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Brother Confessions

Read the best #brother confession stories

I'm 18 years old. Yesterday as i got out of the shower and was wearing my clothes i was not wearing any upper. my room was not locked my stepbrother came in by mistake.. he apologized for it. but today after breakfast he asked me whats my boob size (36d) i told him then he said they look perfect. he is actually very sexy. he said his penis is 7.. will my vagina be satisfied.? i said yes.. we were alone so we went to the room and he started kissing me.. he sucked my boobs so bad he almost ate them i enjoyed it so much then i asked him so show his cock his showed me and it was so huge i couldn't resist so i started sucking it i gave him a harcore blowjob it was soo wet he then put his cock inside my vagina and it was best feeling ever. we both enjoyed it so much.. and he showed pics of my boobs to his best friend so i am going to have sex with him today

#boobs   #sex   #brother   #blowjob  

Last night my younger brother squeezed my boob while I was sleeping. It woke me up but it felt so good. I kinda want him to do it again.

#sister   #brother   #touching  

The best sex i ever had was with my brother-in-law. We made each other O so many times it was incredible. He's the only man I ever met that could keep going and going even after his O and this was before viagra.

#sex   #hot   #cheating   #affair  

I've been married for 15 years and my wife is great.

But I've been have a weekly threesome with her younger sister and bother for the last 10 years.

I'm bi but my wife doesn't know. Her brother is also and been have sex with his sister since they were teen.

My sister in law has gotten knocked up twice in the last 5 years. Once from me and once from her brother.

We know it wrong be we keep doing it as if feels so natural to us.


My sister's 25 yo husband invited me over for a sweet 16 birthday present. Within an hour we were in their bed fucking. He's smooth and manly. I have never been so wet and horny. I knew it was wrong but I couldn't hold back and it was the first orgasm except for my masturbation. Our sex got better and better as we sneak around for the past six months. Now I'm visibly pregnant and everyone wants to know who the father is. I am addicted to him, his big dick, and awesome sex but must quit, but I want more. I refuse to tell who tapped me. I don't know how to answer and need advise. I don't want to hurt my family. They need to keep a loving image of me or Abe.

#pregant   #wet   #horny   #orgasm   #troubles   #sex   #family  

My brother is an abusive drug addict and alcoholic. I believe he is also mentally ill. I enable him to buy drugs because it’s the only time he acts like a normal person. Nobody knows what my life is really like.

#drugs   #brother  

i have to confess.... as bad as i know it is, sounds and truly really is? i am attracted to my Husbands brother.

the annoying of love and sexual attraction i have towards my husband is not lessened by the interest i have in my husbands brother.

i wouldn't necessarily say i'm sexually or physically attracted to my husbands brother, it's more of the personality. there's something about his brother that i just relate to and connect with more on a verbal level? idk how to explain it. i would never forsake my marriage or ever cross that line but i'll admit i do random purple have those thoughts. idk i'm stuck.

#husband   #confused  

I cheated on my girlfriend with her younger gay brother. He came in the bathroom to use the toilet while I was in the shower. He stuck his hand through the shower curtain and started stroking my cock. I stopped him at first but it felt so good I let him do it. After a while I got out and dried off, he took me to my bedroom (still naked), lay me down on mine and my girlfriends bed and finished the job. Its the best handjob I've ever had.

#cheat   #shower   #handjob   #gay  

I spent New Year's at a small house party with my friendship group. A few of us had to spend the night at the host's because we lived out of town. There wasn't a lot of room as other members of his family had people staying over too. So the other friends stayed in his room whilst I was made to spend the night in his older brother's room.

His older brother is basically a man whore. He's openly bisexual and sleeps around a lot with men and women because he and his girlfriend are polyamorous. So after some awkward conversation I was on my knees sucking his dick. It was pretty hot although he was kind of tipsy so things didn't go much further than him returning the favour whilst fingering me.

Since then I have hooked up with him two other times. It's kind of satisfying knowing if the friend really pisses me off I can turn around and tell him I've slept with his brother who he practically worships.

#gay   #sex   #blowjob  

Im 19 now and when i was only 16years old, my brother in law (married to my elder sister) came into my room thinking i was asleep. it was all dark and i could feel his hands all over my body. i was wearing only a small top, mini short and panties that night. and of course i was still a virgin with no sexual experience at all. he started feeling me over my short before he pulled it down and rub my inside legs over my panties. i was scared but at the same time and for the first time i was getting hot and wet in between in legs. i could feel that he was scared too but this didnt prevented him from pushing my panties aside and rubbing my bare pussy. he was caressing my clit for a few minutes before he inserted one of his fingers deep into my wet pussy. it didnt hurt at all and even if he was too scared to move his fingers to wake me up, it felt so good. i didnt even think he was my brother in law at that time... all i knew was hes handsome and i like him a lot. he let his finger inside of me and was masturbating. i could tell by his breathing that he cum. he then left and it never happened again. i wished there was more. i wish he came back,
since i keep appearing in front of him in sexy clothes to tempt him and yesterday i was wearing a dress and no panties and made sure he had a glimpse of my pussy in my another sister birthday. i am so bitchy.

#fingering   #sleep  

I met who for this confession I will call "Pamela" 8 years ago after our favorite team won the superbowl. We were both browsing myyearbook which was the hottest rage at the time.

Innocent chats turned into light flirts, teases and sexy niblets that I thought were just two married people's way to pass the boredom because neither us were getting the attention at home.

As time progressed, "Pamela" was all that I was thinking about. One day in particular I logged into yahoo messenger. She was waiting for me as always. She asked me how I was and I replied "I'm a little scared right now". I then totally spilled the beans that I was totally in love with her! A few quiet seconds from her seemed like hours because she was trying to compose herself. She then replied that she felt the same way.

A key element to the story is that we are not kids. At the time I was 43 and she was 50. But our soon to follow bi-weekly meetings made us act like two hot teenagers making out in the car.

She is upper middle class with cocktail parties, executive meetings and clientele that makes your elbow rubbing the envy of the city.

Me? Upscale trailer park, not trashy, neat manacured lawns, flowers and birdbaths, well you get the picture. I am not able to work because of severe injuries trying to make it to the NFL.

Here is where the story gets interesting. One particular weekend, my wife was going on a trip with college girlfriends. So "Pamela" invited me to dinner with her and her husband.

It was decided that they would pick me up for the drive into the city. Every second that we could be together was key at this point. Secretly holding hands in the dark had an exciting tingle in the dark car.

There is a LOT more detail that I could say about that night, but I will save that for another story.

Weekends that followed, turned into double dates, double dates turned into invitations to those exclusive dinner parties and I turn into "little brother"to keep the facade.

So many details are left out because they are stories in themselves, so for future reference look for the tag "little brother".

#mature   #secret  

I pulled a rather nasty joke on my brother...
Recently the temperature's have falling quite a bit where I live. At night, we have sub zero temperatures.
My brother was at his girlfriend's house for the last few days, so me and a friend of mine decided to prank him.
He has a big waterbed in his room and he always likes to tell me that he loves his bed more than me.
So, we decided to open all 3 windows in his room and turn off the radiator.
As I said, it gets really fucking cold at night. He was gone for two more days and when he came home, he found one big bloc of ice in his room aka his former bed.
I am sorry bro that you had to sleep on the couch for 4 days straight until your bed has thawed.

#bed   #water   #cold   #freezing   #prank   #joke   #funny   #brother  

okay so i hate my step dad so much because my brother is always crying and he hates crying and he always blames me for it and im like


#anger   #hate   #stepdad   #family   #brother   #resentment  

What I am about to tell you is true. I am only writing it because after reading so many similar stories, I feel compelled to share my secrets.

My oldest sister came home from college a different person than when she left for school. It had been a year already. When she left she was a skinny girl who never dressed in a way that attracted attention. I am 3 years younger than her. By the time she graduated high school and left for college, I was in to girls, but never looked at her as a "girl". She was just my big sister.
The day she came home was a bit of a shock to me. My parents as well I think. She had on tight shorts and a flimsy top that made anyone who could see her notice that her tits were larger and she wasn't wearing a bra.
When she got out of the car we were all standing in the front yard excited to see her. She jumped out of the drivers seat and ran to hug my mom. As she bound forward it was impossible to not notice her bouncing boobs. I remember feeling guilty for noticing this right off the bat. After hugging my parents it was my turn for an enthusiastic hug, she whipped around and grabbed me close, pulling me into her embrace. It seems silly saying it now, but as I look back, all I remember was seeing these bra less boobs coming straight at me. The guilt was still there but at my age, even if it was my sisters boobs, having those beautiful pillows pressed against me was a dream come true.
I remember being sent to get her bags from the car as my family all went inside. I was still thinking of boobs or something because now I only remember that I must have brought them in. That entire night we all talked and listened to her stories of college. We ate dinner at our old seating arrangements. Everyone in their place like we used to do every night. All through the meal I forced myself not to glance at her, but every time she got up for something, a drink or whatever, I couldn't help it. It wasn't just her boobs that got bigger, it was her ass as well. She had gained some weight and was no longer the skinny girl she used to be. She had filled out perfectly in every way. That night after dinner she went to take a shower. My mom and I were watching TV. I remember listening to the show, but thinking wow... What's wrong with me. She is my sister, what am I doing looking at her that way. Of course I was imagining her all soapy and wet.
The next couple of days went by with me trying not to let her see me sneaking peeks and acting like the good brother. I was getting her drinks, and being more of a servant to her than I should have. I couldn't help it. I just wanted to be close. Soon that first weekend came to an end with a pleasant surprise. It was Monday morning and my parents had gone to work. Brenda woke me up by pouncing on the bed saying get up lazy boy, we're going to the pier. When she landed on me, she landed straight on top of my morning wood. Instinctively I sat straight up and pushing her off a bit. She rolled off laughing saying hurry up, and as she leaned over getting up I could see straight down her top. She pulled her shirt closed saying hey... No peeking, your my brother.
As I look back now, I see that this minor exchange is what led to several weeks of the summer teasing game we started to play. She would catch me sneaking peeks and call me a perv but then ask if I liked what I saw. At some point I finally just said it out loud.. Yes and I wish I could see more! She said you wish and called me a perv again. But soon after she provided me my wish. She would intentionally lean over so I could see he tits, or prance in a bathing suit so I could drool over her. We never did anything sexual but even to this day she calls me her favorite perv.

#sister   #brother   #taboo  

I used the computer of my brother and accidentally deleted all of his movies (no porn!), music, images and photos. He doesn't know I used it because he's at work right now but when he comes home and he finds out about he, he's going to kill me! I turned the computer off and fled from the crime scene.
If he asks me, I was in my room all day. Pssst!

#computer   #brother   #movies   #music   #images   #deleted   #confession  

Confessionstories get me (a girl) real wet. I read, imagine, and masturbate. I confess. I want more.I was always a straight innocent girl. Now I think of the stuff I read here. My favorites include another giry, threesome with another girl, older men and younger girls, maybe a blowjob for my stepdad, teasing my brother, watching mom mb, a black man with a big schlong, and so much more. I am young and have a lot to learn because I haven't experienced any of these. Keep writing please. Can you draw pictures or attach clips to stories? I lied, I do masturbate.

#whew   #relax   #hot   #horny   #dream   #lez   #stepdad   #tease   #brother   #family   #masturbate  

My brother and I had a huge fight today. I even can't remember how it started but he kept saying bad things and I replied with even worse things. We fought our way through the whole house into the garden where I threw a hedge trimmer out of rage and anger.
Unfortunately this stupig thing hit my brother. On the head.
He had a really bad head injury requiring stitches.

I feel so bad right now. I didn't throw that thing on purpose at him! He's still in hospital right now. I hope he can forgive me.

#fight   #brother   #stupid   #hedge   #trimmer   #stitches   #hospital   #confession  

I once caught my girl best friend, Nina*, 23, having sex with my younger brother, Brandon*, 19, in my bed. I didn't know what to feel.

*names changed

#brother   #bestfriend   #confused  

Hi female (18) Once me and my girl friend at 15 where having a sleepover and when I went to the kitchen to get water nd her brother came behind me and started to rub his cock on my ass. I turned around and pushed him but he came back and kissed me… I kissed back and we slept together. I was 15 he was 18. We are now sleeping together 25/8 nd my friend still doesn’t know

#bestfriendsbrother   #young  

I am a 18yo girl and i get so horny thinking about my brother's girlfriend. When she comes round i find any excuse to watch her especially when she is wearing tight clothes. Once I saw her naked with my brother in his room and she was sucking his cock. I watched for as long as I dared. I want to touch her and I keep masturbating thinking about her.


Pray and roll the dice for #brother

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