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Bestfriend Confessions

Read the best #bestfriend confession stories

I like my best friend but at the same time i don’t. Idk if she feels the same and i’m so scared that she won’t be normal w me anymore if i tell her. But i also have the feeling that she likes me. Aghhh idk i gess i’m just a dumbass and it’s better if i stay quiet abt this.

#bestfriend   #like   #i   #i  

Hi female (18) Once me and my girl friend at 15 where having a sleepover and when I went to the kitchen to get water nd her brother came behind me and started to rub his cock on my ass. I turned around and pushed him but he came back and kissed me… I kissed back and we slept together. I was 15 he was 18. We are now sleeping together 25/8 nd my friend still doesn’t know

#bestfriendsbrother   #young  

I'm 53, male, and married now for nearly 30 years. No children.

I grew up in a strict religious home. Sex was reserved for married people and I still believe this to this day. I had in my teens what I would consider with my limited experience, a normal libido. Erections with the slightest stimulation: vibration of the school bus, brushing up against a girl, bikini clad tv characters, and all manner of stimulus, and I would have a raging hardon. By 13 or 14, I can't remember, I started masturbating in the shower initially. It gradually increased in frequency all through my teens and early 20s until I finally got married at 23. We were both virgins and very naive. I knew before I married my wife that she had been physically and emotionally abused by her step father who, by the way, was only 12 years older than her. He never raped her, but fondled her breasts and made advances towards her. He even bored a hole through the bathroom wall to spy on her and her sisters. When they discovered the peep hole, they plugged it as best they could and told their mother, but if fell on deaf ears. She couldn't believe he would do such a thing. He did worse to the other 2 girls than my wife, but apparently she was affected more than her sisters.

After we were married for a year, what little sex there was in the marriage ended abruptly. Penetration became painful for her and after many doctors visits, the diagnosis was vulvar vestibulitis. We tried all manner of "cures" for years. Spent thousands of dollars on attempts to "fix" her problems. To no avail. I gradually returned to my old habits and eventually added porn to the addiction. Work, public restrooms, driving down the road in my car, were all opportunities to jackoff. She didn't work much, just the odd part-time job here and there, so I had little to no time at home alone, so I masturbated whenever I had the opportunity.

Over the years, I had a couple opportunities to be unfaithful with other women. About 5 years into our marriage my wife was out of town for about 3 months taking care of her grandfather. Her younger sister and her daughter were moving across several states. Their route took them through our area, so they decided to stop at my house and stay the night before continuing their move. My grandmother lived next door to me, so I stayed with her while my sister-in-law and her daughter stayed at my house. This was all with my wife's knowledge. I had the perfect opportunity to have sex with her and no one would have known. After she left, I masturbated what felt like non-stop for days thinking of her. She has the best looking ass of the 3 sisters. She's also the only physically fit of the 3. How I wanted to fuck the hell out of her before she left. As she was backing out of the drive to leave, I noticed she left something in the bedroom. Some piece of clothing or something. I ran outside and flagged her down. When I handed her the object, whatever it was, she had a somewhat puzzled look on her face. Did she want me to invite her back inside? I don't know, but I had my suspicions. She told my wife years later that I was a better man than my wife knew. We both looked at each other and had that look of acknowledgement. During the same time period, my aunt, who lived across the road from me took in a renter. She was gorgeous! Auburn hair, killer body, beautiful face and wild as they come. I never made a move. Next came my wife's best friend. This was the closest I ever came to cheating physically. She moved in with us, but we were very careful about never being together without my wife around. I came home once to find my wife gone and her friend was laying out in the sun right outside my bedroom window. I watched her from the window and jacked off, more than once, don't remember. To this day, I still think she chose that spot intentionally to tease me. She fained a muscle cramp once to try to get me to give her a massage. I resisted. I watched her drive out of our driveway when she left later that same day only to see here angrily cussing and shaking her head. She eventually got married and moved out. I traveled for work for about a decade. Never took advantage of the opportunity. Always looking, but never touched another woman. I just never got up the courage to cross the line.

When my wife turned 43, a "miracle" happened. Her pain went away and we enjoyed about 5 years of what I believe was a normal sex life. We had intercourse 3 or 4 sometimes more times a week. Then just as quickly as it came, it went away. The pain was back and then she had a nervous breakdown. Can't work, won't leave the house except for doctors visits, sits on the couch and watches tv and plays video games. She's 52.

Should I have left 25 years ago? Sometimes I think so. I went right back to jacking off and the porn obsession has gotten worse. It takes more and more deviant videos to get me off. How I wish I could go back in time. Would I still marry this woman? I really don't know. I just feel worthless, angry, frustrated, and hopeless. I feel as though my life has been a waste as far as my marriage goes. Neither one of us is happy, but it's not for lack of trying. I hope one day this all ends up being worthwhile.

#frustrated   #horney   #regret   #guilty   #conscience   #sisterinlaw   #bestfriend  

Im married with kids. I have had a male best friend since high school. He is married with kids as well.
We go out to dinner occasionally as friends, but something has changed lately.
He listens to me. He looks at me, and he makes me feel alive.
Neither of us has mentioned the change in dynamics, but it’s becoming increasingly obvious. It hasn’t escalated to anything physical, but I would be lying if I said I didn’t want that.
I think neither of us want to actually pull the trigger and act on the feelings, but life is very bloody short...

#bestfriend   #married   #friends  

I had sex with my best friend's boyfriend. He is also my ex. He lost his virginity to me. She still think they are both virgins

#lie   #sex   #bestfriend   #virgin   #confession  

One time i (15m) was over at my friends (15f) house and i already knew she had a boyfriend but we were such good friends i would sleep over and when i went to take a shower she came in and i could not resist so i had sex with her in the shower for almost an hour and the next day i saw her boyfriend and she said if said anything to him she wouldent let me fuck her again

#sex   #bestfriend   #cheating  

I once caught my girl best friend, Nina*, 23, having sex with my younger brother, Brandon*, 19, in my bed. I didn't know what to feel.

*names changed

#brother   #bestfriend   #confused  

I have XXX photos of my best friend and his wife. I have been attracted to her for many years so even when I realized I had them. I kept them so I could see her whenever I want.

#bestfriend   #theft   #sex   #photos   #masturbation  

I feel guilty about losing weight. I am beginning to skip meals more than just sometimes. My best friend struggles with her body image, I do too. Before I started to change my lifestyle to get the body I strive for, she would tell me that she would die to look like me. She wants to look like me... I don't even want to look at myself, I don't know why anyone would want my ugly body. Now that I have lost weight she just wants to look like me more. She doesn't copy me or anything she just wants my body. When I occasionally talk about how I struggle with the way I see myself she denies my insecurities and says I'm not fat. I feel like when I talk about how I don't like my body, she may take it as I don't like hers either because she is bigger than I am. Which is in no way true. It feels like its unfair on her half.

(bad spelling in this, prob won't make sense. I just needed to rant)

#eatingdisorder   #guilt   #bestfriend   #loseweight   #unfairness  

I have an best friend and until now were still friends. He confessed to me that he's had an sex fantasy of me blow jobbing him. He said it started last month before he confessed to me, I told him what was the reason why he was horny towards me, but he just said it's because of my legs. Seriously I told him to stop it, and I told him that I would never wear shorts again, because he's been too touchy nowadays. I don't know if he's still having an sex fantasy of me. Blehhh


I still have contact to my ex boyfriend... It's not really my ex BOYFRIEND... we had some kind of friends with benefits relationship and it didn't take long until I fell in love with him or crushed on him quite hard... he didn't return the feelings and that almost destroyed me but I couldn't stop seeing him. I lied to him and said that I also only want the sex and the friendship, nothing more...
After a while we saw each other less and less which was terrible because I wanted to see him every day... He started to become more distant and then I found out that he met someone else and tried to woo her.
At the beginning he didn't even tell me about it and just told me new excuses why we couldn't meet.
I was so heartbroken... And I told my best friend about it. She said I need to block him, ghost him and never talk to him again. But I was just so infatuated and I didn't wanna lose him.
Then I met my now boyfriend and the situation got easier. I wasn't that heartbroken anymore and we still texted from time to time.
I am still jealous when I think about him and his new girlfriend, but it's not like I want him more than my boyfriend.
I couldn't tell my best friend that I am still in contact with him. She already thinks I am stupid for keeping up with him for so long... so now I am keeping it a secret that I still text and maybe meet up with him some time.
I just want to be friends with him again. Not anything sexual. I love my boyfriend but I also do not want to lose my friend...

#liar   #boyfriend   #sex   #friends   #friendswithbenefits   #love   #crush   #heartbroken   #lie   #bestfriend  

When I was moving to secondary school I had plenty of friends and was always the centre of attention but as soon as I moved to secondary I started to fade away like nobody notice me so at the time I thought it would be a great idea to fake my depression/suicidal thoughts to get attention I would post on social media about how I wanted to die and that nobody cared about me anymore. And it worked I was getting a lot of attention and I loved it until my childhood best friend who meant a lot to me went and told my parents I know she was only doing it to protect me but the only reason I stated doing this so she would give me more attention, I felt like shit my parents asked me why I was posting this stuff and I couldn’t tell them the real reason because I was to embarrassed and I thought they would hate me for it so I just told them that I was being bullied. I said that I was being picked on by 4 boys which I kinda was but it was only inside jokes they would call me 4 eyes and pick on me put we always saw it as a joke so I just blamed it on that, and it worked my parents told the school about the boys and they were punished and I felt so bad I actually thought about killing myself but after all this my parents took me out of school to home school me this was the worst point of my life.
My best friend slowly drifted from me I was losing all my friends and I had no one left, my parents put me into therapy (it didn’t work because there was nothing to work on). A whole year goes by of me being home schooled I’m trapped indoors most of the time because my parents won’t let me go out and I couldn’t use social media anymore so I had no way of contacting my best friend, at this point my mental state started deteriorating I was going insane until I finally snapped and ran away. I wasn’t gone for long as I had no where to go but the first place I went to was to go see my best friend she lived quite close to me so it wasn’t really a problem so I went to go see her but she didn’t want to see me I was confused until I talked to another close friend of mine and released that the whole school knew I was faking my depression for attention my heart sank because I knew that everybody would hate me now and I would lose everyone. After all this I went home and my parents were talking to the police because they were scared that I was gonna try kill myself, when I got inside the house my parents told me that they are sending me to hospital to be put on suicidal watch i didn’t want to go but I had to while I was there I saw my phone in my mothers bag and I grabbed it to try msg my best friend and explain things but when I logged into Instagram I saw hate groups mate for me saying that I should actually kill myself I felt awful but what made me hate myself even more is the fact that my best friend had blocked me and sent me a message saying that she wanted nothing to do with me my heart sank. I had lost everything I had nothing left I just wanted the pain that I caused to end so I stood up and ran to the canteen, the canteen didn’t have anything sharp in it other than the knifes they were not to sharp to stop people from killing themselves but I made it work I grabbed one and ran to the toilets I quickly locked the door some of the nurses noticed what i was doing and tried kicking down the door, I tried slitting my throught with the knife but it wouldn’t go deep enough and by the time I managed to make the knife sharp enough they had already broken down the door I was taken away from there and put into a mental hospital where I have stayed for 4 years I don’t know what my ex friends are up to now but all I know is they don’t care about me anymore no one does and it’s all my fault I only wanted my best friend to show me more attention because deep down I loved her but I was to afraid to tell her.

Sorry about the really bad English and grammar I haven’t really learned much seeing as most of my time as been spent in this hell hole my hour on the phone is nearly up so I got to go but if I was to give you a life lesson do not fake mental illness for attention it completely fucked up my life and I don’t think i will ever be able to reedem myself goodbye

And Izzy if your reading this I’m sorry I always loved you but I was to afraid to say it maybe in another life I wouldn’t be so selfish and just puck up the corage to ask you out.

#depression   #bestfriend   #love   #suicidal   #suicide   #attention   #fake  

I hate my best friend.

#hate   #bestfriend  

i have a crush on a friend who has a girlfriend. today we played sports and i got really horny watching him, but then his girlfriend showed up and he started kissing her and now im in my room fantasizing i was her 🫠🫠

#friend   #bestfriend   #jealousy   #crush   #lust  

I recently became so close with one of my friends who is very innocent and straight forward. She once started talking about how aroused she was and I was shocked to hear that. I was like "It doesn't feel right to share these stuff" but she said it's okay as since she just shared her inner feelings. As days went now we talk a lot about sex (we don't sext each other but share the interest fetishes) sometimes I get aroused listening to that. I feel bad about getting aroused and I told her about it. But she was like as long as you are not thinking about doing with me it's not a problem.

#bestfriend   #guilty   #embarassing  

I like this dude his one year younger than me and I love him so much but he is gay like tf but I sometimes look at pics of him and finger myself
My best friend sometimes remind me of him so I fuck with her I like to eat her cunt and feel it against mine but I really just wish it was a dick inside of me

#sex   #bestfriend   #crush  

I’ve been with my bf over 11 year, since I was 16. In 2020 I was feeling pretty neglected attention/sex wise so I started talking to guys online.. and then I ended up meeting one for a hike and sucked him off in the woods and later he fucked me senseless on a trail. Well that was so exciting to me that I wound up on tinder that night to find someone else. The next day I met up with someone new, had mind blowing sex. From there I was HOOKED! I’ve now slept with over 15 people since then, some of them multiple times. Well my best friends boyfriend slid into my dms, and my friend was upset I didn’t tell her so we don’t talk anymore.. but I still talk to her boyfriend and have plans to meet up with him once he’s able to visit where I live (they moved away). And NOW.. I’m talking to my boyfriends best friend/boss.. he liked an old picture of mine on fb randomly 2 days ago.. so I decided to shoot my shot and message him on snap. He was super flirty so I went with it and now we’ve exchanged many pictures and videos.. he’s coming by on Monday to drop off my bf’s sweatshirt while my bf is at work at his other job, and I told him he should come in to fuck me on the bed we share.. needless to say I can’t stop thinking about Monday. I’ve wanted his best friend/boss since before I even met my bf. We had a bit of a fling before my bf came along, we made out and he fingered me on a dance floor. I’ve wanted him to fuck me for at least 12 years!!!

#cheating   #sex   #wantingwhaticanthave   #boyfriendsbestfriend  

I have sexual desires for my best friend of nearly 7 years. While I don't have feelings for her it's just plain attraction. I do want to sleep with her but I'm worried one or both of us will catch feelings because we're way too perfect as best friends. I jerk off to her pictures every now and then and it's amazing.

#sex   #bestfriend   #sexualdesire  

I have a boyfriend whom I love very much and pleases me in every way but I can’t stop thinking about kissing my bestfriend(f)

#relationship   #advice   #bestfriend   #kiss   #love  

I have so much lust for my best friend.. She is average kinda tall has a nice ass and boobs.. Perfect in every way possible.. Blone hair green eyes u name it.. Lately I cant stop staring at her and Ive even gotten to see her ass on accident and its such a turn on.. Idk what to do i wanna fuck her so bad at least once.. Im freaking out ill loose control.. Help?.. Advice.. She does have a bf btw.

#sex   #bestfriend  

Pray and roll the dice for #bestfriend

Confessions by

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