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Friends Confessions

Read the best #friends confession stories

This is my story of mental abuse, caused by my parents.

I'm 11, and I was depressed last year. After my mother called me a bitch, which she did two more times over that year, I became depressed... I asked to not wash the dishes, because I had fallen over and hurt my leg (which still hurt like hell!) but she didn't give a shit! She said, "Stop treating me like dirt, you Little Bitch!" and never said sorry. A few months after, and I still felt horrible. I was fat. My mother had told me this over and over. The truth is, I was tall as an average 12yr old and the right weight for that but since I was ten... I was "Fat" and "Chubby"... One day, I begged my mom to not let me go to a Scout Camp, because I didn't really know anyone in my group, but she just said, "Stop acting like a bitch and get ready!", which made me feel more depressed. I barely spoke on the camp, and I was starting to become an introvert. When everyone else was on a sugar-high I had to do something, but didn't know how. I didn't ask and ended up spilling the container of dirty water. They yelled at me for not asking for help, clearly not understanding what it means to be an introvert, and I felt horrible... A few weeks after that, I heard my mother saying, "Lesbians all should burn in hell!" to my father, and my heart fell to the ground. I've had many crushes, on both male and female. I know I'm bisexual already... The next day we were in the car, and I asked my mother what she thought of gays...
She said, "It's their life. They can do what they want."
"What if I'm bisexual?"
"YOU ARE TOO YOUNG TO KNOW WHAT LOVE IS! Uh, but if you are bi, we will accept you.."
I used to be an extrovert, but I'm now introverted. I'm a brilliant actress, but only because I've been hiding my depression. I never cut myself, thanks to my best friend, Eggie, but I came close to drinking bleach when my father told me to "Fuck off", but didn't thanks to her. I have another really close friend, Austin, and he's fine with who I am and I feel wanted for once in my life. I am no longer depressed, but when I say "I love you" to them, I don't mean it... I care about them, hell they're my parents, but they have taught me to not stand up for myself and that I am worthless... I wish there was a way out of this hell. I wish I could tell someone! My friends think I never think about ending it, but that's not true! I believe I'm worthless, regardless of how many times I'm told I'm not! I wish I could just be who I want. I wish I could have been born into a family that cares about my well being! I am shy and introverted, but my family thinks I'm a happy, loud, extrovert! I have anxiety, but I can't tell anyone face to face because I'll break down and crying is weak! I am weak, so why do I hide it? I'm never going to be worth anything! I just wish, that when I closed my eyes and dreamed, that it wouldn't end. That I'd one day wake up and everything will be fine... I just hope god let's things become better...

#depression   #wish   #listen   #help   #love   #never   #friends   #parents   #hate  

I'll admit it: I'm human and I get so envious of others and how much is going on in their lives and I hate myself for it. I hate that I even have these feelings in the first place because my life is my own and I have made the choices I have made that have led me to today. No one else made them for me and for the most part, my life really isn't that bad. I don't need to have the biggest and the best house, job, car, etc... I've got somewhere to live, a nice enough car, a cat, plenty of wine and a decent job. What more should I want for besides someone to share my life with and maybe some actual friends? I'm working on it!

In the end it just feels like it's not enough when my sister comes over and I get so angry at myself because normally I like my life and who I am and it's not her fault that she makes me feel jealous and stupid. I should be the bigger person and just let this go but she seems to be a like a storm: something that just comes along with all it's thunder and lightning and their's nothing you can do to halt it's approach. It's a cycle and by the time she leaves or I leave every time we get together, I almost feel like I'm in physical pain from the press of holding my emotions in check. I always end up balling like a pathetic idiot just to release some of the tension. Often I have trouble breathing. It's almost like a panic attack is induced or something and I just don't get it.

To give you some background, my sister is two years younger than me and 20 kilos lighter. I'd probably say I am the prettier of the two of us even if I am overweight although she has a nicer smile and definitely knows how to dress. We grew up in a small town and I was the only farm girl in my year group with the other 9 girls being town girls. It was just two different worlds. I grew up liking the outdoors and using my imagination but the townies liked sitting around and gossiping about boys and clothes, etc. My sister on the other hand, had four other girls her age who grew up on farms and they all became fast friends. I went through school going from friend to friend and as a result, my social skills are somewhat lacking. Don't worry, that's not the case so much these days but I just don't get people like she does and despite trying to be a laid back person, I just seem to be so sensitive. I can't handle it when people let me down or don't live up to my expectations. It also doesn't help that we have so many of the same interests. We worked for similar companies, we both like reading, writing, art, cooking and sewing. I feel like I can never be an individual and I am too embarrassed to show any of my artwork to my family who scorned the fact that I like(d) manga & anime when I was younger and still do. I am the black sheep of the family and if my own parents and siblings judge me for my tastes so much then other people outside the family certainly will. However she likes country music which is still in the 'safe' category. She gets teased for being into it but she doesn't get scorned whereas a lot of people in Western society see an anime episode and just see it as a cartoon when many animes can be very violent and for adults only. I don't like them for being cartoons alright. I like then because I like entertainment. I'll watch/read almost anything but I particularly like anime because it is not as constrained as Western stories/cartoons. It mixes my two favourite mediums together after all: stories and art. But no, apparently I am childish and immature when I'd probably say I am MORE mature simply because I have broadened my horizons and I am interested in all sorts of areas.

Moving along: she met her future husband when she was 19 and that was it. She's married a lovely man in a beautiful ceremony and now she's six weeks out from having her first child. Her life isn't perfect by any means but she couldn't have asked for a more wonderful start. She lives in a brand new, enormous house on a massive farm. She's rich and she has horses, dogs, a cat, a big garden and an amazing car and she's only 25. There's no doubt about it: she knows what she wants in life and she gets it. Not only that, she's really pretty and can flirt like there's no tomorrow. She is a great conversationalist and always the centre of attention. She's confident and self assured. Guys are always hitting on her. She even told me that a workman from a neighbouring farm hit on her last week and she's married and 7 1/2 months pregnant!!! What the heck?!

It's no wonder I feel fat, frumpy and tongue tied when she's around. Our conversation largely consists of her and her life and her calling me a dag because apparently I have an odd sense of humour. So what if I'm quirky? So what if I haven't had a boyfriend (and god knows if I ever will since my flirting skills suck so much - I'm shy alright! That doesn't mean I won't say yes if you ask me! Why should I have to ask? Not all girls have to be confident because surely not all guys find that sexy?) We talk about her all the time and how great her sex life is and how much of a pain it is to be pregnant. You know some of us are terrified that we're going to end up alone and never have any children of our own! And if I dare complain about it's the same old, "well you just need to be more confident and flirt. Nothing will come to you if you don't put yourself out there." Yeah well I don't want to simper and fawn! I want to meet someone who will talk with me and make me feel comfortable. I am shy and I don't want to be rushed into something and expected to have sex on the first date. I don't like touching someone as a form of flirting because frankly I'd be a little alarmed if some guy did that to me the first time we met and started talking. She never asks me what's going on in my life and she's constantly making me feel like an idiot because she always has such a tremendously strong opinion that you doubt yourself and start believing that maybe she is right.

I don't like her freakin friend okay! (Something we argue about more than anything else) And I am effin' entitled to my opinion! She's a horrible person who has upset all the other friends in their social circle and my sister still can't see it. This person didn't come to the hen's night and on the wedding night, after I had given my speech, she decided to upstage me by doing her own speech. She tried to make it look like she wasn't getting up on her soap box by making the other two bridemaids get up there with her - one of which was quite drunk and going through some horrible family issues and all three of them made terrible speeches. And then, my sister blames the drunk one and says how dare she do that on my sister's wedding night instead of caring about how much her friend is hurting. I mean, who does that? Yes, your wedding is a very special day and your friends should leave their problems at home but life happens and I can't believe she can be so on the side of one friend (who everyone else hates) and so mad at another who has been a far longer friend and had a lot of things going on in her life and was dragged into making a speech that she never should have had to make.

In the end it is so humiliating to be jealous of her and I am trying so hard to be me and improve in my own way and I should be grateful to have advice from her (or so everyone and my conscious keeps telling me) but you know what? I don't freakin' want any of it!!! I don't want these feelings and I just want to be me. I want to be able to see her and not have a complete meltdown. Is that too much to ask for? I want to have a few of my own wins in life and I want to freakin do it myself! I don't need advice from someone who's basically got lucky. Yeah I admit I thought and probably still think I am smarter and more widely read than her. I admit that I did better in school than her and thought that I was always better than her and I freakin hate that I even thought that in the first place because I never thought I was that type of person. I hate myself and I hate that I do that as well and that I am so freakin hard on myself. I just wish my chaotic thoughts would take a backseat for a change and leave me the alone because you know what? Life is meant to be enjoyed and not endured and right now I just can't figure out how to enjoy it at all. I don't want to feel like I am struggling because I want to feel like I am being challenged and I want to enjoy the journey instead of constantly feeling exhausted by my feelings.

#jealous   #sister   #friends   #sad   #upset   #panic   #attack   #meltdown   #envious   #envy   #my   #life   #hate   #myself  

My sister has a good friend, lets call her Lynn. I have always wanted to be friends (sometimes more) with Lynn but I am not good at initiating social interaction so I was stuck were I was, seeing her occasionally when my sister brought her over. She always makes me smile and laugh and I admire her determination. Now Lynn is driving most of her friends away (according to my sister) including my sister, which means two things.
1. I won't get to see her as often/ almost never.
2. I have always wanted to be a mediator in conflicts and to help and comfort people in hard times. I want to help Lynn and comfort her and just be supportive especially because I feel a connection to her and want to be her friend, but I don't know how to become her friend because of such a lack of contact (also she is pushing away friends so I doubt she wants new ones). I feel like this is my chance to become friends with her and help her as a person but I just lack to means. By that I mean partially my lack of social skills but also Lynn dislikes my sister now and my sister is forcing herself on her, and I have no way to contact her other than via my sister which makes me feel awkward. I can't just be like 'Hey, you know that friend that hates you now. Ya, can I have their number."

#friends   #relationships   #help   #comfort  

I want my wife to fuck two of her ex boyfriends from high school. Her first bed was named John. She told me when they'd was around the age of 14 - 15 they would go swimming in his pool. She said he would finger fuck her and she would jack him off in the pool. She said they never fucked but would go into his room before and after swimming and straddle him. She said she had her bikini on and he had his trunks on. She said she could feel his cock pressing on her pussy lips and playing with her then 36C tits. I want her to finish the job and gofucking him. Second guys name is Thomas from her senior year of high school. I was dating her at this time when it happened. I am so still turned on. We had a small fight and she wanted her freedom and meet this guy at school. She eventually told me she rubbed his cock through his pants. Then she finally admitted she gave him head at a local chain super store. She said she never fucked him but I don't believe her. I was able to get her real horney a few months ago and made her get his picture of Facebook while she gave me head she was so turned on. I was able to convince him that I was a girl in Facebook and he sent me a cock pic. It's a little smaller than mine but not bad. I just want these two guys to fuck her and I want to record it.

#fuck   #boyfriends   #wife  

I love my best friend, but we can’t be together. He lives in America and I live in Canada. We did long distance for two years but broke up twice. I really wanna rekindle our relationship but lately he’s been ignoring me and I miss him so much. I think our friendship is withering away, if we can’t be together I still wanna be friends.

#sad   #ignored   #missed   #love   #friendship  

I'm 12, I like multiple girls. One is called Maddie, second is Lexi, then I really really like Cora. They're all amazing but they all don't like me. I got friend zoned by Cora but she yet flirts. I went on a date a few weeks back with a Girl who likes me but I don't like her. What do I do? I want a girlfriend(or boyfriend) but I wanna actually like them like I feel for the girls.

#love   #lgbt   #lesbian   #lonely  

So this started with me blaming my friend, at first i was blaming him for my parents finding vapes in my room , then it went bigger and worse, my parents found a box of condoms in my room and when they asked me about it, as usual i blamed my friend for it. the next time he came to my house it was with my ex who i'd used the condoms on, and my parents asked him about it. my ex said i had used it on her, my parents face dropped. they were very angry... that it for now.

#sex   #betrayal   #ex   #friends   #parents  

My wife said to me: "Honey I promise you I will always be completely honest and open in our communication. It’s so important to a perfect relationship.
"I want you to be happy.
"So when you told me all your girlfriends and first wife cheated on you. I thought how perfectly honest and open you are for trusting me to know that about you. I’m not asking you to change for me.
"So I promise to cheat on you too.
"Honey we are just going to be completely perfect for each other."

#cheating   #cuckold   #promise   #relationship   #girlfriends   #perfect   #honesty   #willing  

I have this secret desire to sleep with all my friends bf’s. Not because i am necessarily interested i just have that sexual wanting

#friendsbf   #sex  

Me and my best friend read these and laugh while doing it , i also think she masturbates to them

#wank   #masterbating   #friends   #exhibition   #masturbate  

Im in love with my best friend and i dont know what to do.


Its gonna be so weird...
Recently I’ve been hanging out with my old friend and she told me that she is bisexual. It’s okay for me, I didn’t mind that then, but later she introduced me with her friends. She told me that she has a crush on one girl of that squad, who is also bisexual. But then it turned out, that after my friend revealed that she is bi, all girls of that squad became bi. And Im the only left hetero, they all became a couples and I can’t even find a boyfriend. I actualy feel so awfull bout this. Idk what should I do.

#hetero   #friends   #relationships   #lgbt  

I’ve been with my bf over 11 year, since I was 16. In 2020 I was feeling pretty neglected attention/sex wise so I started talking to guys online.. and then I ended up meeting one for a hike and sucked him off in the woods and later he fucked me senseless on a trail. Well that was so exciting to me that I wound up on tinder that night to find someone else. The next day I met up with someone new, had mind blowing sex. From there I was HOOKED! I’ve now slept with over 15 people since then, some of them multiple times. Well my best friends boyfriend slid into my dms, and my friend was upset I didn’t tell her so we don’t talk anymore.. but I still talk to her boyfriend and have plans to meet up with him once he’s able to visit where I live (they moved away). And NOW.. I’m talking to my boyfriends best friend/boss.. he liked an old picture of mine on fb randomly 2 days ago.. so I decided to shoot my shot and message him on snap. He was super flirty so I went with it and now we’ve exchanged many pictures and videos.. he’s coming by on Monday to drop off my bf’s sweatshirt while my bf is at work at his other job, and I told him he should come in to fuck me on the bed we share.. needless to say I can’t stop thinking about Monday. I’ve wanted his best friend/boss since before I even met my bf. We had a bit of a fling before my bf came along, we made out and he fingered me on a dance floor. I’ve wanted him to fuck me for at least 12 years!!!

#cheating   #sex   #wantingwhaticanthave   #boyfriendsbestfriend  

I sit in front of the computer for 6 hours now, I have no friends, I haven't showered in a week, I've got an exam tomorrow morning and I haven't done anything for it.
Slowly but surely I think something is terribly wrong.....

#computer   #friends   #shower   #lazy   #exam  

I am a 20 year old guy in college who works out alot, plays baseball and has been told by girls all my life that I'm attractive. i dress well and my wardrobe is filled with expensive preppie styled clothing and I have always been attracted to women who are attractive, preppie, perfect beach bodies. I was always able to get almost any girl i wanted and was always the one who called the shots. i normally date attractive girls who dress well, are thin and physically fit, mainly blondes but not always. All my life I've had attractive women who were willing to go out with me. So 6 months ago Amanda who was my girlfriend at the time fit that preppie, well dressed, blonde haired, thin tan body description to a T.

She was an 18 year old freshman who adored me and she looked good next to me. All of her friends were popular attractive girls except for one. Sarah who was 19 wore glasses had plain brown hair, dressed in tomboy clothes had some acne on her face and was a bit chunky. she was a plain jane dorky girl who never went out with us at night but instead hung out at this old little bookstore with a bunch of grandmas. she was the only young one. one night my friends and i walked by there on our way to the bar. she was sitting on a rocking chair on the bookstore patio reading a book. we were a bit twisted so my friends made a few comments, teased me about my girlfriend and her being friends and i responded, hell no she's a fat dork. i can't believe i stooped so low and felt bad for saying it. i apologized to her later but she ignored me so i was like whatever. anyway, thats the night my girlfriend Amanda found something out about me that i was too proud to reveal but at that moment it was obvious. i'll take you back for a moment when i was a bit younger, about 5 years ago. see, around my sophomore year in high school I began realizing that i found girls who were barefoot as being more attractive than normal. something about a girl in a cute dress with a nice body was always a turn on but it was she was barefoot too i'd get even more excited.

I never admited that to anyone & even found myself cracking jokes with my buddies about guys who had foot fetishes claiming that they're weird. i remember seeing a guy around my age at a party once. we spoke earlier that night and he seemed cool, talking about all the cuties at the party and who we would bang. later on that night i went upstairs to use the bathroom in the house we'd been partying at. I remember walking down the hall past one of the bedrooms where i noticed him and a girl as i passed by. i was like what the f**k. I couldn't understand what i was seeing. that dude who seemed so confident, leader of his crew, who earlier was talking about which honeys he'd bang and how he'd get a blow job from one of these cuties.. that same guy was on his knees while the girl who he considered a white trash slut earlier, sat in a chair in front of him. she had her shoes off and every time she lifted her barefoot up in the air and back down he licked her sole with his tongue. that white trash girl with red hair and too much makeup who he called a little slut behind closed doors was in complete control of him. he was completely infatuated with her and his eyes were so fixated on this girls bare feet like he was hypnotized. she glanced at me with a snoody look and cracked a wicked smile because she loved the position she was in. the guy who was "the man" of the party ended up spending the night worshiping the bare soles of this girl who completely used this opportunity for her own amusement. i walked away unable to digest what i saw for some reason. all i knew is that bitch would never have me in that position.

So back to the night when my girlfriend discovered my foot fetish, which to this day i still won't admit fully. She had found out that my friends and i made fun of sarah and began questioning me. we argued, as usual i had to have the last word and refused to speak to her until she apologized. that night we all hung out, my guy friends knew we were fighting and her and sarah were there. of course i paid no mind to amanda and sarah because i wouldn't admit i was wrong. i played it cool, was snarky towards my girl but then something happened. i was talking to my buddy sitting on my left and when i looked to the right to grab the remote i noticed her bare sole she was on the couch sitting up straight with her left foot flat on the sofa, her left knee up high and her right foot up high resting across her knee with her bare sole up in the air about 12 inches from me. i never looked at feet when with a woman because i never wanted to show that i liked them. i knew that once i started looking it would be hard to stop. this time she had me, i started becoming un coordinated, un focused on the conversation my buddies and I had been having, trying so hard not to look at her bare sole, knowing that she had an idea about my attraction to feet I realized she was doing it on purpose. Long story short, when my friends left, i sat back on the couch, didn't move, and ended up starting at the sole of her barefoot. i gave into my girlfriend for the first time she had control over me. she began turning her foot in a circular motion, no expression on her face, patiently watching tv, ignoring me like i wasn't there and even though i knew she was doing it on purpose i couldn't handle it. i gave in and submitted to her power over me. after a while the trance i was in deepened and i just stared at her sole. when i noticed her look over at me and give a wicked smile of satisfaction i was too weak to fight it. from that night on i spent countless moments being teased by her bare soles. she got her way whenever she wanted. a few months by and summer came along. my girlfriend amanda and I liked each other but the chemistry wasn't that strong. i mean, we got along, had mutual friends but it seemed like we were a couple, just because it was convenient and we were attracted to each other. the sex was great and she adored me. as time went on she began changing, moving away from her clique of friends and hung out with sarah more often, she was part of a different social circle now and no longer cared about superficial status symbols. in a way i had more respect for her but at the same time something about the girls who looked up to us baseball players felt good for some reason. Being part of the clique i was in had its perks and i didn't want to give that up. we drifted apart, she put on about 30 lbs. i mean she wasn't fat but she was chunky. so i dropped her and embraced my popularity.

#revenge   #college  

I gave my bf the best birthday present by surprising him. We always hang out with our common friends for a drink. that night we were at a friend's place and I know one of his fantasy is me to blow him in front of his friends while we are drunk. i have always refused but this time i took out his penis and suck it. i even swallowed his load. i bet our friends, especially the guys enjoyed the show.

#blowjob   #bf   #friends   #drunk  

i cut off a person because they didn’t make me happy. i don’t know if it was the right thing, i have a hard time putting myself first. i feel sorry for being so harsh.

#friendship   #sorrow   #selfish  

I seriously want to commit suicide. I'm just done with life. The friends that I thought would never switch up on me, did. My dad, who is like my best friend isn't talking to me. Rumors about me at school are going around that it's making me not want to go school no more. I just can't, I been wishing for death since a little kid for being bullied over my skin color. I have a boyfriend, he knows about my suicidal past, but not the reason why. He always tells me things about my skin color and asked me if bothered me. I said no because I didn't want to seem so fragile. But it in reality it hits me so hard. I hate that the first thing that goes through a mind of a person when they meet me is my skin color. I absolutely hate it. I just don't think I can't do this anymore. If I didn't have a boyfriend, I would honestly already do it.. but I don't want to break his heart bc I know how much it would hurt him.

#boyfriend   #parent   #bullied   #school   #rumors  

Hi female (18) Once me and my girl friend at 15 where having a sleepover and when I went to the kitchen to get water nd her brother came behind me and started to rub his cock on my ass. I turned around and pushed him but he came back and kissed me… I kissed back and we slept together. I was 15 he was 18. We are now sleeping together 25/8 nd my friend still doesn’t know

#bestfriendsbrother   #young  

I made out with my best friend.

We're both girls.

Pray and roll the dice for #friends

Confessions by

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