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Sister Confessions

Read the best #sister confession stories

Maybe it's not the right way to do it, but I'd like to thank my friend Dave for being there for me.
Thanks buddy! You can't imagine how grateful I am that I can call you my friend.

My life has always been very rough.
I had problems with the asshole of stepfather, he was very cruel to me, my little sister Trish and my mom. He beaten us up, got totally drunk and I often saw him going into the bedroom of Trish at night but I was too scared to tell anybody. I am such a dick! Why haven't I told someone?

I moved out, left my beloved little sister behind; that was 4 years ago... Trish was 12 to that time.
I was in therapy for the last months! My sister is dead... she killed herself about a year ago. She didn't say anything before she did it. The last year I had to life with the certainty that it's my fault that she's dead now!! My baby little sister is dead... I just had to say somethin about our stepfather but I didn't!

All of my friends abandoned me; they said I could have done something against it.....
Only Dave was behind my back all the time.. I am not good right now but just because of him, I am able to live.
Thanks bro!

#sister   #sin   #stepfather   #dead   #suicide  

I do not know what to do and I feel so guilty right now. My mother passed away in 2011 and I held her in my arms when she died. After the funeral, the rumours started. Even my sister, who is now not a part of my life anymore because I cut her out, accused me of killing our mother. This was especially hard for me. And now, 8 years later, I still have to listen to those accusations. They say that I treated my mother badly and that I had hit her. I have to disagree. No, I did not! I never hit my mom, but I of course was not the picture perfect son. I made mistakes and I am very sorry for them. I do not pray as often as others might do, but I think about mom all the time. I look after my mother's grave and bring flowers regularly and when I am there I am talking to her and asking her for forgiveness for all the mistakes I made.
Do you think she can hear me?
I think I might be a murderer after all... Am I a bad person? I start to think that I am. I would like to apologize here once more for how I treated my mother some times. I was a teenager and had my own head. I asked for her forgiveness, but is that enough?
Shortly after she died she visited me in my dreams, but now everything is empty. There are only nightmares.
But I will try to get better. To get a better person.
I promise, Mom.

#mom   #deceased   #died   #mother   #grave   #murderer   #sister   #empty   #lonely   #confession   #forgiveness   #guilty   #bad   #person  

I was walking home from work night and I passed by my sister's house and heard her screaming at someone to stop so I quietly opened her door (which I have a key to btw) and saw her getting beat by her boyfriend, I then came behind him threw him on the ground and I started punching him he took out a pocket knife and stabbed my leg. My sister started to dial 911 but he punched her out and broke her phone. I took the knife out of my leg and slit his neck. I called 911 and they placed me in a holding cell. They told me they're gonna keep me here for 25 years unless someone pays my bail. Three days later my bail was paid I figured it was one of my friends but when I got home my sister was on my couch holding a welcome home sign. She hugged me and we invited family over and had a party.

#murder   #protecting   #sister   #abuse   #jail  

When my little sister in law was 16 (im married to one of her elder sister now), she used to stay home after playing games or watching tv till late. Then she will sleep in our bed with my wife in between.
She is really cute, sexy and is certainly one of the most gorgeous girl and now woman i know. She is 23 now. I have always and still fantasize about her a lot.
I usually sleep later than them and on one night when i came into the bed i saw her sleeping. It was one of these hot summer nights and she was wearing a small top and short.
That night i could see her with her long beautiful legs and i couldnt resist to touch her legs and her ass in the dark.
Things got escalated and even if i was scared to death, i felt her pussy over her shorts. Then i pulled her shorts and panties a bit down so i could access her pussy more. I was terrified but yet so excited.
I touched her pussy and clit. It was so soft and i put a bit of saliva on my fingers and rub her softly. I could feel she was getting wetter from me touching her clut and pussy entrance. And when i slightly pressed my finger into the pussy entrance my finger went through. My whole finger was inside her but i didnt move it. My wife was next to her and i was scared she woke up.
I took out my cock and masturbated while keeping my finger inside her. I came hard trying not to breathe too heavily. Then i tasted her pussy. It was so sweet. I wished she woke up and wanted more.
Yesterday i read a confession on this website posted a few years ago and the story looks so much alike from her end. Is it her? If yes she knew everything and she said she like me and find me handsome and like what i did to me.
What should i do? I want more from her. I like her a lot still.

#fingering   #sleep  

The best sex i ever had was with my brother-in-law. We made each other O so many times it was incredible. He's the only man I ever met that could keep going and going even after his O and this was before viagra.

#sex   #hot   #cheating   #affair  

I hate my sister.


i saw sister in law naked once, while she was getting out of bath and she saw me seeing her naked and ran inside bathroom. i fantasize about it and ejacuulate to it a lot

#naked   #masturbation   #insect  

Well my brother ended up in jail and I been hanging out his wife already played with her tits she’s touched my dick we spun as fuck I’m bout to fuck her and don’t feel bad bout it because she gets treated like shit.

#drugs   #sex  

My confessions.
I am a married 23 female who enjoys reading sex stories when I am alone. I end up having multiple fantasies along with countless orgasms. I am always horny but it gets worse with age.
My second confession is a new but more frequent occuring fantasy that I don't know where it came from. Your stories got my imgination and sex drive off the charts? I have been wanting to have sex with my husband's younger sister. She has the total package; looks, personality, touch, I get so wet and moved when around her. I am so curious of her and why I want her so bad.
My final confession: I am masturbating.

#sister   #sex   #horny   #masturbating   #curious   #married   #hot   #petite   #sexy   #attractive   #cute   #girl   #why   #confess  

My (still) wife and I are about the be divorced. We separated a year ago and are living in different apartments and stuff. It's not long until we are finally officially divorced.
3 weeks ago, I went out with a buddy of mine. We went to a bar for some drinks. I met (almost ex) my sister in law there. She is a beautiful, young and confident woman. We started talking, danced, drank some beers and eventually ended up at my place.
I am not sure if what we did is right. We are dating now. On the one hand, it is ok because me and my wife are not together anymore and about to be divorced. On the other hand, she is my sister in law, so that's a big no no....

#sil   #sisterinlaw   #wife   #divorce   #divorced   #sex   #relationship   #dating   #bar   #drinking   #alcohol  

I'll admit it: I'm human and I get so envious of others and how much is going on in their lives and I hate myself for it. I hate that I even have these feelings in the first place because my life is my own and I have made the choices I have made that have led me to today. No one else made them for me and for the most part, my life really isn't that bad. I don't need to have the biggest and the best house, job, car, etc... I've got somewhere to live, a nice enough car, a cat, plenty of wine and a decent job. What more should I want for besides someone to share my life with and maybe some actual friends? I'm working on it!

In the end it just feels like it's not enough when my sister comes over and I get so angry at myself because normally I like my life and who I am and it's not her fault that she makes me feel jealous and stupid. I should be the bigger person and just let this go but she seems to be a like a storm: something that just comes along with all it's thunder and lightning and their's nothing you can do to halt it's approach. It's a cycle and by the time she leaves or I leave every time we get together, I almost feel like I'm in physical pain from the press of holding my emotions in check. I always end up balling like a pathetic idiot just to release some of the tension. Often I have trouble breathing. It's almost like a panic attack is induced or something and I just don't get it.

To give you some background, my sister is two years younger than me and 20 kilos lighter. I'd probably say I am the prettier of the two of us even if I am overweight although she has a nicer smile and definitely knows how to dress. We grew up in a small town and I was the only farm girl in my year group with the other 9 girls being town girls. It was just two different worlds. I grew up liking the outdoors and using my imagination but the townies liked sitting around and gossiping about boys and clothes, etc. My sister on the other hand, had four other girls her age who grew up on farms and they all became fast friends. I went through school going from friend to friend and as a result, my social skills are somewhat lacking. Don't worry, that's not the case so much these days but I just don't get people like she does and despite trying to be a laid back person, I just seem to be so sensitive. I can't handle it when people let me down or don't live up to my expectations. It also doesn't help that we have so many of the same interests. We worked for similar companies, we both like reading, writing, art, cooking and sewing. I feel like I can never be an individual and I am too embarrassed to show any of my artwork to my family who scorned the fact that I like(d) manga & anime when I was younger and still do. I am the black sheep of the family and if my own parents and siblings judge me for my tastes so much then other people outside the family certainly will. However she likes country music which is still in the 'safe' category. She gets teased for being into it but she doesn't get scorned whereas a lot of people in Western society see an anime episode and just see it as a cartoon when many animes can be very violent and for adults only. I don't like them for being cartoons alright. I like then because I like entertainment. I'll watch/read almost anything but I particularly like anime because it is not as constrained as Western stories/cartoons. It mixes my two favourite mediums together after all: stories and art. But no, apparently I am childish and immature when I'd probably say I am MORE mature simply because I have broadened my horizons and I am interested in all sorts of areas.

Moving along: she met her future husband when she was 19 and that was it. She's married a lovely man in a beautiful ceremony and now she's six weeks out from having her first child. Her life isn't perfect by any means but she couldn't have asked for a more wonderful start. She lives in a brand new, enormous house on a massive farm. She's rich and she has horses, dogs, a cat, a big garden and an amazing car and she's only 25. There's no doubt about it: she knows what she wants in life and she gets it. Not only that, she's really pretty and can flirt like there's no tomorrow. She is a great conversationalist and always the centre of attention. She's confident and self assured. Guys are always hitting on her. She even told me that a workman from a neighbouring farm hit on her last week and she's married and 7 1/2 months pregnant!!! What the heck?!

It's no wonder I feel fat, frumpy and tongue tied when she's around. Our conversation largely consists of her and her life and her calling me a dag because apparently I have an odd sense of humour. So what if I'm quirky? So what if I haven't had a boyfriend (and god knows if I ever will since my flirting skills suck so much - I'm shy alright! That doesn't mean I won't say yes if you ask me! Why should I have to ask? Not all girls have to be confident because surely not all guys find that sexy?) We talk about her all the time and how great her sex life is and how much of a pain it is to be pregnant. You know some of us are terrified that we're going to end up alone and never have any children of our own! And if I dare complain about it's the same old, "well you just need to be more confident and flirt. Nothing will come to you if you don't put yourself out there." Yeah well I don't want to simper and fawn! I want to meet someone who will talk with me and make me feel comfortable. I am shy and I don't want to be rushed into something and expected to have sex on the first date. I don't like touching someone as a form of flirting because frankly I'd be a little alarmed if some guy did that to me the first time we met and started talking. She never asks me what's going on in my life and she's constantly making me feel like an idiot because she always has such a tremendously strong opinion that you doubt yourself and start believing that maybe she is right.

I don't like her freakin friend okay! (Something we argue about more than anything else) And I am effin' entitled to my opinion! She's a horrible person who has upset all the other friends in their social circle and my sister still can't see it. This person didn't come to the hen's night and on the wedding night, after I had given my speech, she decided to upstage me by doing her own speech. She tried to make it look like she wasn't getting up on her soap box by making the other two bridemaids get up there with her - one of which was quite drunk and going through some horrible family issues and all three of them made terrible speeches. And then, my sister blames the drunk one and says how dare she do that on my sister's wedding night instead of caring about how much her friend is hurting. I mean, who does that? Yes, your wedding is a very special day and your friends should leave their problems at home but life happens and I can't believe she can be so on the side of one friend (who everyone else hates) and so mad at another who has been a far longer friend and had a lot of things going on in her life and was dragged into making a speech that she never should have had to make.

In the end it is so humiliating to be jealous of her and I am trying so hard to be me and improve in my own way and I should be grateful to have advice from her (or so everyone and my conscious keeps telling me) but you know what? I don't freakin' want any of it!!! I don't want these feelings and I just want to be me. I want to be able to see her and not have a complete meltdown. Is that too much to ask for? I want to have a few of my own wins in life and I want to freakin do it myself! I don't need advice from someone who's basically got lucky. Yeah I admit I thought and probably still think I am smarter and more widely read than her. I admit that I did better in school than her and thought that I was always better than her and I freakin hate that I even thought that in the first place because I never thought I was that type of person. I hate myself and I hate that I do that as well and that I am so freakin hard on myself. I just wish my chaotic thoughts would take a backseat for a change and leave me the alone because you know what? Life is meant to be enjoyed and not endured and right now I just can't figure out how to enjoy it at all. I don't want to feel like I am struggling because I want to feel like I am being challenged and I want to enjoy the journey instead of constantly feeling exhausted by my feelings.

#jealous   #sister   #friends   #sad   #upset   #panic   #attack   #meltdown   #envious   #envy   #my   #life   #hate   #myself  

I haven't told this to anyone, but when I was 15 my first sex was homosexual anal. I fucked my boy cousins ass one night while staying at his house overnight, he was 15 also. The next day we went to the basement behind some shelves. He had his pants down and bent over the back of an old couch, with Vaseline on his butt and a jar of it in my hand I was going to lube up my cock and them use my receptive cum bucket again. He was wanting it as bad as I wanted to give it. We got so involved we didn't hear his sister (14) come down stairs with some laundry. She came back and asked what we were doing, and he stood bolt upright pulled up his tidy whiteys then his jeans and walked out. I was there with a jar of Vaseline in my hand and a hard 7" thin cock sticking straight out.
Oh, were you guys doing what we all used to do when we were little? she asked. I replied yes. From the time we were about 9 till 11 all three of us, plus one neighbor girl formed a club and used to get naked and play with each other. My cousin used to do strips for me and her brother in her bedroom if no one was around. She would let us rub our little cocks against her butt, even trying to insert them, I fingered her pussy and it got real wet before she chickened out and left me hanging, but once she started developing tits and pussy hair she stopped it all. We tried and tried to get her to at least show us her tits and hairy pussy but she wouldn't.
Don't tell my brother how much hair I have or anything, and you can only stick it in my butt, don't you dare stick it in me in my front, she insisted. Then she bent down and told me to rub some of the Vaseline on her butt. I did, then put some on my cock and fucked her up her ass.
My first and second fuck, were my cousins, a brother and sister, both anal. I continued to fuck them both for about 3 years. Her, only anal and eventually oral and her brother only anal. I did manage to suck his cock to completion about 5 times during that time though. Finally; one time when I took her on a date, we went to our normal motel, and I held her down while I ate her pussy, she loved it. About a month later I was eating her, and spread her legs, pinched her D cup tits and holding her down stuck my cock into her pussy. I finally got my first piece of pussy. Dark, hairy pussy that bled a lot. I always heard it only bled a little when breaking her hymen, but from eating her out the hymen was pretty thick. It bled for about 3 days actually, didn't stop until I fucked her a few more times. She hated that I forced her to fuck and stopped seeing me for a while. Then came back and I had a nice steady piece of pussy, ass, and mouth, plus her brothers ass.

#bi   #anal   #cousins  

I recently started smelling my MIL and SIL’s used panties. Fuckin hell! my mother in law tastes soo fucking good. She’s super clean so all you smell is her mature pussy scent with some dried pussy juice.

Sister in law on the other hand, smells like what you would expect a hot celebrity to smell like. Sweet pussy smell with floral scent. She’s 24yo virgin and recently has been going on dates with this guy, by the end of the date, her panties are drenched.

I put both of their used panties in my face and sniff that mother-daughter combo, I’ve never cummed this hard in my life.

Going to their house tonight for the next 10 days. Gonna be heaven.

#panties   #fetish   #cum   #virgin  

I'm 18 and gf is 17. We both go to school and work so not much time for us. When timing permitted I would go and wait for her at her home. Ater a few months I ended up in a heavy sexual relationship with her 14 yo sister. She was always there and we grew to know each other. She is so much finer in so many ways that I am in love and don't know what to do. My gf and I were going to move off to college together but now I just want to fuck and have great sex with her sister and cannot tell her what is going on. Her sister insists we need to be open and honest or she will tell mom and her sister. I'm Chicken Little headed for trouble.

#horny   #fuck   #sex   #nervous   #hot   #sexy   #young   #tight  

My friend wants to fuck my little sister and I want to help him

We’re both 25 and my sister is 22. She doesn’t know him really well. How can I help him?

#sister   #brother   #friend  

I am a 22 year old white male. I enjoy flashing my cock to anyone who is willing to look over. I am trying to tell my story on this website. This is a great website.

So, this segment has happened multiple times but I will only tell you about one, the other times happened exactly like this but just more then once. So, when my sister was in her room and I was in mine, but we were getting ready or she was going to go downstairs soon. I would drop my pants, either to take a shower or change, but instead of going straight to the shower or other clothes. I would openly jack off in my door way so my sister had no way of missing it while she walked down the stair. That are right next to my room's door. I would be standing there with my cock in hand and stroking fast, waiting for her to come out and look right in my room at my cock. She never disappointed. It was always a thrill for her to see me jerking off in my room.

#sister   #incest   #flashing   #cock  

I frequently have sex with my wife's sister. She is older, shorter, has bigger tits and is a better fuck then my wife.

#sex   #cheating  

So sometimes i get really angry at my sister recently i pushed her kind of hard into a wall and the next day she literally told me how when i was ‘trying to cool myself down’ and ‘taking deep breaths’ that i was doing good bc she thinks i’m talking about my “anger issues” with my therapist and she thinks that those are things i’m fucking working on and i get it who th is she to assume what’s going on between me n my therapist and she’s such a bitch for saying i have anger issues and i don’t like that why tf does she thrill she can talk about my feelings with me ew.

#anger   #therapy   #sibling   #sister  

Last spring, I went to my sister's house and we both got a bit drunk. I was obsessed over the fact that we had sex when we were both teens and that I wanted to do it again. I wanted to talk to her about what happened and how I thought that I took advantage of her when I lost my virginity with her.

I learned then that she also thought that she was the one who took advantage of me back then. Realizing that we both actually wanted to fuck each other was a big relief.

Being a bit drunk and all... 15 years after our first fuck...we ended up fondling each other, undressing each other, licking and sucking each other and, finally fucking each other and this time, without any doubt or remorse. I will remember forever her smiling lips and closed eyes when I entered her and her cute guilty face when she reached her climaxed and felt bad about squirting her juices all over me....When I came inside her, it was by far the most powerful orgasm I have ever experienced.

No worries about getting her pregnant though as she can't pregnant easily because she actually only ovulates once every 66 days for some reason :)

#sister   #brother  

I really want to fuck my ex gf was the worst of the worst tattoo'd drunk party girl I thought I was rid of her but she still pops into my mind sleeping awake does not matter at random times with my current gf. I think what the fuck and try to forget it . My current gf She is ok I am happy with her most of the time we get into aome kinky stuff but I want more !. I want to fuck my sister inlaw she has tattoo's is petite blonde she found our bed restraints kit while snooping one day and now is kinda flirty was told she is a prude which I highly doubt .......I have 2 co-workers who regularly flirt with me heavily one is a bunny boiler the other well lets say is a little more horny than most I have to talk to her on a semi regular basis and now when I do I have to control over the rock hard cock I get just talking to her I really just want to bury my face in her crotch till she screams my name over and over again then bend her over and feed it to her for hours ........maybe the xmas party will have to do .......


Pray and roll the dice for #sister

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