friend   #death   #die   #condolescence   #card  

What do you think... is it ok to lie to a person that is dying? That is a question I get to ask myself over and over again for the last 3 years. My Dad was very sick. I do not want to say too much about it to protect my identity, but after his diagnosis, we knew that he did not have much time left. He needed a kidney transplant and he needed one fast.
My sister and I immediately went to the doctors to see if we were a match and could save his life by giving him one of our kidneys.
I remember that my sister's appointment was on a Tuesday, mine was following the next day on Wednesday.
Here comes the horrible part... I never went to my appointment. I was drinking and partying the night before and overslept. It was such a terrible, horrible and terrifying time and I used to get my mind off things by doing a lot of wrong stuff with a lot of wrong people.

I woke up in a haze on Thursday afternoon to a frantic phone call from my sister telling me that she was no match. She was crying hysterically and beyond reasoning. I still remember that moment. I could have said that I forgot my appointment and that I would make another one. But a lot of other stuff happened before (I do not want to talk about it in detail), that I was ashamed to admit it. In this moment, I was certain, if my sister was not a match, I would not be one either.

So, I lied. I said I WAS at the appointment and that I also was not able to donate.
In that moment I really believed that the universe would not be so sadistic and evil as to let my kind and good father die because of his terrible excuse of a daughter.

Well, he lived for 3 more months. They were not able to find a match or a donor in time. And I will never know if I could have saved his life.

#father   #dying   #donor   #match   #lying   #lie   #horrible   #death   #confession   #ashamed  

I’m my own hero.
As a boy I looked up to people. Cops; Mike Jackson; preachers, Bill Cosby.
Mike mollested boys. Bill drugged & raped women.
Preachers scam elders out of $. Push disabled kids out of their churches (my own child experienced this); treat gay teens horribly, & push poor & disabled kids out of their schools.
Now I have to accept police are corrupt. I still believe most cops are good; but I have researched story after story during the pandemic. The last straw was watching police hunt down & shoot an unarmed autistic child. The cop who did this will not be arrested or charged.
So I must accept as flawed as I am; I was a much better person than my hero’s. I’m the closest thing to a hero I’ve found in my life. I fought for women; the disabled; the homeless; children, & gays.
I’ve saved lives. Yet I’m nothing but a failure. No one likes me. I hate myself. So the best person I could find in my entire life was me; & even I don’t like me.


Death. I almost died right before this pandemic hit. I’m so tired. I saw so many hurting. I did my best to offer encouragement. To offer advice. To try to save some who were hurting. To help the people I love.
But death finds us all. It’s undefeated. I don’t know how much longer I can fight this disease off. I’m amazed I’m still alive.
I think I’m going to have to stop trying to help random people. It’s my nature to do so. But I just don’t have anything left to give. Plus I’m alone. Someone told me I’m selfless. That probably is true. But even a star eventually burns out.
I’m so lonely. I’m going to die all alone. Oh I’ll never just give up. But I can’t hold Back death forever. I kept hoping someone would need or want me again. But this pandemic & fate seems to have conspired against me. The world is full of sadness. I did my best to make it smile.
If this is my end I finally pulled my mask off and winked at the world. I fear I may have wasted much of my life giving too much of myself. Perhaps I was just an idiot when all is said & done.

#acceptance   #surrender   #ending   #disease   #death  

I live at my aunt's house, as my parents died when I was still young. I hate my aunt, I hate her husband, I hate her stupid brats she calls children. I hate my parents for leaving me behind. I just want it all to end. Why did they leave me? Why couldn't I die too?

#death   #aunt   #parents   #love   #loss  

This will sound so stupid, but I have to tell someone...
I am an adult woman (31), with an adult job and an adult life. But I still like to read fanfiction. I read all different types of fanfiction, everything I find interesting at the moment. My newest and most current obsession is about a band. I read a lot fanfiction about them the last couple of months.
But I finished one story yesterday that fucked me up.. One of the band members died at the end. It was a beautifully written story and everything, but I got so sad and I still am. As if he really died! I cried for hours and now I feel like I am grieving.

But why am I writing this... today, it was announced that the band member's sister died last night! I am so devastated for him and it breaks my heart in ways I cannot even explain. He doesn't even know I exist, that's crazy...

#crazy   #obsession   #fanfiction   #obsessed   #stories   #death   #sad   #devastated  

When my friends grandma (I also knew her quite a bit) died I felt nothing, I only felt guilty for not feeling bad. But I shrugged it off as she was only my parents friend.

That was a while ago, but I still felt nothing when our beloved dog died, my grandma died and when my childhood friend died; and he was only 20. I feel wrong for not feeling bad, but it's not like I can make myself sad. WTF is wrong with me?

And yes I know my secret isn't as good as others, I'm a boring person.

#cold   #death   #gradma   #friends  

I can't wait for my grandmother to die but she's only 55.

#death   #confessed   #truth  

Did i go to Heaven twice; or imagine it?
I'm a skeptical person. I don't believe ghosts are possible. I think big foot was the silverback gorrila. People see a deer/bear; panick; & imagine the shadow is bigfoot. Nessie was wood; & dolphins. Giant squid was real. Etc.
Ive had people tell me my eyes glow: just odd eyes. This has caused some to call me a star child. I like to mess with people to try to help teach them not to believe in crazy stuff.

But some of the signs are real. But let's face it; they ars vague. A lot of butterflys used to land on me: i emit a sweet smell when i sweat. Butterflys need the salt. A lot of kind animals liked me. Well; I'm nice. I think i emit more pharamones than most. Till recent old age i had a higher pitch very musical voice.

A lot of birds whistled at me. I have big flexible tounge; & have mimicked bird sounds for yrs. So emitting non-threatening pheremones & mimicking their sounds attract them.

Mean animals: i get very aggessive. I was 270 lb muscle man. I probably emit phaamones that send a threat to them.
In 70's i saw a Tic Tac secret US craft by a military base. You see similar craft in Navy video. Can i prove that's what it was? No; but its either that or aliens. I would need much more proof before i could believe aliens are visiting. I see some stuff on TV; but we've been faked before.
After i saw it i had weird dreams. Is it possible aliens were trying to abduct me & somehow kept me in a dream state; sure. But isnt it more likely all the scared adults outside that night with me who cried & were in shock; plus calls to the news; & the news running a show discussing possible abductions caused me to have weird vivid dreams? Let's face it; as soon as i woke up screaming & running they started dissapearing. So to me; this proves alien abuctions are the exact same; vivid dreams.

I'll grant you; having a weird guy try to abduct me months later is curious. Except i think it was months later. He was in darkish/blackish clothes; but so what. We had a ton of drug using child abductors in 70's. See: science. I believe its possible a few people who witnessed secret US craft were visited by secret agents; but so what; after WWII, who wanted a nuke war with Russia & maybe China?
So; i can use science to explain all so far; & yes i will keep messing with people to try to help them stop believing in goofy stuff.
Now for the last two; i felt like i went to Heaven twice when i nearly died. The second one is very easy; i was nearly killed. Heart stopped. I could have very easily have imagined it.

So that leaves precisely one event i can't explain with science. As a little boy when i was saved i thought my soul briefly went to Heaven. I can't explain that. I should not have known all of that; or all the stuff i knew about space at that young of age. Since I'm a Christian; & patterned my entire life after that experience, I'm sticking with it as real. That said; its possible that could be scientifically explained away, but i haven't seen a way yet. Either way; God & Jesus loves me; & I'm going to Heaven when i die.

God Bless

#heaven   #death   #afterlife   #hallucination  

I am a drama queen. My life is actually not bad but I overexaggerate everything and create problems were there aren't any. I am in a relationship, got a loving and caring family, got a job and I live a good life.

I thought about leaving my boyfriend just to get more attention. I need the interest of others and I guess I am a very strenuous person.
Sometimes I think about dying and imagine how everyone around me would react to my death. It satisfies me to know that a lot of people would be devastating.

#drama   #queen   #family   #boyfriend   #death   #overexaggeration  

I'm a 21 year old gay male. Decent looking.
Anyway this starts all the way back in elementary school, I always felt different. I was the odd kid out and often picked on but if you were to look at me there would be no obvious reason. I was clean, looked normal but I was always off, this is when the horrible pattern started. I had met this kid, let's call him Cody, anyway we hit it off at first when school started because he was the new kid and I was a loner and we bonded over just running around at recess because neither of us liked sports (or ever were invited to play) and the swing set. As the year went on I thought everything was fine and normal, his mom even started volunteering at the school to serve snacks for the students which had given me a chance to meet his mom which I thought was great until i got pulled into the office one day. I was told that I was being suspended for harassing another student, it turns out Jake was deeply afraid of me and my vivid imagination, so afraid that he had pretended to be my friend so he wouldn't get hurt. His mom volunteered at the school to even keep an eye on me so she can see for herself what was going on. That's when I really knew something was wrong with me and what sickens me is that this exact same pattern of me finding one person and developing a dangerous fixation on them, my intent is never to harm them but I do... never physically but I'm so insecure in everything about myself. I need to pick a fight with them just to know that they care enough to argue back. I make up a sad story or suicide attempt to see how much they love me. I constantly push these boundaries to test how much they will take and if they will hurl me out of their lives too. This pattern has slowed down but not in a healthy way, ive now turned to opiates to give me that feeling of euphoria I would get when someone would say something nice to me or give me a hug. I'm up to about 160-200 mg of oxycodone use a day which I guess is enough to kill someone without a tollerance and everyday I wish I wouldn't wake up from my nod. When this isn't enough I turn to casual sex on grindr just so I can still feel sexy and desired, I never use condoms because I hope I get HIV, that'll kill me in a few years if I don't treat it hopefully. Oh I should also mention that the only person that ever loved me unconditionally no matter how bad I got died of cancer when I was 19, the same time my "fiancé" left me. He was actually pretty good at dealing with my crazy, he knew how to work around it but after losing my mom I got really bad. Wanna know what's funny? I have a high paying job! I'm really smart and manipulative so I was able to cheat a resume and land a 30$ an hour job, I just pretended I knew what was going on lol I've even bought a car recently. I have this random peaks of energy and sanity I think where I set a goal and then I work hard to acheieve it, all while hiding a drug addiction. This isn't easy to do but any addict can tell you that they'll figure something out to push them through the day. As you can see this is so haphazardly written because this is how my brain works, I'm never on a single path and do you want to know the sickest thing that torments me the most in my life? I love. I love so hard. I love everyone and everything. All I want to do is love each and every person on this earth and i know that I have enough compassion in my heart to go around to each one of you but with my deadly desire to be desired like that in return all I do is hurt anyone who crosses my path. I've stopped now. I even got on methadone to start saving up a chunk of money for my family and entered the methadone clinic who dose me every morning before work, then I go to my office, milk the fuck out of the clock, go home, pop some xanax or whatever drug I can get my hands on because I have stockpiled fake pee for the UA's and pass the fuck out. On my days off it's just a blur of some type of intoxication. The beauty of this is, I'm no longer harming anyone, I tell my family I'm just dedicated to my career and they believe me because they see the new diesel (used 2011) Ford Dually I bought. I'm not in emotional pain for the lack of not having human interactions. My account is growing slowly but since I don't pay rent I can put almost half my monthly income into savings. I've written a list of the names of all the people I've hurt and for each name is a letter telling them everything that's beautiful about them. In 6 more months (if my body can hold up to my downers at night and daytime stimulants) I'll leave on a positive note with my dads debt paid off and my brother a newer truck which he should be able to make the payments on with the way I got the loan set up. Fuck you guys I'm so sorry I've failed you all. I was supposed to be the one to take every tear and change it for you... there has never been a time when my compassion didn't bring joy to someone's face, in fact that's the only thing that's kept me here this long. Kill me if you want and can find out who posted this, it would help. Today is January 7th.. late July and the toxic creature that has infected our existence as a species will enter the void of nothingness. Damnit, I was supposed to be something so beneficial. Anyway, bye babes. You have my love - mine is not to reason why, yours is not to make reply for I am to do and die.

#insanity   #death   #suicide   #fear   #addiction   #abandonment   #loss  

I'm going to kill myself. I'm not sure when but I can feel my death stalking me every second of the day. I had a stroke at a pretty young age a few years ago. I didn't have any physical residual problems but emotionally I'm fried. I have a constant feeling of dread that lives deep in my gut, something that seems to be stuck inside my esophagus. Sometimes I feel ok, but thoughts of how I'm going to die are never far from my mind. I really want it to end.

#suicide   #selfharm   #confession   #death  

I sometimes secretly wish my wife would die. I love her and I always will but sometimes I miss the freedom I had when I was single. Divorce is out of the question so the only way our marriage can end is if she dies. If she does die then I already know what my life will be. I can smoke, drink, and eat myself to death and that is how I will be most happy to die.

#death   #loneliness   #marriage  

Some nights ago, I dreamt that I would kill my brother-in-law. He is my husband's brother and they are like best friends. My brother-in-law, called Luke, lives in our streets, so he's around every single day.
He's nice actually but he's a bit of a loser. He can't do anything, lost his job several times and is not able to handle a girlfriend. He drinks beer and alcohol every day, so around 5 or 6 pm he's already a bit sozzled and then he starts talking and touching. He slapped my butt twice already. I told my husband but he said Luke wouldn't mean it like that and that it's just a joke.

Now I dreamt that I drove him over. Before I had that dream I would never ever thought about it, but now... He's really a pain in the ass. But I don't want my husband to suffer. So I guess, I have to live with him.

#brother   #in   #law   #husband   #family   #alcohol   #beer   #dream   #kill   #death  

I have tried to reason with people about Covid. They laughed and argued with me. Then they got sick. Hospitals. Permanent disability & death in one family.
So they wore masks. I slowly got them vaccinated. I was told not to take it. I stepped up early. Lied. Took it anyways. They watched I didn’t die & most took it.
Delta kicked some of their butts. I warned the non vax. I warned that the vax could still carry to others. I masked up. They laughed. Then some got sick. It’s spread. Two extended deaths. Not sure who gave it to who. Now they are very somber.
I’ve had 3. I may go lie & get a 4th. It seems stupid. But I’m having to prove this stuff is safe. They keep catching on “after” the fact. Their tears are sad. Their guilt is sad. The ones who seem permanently damaged is sad.
I’m not mocking them. I’m sad for them. Sorry for their loss. Sorry that fear mongers are making money by scaring people into not vaxxing. I’m stupid. I can’t find a way to reach a wonderful person. That crushes my soul. If they get it & die I’ll be destroyed. I’m so sad.

#covid   #pandemic   #vax   #vaccine   #death  

Today, I dressed myself as death, with a scythe and a hood and walked through a nursing home.
I never had so much fun in my life before.

#death   #scythe   #hood   #nursing   #home   #fun   #life   #confess   #evil  

I guess I'm one of those who need a lot of attention. I am a real drama queen. But I don't intend to be like that, it just breaks out of me...
Do you also have phantasies about your death? And I mean not how you gonna die, but how it should be when you are dead? If someone would be sad and how others would react?
I do.
I often envision the worst and most terrible things that could happen and I even enjoy it when I get sympathy, so I tell lies and worsen stuff to get it.
I am a terrible person....

#attention   #drama   #queen   #phantasy   #death   #terrible   #worst  

My first day of kindergarten, my teacher Mr.Joel says "Alright we are going on a field trip to the national park ,so I need a girls to board the bus first then boys!"
I wasn't paying attention and I got on the bus first. Mr Joel approached me and sarcastically ask."Excuse me Gregory, are you a girl or boy? "I don't know I said". That moment , that question confused the fuck out of me for the rest of my life. I mean i have a penis but I don't like to look at it because it looks icky. My mom was shitting on the toilet and I was standing in the doorway naked when I was 3 years old telling her I pooped my diaper and all she said was ah fuck not again just like fucking father and she slammed the door and my penis got caught in between it. I screamed and my neighbors took me to the hospital because my mother refused to drive drunk and high. The doctors put ice on it and sent me home. But by the time we got home my mom was asleep so my neighbors made me sleep when there son picaru was two years older the me. I didn't sleep Much that night cause picaru kept sticking Lego's and a hot wheels cars up my butthole and he would tie string around my injured penis and attach to a fishing rod and he would yank hard and reel it up until the line broke. Everytime I screamed he told his parents I was having bad dreams so his dad took off my clothes and laid me on his lap in the living room while we both watched the entire Andy Griffith show season one all night. He didn't molest me or assault me but he did kiss me on the lips a lot and call me 'judy Ann' and 'honey' a lot. Judy Ann was his dead wife's name.fucked up part is the when he drove me to the hospital he hit my dog spider and he promised he would check on him once we got back. I never saw spider again :(.

#death   #assault   #abandoned   #injury   #abuse   #drugs   #trauma   #transgender  

I am 12 almost thirteen and i feel like i need to tell my story. I suffer from depression and there is nothing i can do about it. What did i do wrong? I even think about suicide. Other people who feel like this - trust me, even though it may feel like it, you are not alone.

#sadness   #unfairness   #confusion   #death  

I am a 17 year old male, and I really want to kill someone. I just want to do it because I think it would feel exhilarating. I want to feel the persons warm blood flow down my fingers going to my hands. Seeing and feeling the life empty from their body. I have no remorse, and have never killed anything before. I want to start with a human because it would be the best thing to ever feel. I should also state that I watch quite a bit of pornography and it is really hard to get hard, but I found out that blood and death works. That is one reason why I want to kill someone, but then again I also want to see the life leave them and be in fear watching me plunge a knife into their body. So it's a mixture of pleasure and sadistic thoughts to get off and watch murder first hand. I can't be the only one who has this, but why so young to have this? It makes me wonder, but then my thoughts are overtaken by the thought of death.

#death   #murder   #blood   #masturbation   #sadistic  

Pray and roll the dice for #death

Confessions by

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