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Lie Confessions

Read the best #lie confession stories

I am afraid to tell anyone I am lesbian. For years I have denied it, because I always second guess myself, and because I have never dated anyone I have just lied about it. I am stuck and miserable, my family already tries to shove God at me whenever they can. I am afraid of the reactions my friends would have. I feel so alone in this right now, I pretend to be interested in guys just so my family wont find out, because I know it'll all go to shit once they do. I am being judged by the people in my life that say who I am is disgusting, and they don't even know they are directing it at me. It fucking sucks, and I feel like lying is the only choice I have now.

#lies   #lesbian   #confession   #family   #friends   #alone   #fear   #judgement  

I am a Christian I go to church but on the side I am gay and I'm afraid to tell my pastor

#gay   #lie   #afraid   #confession   #religious  

I am in love with a married man. We met on a "fling" site and he told me up front he was in an open marriage. At first i declined him but we talked more and i really liked him. We met at a hotel and had sex and first time wasnt all that great. It was really hot in the room and the lights were on and i just wasnt feeling it. After that I ended it and for 2 wks didnt talk to him but i always thought of him. I reached out and after a week of on and off talking we decided to meet up again. I was about to move out of state with my husband my husband was actually coming in the next morning to drive our truck and I got a hotel room and he met me and we had the most mind blowing sex i have ever had. Everything i thought about its like he knew and did. I have never climaxed this way with anyone. We had sex for 2 hrs I rode his cock, he pounded me every which way, he was the most amazing kisser and i could have gone longer but he had to go. I said goodbye knowing this is last time for me cheating. I left and he knows nothing about my husband i just told him i was visiting family. He text me while i was gone and i told him i had to stay a little longer. 3 weeks go by on and off talking and I miss him so much. I fly in to see him under guise of a work trip and he meets me at my hotel and we had the 2nd most amazing sex of my life. I never knew what an orgasm felt like but he gave me one that night. The way he fucks me its amazing he takes me every way possible and then he kisses me and i could get lost in his lips. I went back to life and still off and on talking a few more weeks go by and i fly in to see him just for day my husband has no idea im even out of town. We fucked like rabbits and I was ready to give up everything for him. He admitted his marriage was on rocks but everytime she text him he wld respond while with me. When i went home i felt like shit thinking he doesnt feel the same so i ended things and basically gave him opportunity to tell
Me he wants me in his life. He never even responded back. I feel so empty i check my phone daily hoping he will text or call its been 4 days. I guess i get what i deserve since he never knew truth about me.

#sex   #adultery   #lies  

I'm married and sometimes I hate my husband!!! We both used to be very abusive to each other. For years!!! He started the abuse. However, we have both changed drastically. I mean we went from fighting every day. (Fist fighting!) Due to his lies and cheating. He was very controlling and wouldn't allow me to break up with him. I would leave and he would find and stalk me. Begging me to come back and I would go back every time bc I loved him, still do. We've been together forever, I met him when I was 14, he's 5 years older than me. Anyway, we went from fighting every day to no actual fighting just heated arguments. Which is major for us, trust me. We used to fight like cats and dogs. Anyway, we don't anymore. But, I still feel the pain in my heart and mind mainly bc of the last time he cheated. What happened was he cheated for the last time I believe like 8 years ago and got his ex pregnant. They already had 2 kids. Since, they live in a different state and she hardly lets him see the kids he had no idea she was pregnant with the third kid. During the time she was pregnant he went to jail for a year, which had nothing to do with us fighting, by the way. While he was in jail he had enough money saved so he still paid all my bills, rent included. He paid for everything. He just asked me to wait for him. Well, I did. While he was in jail he got "saved or found God." When he out out he asked me to marry him. He said: God spoke to Him and said that I was supposed to be his wife and that God showed him all the messed up and evil things that he has done to me throughout the years with all the lies, deceit, betrayal, abuse, and cheating; etc. He said: God spoke to him and told him to change or he would spend the rest of his life in jail. He hates jail. Well, long story short he told me about all the dreams and/or visions God gave him about our lives and he wrote me a letter and drew me a picture everyday while he was in jail. I listened to him, but I didn't fully believe him. I wanted him to prove that he changed and he did/has repeatedly! He has did a whole 360!!! Anyway, we got married. I didn't know he had a third child with his ex and later when he found out he was too afraid to tell me. He found out when after he got out of jail. Which explains why he wanted to get married so quickly. Anyway, he did change, but I knew there was something still bothering him. I asked and asked. But nothing. Finally, one night he says God told him to tell me. I knew something was wrong bc he never slept. Just tossed and turned all the time. So, when he told me I flipped out!!! I asked for a divorce, but he declined. So, I sought out a few different advisors and they all pretty much gave me the same advice which was to try to make our marriage work especially since he had not cheated during the actual marriage. But I felt bamboozled and devastated!!! I cried for days. So, we went to marriage counseling. He confessed to everything. How many times he cheated on me before we got married, with how many women and most importantly why he did it. Everything!!! I sat there and took it like a CHAMP! I really tried to listen like a friend instead of a wife or woman who felt totally and completely broken. Then we had a sit down with his ex. She hates me, by the way. We got down to the nitty-gritty. I mean how many times did they cheat on me together. Why did she keep the other child a secret from us? When she finally told him, why did he keep it from me? Why did she agree to keep me from knowing there was a third child after the fact? Why did they both have their other two children acting as though they did not have an extra sibling? They were all lying! She did after a while she begged him to tell me. I believe her, but she is still so "in-love" with my husband, she would do anything he says. Not her words, mine. Anyway, now they don't communicate unless I know about it. My husband has sincerely changed, but I'm stuck with all this hurt and pain!!! I'm really trying, but it is so hard. I mean he gives me the majority of his money, tells me all of his whereabouts, I have all of his passwords, he shows me all of his bank statements, he doesn't go see his kids without me, and he doesn't make moves unless I know about it. Yet, and still I am not happy!!! I feel broken!!! I am trying. But I feel like getting revenge!!! Even though I could never see myself having sex with another man. That's the truth. I just want him to hurt the way he has hurt me! I'm struggling!!! I feel like all my innocence was stripped away from me. I genuinely loved someone who didn't know how to love me bk. Now that he is so focused and getting his/our lives together, i.e. about to buy a house, we both are working a good steady jobs, in college, going to church regularly, reading the Bible, and praying together.... Now, I'm the one ready to destroy our family just to give him a taste of his own medicine bc I can't get over the past. PS I'm not an ugly person. In fact, everyone tells me on a regular how beautiful I am and I was raised that my outward beauty should match my inward beauty. So, I have always been forgiving. But now I feel like I'm being overtaken with evil and hatred even though no one knows it. I feel so stupid and stressed out! And I'm always worried that he is going to hurt me again.

#lies   #abuse  

When I was younger (age 8-12) I lied. A lot. (I am now 15 and I don’t lie anymore, I just want to be myself)
I never really had any interests or did anything interested so I lied.
I always said things that I did with my “cousin” or said things that happened with him, I just lied so much about him because no one of my friends knew him. I even barely knew him.
Sad thing is, he was sick. He had cancer.
He was only 9 when it started and past away at the age 13. When he past away I kinda blamed myself.
Because I was always lying about him being sick and stuff, so this is the punishment I received for lying this much. He suffered and then my family suffered because of his death.
I knew it wasn’t my fault because it was a illness, no one could help him.
But till this day I kinda blame myself for it, I low-key know it is my fault and this is the punishment for it.

#cancer   #lying   #lie   #thoughts   #sorry  

I am currently looking for a new job and I've had some interviews in the last few weeks. I lied in my CV and said that I can speak Suaheli fluently. It is such a rare language that I am certain no one will find out that I am not able to speak it, but it looks pretty impressive on the application.

#lying   #lie   #secret   #language   #rare   #cv   #interview   #job  

I am in a relationship with an amazing man. I love him more than anything.

We live thousands of miles apart and parting with him was one of the toughest things ever.

I have a friend who lives in the same dorm as me.

He's shown lots of interest but I've always turned him away. He's not attractive whatsoever, but he's a good friend of mine.

On the weekends, we like to get drunk and play board games in my room.

One particular night, we were playing jenga and trying to put the game away, but I was too drunk to stand. So we both just sat on the floor, his arm draped around me while I continued to sip a drink. He looked at me and asked me, "Are you tired?"

I shook my head and finished my drink. I was extremely intoxicated at this point, but I was still aware of what was happening. He finished his last drink too and I knew he was drunk.

He helped me to my feet and lifted me in his arms (this was normal, he always did this and put me to bed before he left).

He laid me down and looked at me. In that moment I wanted him to leave like usual because I was afraid if he attempted to kiss me, I wasn't going to fight back.

Unfortunately, he leaned down and kissed me and I grabbed him and pulled him onto the bed.

We made out feverishly.

I knew what was going on and knew it was wrong but I couldn't stop.

He lifted his face from me and asked, "Want me to turn off the lights?"

I said yes, obviously. Like I said, I didn't think he was attractive.

We continued to kiss and the whole time, I imagined it was my boyfriend.

We kissed for about 20 minutes until I called a halt and told him he had to go back to his room.

He didn't argue with me. He said okay and left it at that.

After he left, I felt extremely guilty.

I still do.

#cheating   #lie   #wrong   #relationship  

I lie to people on sites all over the net. I do it to try to teach people not to believe In stupidity; to mess with people; for fun; & to be mischievous. I really did see what I think was a strange balloon by a base. The adults said it was UFO. But I tested it. It was a balloon. They said it started rising then disappeared. That just means the light went off as it rose.
Sadly I really did fight a crazy man. He found me alone & tried to grab me. I hurt him & escaped. He came back & tried to kill me. I barely escaped. Then I moved.

#abductor   #balloon   #ufo   #alien  

My son is 15 and almost at the end of puberty. It's not an easy time, but my wife and I have a good relationship to him. At first I refused to believe it, but my wife drew attention to some of his mannerism and stuff. She said she believed him to be gay. I really couldn't and still can't believe it. I always thought he would bring home a cute young girl some day. I think I wanted to relive my youth through him.My wife doesn't think much about it, she's happy as long as he's happy. But I just can't take it. I can't tell my friends and colleagues that my boy likes boys. I always thought I am very liberal towards such stuff; I know many lesbians and gay men, but my own child?!I wish I could handle this situation better, but I can't.

#gay   #son   #desperate   #homosexual   #whatdo   #confession   #child   #unhappy   #disbelief  

Female, 18.
My biggest wish is to get a farm one day with cows and pigs and chicken and all the animals which belong on a farm. But when I am talking to my family about it they laugh at me and force me to go to university and study economics. I now go to university but I study agriculture but I don't tell them anything about it, they wouldn't understand.

#farm   #wish   #animals   #university   #economics   #agriculture   #study   #confession   #lie  

I am a big liar.

I came to a point that I am living the life I lied about and completely forgotten who I really am.

I quit my job, I am flying to a different country and hoping that this will help me to start over. Start a truthful life.


I haven't been truly honest about my life, but the thing is do I really have to?
My perception towards life was just a momentary thing, to entertain me, to give me pleasure.
Attachment was never an option, I lied in every aspect about me —towards my friends, my family and to my lover.
And the sad thing about it is that I don't feel any sort of guilt, not an ounce of remorse.
Lying became a part of my life and I wasn't doing anything to stop it.

#lies   #friends   #faker  

I'm almost deaf, so I hear very badly but I don't want anyone to know because they would certainly treat me different and I don't want to be treated like a disabled person. Not even my parents know whats going on.

#deaf   #hear   #ears   #disabled   #person   #confession   #lie  

I’m very annoyed. My family now all claim to have been abducted by aliens.
I’ve never believed in aliens; big foot, or ghosts. As a kid I lived by base. I saw what’s now called a Tic Tac. I thought it was secret USA craft. Next I had vivid dreams with alien greys. Thing is no one ever heard of them back then that I know of. We certainly had not.
Well Pentagon confirm the Navy Tic Tac video. I touched & studied one hovering by our home. I’ve always mocked weird stuff. Well now I wonder. Since I’m now listening I’m hearing endless stories from my family. My grandpa; engineer vet; thought he was abducted; dad design early satellites thought he was abducted. As did his siblings; my cousins; my sister.
We are a high IQ military Christian family. Most are. O nonsense people. Yet we have all this. Cousin claims shot at alien trying to get him as teen. I had weird vivid dreams where I thought aliens tried to abduct me & I fought with them & escaped.
Weird people have walked up & told me I’m a star child; that they see me glowing; that my eyes glow. My family just set & talked about how they believed I used to see in future. They’d say I’d tell them something would happen & then it did. Such as I predicted a wreck. Described it. Made someone get out of car. Then the wreck happened. That is true. I’m sure all can be explained by science. But they said ok; so your saying you never made blankets glow & stuff. Well. I’ll admit that if there was a storm near us I could shock people. Some blankets did have weird electrical flow on them in dark if I was in room. But there must be a scientific explanation. The only thing I will concede is I saw a flying craft that could do amazing things. And fly at least 4,000 mph in 70’s.
My dad told my sister we were part alien or something. That we are here to teach. That people like us are furthering humans if they will listen.
Here’s the weirdest thing. I’ve almost died twice. I thought I went to Heaven & talked to Jesus. He told me secrets. Now that I’m finally talking about this stuff some of them claimed the same. Such as my dad. They went to Heaven. Were told secrets. Came back. WTF?
But they listed about 100 times when I told people things before they happened such as the Shuttle Explosion. I said it would blow up if they didn’t cancel the launch. I predicted 9/11 about a yr in advance. And how it would happen. That’s true. But I’m smart. Just good guesses.
I pointed out things don’t happen a lot of times. They said that’s because you change it. You make people stay home; so different stuff. Leave later. Well that’s true. I do that. So if you see future; & keep people from doing something; then it doesn’t happen: did you change it, or are you full of crap?
Aaahhhhggggg. I wish they’d quit talk about this stuff. How can UFOs & aliens be real. How could we really be part alien. They say I couldn’t be abducted because I’m more advanced than rest of my family. So I was able to defeat the aliens. This is bull chit man.
If you get enough people together that believe in stupid crap; they will take anything & turn it into bull chit to support their goofy beliefs. Science can explain all my odd stuff. The UFO was just a USA craft. I sure wish I knew why the Pentagon said those videos were real. Now my family made me admit I saw one; now they are trying to suck me into their group paranoia. I am not going down the rabbit hole with them. I believe in science; not alien greys.
They said what if one shows up in your room now. Well; I got a present waiting. I’m too old for this silliness.

#ufo   #starchild   #greys   #abduction   #aliens  

My mother has been diagnosed with alzheimer and her illnes gets worse and worse each day.
I am afraid of calling her. I always tell my brother that I called her. She would forget it anyway.

I am a bad daughter.

#lie   #mother   #alzheimer   #illness   #forget   #daughter  

I was in love with my friend freshman year. Fully, whole-heartedly in love. She knew it, and she used me. I was her proxy for verbally abusing our social group, so she could seen like the innocent saint. I would have died for her. She threw me away because I was depressed. I hate her now as much as I loved her then. I look back and see her as the selfish hypocrite she really was. Love really does make you blind. Never fall in love with a sociopath.

#abuse   #manipulation   #hate   #love   #sociopath   #loyalty   #liar   #lies   #sad  

Everyone thinks I have a thing with this guy...but the truth is i dont even know him. I just go with it because I want attention...

#stupid   #lie   #friends  

This is gonna age like a fine cup of piss, but...
I'm something of an activist, and it's a huge part of the resason why I'm majoring in social work,but despite my campus having a strong social work program, it's tough to find a cause I'm genuinely passionate about as I attend a predominantly conservative campus. However, I thought that since I'm Asian and recently a few other Asian students had recently formed an Asian American Association this past semester and I was somewhat involved in the planning process that I could use it for my advocacy as a student activist. However, I soon got removed from the group me (we also have a discord, but we use the group me chat as our main platform for communication) for pushing certain "ideas" that people were "uncomfortable" with, despite there having been some arguments among the leaders and admins, as only one person removed me with little to no input from the leaders. I sat down a while back to speak to the advisor, who had zero involvement in all of the group me stuff, and when I asked for a follow up, I got an email back pretty much saying the same thing: the chat was created for "light hearted" reasons and they didn't want me making it uncomfortable. I didn't respond to it until a few days ago. I claimed that them taking me out of the chat had sent me on a downward spiral, how it had caused me to cut again, how it had caused me to stop eating.

It was all a lie. I just thought that I could guilt trip them a little to get back in the chat. I honestly don't feel much if any remorse over this.

#cutting   #starving   #lies   #drama  

My whole life I pretended I'd had sex to look cool. I never gave a name. In reality; other than being mollested as a child, i never had sex till marriage, & have only had sex with my wife.

#lied   #sex  

I'm so mad!
I have a few pounds extra on my hips and a friend of mine thought it would be funny to make jokes about my weight.
She knows how much I suffer because of those extra pounds and I try really hard to lose weight and I exercise every day. It hurts me a lot.
I accidentally talked bad about her behind her back to some of her friends (I'm not friends with them) and now they are all mad at her, too. I told them a bunch of lies, what a slut she is and stuff like that.
She doesn't know I told mean lies about her.

#overweight   #lie   #revenge   #friend  

Pray and roll the dice for #lie

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