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Read the best #lie confession stories
I mess with people. Tell jokes. Pick. Annoy. Not in real life. People with influence. Not in a mean way. To challenge their thoughts. My goal is to slip in thoughts to audiences that don’t expect it. Homelessness. Health care for the poor. Disabilities. Gays.
I’m trying to help make the world a better place. But I stretch the truth and crack jokes to do it. Lying is wrong. But if your lies don’t hurt others; and do help others, is that fully wrong?
I can’t tell the truth. I’m disabled and a loser. No one likes to talk to me in real life. I’m an outcast. So I pretend to be s person someone would want to talk to. Not for me. I’m doomed. But for others. I just want the world to love each other a little more.
I lie to people on sites all over the net. I do it to try to teach people not to believe In stupidity; to mess with people; for fun; & to be mischievous. I really did see what I think was a strange balloon by a base. The adults said it was UFO. But I tested it. It was a balloon. They said it started rising then disappeared. That just means the light went off as it rose.
Sadly I really did fight a crazy man. He found me alone & tried to grab me. I hurt him & escaped. He came back & tried to kill me. I barely escaped. Then I moved.
I got a raise a few months ago and I bought a very (and I mean VERY) expensive bottle of wine. Because I can, why not?
Anyway that is not the issue.. I am married and we are very good friends with this other couple. We meet like every other week to go on double dates or meet for game nights. We invited the other couple a few weeks ago and we played board games. As the husband is a wine lover, he noticed the expensive bottle standing in our wine rack. While playing he Monopoly, he suddenly had the briliant idea that the winner would get the wine.
HELL NO! That was so fucking expensive, you dipshit!!
I disagreed, but told them that I would bring the bottle to our next game night.
Game night was yesterday and before we met up, the husband called to make sure that I'd bring the wine.
I would like to confess that I (of course) did not bring MY VERY EXPENSIVE bottle of wine to a stupid game night. I opened the bottle, decanted the wine and poured some really cheap wine into the bottle of the expensive one.
I was so curious to see what'd happen when the self-proclaimed "wine connoisseur" tasted the cheapp booze. Well, as you can guess, he thought it was THE BEST THING HE EVER DRANK. HaHaHaHaHaHa
No one noticed a difference, not even my wife and I am not going to tell her because she was gushing about how generous I was to share this expensive wine with her and our friends. If only she knew...
#wine #cheap #expensive #bottle #sharing #notsharing #couple #lie
I tell everyone that I am on diet and that I am doing great and stuff, but the truth is I eat fast food all the time. I don't live healthy. I don't do much sports. This's just a bunch of stupid lies.
I could be telling the complete truth as I’m blunt and see lying as lame unless you need to get rid of someone that doesn’t get the message. Yet despite my personality, many don’t believe some things I’m telling them when they happened. Want to not believe me, that’s fine, it sure as hell doesn’t mean they didn’t. Many I sure as hell wish did not but they did. Never fails to amuse me how dismissive people are but I tend to be a magnet for weirdness regardless of at times how abnormal or dark some things may be. Laugh away and I shake my head knowing the truth as things rarely change.
I am in a relationship and I had lie to my crush and we have go on a date and he love me so much , I have double date I m restless, I m sorry I did this to you
I think the caronavirus pandemic; divorce, anerisms, & isolatuon are messing up my head.
As an autistic boy i felt alone in the world. My dad refused me my entire life, saying he couldnt have a retard. My mom refused to set by me & abandined me for being retarded. I endured massive abuse.
I dreamed of being a knight & Captain America. I would let others hurt me; but protected others. I'd stand between victims & bullies. If attacked i quit being autistic for a moment. Its like God was using me to help others. I used only just enough force to get the attacker to stop & leave us alone.
I was amazed to discover real knights still exhist. There are actually people who worship God & dress up like knights. Thats cool. Like big kids. They raise money for Christian children.
However; theres one group who still goes to defend Holy Land it seems. Like the Crusaders. They protect Christians & Jews. They put their faith first & risk their lives to protect others like cops & soldiers. But I'm passive. I would have no problem trying to save another; ive saved lives, but i couldnt arm myself & put myself in a dangerous situation. Death doesn't scare me. But i have no desire to harm others. So i understand something about myself. I chose in my mind to pattern myself after Captain America but not King Arthur. One was defense only. The other had an offensive weapon also. So I'm a contradiction: i love the military & cops; but couldnt be one because I'd have to use deadly force, & thats not me.
As for aliens. I saw a secret US craft as a kid by a military base. I dreamed about aliens after that. I concede aliens are possible; but i just can't accept the Navy videos are alien; they have to be US secret tech.
For 4 months, I have a boyfriend but haven't told my family and my friends yet. But I told him I have.
I pretended to be this girl I'm friend's with on fb. This went along for year, but it wasn't to find love or anything serious. It was just to have people talk to me and think I'm great and also beautiful. I feel bad for this now........
It's funny, I used to sit in bed while on the phone with the one person I thought I would never lose and read people's confessions from this page. We would always say how some of the people on this page where so messed up and how we would never do any of that stuff.
One of those things was leave eachothers side. I mean he even gave me a promise ring to make things more convincing... for a while I thought this was it. He was my one true love, he was everything I ever wanted. Turns out, that promise ring was just an empty promise. All those times he said "we would never break up, we will always fix it, we always have.... we always will" were lies. He left. Of course he would, what guy could ever love me ? I scare them, apparently.
I really wish I would have known this was going to happen, because out of all people I never expected him to leave me when he knew I was alone.
Well I'm glad he decided to go find himself, I just wish he would have told me when he lost himself.
This ones for you Loyd.
my love is very conditional. everyone else's is towards me so if others can be that way then so am I. all this stuff about you giving unconditional love won't heal will help people abuse you but it will not make you healthy, wealthy or on top on life and joyful. people don't think your wise or smart forgiving them. they don't cry for forgiveness, they don't care if you forgive they just want you to abuse you again and be sucked in. don't do they find new sucker who double takes em. they will find someone to fit their own level who will bust their asses and cut the frills and spills from their lipids. forget them and move on. you don't partake in xmas jolly giving you won't end up as fat as santa.
When I was younger (age 8-12) I lied. A lot. (I am now 15 and I don’t lie anymore, I just want to be myself)
I never really had any interests or did anything interested so I lied.
I always said things that I did with my “cousin” or said things that happened with him, I just lied so much about him because no one of my friends knew him. I even barely knew him.
Sad thing is, he was sick. He had cancer.
He was only 9 when it started and past away at the age 13. When he past away I kinda blamed myself.
Because I was always lying about him being sick and stuff, so this is the punishment I received for lying this much. He suffered and then my family suffered because of his death.
I knew it wasn’t my fault because it was a illness, no one could help him.
But till this day I kinda blame myself for it, I low-key know it is my fault and this is the punishment for it.
I'm gay and I haven't come out to my family yet and one day they've saw my wallpaper (two guys hugging) and said "If you don't delete that I will hide your phone" while my cousin said "Gay people are disgusting" I have to lie to get out of the conversation.
Are UFO's real? Am i alian altered? This whole stuff seems stupid to me; but I'll humor it. Most in this story sere very honest people who wouldnt lie, didnt drink, didnt use drugs. If did I'll note so. Pre anerisms i was super smart & built rockets. Unofficial tested twice as genius. Test as genius as kid too. Hated grammer. Loved math & science.
Dad & uncle designed parts for satellites. Cousins determine why early rockets fail. On and on. Odd thing is i never knew them. Grew up away from them. Basically an orphan. Yet end up in space industry. Very attractive women drawn to me. Moms family convinced could sometimes see forward in my own future. I not believe that. I was very strong.
Here goes. I just read where Pentagon claims Navy UFO footage real. I come from military family with ancient roots. Air Force; Army Ranger; vets from every American war including Revolutionary; Generals; lords; knights; you get it. One of those pedigree war families with lots of links to other ancient families of lords due to them marry each other.
One object was called a Tic Tac. I saw one. More on that. My sister (will lie; did smoke pot; only one in story) was walk in woods. Saw bright object. Gets hazy in mind. Wake up hrs later in bed wearing coat & shoes. Hanging off at weird angle. Mom screaming at her. Mom been looking for her for hrs. How the hell did she get in house.
About 70-80 yrs ago on a mountain in area with no electricity. Gpa was engineer. He & entire large fsmily wake & go watch a hovering light emitting object hover for 30 mins. Start rise & fly off fast. Cousins, uncles all had crazy encounter stories. These are high intellect very successful Christians who don't lie, do drugs, or drink. My moms family does all that bed stuff; & tell tale tales (but these people from dads family don't). One cousin sees alien like creature near house. Arms long as legs. He try shoot it but it runs up hill fast, grabbing trees with arms to help go faster.
I just heard all these stories last couple days. My story happened long time ago when i never met most these people & never heard the stories. I kept my story secret.
Carter just elected. I live in nearest subdivision to where first rockets tested and supposed secret testing occurring. I see what Navy is now call Tic Tac one night. Adults thought UFO & afraid. I think crazy balloon or secret NASA or military object. Hover near ground. I pere inside. I was amazilingly smart kid. Talking to adults i felt like i was talking to chimps. Hard for me slow mind and simplify ideas enough for them understand. I could try explain what i saw inside but would take a book and only real smart people really grasp it. Amazing if i am right. Had photographic memory so can rewatch & its like it just happened yesterday. I did some tests. Wild. I realize if these scared adults are right it was luring us out. I was very good hunter. I was so good at tracking and night hunting i amazed nam vets who saw lots combat. They'd never seen anyone like me. I also fished a lot. Seemed like the light was bait. Come look at me. Like when I'd use lure for fish. So i went in & watched. Let them get took if they right & its UFO. I actually laughed at them. They were in shock. Some cried. One kept screaming. But i was a brave kid who would night hunt deep in woods alone. I didnt scare easy. Also i was very athletic & used to beat up much older kids in fights. Everyone thought I'd be a college football star if could stop falling (had odd birth defect, if lost focus could fall at times. But by this point I'd mostly conquered that).
Well i keep look out. I look down for second, look up & gone. I run out. They are all amazed. They claim it start rise and then just fly off fast as lightning. I laugh at them. Back then stars were clear there. I look for stars blocked out thinking light off. Had great eyesight. Couldnt find it. Should have been moving darkness blocking stars. Was no wind. It made no sound when i stood under it. I test outside. Easily push in & reshape self. If i saw what i thought i saw inside you would not believe me. I still don't want to talk about. I told no one then cause seemed crazy. Was no wind so if balloon who it blow off. How had it drop down between poles & trees & set still, then rise without hit stuff. I ran around & got bike. Nothing over anything. Went up on hill. Nowhere. How the hell?
Well that aint the best worst part. Ive never really admitted truth of this. Still wont tell details. Even if i tried I'd have write long book. I could scientifically explain what i saw. But still can not believe. I just don't believe in this stuff.
Well i either had the craziest dream two nights in a row or alians tried to abduct me. I still don't believe in this stuff. Heres what i think. I was not conciously scared. In fact i laughed at the adults. But my subconcious mind must have been scared and concocted this mess. A very vivid dream. I will continue thinking of it as a dream. But I'll give a brief description of what i somehow dreamed while awake.
Well I'd dream when watch scary movie. Wake up yelling. Get a whipping. But hadnt did that couple yrs. So was asleep. Something wake me. Standing in my room are two glowing short alien greys. I'd never heard of them. I thought aliens would look like stuff in old movies. I wasnt into alien movies. Seemed stupid. Later i watched Close Encounters. The short ones would be sort of close.
I jump up & run out screaming. Next night i pretend sleep & wait like I'm hunt a deer. Watch them enter thru wall. I jump up & run into one & run off sceaming. I could tell you the details but who the hell would believe it. I mean if you saw bigfoot no one would believe so youd look like fool if tell.
Well if this was a dream it was craziest dream ever had. I'm not sure how my mind woke from no dream. Superinposed a dream into waking reality. Allowed me to physically feel impact in dream to point where i was knocked sideways and alien got knocked on its ass. Or i could still see a dream object while glancing at and listening to step dad. If he had just walk forward and look instead of look down and tell me going to whip ass I'd know. Or if I'd walked out and saw it fly off myself.
Well if the dream was real i could explain how esp works; they walk thru walls and dissapear. But i refuse to believe that was real. Had to be some sort of wild stress induced dream. The flying object was real. I could describe it in great scientific detail but i can't explain it. You would not believe what i thought inside. Youd have to have intellect to grasp it. So I'll just say some wild assed balloon. I have never told anyone what i thought i saw inside beyond the light show. Amazing. But you must be careful what say or seem insane.
Weird thing. My Army Ranger step dad believes. His dad designed stuff for space. I talk about Pentagon release. Sister on phone tell about her abduction had kept secret; then tells me about all the weird stuff our family claimed experienced on dads side. Never knew that. These people are/were these annoying serious honest people who are so honest can't even have fun. Only thing dad would watch on TV was news & when old Church.
As child i figured out very complex science concepts. Modern science just catching up on a little of it. Anerisms took care that. I thought figured out how to time travel forward, but as kid kept get paddled for argue school books were wrong & trying explain my theories. I could give more exs. But heres question after watch some these things i used laugh at such as Ancient Aliens. (Does toilet paper prove aliens visited ancient man, ancient alien experts say yes. Come on. At some point you have to say no). So my point is this; if all true (not counting my dream), does that mean alians are generationally studying my dads family? Are we so smart because they DNA altered our genetic tree. Or; are they studying my family because we are so smart. In my family lineage is infact correct; were they studying warriors in my family.
All this stuff seems nuts to me. I'll accept i saw a wild object in the air; but that doesn't mean it was alian. I'll admit it looked a lot like the Pentagons Navy Tic Tac. But I'm going to conclude my dream like experiences were in fact dreams. I can't speak for my relatives stories; i wasnt there & didnt see it.
It does seem crazy right? A UFO near my house is hard enough to accept; but greys walking thru my walls is just too much. I can't accept that really happened. Had to be a dream.
I lied to my boyfriend that I was pregnant so that he wouldn't leave me. And now, after 2 years, I still don't have the guts to confess it to him and I feel guilty as fuck.
I am currently looking for a new job and I've had some interviews in the last few weeks. I lied in my CV and said that I can speak Suaheli fluently. It is such a rare language that I am certain no one will find out that I am not able to speak it, but it looks pretty impressive on the application.
This is gonna age like a fine cup of piss, but...
I'm something of an activist, and it's a huge part of the resason why I'm majoring in social work,but despite my campus having a strong social work program, it's tough to find a cause I'm genuinely passionate about as I attend a predominantly conservative campus. However, I thought that since I'm Asian and recently a few other Asian students had recently formed an Asian American Association this past semester and I was somewhat involved in the planning process that I could use it for my advocacy as a student activist. However, I soon got removed from the group me (we also have a discord, but we use the group me chat as our main platform for communication) for pushing certain "ideas" that people were "uncomfortable" with, despite there having been some arguments among the leaders and admins, as only one person removed me with little to no input from the leaders. I sat down a while back to speak to the advisor, who had zero involvement in all of the group me stuff, and when I asked for a follow up, I got an email back pretty much saying the same thing: the chat was created for "light hearted" reasons and they didn't want me making it uncomfortable. I didn't respond to it until a few days ago. I claimed that them taking me out of the chat had sent me on a downward spiral, how it had caused me to cut again, how it had caused me to stop eating.
It was all a lie. I just thought that I could guilt trip them a little to get back in the chat. I honestly don't feel much if any remorse over this.
When me and my boyfriend first started having raw sex, I gave herpes to him not knowing I had herpes and I still feel guilty about that because he always talk about it. He’s given me an STD TWICE ! And every time I bring up him cheating on me and giving me and STD , he throws it in my face. The difference between my situation and his situation is that I didn’t go CHEAT and brought it back to him and he literally went and got head from another dirty bitch and brought me back trichomoniasis . My situation is this, me and him we’re starting a relationship and he decided to take off the condom. I didn’t know I had herpes because before me and him met I was promiscuous so when me and him got together I stopped doing what I was doing . He literally went and cheated on me while we were together and gave me an STD. I FEEL mostly bad about my situation because I gave him something he can’t get rid of because of my PAST and who I was . We both did terrible in this relationship and in two weeks it’s gonna be three years since we’ve been together and these years have been STRESSFUL, HARD, depressing. He put me down like it’s sooo much stuff this man has put me through. I’m 21 and he’s 28 and he manipulates me and controls me and my money smh
During Covid I’ve used online as therapy. I mix in so much bull crap no one could ever pull out the truth. It also allows me to tell the truth. I really did see a Tic Tac. I may have talked to aliens and went to another dimension. How can you tell for certain? Beings that walk thru walls. Talk in your head. Annoy the shit out of you doing weird shit. Fucking light bending armor. You wonder if your sane. Animals that died in weird ways.
Even when other people around me heard or saw stuff, I’d act like I didn’t. Fuck them. I wasn’t going to a looney bend. You simply either don’t admit such things, or your a loon. Screw that.
I’ll admit the Tic Tac only because the Navy did. I am not talking about freaking grey’s walking thru my wall and talking to me.
Admit it. Even with the Navy videos you think I’m lying or crazy.
That’s why I love the Secret of Skinwalker Ranch on the History channel. Real scientists seeing some of the same crap as me. I can watch them scratch their head. It boggles the mind.
You could say I’m full of shit. Sure. Maybe. But I was paid to design buildings in high school. I worked in the space industry. I’m not a fool. I know nano tech and stuff when I see it.
Back to jokes.
#alien #ufo #greys #skinwalker #ranch
My girlfriend's father thinks I am going to church every Sunday. That was a necessary lie I had to tell for him to trust and like me. He is a very religious man and I thought the best thing to do is tell him I am too.But I am not. Not at all. My girlfriend doesn't know either! I am sure she wouldn't approve lying to her father about something like that. So I tell her as well that I am at church at Sundays. We live 50 miles away from each other so that's not a problem.In reality, I'll lie in bed, just turn off my phone and watch some stupid videos online.I really enjoy this time because I do not have to think about anything or anyone. I thought about telling them that I am going to the evening mass on Thursdays as wel just to have a few hours for myself. Maybe masturbate, maybe watch a movie, maybe take a nice bath. That's my own holy time. I love my girlfriend but I like my alone time as well.
#holy #church #lie #mass #confession #fatherinlaw #girlfriend #oops
Confessions by