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Pandemic Confessions

Read the best #pandemic confession stories

People are wondering about politics. They are blaming the current leader. He just got in. He hasn’t done anything yet. So he can’t be at fault. The previous guy was great at that, until he faced a pandemic.
Have you ever seen us so divided? I didnt worry much until the very end. Then we had crazy people in the capital.
Now they blame the previous guy for that. I heard the word “peaceful”. So he was not the cause.
One of his assistants did seem to say words that may have helped cause that.
Now most of the people in there just posed for selfies. But there were some possibly dangerous ones. And at least two very dangerous ones.
But we have to look at things without picking a side or being nuts ourself. I don’t see this as us vs then. Because for me it’s al of us are us.
I’ve offered encouragement; advice; ideas. But I’m just one person.
But there at the end it got a little scary. I hope they take security very serious. That insurrection was nuts. The more I read about it, the scarier it was.
They need to really keep him safe. There are nuts out there.
The pandemic has caused great division. We need to become one.
But there’s something that bothers me. We have multiple variants of this virus. Is the virus mutating that fast? Or is that someone releasing multiple variants into our population? If that’s it we have to be very vigilant. That would mean someone is doing this on purpose. Why? To invade us? To test us? Just to do it?
Now it’s probably just a random virus mutating. But we must consider worse case, and hope for best case.
See, the problem with this is if we are under attack or being tested, they would be releasing variants.
And don’t just assume no one is. Think about it. We were all fine and dandy. And I hen wham. We are knee deep in this crap. There should have been time to slowed this down. We got slammed. The whole world got slammed.
So did someone realease it in that country on purpose to make them look bad. Or did that nation do this to all of us on purpose. If they did was it just to test us. To advance their position. Or to start a much more dangerous thing?
I k ow that sounds crazy, but remember 9/11. Did you see that coming? I did. I predicted it about a year before. See we as a people must realize the weapons of this world are spreading. Everyone’s got nukes now. And large missle tech. And rocket tech. You do realize when some people put crap in orbit; they are really just testing missiles. They could use that same tech to deliver nukes right on any of us.
There’s a dude who fed his own relative alive to dogs. This guy now has missies and nukes.
Then there’s a nation that is very hostile towards us. That’s generating attacks towards our troops. This nation caught one of our drones. Just flew it down and ran off with it. That means someone sold them the codes and stuff. That was set up espionage.
This nation is quickly working towards middles and nukes.
Well a virus does mutate. Once it’s released into a large population you can expect it to become more tame. That’s because all the deadlier variants are more lethal quicker. If everyone can goto ground it stops itself. By killing all its victims.
The variants that do the least damage are accepted by the host the easiest. These strains of the virus are now part of us. Like the common cold. We don’t care much. It stays alive to go carrier to carrier. See it must keep moving host to host to stay alive because our bodies are always killing it. But by then it’s on to other hosts. That’s the common cold. It just migrated around the world. We coexist. We just slowly react to it. It just moves on. We both stay alive.
But the new virus is a mother. It’s kicking us hard. Why is that? Because we got donkey Kong slammed that’s why. The question is why and how.
Well I think it cane from a lab. They set on it. Then wham. It was on us.
Now did they set on it because their government is socialist? If so that’s not an attack, but it is dangerous. Chernobyl. Go watch that. Now look at where we are at. They wanted to hide the truth & try to contain it. We got slammed.
The Who head helped cause this by sitting on the fact a pandemic was building up inside their border. When it finally broke loose we were not ready.
Chernobyl was the same problem. Had their society not been so closed in secretive the world could have helped. It got so bad those goons almost wiped out Western Europe. So I know I sound crazy. And I am a little. But we have to be vigilant because socialists are nuts at the leadership level. They treat humans like a slave class. Like animals.
Now look at the pandemic again my fellow humans. We are all getting freaking donkey slammed because a nation hid this internally until it grew out of control. Then it burst out of their borders and swept over all of us. It almost killed me already. That ticks me off. I’ve got a disabled kid with a poor immunity hiding from this crap. I can’t teach him not to touch his nose. If he dies it’s because of those clowns. Do you get that?
My sweet love I’d hanging on by a thread from a different diseas. If this hits her it’s becausd of those clowns. If she gets it she will die. It will be their fault. Do you get that?
So we as a global community must hold them accountable. Not by going to war. But by forcing them to be more open. Had they allowed The Who in there we could have helped control this.
So we all must start making more of our stuff in our own borders. US in US. W Euro in W Euro. The US can include Canada & Mexico. We can all share with Australia. But they need to be more self sufficient.
South America does their own thing so we have to leave them to it. They are in league with Russia & Iraq it seems. So I guess they will all sort it out. Russia already is self contained & supposedly is more honest now. So I think they would warn the world.
This isn’t about politics. This is about us warning each other. Working together. Do all of you see why this is important now? Is everyone tired of hiding and seeing people die yet?
See best case this was from a bat in a wet market or some such. That’s probably a cover.
Next best case. It’s from a lab near that wet market. Someone went in a cave. People got sick. Died fast. They contained it. Put it in a lab. They study it. Some idiot either accidentally or on purpose releases it. Janitor. Angry person. Now Chinas gotta deal with it. Like in Chernobyl; the secretive closed off socialists try to hide what’s happening. No media to warn the world. They grab up doctors so they cant talk. The WHO is not allowed inside. There are rumblings of the truth within the WHO. But the leader doesn’t tell the world & keeps it suppressed. The world is under the impression that it’s a minor thing. It doesn’t really transfer easy. Then it’s not that bad.
Wham. We get hit. Now I had already did some stuff. As soon as I heard China travel is closed I went to ground. I had most of my 2-3 yrs of supplies ready as soon as I heard the rumors. Had it not gotten loose I’d had to use up that crap & just like the other 2 times I’ve done this in the last 40 years or so I’d heard about how I’m paranoid. But it’s funny when 9/11 happened I already had a giant pile of plastic; tape; food. My wife thought I was crazy as I spent a year getting ready. I needed to be able to survive a chemical attack for 4-5 years. The plastic was for my windows the food for my family. I had my escape plan ready. My supplies.
She laughed at me. Then it happened. She said how did you know? Because I’m smart. When the asteroid hits one day the world will need smart people like me to survive. To pass down my genes. To help any of you I can to survive also. So we can rebuild the world. Letting myself die by laziness. And my high IQ children will hurt any survivors. So I owe it to you to try to save myself. Even though I don’t fear it. If I die I goto Heaven.
So when the avian & stuff happened I piled up my stuff. And nothing happened. It was contained. Then my wife laughed and got onto me.
She accused me of being crazy this time. Well. In all honestly I’m nearly dead. I can barely walk. But I owed it to the world to drag my butt around and protect my smart children. Just in case this became a pandemic. No offense. It most of you will not get us out into space. There’s a chance some of my kids may. We shall see. They are smart. But not like me. They just seem like smart normal kids. No one got the very high IQ. But maybe one of my grandkids. But either way I’m their daddy so I protected them because I loved them.
This time she didn’t ask how I knew. She gave up a long time ago. She just accepts I know. So I thought I was ready when it hit. Then I found out we needed new very specific items since one of my kids had almost died as this was hitting. Now I was out there with all of you. That’s ok. I know how to protect myself. You should have seen people staring at me before this hit.
I looked like I stepped out of a movie in all my PPE. For weeks I was getting all the cheapest stuff. All the sales stuff. Putting it away. Then I went home & waited. I heard how I’m crazy. My being nearly dead had driven me crazy.
Then it hit. My wife cried. Thanked me for trying to save them.
Then my child being sick put me out there with all of you. I was like crap. I was ready. Now I’m in the craze too. Thankfully while y’all were fighting over toilet paper I was looking for things most people don’t need. Only so many of us need what I needed for him.
But I’ve survived.
How do you people avoid this in the future? I’m currently leaking blood out of places. So I’m trying to use my own medical knowledge to save myself. Safer than a hospital right now. But if I die I’d feel bad if I didn’t warn you.
I don’t care if China wants to be socialist. That’s up to their people. But we can’t have this again. The next virus may be much worse. It may be man made. Who knows. This one may have been. I’m not going to explain it all.
China has to allow two different world health groups inside. To monitor such things. To sound the alarm to the rest of us. To allow smart people to help them deal with it early.
If they want to sell all of us goods, then they have to play nicely with others. We can’t all be dying because they are a paranoid government that treats their population like slaves.
The head of the WHO was China’s choice. He is a large reason why we are here. They had suspicions it was jumping human to human quickly. But that’s not what the were telling us. As I was hearing rumors I was calmly buying up all the bulk toilet paper on sale. Wearing my PPE. People stared at me. Laughed at me. Let me tell you something. We are a global community. If China was stonewalling the WHO. That meant China had an outbreak they were trying to contain. Which meant some bozo had already brought it to my country. So my country would blossom eventually. So I loaded up. If it were nothing then I’d just not have to but toilet paper for 3 years. But if it was I’d watch TV as all of you chased TP. I had N95 material ready & calmly hand fitted custom masks to all of my loved ones. I remember my wife asking what if someone tries to get it. Let’s say I’m prepared for that too.
So now that this was just an easy one I hope the world has learned. You need borders so you can close them. If a nation wants to trade on a large scale; they have to let you monitor a few things such as virus outbreaks so we can help them deal with it.
We need control over who is appointed head of the WHO. Do you now see why world? They put s puppet stooge in charge. He was more worried about his pocket book than all of you. What little info they gave him he believed. As data trickled into him he suppressed it.
Do you see why any of you that are not socialist should never become socialist? It sounds good on the surface. Let’s all share. Common good. But men are corrupt. I’m not saying these men wanted to do this. I’m saying they naturally suppressed things to hide it from the world. Important people in key places were someone’s relative rather than qualified. There was no independent news to warn the rest of us. It broke out. They had plenty of PPE. Because they make it all.
All of you out here are trusting the WHO. They are trusting their leader. He’s trusting the people who put him in place; China. As it breaks out who does China blame? The Australians; the US; W Euro. Thank on that. Why would we do this to ourselves? But they want their population to believe that. Do any of you want to be socialist? A free democracy with a very free press is the best. Oh it has major issues. But at least you don’t get crap like this. One of our annoying reporters would break the story. Yes we have clowns in the streets. But I’m not out there with them.
The funny thing is; out of all this death. We will be a better people. We will make changes that forces some close minded people to treat others better. Then their kids will grow up more inclusive. We will be nicer. We will be better off. If In life you can’t control when something bad happens. At least try to make the world a better place for anyone who comes out the other side.
Think about a group of people that you don’t like. Why do you not like them? Well; instead of looking for a reason to hate them. Why not look for a reason to coexist? I have worked with devout Muslims. I’m Christian. We got along great mostly. A few we just coexisted. I’ve had Jewish friends. Mormon friends. Jehovah Witnesses. Atheists. You know why? They all felt under attack in a situation. I held out a hand.
After 9/11 I saw a Muslim man isolated. I went and set beside him and talked to him. Some very large men were saying hateful stuff towards his empty table. Now he had a very large man beside him. I pulled my large cross out of my shirt & hung it out. I pulled out my pocket Bible and started to read. Anyone who attacked now knew they’d be fighting a Christian too. They all backed off. Oh I was hated after that by some I had some people who treated me very badly as my health failed because I had done that. I’m their eyes I wasn’t a Christian anymore. In my eyes. I was more Christian than them. Maybe I’m wrong.
I once saw a Jewish family being harassed. I got hold of them and asked them how they were doing. Helped calm the dad. Let him know a Christian loved him. He needed to know at least one Christian loved him wanted his kids in school with mine.
A lot of people laugh at me for being autistic. I hear them make fun of the way I talk. How I walk. My odd behaviors. The odd way I try to communicate. But that’s OK. I pray for them anyways. I love them anyways. They don’t have to love me back.
You want two individual world health agencies who in turn share their data. This means if one crook on the take gets in charge of one; hopefully the other isn’t corrupted. This way if one alarm is not rung. The other is. This will force them to compete with each other for the worlds funding. This will help save all the world from going thru this crap again hopefully. Never fully trust any leader. No matter how much you love them. Always seek to balance two sides of a democracy. Both sides represent about half the people. If you balance it; each side gets some of what they want. Then try to figure out whose not being helped. Slowly shift the balance until they are. The world will be a better place if we all matter.

#pandemic   #division   #unity   #hope   #love  

Am i going insane? I'm autistic. They once put me on some meds that made me loopy. When i watched TV it was like the TV was talking to me. I thought i was going nuts. Everything was strange. Then i realized it was the meds. So i quit taking them & my head cleared. Turns out the TV was talking to me. You know how some TV shows are preaching or trying to sell you something or ask you to donate. In these shows they are talk to a camara. There you go. They were talking to me. So the meds made me hallucinate to an extent. I'd never had that happen. But i also had a guilt complex.
Thats where you want to be guilty. So while on the meds i had been admitting to things that were not true. They knew that, but it made no sense. Well. I was beat a lot as a kid till i admit to things adults & other kids had actually done. For example. If they stole something & got caught they blamed me. I had to tell the person, it was me, i stole it. Then i took the punishment. Even though i did nothing wrong.
So on the meds i remembered things people did to me or others. I then said it was me & blamed myself. Anyways; once off meds i stopped doing that.
I have a photographic memory. I'm autistic. As a kid i had to lie. The adults changed their stories & i had to repeat the new lies. On & on. So i would. I learned to tell yarns. What i would do is tell the truth; then add some bull crap. This way i had told a truth; but could deny it. But to avoid getting in trouble with my nutty family or whoever; i would also tell whoppers. Thats when i told an obvious load of crap.
One of my kids picked up on it. Dad i know when your lying. If you repeat something its true; otherwise its made up. So she had figured me out. She was filtering out my stories. When certain things kept being repeated she knew it was real. But i then told her you still have a problem. I never tell anyone the whole story. I always only give you a taste. Then keep all the details & rest of the facts to myself. I had no choice as a kid.
So right before this pandemic i got a divorce & nearly died. So I'm very depressed. But not on meds that affect me. So no hallucinating. That only happened the once.
When the pandemic hit i felt sorrow for my fellow citizens. So i played a game. I took the truth & tweeked it. Told my real beliefs; but altered things to get a desired outcome. Basically i was trying to get different people i contacted to work together; or do the right thing. Trying to get different political partt politicians to do things from the other side. Whatever. Basically i wanted the best for all of you.
Its a pandemic. I was afraid if i didnt that our country would have riots & more deaths. I love all good life. But i don't love evil. Aggressive dogs; evil humans, i don't like them. So i encouraged good things to happen; but i challenged & called out those doing bad. I'm still doing it. I was trying to avoid what we now have in the streets; riots. The media causes them. Yes; they use real things that make you mad or sad; then the media spins it; & tries to get a desired outcome.
Politicians; actors; TV evangelists; they all do it. How to get you to vote for them; send your money; believe they care; whatever.
So ive played them. Tell them what needs to happen; but make them think its for their own good. Will them re-elected; whatever. Make a repub support health care. Make a dem support our military. Whatever.
Ive also tried to reach the trouble makers. The one on the far extremes who write stories & tell half truths. They want their extreme views supported & believed. The lemmings on either fringe fall for it. For example; these riots. A man was basically hunted down for tresspassing. Another was choked out for fake $ as he begged for life. In neither case had the killer planned to kill, but they did. In neither case was the victim without fault, but a minor transgression should not lead to death. So I'm trying to get people from each side to see that. Peace exists in the middle. I'm trying to pull all of you towards the middle for your collective good.
These marches were OK at first; same with the media coverage. But once the goal was accomplished; the perpertrators arrested & charged; the media & marches needed to back off. To get whats best for the whole. But they are not. As a result innocent people are being harmed; looting & arson are occuring as the criminals & anarchists use these tragedies for their own purposes. So I'm trying to limit that.
Some in the media want one or the other politician elected. They are using a tragedy to influence outcomes. This is causing great tragedy just to try to trick lemmings into voting one way or the other.
We now have store owners trying to save thier lifes work; as low lives try to destroy it. They are attacking the store owners. Then the extremists reporters are trying to blame the store owners. Innocent cops are being attacked; & again, the extremists in media are trying to justify that.
We have to charge guilty cops. But we also have to charge guilty criminals who attack cops. Some will say we don't need cops. OK; then we are left with the wild west. I used to be able to shoot a quarter at 400 yds. I could run & shoot a moving target. I have special forces in my family. Hunters. Do you really want to go wild west with us? Because you will not like the outcome. This is why we need cops & laws. They keep criminals in check; & keep people like us from hunting our own justice. Make sense? Me personnally; I'm very passive. I forgive almost anything. But at a certain point; we all will fight back. We can't just lay down & die. We are watching that play out on TV. Cops are trying to show restraint; store owners are trying to save all they have. Criminals are trying to harm innocent cops & store owners.
Lost in this are the good people. There are kind people out there in those protests. They are just asking why was a man who tresspassed & maybe stole some copper hunted down & killed by non-cops? Why was a man who used fake money choked to death? I get the community watch. Ive lived in bad neighborhoods. But that stopped when they chased hI'm & got out with guns. He had not broken into an occupied house; not physically harmed; or been on their property. So they over reacted & it led to his death.
I know cops have a job. I know drug using criminals can act innocent; & then try to kill you. Happened to me once. Almost got me killed. I was dealing with a work release nut on PCBs who was convicted of trying to kill an old lady. I didnt know that till later. I was attacked. I won. He begged for mercy. I let him up & tried to leave. He tried to kill me. I beat him again. Others convinced me to let him go. He then tried to kill someone else. Before trying to kill me he had been trying to kill someone else. So cops never know if thats what they are driving up on.
However; this man was subdued with multi cops present. I think the crowd yelling at the cop is partially why he never let up. They triggered his fight or flight; he wasnt letting up because they were trying to demand it & filming him. Whatever the cause; maybe they just distracted the cop. Maybe he turned evil. I don't know. I do know a man died for a stupid reason.
Well; in the midst of me trying to help all of you work together; along comes the pentagon saying the Tic Tac UFO videos are real. What? I thought they had been faked or altered. This means we either have very advanced tech. I used to work in the space industry. What i watched is so beyond rockets & jets. Maybe you didnt ever draw blue prints; make a 100 in Pysics; or build things that enter space. But i did. This is mind boggling.
Well heres what has me questioning my own sanity as ive been playing the fringes trying to get yall to love each other & work together. I saw a Tic Tac. It was the 70's. I lived literally by a military base. Me & about 12 adults stood feet from it. They were shocked & scared. I was curious & studied it. I'm autistic. Was told I'm a genius. And had a photographic memory.
What i saw up close is the same type of craft the Navy calls a Tic Tac. All you see is a heat sig. I saw the real craft. Studied it.
But i thought it was a real US secret craft. The adults thought it alien. I laughed at them.
Then people called the news. The news ran a show on how abductions may be real. I then had weird dreams. I just laughed all these yrs. The scared adults & TV stuff caused my subconcious have two funky dreams. The dreams faded as i jumped up & tried to flee. It was weird dreams right? Or is that how aliens abduct people? Ive never & still don't believe in that. Yet i had weird dreams; but got away in mine.
So now ive been thinking if UFOs are real; are abductions? Are these crazy peoples stories sometimes real? Did i just think i was dreaming. Were whats now grays really in my room trying to get me & i escaped? I think it was dreams; but scientifically i have to accept it may be real. Mine probably a dream; maybe theirs are real. Being autustic i need provable things. I don't believe in ghosts & magic & bigfoot.
So; I'm watching this alien stuff & trying to decide is other stuff real? This led me to the men in black.
Don't laugh. When i was a boy a man tried to talk to me. I wouldnt go; so he tried to abduct me. He came back. I messed him uo for life. Fuck him. I should have finished him. Because he came back & tried to kill me. I then moved.
It happened the same yr i saw the Tic Tac. I never linked it together. He was dressed in dark colors; mostly black. Even a black car. But it was nothing like the crap you read in the stories or see in movies. I always thought it was just a perv on drugs. We had a lot of child mollesters & nuts on drugs grabbing kids in the 60's & 70's. So now i have to consider; was it related, was he a man in black? Wow. He was the scariest part of my whole life. Ive never been able to deal with having fought that basterd.
Then i stumbled across star children. You wont believe me; but ive had people just walk up over the last 20 yrs & tell me I'm a star child; nordic alien, crazy stuff. Witnesses have seen it happen. I always thought it was crazy people. But its happened multi times. So. Weird people watch these shows & believe it. But why approach me? Well; women have always approached me for some reason. Kids always mostly liked me. Nice animals. But more than normal. Animals just following me; landind on me; mean animals afraid of me. Everyone goes thru that stuff. It just happened to me a lot more often; to the point people would notice & ask why. Same for babies reaching for me; toddlers following me around; pretty women walking up & talking to me. I always figured its cause i was cute; am nice, & maybe put out pharamones. All of that stopped in recent yrs after i nearly died.
Then theres all the weird people who have told me my eyes glow. That has happened 100's of times. My dad denied me because of my eyes. But i don't see my eyes glowing; nor do most. I think its just because i have very odd eyes that seem to change colors & reflect light oddly.
But; i can not deny two experiences. I can explain one. As a tiny boy i was saved. Weird thing. My body stayed; but my conciousness seemed to go to Heaven. I talked to a long haired man in a robe. He told me why i was here. My conciousness returned. And i had a quiet voice in me. Obvi some will say Jesus & others I'm lying. I don't know. Some will say my self concious; others Holy Spirit. Rather than try convince you my faith is real. Let's stick to science. My brain did something there. I didnt see dellusions in real life. No magic. But i did change. I went from thinking it was ok to hunt; to feeling sorry for animals. I suddendly had a quiet voice telling me right from wrong. I suddenly had an understanding of what the Bible meant. And had always had an earie understanding of space even before this. I was four. I had no TV; no one spent time with me. I rarely had ever left house. I'd spent over a yr locked in a room alone. I'd never been to Church. My family despised Christians. So where did i learn so much about faith; & how did i know things about space that science is just starting to suspect? Advanced brain? I'm sure theres a scientific explanation. I just haven't tried to figure it out; because it saved me. Thinking the Holy Ghost is what speaks to me is how i endured a hard life. I really believe i went to Heaven; talked to Jesus; & have the Holy Spirit in me. That doesn't mean i do. But it is why i saved lives; protected people; & forgave. So it made me a better person. So that can't be bad.
As a teen i nearly died. My body was basically temporarily dead. My conciousness returned to Heaven. I saw kind people i had met who were gone; the mean people i didnt; i was surprised some i expected to be there were not. I once again talked with whom Christians call Jesus; & chose to return. Obvi. that could be my sub-concious on the edge of death, or real if you believe in an afterlife. You the reader decide. I can't prove it either way. I know people witnessed the event & thought me & another person dead. They came back first. They were frieghtened & hysterical & they tried to run & hide. This was a very cruel person. They told me theh saw something really bad; but didnt want to talk about it. I saw something wonderful. Maybe they felt they would goto Hell when they die? I know this person was a very evil person. Also a drug user. So who knows.
Well. I don't know. I do know i wish i had never seen that Tic Tac as a kid. I wish those videos had never been leaked. I wish the Navy & now Pentagon had never confirmed the videos are real. Because now while dealing with poverty; a suppressed immune system; a divorce; my kids having issues because I'm not in their lives; worrying if the virus will kill me or my loved ones; worrying if me or my family will be killed by these crazy loons in the streets taking advantage of marches to riot & kill. I was attacked back in the Rodney King riots. I lived in an all black area & didnt see race. But too many around me saw my red skin as white & hated me for it. I didnt even know about the riots until i was in one. I had to beat the fucking hell out of people to live. I picked up a 240 lb man & slung him around like a rag doll because he tried to kill me. I had to run from a large mob charging after me. I had to change colleges; neighborhoods; & job. Eventually all that hate passed & i felt safe again. My kids have diverse friends. But wirh this starting up again; i have to start watching who is around me. As a mixed person with my sweet black nephew in the room beside me; i don't like having to scan people to see if they seem threatening. However; i was almost killed; called racist names & threatened in school/work/restaurants/shopping/neighborhoods. My black friends avoided me because other blacks may be mad or attack them. I was hated by some who had never met me. They threatened to kill me. Most didnt take part; but they didnt speak out against it. When it was over months later some of my ex-friends tried to approach me. So did my ex-roommate. They tried to explain they had to stick with their people. I couldnt understand how a stranger in the street meant more to them than a person who used to set & watch movies; laugh; joke; play sports; eat; & laugh with them. But; I'm autistic; I'm used to that. So i just moved & joined a white community. I never felt like part of them either; I'm mixed & autistic, but at least they were not trying to kill me, breaking in my car & home, calling me racist names, & threatening me & my tiny nieces & sister just because we had lighter skin. After grocery shopping i was surrounded by 6 males, one with a gun, i was holding a tiny girl in one hand, & the hand of another. The gunman threatened to kill us if we didnt move. They didnt want us in their part of town. So we moved. People try to blame one race for this. Being mixed race & autistic i can't pick a side. I'm just a Christian. I'm going to Heaven. But my skin is lighter than some; & that makes me the enemy to some. Racism cuts both ways. Every race has haters within it. So try to stay safe: now we have to worry about wearing a mask; 6 ft; bankruptcy; possible homelessness; & if a mob of loons will suddenly try to kill us.

#tic   #tac   #ufo   #alien   #yarn   #god   #heaven   #pandemic   #coronavirus  

I wear a mask inside. I rent a little corner of a house. All my roommates laugh at me. But I stay in my room & wear a mask when I leave it. My roommates went to beaches & bars before mandates closed them. They brought back covid to all their families. After they got covid a second time & spread it to their families they finally got a vax. But when the beaches & bars re-opened they went again. I got my booster. They got omni & spread it to their families.

I’m so tired of being alone, but I haven’t had covid. They used to have fun & talk to each other. They were conservative & mocked my liberal views. But now they are always mad at each other. They can’t stand the right now. They blame the right for their getting covid 3-4 times. Now they are wearing masks again & getting boosters.

They all seem to have long covid. Their voices are deep & shallow. They walk slow & stay tired. They don’t go do any activities now. They can’t taste food. They don’t seem to notice they stink now. They seem to have allergies now. They sneeze around their pets.

They have stomach issues. Forget things. Are overweight & out of shape. Talk out loud. Get mad over minor things. One not only talks out loud angrily, but seems to answer themself. And starts crying. None of them care about each other now. Long covid?

I’m very sick & old, but they are catching up fast. Sadly, a lot of the family & friends are doing worse than me now. Or passed. I don’t get it. Had everyone worn a homemade mask & social distanced, most would be better. Many still alive.

Well at least I don’t have to hear far right pols now. They finally realize that group doesn’t care about anyone. It was sad to see some who mocked social health care, and now they need it. They’d say people struggling to buy meds needed to get a job. Now they complain about one med costing them hundreds a month. When you suddenly need a bunch of meds; struggle to breath; & stay worn out, it stops being funny.

Their bosses won’t ease up. The costs of meds don’t go down. Now they get it. Its sad to hear those who used to mock mask wearers come home angry that no one will wear a mask. Yet when one seems to have covid, they lie & say its allergies. Then the rest get it. I warned them. They also all want pain meds now. I hate to say it, but they need mental help now. But the far right mocks that, & they used to lean that way. I wish they’d go get help & take some happy meds.

I wonder how much longer I can dodge getting it. Well so far I have. I tell myself I wear my masks so I’ll live longer for my kids. But I stay sad. I try to hold on. But covid has made life so lonely.

#lonely   #covid   #pandemic   #longcovid  

When Covid 19 first broke out in China I bought some cheap high end N95 masks, germ X, cheap TP, store brand foods, etc.
When the CDC said we don’t need masks I wore them & told me loved ones to. Someone told me I should give mine & my face shields to hospitals. I said no. I’m not selling any. But these are ours. I’d bought ones you reload with new filters. And we clean our shields. I said there’s a shortage. The hospitals wear all their gear once, trash it, & use another. My disabled child needs me. All my kids need me. I’m high risk. I put us first. Survival of the fittest.
I said they need to tell everyone to wear homemade masks. They are not cause Bill Clinton sent all the PPE lines to China. I saw it coming. I prepared. I’m not dying because morons elect idiots like Clinton who created this disaster to get some money in his pocket.
Harsh reality. Survival of fittest. If asteroid started nuclear winter; humanity would need people like me to survive & pass down DNA. Everyone can read Bible. It clearly tells you to prepare for hard times. I’m poor & have bad disease. Yet I still was prepared. I had my masks, gloves, disenfectant, toilet paper, & foods piled up when this hit. It’s not my fault healthier people with more money didn’t prepare. I’m not giving up the PPE I bought my kids because idiots elected Clinton & let him send their PPE production lines to China. We should elect politicians that put US citizens first.
I get so annoyed with these people who won’t wear masks or stay 6 feet back. I want to ask them to make a mask; but I don’t. If they are crazy enough to risk the lives of all their loved ones by going maskless then they may attack me.
The CDC helped create this when it first hit. They said we didn’t need masks. They were trying to keep all the masks for health care. They should have been honest. Said Clinton fucked us. We must keep the good stuff for hospitals. But here’s how to make masks & wash them. If everyone wears one the disease will barely spread.
The sad thing is I predicted all of this when Clinton sent our factories over seas. Let’s hope even the idiots now realize we need to make at least half of all products we consume in America. We need a wall to prevent stuff entering the country. But when I go shopping & half the people are mask less I know average people lack the IQ to ever learn.

#coronavirus   #pandemic   #mask   #n95  

Ever watch Monty python? “Bring out your dead”. For a year a couple have mocked my masks & when I got vaccinated. They’d tell their families not to do either. He knew. Trust him. Just a cold. Well they are going to funerals. Ordering masks. Got vaccinated. Wondering when they can get a booster. Worried about family in ICUs. They aren’t laughing any more.
“Bring our your dead”.
If only they had listened to me & tried to talk their family into masks & the vax.
On the plus side my hot date loves that I’m vaccinated.

#pandemic   #vax   #vaccine   #masks   #covid  

I bought plain orange shirts and wrote “Rump T tried to steal the election. But he lost cause he’s a loser.” On the back it says “His minions are scared of shots. They need a diaper.”
I get some laughs. Some curse words and dirty looks. But I’m a giant man, so who cares.
I figure they’ve harassed me enough. They are endangering my disabled child by not vaccinating. I have to keep wearing masks because of them. So I might as well try to tick them off. F them.

#trump   #coronavirus   #pandemic  

I have tried to reason with people about Covid. They laughed and argued with me. Then they got sick. Hospitals. Permanent disability & death in one family.
So they wore masks. I slowly got them vaccinated. I was told not to take it. I stepped up early. Lied. Took it anyways. They watched I didn’t die & most took it.
Delta kicked some of their butts. I warned the non vax. I warned that the vax could still carry to others. I masked up. They laughed. Then some got sick. It’s spread. Two extended deaths. Not sure who gave it to who. Now they are very somber.
I’ve had 3. I may go lie & get a 4th. It seems stupid. But I’m having to prove this stuff is safe. They keep catching on “after” the fact. Their tears are sad. Their guilt is sad. The ones who seem permanently damaged is sad.
I’m not mocking them. I’m sad for them. Sorry for their loss. Sorry that fear mongers are making money by scaring people into not vaxxing. I’m stupid. I can’t find a way to reach a wonderful person. That crushes my soul. If they get it & die I’ll be destroyed. I’m so sad.

#covid   #pandemic   #vax   #vaccine   #death  

I see why Covid won’t stop spreading. White men are the biggest problem. I dress up like I’m on Mars. I try to follow the rules. Avoid crowds. But I must at times get out. Over & over I see white men with no masks. Not staying 6 feet away. I had a maskless idiot cough on me as they decided to crowd right up on me. I nearly said something, but that would have kept the moron near me.
Why are white males being so moronic about this?

#covid   #coronavirus   #pandemic  

Did I have Covid? People in my house got sick. Claimed didn’t have fever so not Covid. I had just started blood pressure meds. So slept in bed for days. Due to disease & dose too high.
One of them had been to beach & party I think so I feared they had it.
I lock self in room. Per in jug. Only eat crackers & water for days which gave me upset stomach.
Well they got sicker & sicker. I got chest pain & hard breath & dry cough. I had spent 2 nights in rain shoveling. I think I gave self mild pneumonia which is common in my disease. I’ve had before. I get pneumonia shots so probably never got bad.
My Covid test came back and said I did not have Covid. By the time it came back I was doing great. My family claims I had it. But if I get it with my disease I’ll probably die.
The others got migraines; lost smell & taste; were sick much longer & worse than me. Three tested positive. One never got it.
I think I didn’t get. I think hiding & wearing mask in house saved me.

#covid19   #coronavirus   #pandemic   #covid  

I know a woman. Her & her husband mocked the masks & vaccines. He would claim he knew it wasn’t dangerous. A lot of their family listened to them. He just buried his dad. They have family in the hospital. They just left for a viewing of another relative.
He fast tracked his first masks. Finally. She’s worried because her no vax daughter just left for Florida with her young son. Because of this ladies husband; none of them wear masks or are vax. They think this is just a cold. She said when they get back she’s going to try to talk them into a vaccine. And she bought them some masks. She’s afraid they won’t wear them if they survive Florida’s beaches for two weeks.

#covid   #vax   #vaccine   #pandemic   #masks  

Drinking. Two of my roommates went off for a beach party good time when Covid hit. Just a cold.
Came back & it swept thru everyone they knew.
One of them had her family hit hard. She ended up in family. So did some of her relatives.
So after people she loved went on permanent disability & worse. She got cautious. So did her friend.
But now each of their oldest relatives are vaccinated. Nothing to worry about. Party time. They stuck their kid back in school. They are going to bars mask less to pick up men. They are in there hung over. But bragging about all they drank & the good times.
Now that the south has their beaches wide open with the deadlier mutations it’s time to go to the beach for a week again.
You can’t fix stupid. They are confident they will survive the new virus because they did the first. Their elders are vaccinated. So they have nothing to worry about anymore. Time to go live again.
That is why our nation is having so much more death & stuff than most countries. We have spoiled people who only worry about themselves.
This is why our not vaccinating sick young people & parents with young kids once we knew it was safe is wrong.
Oh I get that hospital staff is first. That group home disabled & elders are second. Even prisoners.
But none nursing home old people should be behind the immune suppressed kids. Behind very sick & immune suppressed adults with underage kids. Behind the disabled who can’t follow PPE type rules. Not to be rude, but they are old. Already lived.
Or; put them all in the same group.
Then should come any high risk.
Then anyone else.

It’s obvi with selfish people who do not care about anyone else, that we can’t rely on them to look out for anyone but themselves.
That’s a cost of freedom. We have to let a lot of people die because they want the freedom to go get drunk & spread the new variants of death.
One thing this has taught us is why some past plagues were so deadly. You can’t fix stupid. You can’t fix selfish.
If a really deadly virus hit us it would spread thru America like an inferno, because too many just don’t care.
I do wonder this. One came home stumble drunk. Talked about how the other drunk more than her & kept drinking. Both came back same time. So who drove?
The one is saying the other drunk even more. So did the other set & sober before leave? I didn’t see other come in. I’ve never seen either drive drunk. So I’ll assume the driver sobered.
I have never drank so I don’t even know how it works. I think bartenders check them. Hope so.
I worked with two drunks that got arrested after leaving bars drunk. They were so mad. Said the cops were waiting. I made a lot of people mad. I said good. I’m glad. I pay the cops to set outside the bars. Have a cab take you there. Then one has to take you home.
One guy said well what if I find a woman who only gets loosened up when she’s drunk?
You’d think the world would like me. I’ve never drank; smoked, or done drugs. I worked hard. Charity work. I volunteered to help people in life or death situations.
But you get sick & discover you don’t matter to society at all. You don’t ever want to be homeless.

#selfish   #covid   #pandemic   #drunk   #drinking  

Even my own family is torn. When the pandemic started i started too. My IQ is higher than most. I'm also neutral on many things.
So i contacted politicians; news; etc. on many levels. I tried to offer thanks; encouragement; & advice. I tried to get them to all work together for our common good. I think a few listened. I also ticked off at least one reporter.

Theres a democrat who is running. I want him to win. So i tried to play mind games. Tried to get him to see why a majority will probably vote against him. He's the best choice. So if he had listened; compromised; spoke a lot on key issues to the majority & showed his support; while not talking much about where they disagree; i think he could have won. But he didnt listen to me. Probably thinks I'm a typical goof. So he will probably lose.

Now for my family. The riots. Did you watch the man choked to death? Hear him begging? Sure; he resisted some. They may have suspected drugs. Its a dangerous job. But they got him down & arrested. They had multi cops present. They could have easily helped him up; put him in the cop car. Sure; maybe they were waiting for an ambulance. But you can't keep a knee on a kneck that long. Sure: the crowd may have annoyed & distracted the cop. I don't know everything yet. But i know enough that i want that cop charged & convicted of something. I feel we must change our laws. Force the other cops to interfere if one cop gets out of line like that & enough are present to alter things. We can't have a human choked to death for spending a fake $20.

Well; my family is very diverse. My step dad is ex-special forces. Volunteer everything. Fire/EMT/cop; so he sides with cops. A niece dates only blacks & has sweet black son. They are not agreeing on things.
I tried to play peace maker. I pointed out that we need the peaceful protests to bring awareness & change laws. This made him mad. Should only have protests in that city. I said no; need it in more to force change.
But; i said must enforce they quit early & go home; so you can then concentrate on the nasty types that show up to rob; hurt; & kill. For those types we need a heavy hand. If local politicians & cops can't contain it; then roll in the Guard. We can't have shop owners beaten; security guards killed; & small business people wiped out. We must seek change; but in a civil manner. Otherwise; we become divided.

I pointed out to my step-dad that a black security guard killed a nude unarmed white 130 lb teen on a college campus in a southern state (South Alabama). It was also caught on video; yet the guard was not found guilty of anything.
Well. He defended the security guard without even knowing the case. Said i don't know all the facts. I said i studied the case. The guard should have been found guilty of something. Maybe a small charge. But something. How can we trust people with guns when a tiny person in the nude unarmed is shot dead for being high & acting nuts? If he were armed or had tried to kill someone, or grabbed the guards gun, then I'd change my mind. But he didnt.
But neither person list
ened. Step dad just defended the guard; assuming he's innocent. My step dad is a good man. But he assumes all cops are good because he is.
Meanwhile; my niece thinks all white men are racists. All cops are racists. She complains she had problems with cops when alone. She looks white. How is that racism? She thinks my step-dad is racist. He let's them live in his house for free. I know for a fact he risked his life to save a black woman. He's been shot for this country. Ive seen him speak out against racism. He just loves his fellow emergency responders. But she still sees him as racist.
Funny thing; during Rodney King riots we lived in gang part of big inner city. While getting groceries a group of black males approached us. They apparently were too young to remember. I held her in my arm & her sisters hand as the males surrounded us. One had a gun in waistband. Theg called us racist names & threatened to kill us in broad daylight. Got intense. Yet here she is defending the rioters; saying it takes the riots to change things. Now she's peaceful; & would never do that; but she defends any black misbehavior if its against whites; & calls my step dad racist; even tnough he houses them.

So i tried to be peace maker; but that didnt work.
Then there's the monuments. I'm Christian. Statues mean nothing to me; they are idols. Well; she wants all the Confederate ones removed; they are racist. Ha ha. I ask her why. She sayes they were slave owners. I point out that most CSA soldiers never owned a slave. That the Constitution allowed the south to legally succeed. That the north invaded. That Union troops raped & killed innocent women & children in one branch of our family. Of course most men down here fought. I said ending slavery was the only good outcome. I said you complain how the south is more poor than the north east; well thats because of northern laws that kept the south poor for many yrs. We are just now overcoming it.

So we got in a weird argument. He & I agree; either leave all the statues; or take them all down; including the Union ones. She wants the Union ones left up. I pointed out that Grant still owned slaves at the end of the war; but Lee freed his before the war started. I pointed out Washington owned slaves. Now she wants Grants & Washingtons statues removed; but Lees can be left.
He got mad because he feels no statue should be removed dedicated to soldiers. He also feels the north was justified in invading the south; because America is stronger because we stayed united. I said no doubt. So is Great Britain. But I'm sure the Scots; Welsh; & Irish saw it different when they were being invaded; raped; & killed in ths past. Just like southerers did. But it was way in the past; so who cares now.
I said remove all Union & CSA statues. Put them on battlefields; in museums; or cemetaries. Take them off other places. Then no one from north or south is offended. Nope: he wants them all left where they are; but believes the north was 100% correct. She wants Lees left up; but all slave owners including Grant; George Washington; & Jefferson destroyed (not moved). Both got mad at me.
So i just went back to watching my comedy. Let them fuss about it. But i do comment to people. Try to get each side to compromise. If that seems hopeless; i sometimes just try to annoy them. If your being hateful & help cause division; then i feel you should be mocked & messed with a little. Nothing major; just give you a tiny dose of the crap you shovel out.

#politics   #pandemic   #coronavirus   #riots   #marches   #protest  

I think the caronavirus pandemic; divorce, anerisms, & isolatuon are messing up my head.
As an autistic boy i felt alone in the world. My dad refused me my entire life, saying he couldnt have a retard. My mom refused to set by me & abandined me for being retarded. I endured massive abuse.
I dreamed of being a knight & Captain America. I would let others hurt me; but protected others. I'd stand between victims & bullies. If attacked i quit being autistic for a moment. Its like God was using me to help others. I used only just enough force to get the attacker to stop & leave us alone.
I was amazed to discover real knights still exhist. There are actually people who worship God & dress up like knights. Thats cool. Like big kids. They raise money for Christian children.
However; theres one group who still goes to defend Holy Land it seems. Like the Crusaders. They protect Christians & Jews. They put their faith first & risk their lives to protect others like cops & soldiers. But I'm passive. I would have no problem trying to save another; ive saved lives, but i couldnt arm myself & put myself in a dangerous situation. Death doesn't scare me. But i have no desire to harm others. So i understand something about myself. I chose in my mind to pattern myself after Captain America but not King Arthur. One was defense only. The other had an offensive weapon also. So I'm a contradiction: i love the military & cops; but couldnt be one because I'd have to use deadly force, & thats not me.
As for aliens. I saw a secret US craft as a kid by a military base. I dreamed about aliens after that. I concede aliens are possible; but i just can't accept the Navy videos are alien; they have to be US secret tech.

#knights   #aliens   #caronavirus   #pandemic  

I have been bending the truth into a circle a lot lately. Rather than just watching TV; ive been trying to get people to work together during the pandemic. I'm a fence setter neutral kind of person. When i do weigh in its always secretly on the side of good.
Statues. If its dedicated to your family or loved ones i get it; orherwise its really just ideolology.

We have terror in middle east blowing up ancient structures. In America we have our own culture terrors. They want to spray paint the WWII & Lincoln memorial. They want to destroy CSA statues. Its very weird. You must realize; the people who emgage in such things view themselves internally as inferior. By destroying something thats important to a lot of people; it makes them feel important. Kind if like the people that break the gate on your fence; scratch your car; crush your mail box. They feel they are not capable of earning something good; so they want to lash out at someone else.

So i have been messing with people on these issues; did it in the past too. In order to understand what its all about.
Middle east: to historians like my self we really need to preserve ancient sites & relics. They link us to the past. They give us a glimpse into the past.
To the people destroying them its against their faith; a way to hurt people they hate; etc.
America reminds me of Great Britain. The Civil War factory owners were mostly English. They controlled politics; papers; militia; cops in the north. They funded Lincoln.
In the south mostly Keltic plantation owners contolled the cotton northern owners wanted. They controlled the politicians & etc in south. They should have just gave up slaves; let civil unrest break out in the south; & kept their land. Instead they decided to succeed; form their own nation; & lose. They lost all their land & possessions.
But who did most of the fighting & dying? A diverse group actually. Let's just say English; Nordic; & Irish immigrants for north. Kelts; Native Americans; & Jews for south.
In Great Britain it was a similar deal. The English conquered; occupied; & controlled the Welsh; Scots; Irish; Picts; & India Indians.
The Union is like the English. The south is like the Scots & Welsh. The Native Americans are like the Picts. The African Americans are like the Irish in North Ireland.

The Scots got to vote on leaving Great Britain. It would be too hard; so they stayed. But they will never forget being conquered. The English history books paint the English much better; & the Kelts worse; than the Kelts would like. In America the north won; so the history books are similar. Most white southerners feel like they were conquered & occupied; but it would be nearly impossible to seperate at this point.
The picts are like Native Americans. Not many of them left; not much land or power; so just stuck going along for the ride.
The African Americans are like the Irish people stuck in North Ireland. They are not happy; they don't want to be there; but where else would they go.

So the Union & CSA both sinned; so no point into getting into that. In Great Britain England is still the strongest; richest; & has the most power. The northeast & west coast is still the same in America. They basically have most of the wealth; power; & influence to this day.
In the past expanding Europeans were good at turning Native American tribes against each other. Since the Civil War ended the north has been good at that too. They bought Liberia; but convinced most bkacks to stay in the south; & grow them cheap cotton on the land once owned by plantation owners (reperations). Hey; they had the right to stay. But as a part black man who sees most blacks are still not happy to be here; you have to scratch your head. They could have had their own nation. Ran it their own way. Been trading partners with America & Europe; instead they stayed here. Obvi had they not me & my kids wouldnt be as fast at sprinting; but it makes you scratch your head.
Well; by first trying to put freed slaves in charge; they created great division. By convincing them to stay here; they created animosity. On the one side are Kelts who have been conquered again. On the other are blacks who endured slavery. The wealth is in the north. The new factories built are owned by the north. The south now can't sell to fireign nations; & are forced by one sided northern laws to accept whatever $ they are given for things.
They grow the cotton; tobacco; etc. And raise the cattle for the north. The north uses the same burn & scourge Roman tactics that finally crippled the south to conquer the Plains Indians. They open those seized lands to heavy settlement & use it to grow their crops. They really learned during the Civil War that they couldnt raise any cash crops; enough staple foods; or enough meat ti feed themselves. So they use the south for that. A divided south was good for them.
Think of Isreal. Britain needed Middle East oil. They placed the surviving Jews from WWII there. The Muslims switched from attacking Brits to Jews. The Brits created conflict between middle east Jews & Muslims; & got their oil affordable. The north did the ssme with southern whites & blacks. Let them work hard to grow crops & raise animals. Keep the wealth in the north east. Am i wrong? Look at wealth; standard of living; schools; average income; & education in the northeast & compare it to the south today. Am i wrong?
Look at the northeast. The blacks are mostly poor & in inner city slums. Yet blacks in the south mostly vote for the Democrats which helps the northeast stay richer & more powerful to this day. The southern whites vote mostly for Republicans over religious reasons & other rights.
You would assume the southern blacks & whites would unite; & fight together to get their equal share of the nations wealth. But they don't. They keep getting played against each other. Oh well.
Now for the statues. I do not care. Christians aren't suppossed to worship idols. But you will note the north & northern owned media keeps pushing to have southern statues destroyed. Think on this; Washington; Jefferson; & Grant all owned slaves. They only took Jefferson off $. I think they will push to remove Washington eventually. But Grant will never be removed.
Both sides in the Civil War were guilty of wrongs; most who died on both sides had no slaves. Yet they are only going after CSA statues; not Union ones. I know people believe the north started the war over slavery; but let's look at in context. Let's say the English were pushing to destroy all statues dedicated to Scots; but not the English ones. Well; they are taking down the CSA ones; but not the Union ones. So many descendents of southern kelts are mad about it; feel they are still getting ran over.
As for me. I'm descended from Scot & English; slave & CSA non slave owning soldier; & Union doctor. I don't care.
Just put the southern statues in museums & on Civil War battle fields. You were conquered; move on. Its rocks & metal. Let it go. Then the rock heads can start fighting to get slave owner Washingtons stuff removed. Does it honestly change your life? Then why do you care. There was so many angry socislists arguing with angry people who loved a statue; that a college girl got ran over. Was her life worth keeping a statue? No.
Yes; the north should set the example. Put their Union statues in museums; then challenge the south to do the same. But we know they will not. Remember when Brits got mad over the movie "Patriot" w/Mel Gibson? I assure you; if the English could somehow destroy anything dedicated to the Irish in North Ireland they would; to mentally strenghten their hold over the region. But they also would not agree to destroy an equal number of English statues in North Ireland or England. Its a power thing.
The northeast is saying southern blacks; we used our power to help get southern white statues dedicated to their dead soldiers removed; now vote how we tell you please.

My view: just move on if your a southern white & care about those statues. I'm trying to remember taking my kids to see a statue. I did take them to pose with cute little kid statues; in front of Christian crosses; & thats about it. So that means it doesn't matter to me. I drove by a statue dedicated to someone my kids are descended from. Maybe i should have stopped; but i didnt care enough to.

#pandemic   #caronavirus   #riots   #protests   #statues   #lee   #grant  

Someone tried to walk right beside we without having been vax. And with no mask. The duo started mocking people who get the vax. So I started politely mocking people too afraid of the vax. They said the whole world should have waited 3-5 yrs for proper testing. So I said yeah millions of people having took it isn’t enough proof for morons. They’d rather the whole world die while they follow a few hundred test subjects. Those millions who are fine aren’t enough.
I told them I know someone who was like them. She wouldn’t vax or mask. So she gave it to her family. Now one is on life support and a few are dead. She needed a hospital but they gave her emergency new treatments & she barely lived. But now she’s always tired. Can’t taste or smell. Coughs a lot. But on the plus side she did get the vax & now wears a mask.
I told them that on the plus side. All these people dying who won’t vax are creating job opportunities. I know two people who had bad jobs. They listened to me. And because they would vax I work long hrs they have now been promoted. They now make great money. Great benefits. Will get a retirement. All because of others who wouldn’t vax. So those too afraid of a vax will leave a void when buried. Or by refusing the vax. Letting responsible people get ahead. Or they may just pull an oxygen tank around for life after surviving Covid. I know someone now doing that.
Two people who argued with me about Covid just buried relatives this month. They are worried about relatives in the hospital. They laughed for a year. On the plus side they finally vaccinated.
One of my relatives works in an over flower hospital. He says people come in begging for the vax. Tell him about their children that need them. The people they love. They beg for the vax. Then they die. And another anti vaxer takes their place begging for the vax but it’s too late.
I told those people some of these stories. But I said at least the funeral homes are making a lot of money.
Well these two people weren’t laughing anymore. They looked freighted. They decided they needed to leave the store. Go look for a place that might have the vax.
I may have saved their lives. So that was mean of me. But with good intentions.
Then I went back outside and got in the car with my good looking date. She got her vax when she could. Whew. She’s so good looking. But the rest of my date is too hot to share. I’m glad I’m vaccinated. I like having hot dates. I want to keep doing it for years. She loves that I’m vaccinated.

#covid   #delta   #vax   #vaccine   #pandemic  

Pray and roll the dice for #pandemic

Confessions by

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