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Family Confessions

Read the best #family confession stories

I have no idea what to call this confession. When I was 15 there was a girl in our class who's father was an Army special ranger or something. A mean man, and he scared me a lot. One afternoon I'm at her house, her parents aren't home and we start poking each other and the next thing we are topless and feeling each other up and suckling on each other like babies, with our heads in our arms. We kissed for a long time, still topless on her bed, rubbing our breasts together.

Then, she sat up and said she wanted to see my vagina. I took my pants off and she lay between my legs opening me up and describing everything like a biology book. She kissed every part, and put her tongue in my vagina. Then asked me to do that to her too. She was on her back, guiding me and I was with my head between her legs and my mouth all over her vagina and her father walked in. He grabbed me by the hair and pulled me off and accused me of perverting his daughter. I thought he was going to kill me.

She screams at him, mind you we were both totally naked, but that didn't matter right then, she screams at him and tells him I'm her girlfriend and we are in love and all that. After that we had to go steady. Whenever she had family events I was invited. We had to pretend. Her father talked to us like we were getting married. We didn't do anything for over a year before telling ourselves if we were guilty of being lesbian and we obviously had to be lesbian, then we should just be lesbian and we got in bed naked and made love for over an hour.

She bought me a promise ring and as far as her father was concerned that was it. When we turned 18 he made sure we got married, before we were even able to go off to college. She's the man, and I had to change my name to hers and we live that way. She's the man and I'm the wife. I do the laundry and she cooks out on the grill. I clean the kitchen and she mows the lawn. I want a baby and she wants to be the one to get me pregnant. But biology won't let that happen so we don't know what to do. I won't let anyone fuck me, and we are scared of IVF.

Why can't they get her DNA and manipulate it so that she can fertilize me? I want her baby. Not some random guy we don't know.

#lesbian   #family  

I've made an online friend;
She's 2 years younger than me, she's not legal yet. I'm 18 and she's 16. (Shes straight)
About a year ago, we started fighting, she doesn't know why. But I do.
I'm jealous of her boyfriends, her friends, her family.

I love her, I've started loving her ever since I was 15. I keep fighting with her because I cant keep hiding my jealousy.
I'm drowning in my sins.
I'm lesbian, my family is christians. They said they'd disown me if I was gay.
I cry everynight.
Why cant I hold you?
Why cant I love you?
Why cant I just confess
All my stress would rest,
I love you. I'd die for you.

#unforgiveable   #love   #undying   #depression   #online   #gay   #lesbian   #secret   #family   #jealous   #jealousy  

My story happened when I was 17yrs old. (I am now 24) I was in a great relationship with my high-school sweetheart in our second year together and we had been sexually active for almost a full year by this time. However being a teenage boy, I was extremely horny every 10mins haha and that is what led to the activities in this confession. I was raised by my grandparents, they raised me to have respect, good morals, and a good work ethic so I'm usually a pretty good guy. Everyone has secrets though, and I have a big one! The summer of my 17th birthday my uncle and his girlfriend and their 3 kids had to move in with my grandparents and myself. My uncle drank a lot and cheated on his girlfriend (she was basically my aunt)constantly but they stayed together for the kids. One night I was being a typical teenager and I was jerking away to some porn movies in my bedroom when I heard my aunt go into the upstairs bathroom. Our farm house was nice but old and still had old fashioned key holes on every door. So with my dick still hard I peeked into the door and watched my aunt strip her clothes off. My aunt was not a super h, ot model, her face was not the pretty but cute, but her body was very nice with d-cup breasts and a shapely ass to go with her surprisingly flat stomach she looked good for a mother of 3. After seeing her naked I ran back to my room and came instantly! The next night my uncle was out at the bar and my grandparents were out visiting family so it was just my aunt the 3 kids and myself in the house. The kids were fast asleep and my aunt was in the computer room playing some games I was once again in my room jacking off. I couldn't stop thinking about my aunt's body, so I decided to go talk to her. My family is very laid back and open and we joke a lot so my aunt was used to me being a goof I like making people laugh and joked around a lot so it wasn't too out of place when I walked into the computer room and told her to hurry up I need the computer to watch porn, she laughed and told me ide have to find another way. I thought this was my chance to test the waters so I replied saying "if you wont let me use the computer then at least give me a hand!" followed with a laugh. She laughed again and just replied "you're sick!" I teased her a little more jokingly then decided not to cross the line and went to bed. A few days later we were alone again same scenario. I went in the computer room and started teasing again this time I eventually said "you could at least give your favorite nephew a blowjob" with a laugh. She said " yeah right!! You have a girlfriend I'm sure you get head all the time!" I lied and with a seriousness in my voice told her that it had been a few months since I had gotten anything from my girlfriend, but she just giggled and said "I'm sure you will live" I was wearing gym shorts and by this time from flirting with my "aunt" I had a raging hard on that I had kept hidden by sitting behind her. I bravely stood up and walked beside her showing the bulge in my thin shorts saying " I'm not so sure I can make it much longer look at what I'm dealing with!" While pointing at my 7inch throbbing boner. "Oh my god!!!" She yelled turning her head away "get outta here with that thing!" She said with a giggle. By this time her giggling had let me know she wasn't to uncomfortable with the situation so I continued flirting and no longer hiding my erection from her. After a few minutes of making sure I could get away with this I said " this thing will not go away just feel it!!" While I quickly grabbed her hand and placed it on my bulge, she pushed me away but not before she gave it a small squeeze, I knew I was getting somewhere. I eventually started to massage her shoulders saying that if she let me watch porn ide give her the best back massage ever and blah blah blah just keeping the mood on the flirty side. She then asked me " are you gonna go get rid of that thing in your pants or what?" So I walked beside her again and pulled out my now semi-hard dick and showed it to her and said that I was starting to lose it just feel. To my surprise she grabbed my hanging dick with her warm hand and simply said " still feels kinda hard" then turned her attention back to the computer screen. That was all I needed! I asked her to do it again and she sighed "only for a minute" the grabbed my shaft and began to stroke my half-hard dick until I became once again rock hard the whole time keeping her eyes on the computer screen. When she stopped she said "no more that's all you get". " Awh come on!" I said "how about a quick blowjob??" Then again to my surprise she grabbed my cock and put it in her hot mouth all while still playing her stupid game after a couple minutes she paused the game, stood up and sat me down on the chair. She dropped her pajama shorts turned her back to me and lowered herself onto my raging 7inch dick and furiously rode me asking if that's what I wanted she bounced up and down hard slapping my balls against her clit I reached around and up her shirt to feel her amazing breasts as she was now grinding back and forth on my cock she stared rubbing her clit and soon let out a series of moans and sighs. Then she said it was safe she was fixed and wanted me to cum in her pussy so after a few more minutes I emptied my swollen balls into my aunt's soaking wet pussy for the first time. After that night we had several more events like that over the years. Random blowjobs, quick fucks, and lots of touchy feely moments just out of sighy of family members. It been about two years since the last time we did anything but I will never forget the exciting, taboo feeling I had when we messed around I have never told anybody about this so this is my first time confessing my story. Thanks for reading!

#sex   #family   #taboo   #fetish   #adventurous  

My mom is a crazy asshole who does nothing but hate family. She actually just using family to get likes on Facebook. My mom will do the most idiotic stuff ever.


When I was 15 I would want my brothers and stepdad to watch me masturbate or look at my hot body. I was proud. Masturbation was not in the open but I didn't hide well either. It was easy enough for them to observe if they wanted. They saw too much. Now I'm 18 and not so open to sharing with family. The past is not mentioned but I often wonder what they thought at the time. And now do they still think of my past person when I was an exhibitionist. Thanks for letting me share.

#15   #family   #nude   #exhibitionist   #masturbate   #dad   #brothers   #wondering  

I’m scared , I’ve been gay since I was 14 and I have yet to reveal it to anyone other than 2 of my closest friends . I’m scared of how others outside will perceive me since i live in an area with heavy discrimination on the matter. I’m turning 19 this year and I have yet to reveal it to my loved ones. I’m scared of the Outcome.

#fear   #gay   #comingout   #family   #confession   #secret  

I buy the christmas presents for my family on the December 24. Mostly I buy them on the filling station.

#christmas   #presents   #family  

Okay so this secret is kind of a mess and a big one so stay with me...

When I was around 11-12 I had met my cousins for the first time (I'm 17 going on 18 as of this new year) and there were two of them. A boy who was a couple years older than me and a girl, one year older than me. After I met them we all started getting along so well, or so I thought. My female cousin was always off in her own world so we didn't bond all the time and my other cousin, we just didn't click. One night while staying at their house, I was sleeping and dreamt that my older cousin raped me or something along those lines. I know, I'm fucked up and gross but in the dream I was enjoying it. The next morning I woke up and my underwear was wet. That year I never looked at him the same. The next year, I started having dreams about my other cousin. They'd be me forcing myself on her or her forcing herself on me I don't know why! I hated her so much, we didn't talk like at all, and I was NOT attracted to her.

As the years went by I have became paranoid and resented being around them because I felt like the odd one out and when they have only ignored my existence since we met. Nowadays, I don't speak to them at all (for reasons that are another confession time) and I'm quite happy. I realized I liked females and am currently going on 4 years with my girlfriend.

I just hope I'm not the only one who had weird incestual ass dreams at a young age when I wasn't even 1% interested in that. Hell, I don't even watch porn but hopefully this confession will wash away any leftover guilt I'm feeling.

#guilt   #disgust   #family   #weird   #dreams  

For 4 months, I have a boyfriend but haven't told my family and my friends yet. But I told him I have.

#boyfriend   #family   #friends   #lie  

I take the bus to work. And almost each day I see this mother with her older daugher, who is sitting in a wheelchair. The girl is completey spaced out and you immediately notice that this girl cannot do anything on her own. But I do not pity her or her mother. Secretly, I am almost repelled by them. The unpleasant smell of the kid is unbearable and even worse in such a convined space as the bus. She doesn't smell like shit, or urine or something.. more like a person who was bedridden for a long time and not able to wash themselves. Like she hasn't showered in a week or two, always greasy hair and stained clothes.
I get nauseous only thinking about it.
I know, daily life with a child who needs to be cared for 24/7 is not easy. But that just can't be it, can it?! Especially as the girl cannot take care of herself, shouldn't it be obvious to at least maintain a good body hygiene? I don't think that the girl would approve of that either...
I am really sorry that I also resent the child, even though I know she can't to anything about it... But that is just how I feel.

#disabled   #wheelchair   #bus   #family   #resentment   #disgust   #hygiene   #smell   #unwashed  

I am afraid to tell anyone I am lesbian. For years I have denied it, because I always second guess myself, and because I have never dated anyone I have just lied about it. I am stuck and miserable, my family already tries to shove God at me whenever they can. I am afraid of the reactions my friends would have. I feel so alone in this right now, I pretend to be interested in guys just so my family wont find out, because I know it'll all go to shit once they do. I am being judged by the people in my life that say who I am is disgusting, and they don't even know they are directing it at me. It fucking sucks, and I feel like lying is the only choice I have now.

#lies   #lesbian   #confession   #family   #friends   #alone   #fear   #judgement  

Everyone scared me.
My family never liked me .it took me 21 years to figure it out.Everyone including my mother.


I was 8. My 7 year old sister went to tell on me for something I didn't do. Next thing I knew I was being spanked naked on the kitchen table with my family watching. "What did you do ?" Asked dad. "Nothing !" I replied. This went on for a little while until he believed me. Frustrated, he called my sister out to the street and spanked her naked on the sidewalk before leaving her there for 10 minutes naked. When she came back in, she told dad I was lying. Confused, my father warned us that if the liar didn't come clean, he would humiliate us both so badly. Once he left, my sister and I went into our room to talk about it. We agreed to play scissors paper rock and the loser had to confess. I lost and went to be humiated. When my dad found out, he called the entire extended family over for lunch.

When they arrived, I was forced to eat naked and my cousins laughed their head off. Once lunch was over, dad made me put on some undies and hooked my up to a tree, giving me a massive wedgie. Once I was up, he cut off every thing that hid my parts leaving me with a massive wedgie naked. While I was hanging there, they played soccer for 45mins until my "undies" broke. As soon as I was down, dad bent me over and let everyone spank me for as long as they wanted, with a belt. Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, dad went to the fence and asked the neighbours to come over. They did so and also spanked me. Once my but was as red as a tomato, dad got more undies and hung me up again, with the same cutting out. I was forced to stay there for 30mins while the cousins played with my butt as a piñata, hitting we ver and over again with a wooden spoon. When I thought it was finally over, my dad made me walk around the block naked, knocking on all the doors and telling them what I did, before asking them if they wanted to spank me. Most said yes. When I got home, I found out the cousins were going to stay and we were going to camp in the backyard.i asked dad for my clothes back, be he made me stay naked for the entire year when not at school, including when going outside. Anyway, for the rest of the arvo, we swam in the pool, spanked me, wedged me, and watched movies, while spanking me. Then at night, I was forced to sleep outside of the tents, naked, facing upwards. When I was awake, I found I was the first, and hurried inside to get some clothes, but when I walked out of my room, my dad was there. When he saw me dressed, he screamed, ripped them off me, made me put on a swimsuit ( the speedo kind ) and told me to follow him. We went to the table and he installed a hook into the roof, before hanging me on it until breakfast. At breakfast, he spoon fed me puréed apple and told me that today I was everyone's baby and had to what they said, and wasn't allowed to speak properly, shower, or use the toilet. Then he got me down, and put me in a nappy and shoved a binki in my mouth. He then told my little cousin, that I was a baby and needed to be looked after. She squealed with delight and took me to a room. Where I was fed a bottle. I got angry and spat it out, but she told me that if I didn't want my father to know, I had to do something for her. I immediately said yes and she told me I was to let her change my nappy. I obliged, and before I knew it, I was being washed and wiped by my 5 year old cousin. Then she put me in a pink nappy before deciding that she wanted me to not wear anything. So for the rest of the day, I was naked, being spanked, wedged and being wiped in the bum by my cousin. Just before they left, my family took a picture of all of us, and I was in the front, naked, and hating my sister.

#naked   #stripped   #family   #public   #wedgie   #spanking   #punishment   #embarrassing  

Every family member hates me so much.

#family   #bullying   #confession  

My little brother will start school in fall. I am angry with all my relatives and family and friends right now because everyone is telling him that he has to enjoy going to kindergarten because the fun will be over once he starts going to school.
What the fuck??? He is 5 years old! Come one guys!

#school   #brother   #angry   #anger   #relatives   #family   #kindergarten   #fun  

I feel if I am not able to have a child of my own, then I want to leave my boyfriend and kids so I can have my kid free life instead. I made it clear i wanted kids, but now things are unsure if we will try. Secretly hoping i get pregnant by mistake, and i am less careful for that reason.

#childless   #stepkids   #blendedfamily  

I am a thirteen years old female.
I sneak down the corridor to my parents room in the middle of the night just to watch them have sex.
I can't wait to have a boyfriend.

#daughter   #family   #voyeuristic   #teen   #teenage   #taboo  

I love the people I hate and I hate the people I love. I enjoy hurting people.

#people   #friends   #anger   #family   #hate  

Whenever i am in a house that is unusual (like family you dont usually see, or girls house for the first time) i always say im going to the bathroom, lock the door and strip off completely nude. I'll do it if its the first time visiting a house or if i dont visit it very often.

#strip   #house   #family  

I'm gay and I haven't come out to my family yet and one day they've saw my wallpaper (two guys hugging) and said "If you don't delete that I will hide your phone" while my cousin said "Gay people are disgusting" I have to lie to get out of the conversation.

#gay   #fear   #family   #heartless   #lie  

Pray and roll the dice for #family

Confessions by

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