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Friends Confessions

Read the best #friends confession stories

Im in love with my best friend and i dont know what to do.


I haven't been truly honest about my life, but the thing is do I really have to?
My perception towards life was just a momentary thing, to entertain me, to give me pleasure.
Attachment was never an option, I lied in every aspect about me —towards my friends, my family and to my lover.
And the sad thing about it is that I don't feel any sort of guilt, not an ounce of remorse.
Lying became a part of my life and I wasn't doing anything to stop it.

#lies   #friends   #faker  

I would like to confess I get very angry as soon as my girlfriend picks up her smartphone. This thing is her constant companion, she can't do anything without it. There's no minute she isn't texting, telephoning or something and almost every minte this stupid thing begins to ring or vibrate. We can't go out, watch a movie or talk to each other without this thing instantly ringing. I feel like I am unnecessary because she has all her friends and all information right in her pocket, why talk to me?

I am jealous and angry in the same time - I never wished to be in a triangle relationship with a mobile phone. Sometimes I imagine to take her phone and smash it and if she would as me why I did it I would knock her head against the wall to get some sense into her.

I even have some more violent thoughts about that and I really regret that.

#jealous   #smartphone   #phone   #friends   #anger   #violent   #relationshop  

It begins with a liar. I confided in someone I thought was a real friend. I have been in severe depression due to loosing my parents, starting menopause, husband diagnosed Asperger’s and the drama with him wanting an open marriage...... I just wanted life to end.

I confided in someone that is in her 20s... I don’t know why I thought she could understand anything.

After a few YEARS, yes years... of me crying to her.... she tells me I have anger issues and she would love to help me but she felt I was over reacting.

I was / have been on the verge of suicide, I cried all night to her and says later she told me this.

I was in severe pain and crying for help... and she made me feel like I was lying to her!!!!

Now I have extreme anger towards her!!!

She is also my husbands employee and I want her GONE!!!!

I may want my husband gone as well!!! He won’t have to worry about me not wanting an open marriage when he won’t be married to me!!!

( no he isn’t sleeping with her, she has talked about him behind his back...) another reason she needs to go

I have committed some sins, I’m not innocent.... but trusting her as a friend and her treating me like that has pushed me over the edge.

I hate her!!!! She is last person I have called friend and I will never look for another one.

People are selfish and awful. I want out of this world!!!!!

#friends   #liars   #cry   #help  

I (28 male) am really annoyed by my friends. We are apparently at an age where everyone of us should start a family and have children. They do not talk about anything else. Babies here, relationship goals there, kids are so important for a partnership. Blablahblahblah.
They get on my nerves. Really. I want to build a reputation and get a steady career going on before even ThInKiNg about children.

The worst part are those parents who think they figured everything out now and know how life works, but are almost incapable of making a living.

#hate   #friends   #children   #annoyed   #career   #kids  

My partner still talks to his ex (from 2020). The girl messaged him about becoming a social media model/content creator. For over 2 hours, he couldn't stop talking about it because he thinks it's not a good idea. He's so serious and angry that when I tried talking, he objects. So I just let him talk and I listened as it might be what he needed. He didn't tell his ex about it, though that's during when I was with him. Don't know if he did later that day. I understand he cares as you would for a friend but 2 long hours might be too much.

#friends   #relationship  

Went to the bar last night got really drunk and i confessed to my really close friend who i've know for like 10 years that i was liked to mess around with other guys at the end of the night on the way home waiting for our uber. we got to my house and i continued to tell him the stuff i've done in a drunk ramble as i laid down on my couch wasted feeling dizzy he didnt say one word the entire time., the last thing i said was keep this to yourself ok, as no one knows that i like to do the things i do. and all he said was, can i lay with you, so i say yeah go ahead.we proceed to go to his house we go to his room and fuck and sleep naked next to eachother all night woke up and fucked and acted like normal, like nothing happened. I loved it, now now my closest friend is my fuck buddy behind closed doors.

#sex   #friends  

I've been in a relationship once and we broke up last year!!!

He already had a gf and was cheating on me !! My friends warned me, but I didn't listen to them 'cause I really trusted him more than anyone But then my friends started pressurising me to ask my bf regarding this matter, and yes...i did ask him atlast !! He said that it was his ex who came back to his life and he realised that he really loved her and still do... He didn't want to hurt me and that's why he didn't tell me the truth !!! We obviously broke up after that....
Now I think he has totally forgotten me, but i still love him as much as i did when we were in a relationship!!!! I can't forget him

#relationship   #cheating   #friends   #truth  

I confess i've masturbated to all my female friends on instagram. Some other random girls too. I still look thier profiles up and grind my pillow thinking it was them i was grabbing. It doesnt drive me insane and i dont have any guilt. Jerking off to the one's I'm closest to seems so bad yet so dirty. Should i stop? i love doing this often but it isnt a full blown addiction yet.

#masturbation   #girls   #fantasize   #instagram   #friends  

So,today it was really sunny. I was just sitting in the shade when my bffs brother sat down next to me. We were laying down cloud spotting and chatting when a annoying group of boys came past and teased us. Then our teacher let us read outside and I sat next to him. I was uncomfortable so I turned over on my stomach and I saw him look at my ass. We’ve been kinda flirting all day and i have a teeny crush on him.i wonder what will happen?;)

#crush   #bestfriendsbrother  

Would love to control my desires and sinful desires so I can focus on work and newly married life. I'm working on it through sinful meditations. These thoughts are sins. Forgive me lord

#shame   #trauma   #ptsd   #childhood   #problems   #war   #fighting   #veteran   #fetish   #pain   #sadism   #masochism   #bondage   #spirit   #grand   #domination   #switch   #game   #discord   #chess   #cashapp   #cash   #love   #royalty   #friendship   #army   #values   #manners   #ideals   #fwb   #negative   #aweful   #suck   #happy   #yes  

So I'm f14 and I sit next to my friends crush which is also my old crush (let's call him geo) Geo has asked me out in the past and I kinda caught feelings for him but now that's over. He knows my friend likes him and he claims to like her but flirts and is close with every girl. So anyways I sit next to geo in french every Wednesday. We have that class first period. So I'm a fan of bts (don come @ me lolll) and I was writing jungkooks name on the table. And geo goes "aww you like bts how cute" and I'm like whatever and then I try rubbing jungkooks name off the table before the teacher sees. So I lick my finger and then smudge it on the table. Then I do it again with another finger. And he's just staring at me so I'm like what? I could clearly tell he was turned on by what I was doing bare in mind this guys kinky af. So he goes "instead of doing that to your finger how about you do it on my dick" so I'm like AHAHAHA bitch what. So I'm laughing it off. Luckily my FRIEND isn't in that class. and then he starts flirting with me and let me tell you, I have a bad habit of flirting when I'm bored and I was bored as hell so I did it back. I mean I don't like him and I didn't do anything physically so it's not really breaking "the girl code" right?

#highschool   #school   #boys   #friendscrush   #crush   #horny   #turnedon   #flirty  

I shot my neighbour's cat by accident the other day. Because I didn't want to destroy our friendship (we get on really well together), I took the cat and placed it in the middle of the road. Then I waited until someone drove over it and told my neighbour that someone drove over her cat.
She now wants to sue the driver. I am feeling guilty but I guess you have to be an ass to get around in this world.

#cat   #dead   #killed   #neighbour   #accident   #friendship  

Hi, I’m 15 and this is my confession. This girl at my school (we used to be friends until she backstabbed me), she turned some of my friends against me to the point where they act like I’m some deadly disease. I know sh eturned them against me because she’s done the same thing before, but with other old ‘friends’ of mine. She likes making my life hell. Whenever I vent about how she’s making my life hell, I just start imagining her dying and feeling (happy I guess). I know I shouldn’t even be thinking that, but I hate her so much, my brain just decide to please itself with her dying and suffering for everything she’s put me through. She always describes me as the devil even though she is. I don't know I guess imaging her going through pain and suffering is a beautiful painting to me. I know I seem like a psycho talking like this. But, I can’t talk to anyone about this, so yeah.

#hatred   #vent   #intrusivethoughts   #fakefriends  

So this started with me blaming my friend, at first i was blaming him for my parents finding vapes in my room , then it went bigger and worse, my parents found a box of condoms in my room and when they asked me about it, as usual i blamed my friend for it. the next time he came to my house it was with my ex who i'd used the condoms on, and my parents asked him about it. my ex said i had used it on her, my parents face dropped. they were very angry... that it for now.

#sex   #betrayal   #ex   #friends   #parents  

I'm an neurotic and difficult-to-handle person but somehow I managed it to get a boyfriend. I like him, a lot, but I'm such an insecure and broken person and that makes it difficult for me to show him how I truly feel. I really would like to tell him what bothers me and that he should treat me differently.

I have a tough past and this is demonstrated by fear of loss. As soon as he is not with me I am a total wreck and I feel jealous that he's spending time for example with his friends and has a great time, even without me.

I also would love if he integrated me more, so take me with him to his friends. But I'm just too insecure to tell him so.
And then I do stupid things just to hurt him, even if he doesn't find out about it. Just to make me feel better. Last week, I met with someone I know he doesn't want me to meet with while he was out meeting some friends.

I confess that I'm a jealous bitch without self-confidence.

#neurotic   #past   #confidence   #jealous   #friends   #insecure  

Sometimes I wish I got cancer again, just from the attention I'd get.

#cancer   #disease   #attention   #friends   #lonely  

I hate spinach and I love Happy Tree Friends.


For 4 months, I have a boyfriend but haven't told my family and my friends yet. But I told him I have.

#boyfriend   #family   #friends   #lie  

I, 21 and male, am into my girlfriend's best friend. We are together for 3 years now but between her friend and me is this chemistry I can't describe.
Next week my girlfriend is on a business trip and I am going to meet with said friend. I am not sure if I am able to resist her. She's very hot and got some better curves than my girlfriend does. The biggest problem still is that I love my girlfriend and I don't understand why I am into this other girl.
I don't have friends I could tell about it.

#girlfriend   #friend   #hot   #curves   #friends   #confess  

Pray and roll the dice for #friends

Confessions by

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