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Lonely Confessions

Read the best #lonely confession stories

It makes me sad when I see photos of my friends with their partners. It’s at the point where I can’t even look at pictures of them on social media. I know it seems selfish but i’m so lonely that I get so sad when I see people together. I wish I didn’t feel this way but I can’t help it. I want to be happy for them but I can’t be and that’s the worst part about it. I can’t even say anything to them because I don’t want them to have the sensor their relationship just because I’m sad.

#sad   #lonely   #relationships   #partners  

I have to get this off my chest... I am female and 35 years old and I am lonely. All my friends are in a relationship, have kids and a family to take care of and I sit here all alone with no one to talk to. I am the only single in my whole group of friends and it makes me sick. I would like to go out on the weekend, meet friends and socialize but no one has time for me and I only get excuse after excuse after excuse. I went out and met friends like 2 times the last 5 months!
It got really bad I decided to sign up on Tinder and other dating sites. I was feeling like shit a couple of weeks ago and tried to talk to my best friends. And what happened? No one answered my texts or calls until after the weekend.
I met someone on Tinder and seriously thought about meeting up with him even though I knew that he would be bad for me. But rather this than sitting home alone and suffering.
I have a good job, do not look that bad and I am actually fun to be around. And still.
And fuck my friends, those are no true friends to me anymore!!!

Thank you for letting me share this.

#female   #lonely   #alone   #relationship   #love   #friends   #bad  

I never had a girlfriend.. or a serious girlfriend more like. I am not bad looking, I have good grades in school and I try to behave like a gentleman. There are definitely girls in my school who would like to go out with me, but those are all underneath my standard. Most are just some sleazies looking for a quick number, but I am looking for something on a long-term basis...
I don't get why I cannot find a girlfriend???

#girlfriend   #single   #lonely   #gf   #sex  

My ex treated me like crap so I broke up with him but now I’m scared to let someone close to me again, I’m scared to open up again, but I’m also terrified to go back to one night stands because I use to do it so much and I don’t think I can stop once I begin again.

#terrified   #lonely   #idk   #what   #to   #do  

i feel so lonely, i don't have emotions, no happy, i feel empty, no one cares, and...finally there is one noticed... but i still alone

#lonely   #depressed   #alone   #emoth  

It's made me angry, but it's made me afraid, because I loved you, I love you, and now I'm scared of the people I don't know because I don't know them, and the people I love because I want to be close but if I get close to them then they can get close to me, and no, no, no, don't come close to me, don't touch me, go far, far away, I don't want to see you, but if I can't see you then I can't see you coming, and why can't you understand that there's a difference between trust and forgive because I forgive you and love you but because of you I can never trust you or anyone ever again and I still check under my bed and out my window, and check that I've locked my bedroom door more times than the front door, and I want to get out of here because here's where it happened, but out is where you are and I don't want to go where you are and I'm so lonely, lonely, lonely but I'm scared because I love you.

#rape   #mistrust   #lonely   #alone  

I'm so lonely, I really want someone to play with my hair. I'm so thirsty, I want to go down on a cute girl or femboy or trans. Aslong as while I'm going down my hair is played with.

#lonely   #horny   #blowjob   #eatingout   #touch   #starved  

I often contemplate divorce, I love my wife but I have not been happy for years and I keep convincing myself things will get better but I'm starting to get the the point where I dont care anymore.

#divorce   #marriage   #depression   #lonely  

I wish I was everything I’m not
I wish I was skinny
I wish I was pretty
I wish I was lighter
I wish I had friends
I wish I had a life
I wish I wasn’t alone
I wish my life was different
I wish I could switch bodies with someone else, this girl is the person my best friend ditched me for and now I’m just alone, all the things we used to do she does with her. I just don’t know if people can even see me

#suicide   #lonely   #lonliness  

I'm 12, I like multiple girls. One is called Maddie, second is Lexi, then I really really like Cora. They're all amazing but they all don't like me. I got friend zoned by Cora but she yet flirts. I went on a date a few weeks back with a Girl who likes me but I don't like her. What do I do? I want a girlfriend(or boyfriend) but I wanna actually like them like I feel for the girls.

#love   #lgbt   #lesbian   #lonely  

I just recently got out of a relationship that was going for a year and a half. Within that relationship we only ever had sex 3 times. Now I’m trying to get anything or anyone I can. I hate it. I hate feeling like this. I want sex but I also want to actually feel something. But anyone I feel something with just leaves.

#depression   #lonelyness  

I hate my life at the moment. I do not want to pursue a career. I do not want to do anything. I only want people to love me. Why can't they feel the way I do? I appreciate the people in my life so much and I get little back....

#despair   #desperate   #anger   #hate   #lonely  

Is hate towards a person right? I’ve always told myself that hate is a strong word. I try and remind myself that they are loved by others. But I feel nothing but hate towards him. The things he has put me through is unfair. The amount of times I’ve cried. The amount of times I have forgiven and taken him back. Or even tolerating being called all sorts of names. I am a mother. A young mother who grew up with neither of her parents. Who all she wants is to love her kids. For them to grow up with both parents. But how is that possible when the person they love is the same person you hate. They see him as a hero and the best father. While I suffer from the pain and tolerate what he has done. I keep fighting. For them. One day I’ll be strong enough to say enough is enough.

#sad   #lonely   #relationship   #help  

I wish I could have someone special...I don't girl or boy ... I hate being single.its been awhile since I date someone :'(

#bi   #single   #alone   #lonely  

Yesterday I finally decided to move out from my parent's house. I am 31 years old (going to turn 32 next monday) and I was always frightened to leave home to live in my own. I now live about 10 minutes away from home, in a small flat and I consider to buy me a cat or something because I feel very lonley. I miss my parents so much, it's awful. But I can't tell anymore because it would be too embarrassing. :(

#parents   #move   #house   #lonely   #awful   #embarrassing   #confess  

I confess I’m lonely. I’m tired of being alone.

#alone   #lonely  

Im so sick of not being wanted, I just want a girl to be horny for me, I'm sick of feeling inadequate and unfuckable.

#sex   #lonely   #horny  

Im a mother of 2 and ive secluded myself from my friends. None of my friends know that i have kids and that im married.

#lie   #friends   #depression   #lonely   #family   #kids  

My sister and I had the worst fight we ever had. I was being mean by hitting, but not much, but I wasn’t saying anything mean. My sister can control her physical side, but she can’t control her words. She made me feel terrible like a monster, like a pest that wouldn’t go away. Words, to me, cut deeper than the skin. In the midst of our fight, she said she wanted me to scream louder so my dad could come hit me. Said it would make her happy to see me in pain. Whenever she left me alone , I would sob and cry as quietly as I could, so they wouldn’t hear me.

I had cried at least eight times in less than 2 days. Even before the fight I cried because mom and dad wouldn’t really notice me much. One time my mom was with my sister in the kitchen laughing and having fun. I came outside to join, but right when I came mom fell silent. She didn’t acknowledge me at all. I said hi but she didn’t care. I went back in my room.
My sister said don’t go, but I left since I felt left out. Once I left my mom said why should she stay. I heard it and I cried and cried. Then after the fight, dad screamed at me and told my sister to leave me alone. A few minutes later my sister, my dad and my mom were laughing and having fun while I was crying feeling like I didn’t belong. I still feel like I don’t belong . Everyone would be happier, have no more fight, no more cry’s, no more maintenance. I DONT BELONG!!!

#sorry   #family   #parents   #sister   #fight   #depressed   #sad   #lonely  

I'm lost and hopeless, but yet im begging to be found, i feel lonely but not alone. I'm sucidual but scared die. I'm slowly falling apart but everyone thinks I'm fine.

#depression   #lonely   #lost  

Pray and roll the dice for #lonely

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