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Alcohol Confessions

Read the best #alcohol confession stories

when i was a teenager mom and dad divorced. mom was drinking a lot and one night i found her sleeping on the couch. her robe had opened up and i could see her boobs and pubic hair. that was the first time i saw a grown up lady nude. i just looked at her and for the first time in my life i was getting sexually excited. i got my camera and took nude pictures of her to look at when i masturbated. i got up the courage to touch her boob. it was so soft and while i was touch her boob i was amazed her nipple got really long and hard. i touched her pubic hair it was soft and fuzzy and a little damp. while touch her pubic hair i discovered she has big things between her legs i later learned it was her labia lips. i moved them around and i was able to put my fingers inside of her.
i hated mom when she was drunk but now i couldnt wait for her to get drunk so i could explore, learn and experience the opposite sex. all my first sexual experiences were with my drunk mother and she never knew what i was doing. the best feeling in the world is being inside of her vaaina

#alcohol   #mom   #son   #sex  

I almost vaped today at school and I have been drinking alcohol I am only 16 and doing some real bad shit ( sorry I cuss)

#badass   #vapes   #alcohol  

I am 23 years old and last weeked was the first time I drank alcohol. I am still living with my parents and when they left for date night on Saturday I found their vodka stash. I was rather curious and drank quite a bit.When my parents came back home I was lying topless on our kitchen table, singing "I want to break free" from Queen.I will never touch alcohol again. 

#topless   #queen   #confession   #alcohol   #drunk   #vodka   #fun   #embarrassing  

Some nights ago, I dreamt that I would kill my brother-in-law. He is my husband's brother and they are like best friends. My brother-in-law, called Luke, lives in our streets, so he's around every single day.
He's nice actually but he's a bit of a loser. He can't do anything, lost his job several times and is not able to handle a girlfriend. He drinks beer and alcohol every day, so around 5 or 6 pm he's already a bit sozzled and then he starts talking and touching. He slapped my butt twice already. I told my husband but he said Luke wouldn't mean it like that and that it's just a joke.

Now I dreamt that I drove him over. Before I had that dream I would never ever thought about it, but now... He's really a pain in the ass. But I don't want my husband to suffer. So I guess, I have to live with him.

#brother   #in   #law   #husband   #family   #alcohol   #beer   #dream   #kill   #death  

Every time I get drunk I become insatiably horny. It doesn't much matter who for, I'm not straight. But especially when I'm drunk what I really would love is a good hard cock -- or several. Several. All around me, in every hole. Kissed and adored and wanted and cum and mm. I can only keep from going to my ex about half the time when I'm drunk because he is the best sex I have ever had and is always more than happy to indulge whatever I want that he can safely give. He's so damn good and all I can think of is having sex with him when I'm drunk.

#alcohol   #lust   #sex   #cum   #confessions  

I do not want to get into much detail. I really need to be careful because I think that some people might recognize my confession if they stumble upon it. So, to keep things short... I stole my best friend's car and sold it for meth. I stole my mother's wedding ring to get more drugs.I used my little brother to steal things from a store so I could sell it.Those are just some of the things I did to get high. I am now 5 days clean and sober and I regret terrible what I've done. I am going through hell right now and I deserve it. 

#addiction   #addict   #drugs   #meth   #alcohol   #stealing   #confession   #hell   #torture  

I only got drunk once before turning 21. I was a good boy that followed the law. After turning 21, I began to explore the spirit and alcohol world. Since I was of age, I figured there was nothing wrong with it. While I was legally allowed to do it, it became something I did all the time, every day even. I know know that just because I was legally allowed to do something, didn't mean that I knew what I was doing. I have so many partial memories and times I wish I could remember

#alcohol   #alcoholic  

At the birthday party of my little sister (it was her 7th birthday) I put vodka into the bowle so the kids get funnier.

#alcohol   #vodka   #birthday   #party   #sister   #bowle   #kids   #funny  

Many times I have thought about what it’s like to get high. Or be drugged. Or be drunk.
I can’t drink or take drugs. I have epilepsy and strong medication.

#illness   #drugs   #alcohol  

I am drinking. I drink every day, all day. But I don't drink the normal booze like everyone else I really enjoy the expensive booze. Champagne especially. And to get drunk I need a looooot of champagne.
I am broke too. The money is from my sister's secret hiding place. She doesn't know what I do.

#alcohol   #sister   #booze   #champagne   #theft  

I got my little brother drunk. He's 16 years old and had some friends over, they had some beer with them and some tequila but none of them drank very much. When they left, I showed my brother what he could to with all the leftovers. I mixed him a very special cocktail, containing 4 cans of beer, half a glas of tequila and some vodka.

He drank all of it, we had some fun but then I sent him to bed.
The next morning the whole living room was covered in vomit. My brother had to clean up the mess; my luck was that he don't remember anything, so I denied giving him that much alcohol.

#alcohol   #vodka   #cocktail   #drunk   #vomit   #funny   #brother   #confess  

When my ex boyfriend broke up with me, I replaced his contact lenses solution with vodka.
Too bad for the vodka.

#ex   #vodka   #alcohol   #anonymous  

The last few months were really hard for me. I lost my job, my girlfriend dumped me and some of my friends turned their backs on me because they think I'm a total loser.
Some days ago I got totally wasted and emptied my whole stock of alcohol. As you may guess, I threw up. Not just once but several times. The entire apartment stank like hell.
The lady who rented the apartment to me sent me a written warning. She thought I had a party and several people puked.

#alcohol   #apartment   #warning   #confession  

I confess my gf is an alcoholic.

#alcoholism   #bad  

My friends and I love to crash house parties and there are A LOT where we live. We usually get quite hammered and dick around - it is always great fun. I also usually ends with one of most of us puking and throwing up. When I do, I like to do it on the carpet(s). When I am done, I turn them around, so it will not be noticed at first.
It is hilarious to watch when the host(s) notices and I when they have to clean it up afterwards.

#party   #puking   #alcohol   #wasted   #carpet   #host   #confession   #funny  

My aunt is an alcoholic. She can't get anything right only if she's drunk.When she passed out from drinkin to much, I take her wallet and her credit card and buy me stuff.I confess that I am a stealing and lying nephew.

#nephew   #aunt   #stealing   #drunk   #alcohol   #creditcard  

I'm 16 and for a while I drank a lot to get the pain to go away. I promised my self August 8th I would drink again. Its November and I can't smell alcohol with out going crazy and wanting it. I could never tell my dad. I come from a really good family, I would be a disappointment.

#alcohol   #teen  

Yesterday, I was VERY drunk and when I am drunk I get the strangest ideas. So yesterday, I left a big sausage in my neighbour's sand box, I pooped in the sand box.
Oh, I hope her terrible spoilt brat of a son will play in the sand box tomorrow. :-)

#evil   #sandbos   #drunk   #alcohol   #poop   #confess  

I was always attracted to my step sisters. They were twins and we were all the same age. The youngest one, lets call her becca, and i finally made a move onto eachother. It was late at night and got into the liquor cabinet. We got drunk off our asses and i helped her get to her room. I stayed there and chatted with her. Our faces were getting abnormally close and we started talking about personal things. (Shes skinny, 120 lbs at 5'7" Mexican) as things were heating up, she kissed me. I then kissed back but pulled away realizing the mistake. But i said fuck it, I started sucking on her brown, supple tits. Her boobs were a c cup. I pulled my pants down and she did hers. She began jerking me off like no tomorrow and i began to finger the shit out of her tight, virgin pussy. And as fast as it started, it ended.

#stepsister   #alcohol  

Some time ago my friends and I were partying in the city. We had a lot of fun and drank a lot of alcohol. The time went by and our alcohol consume took its toll. We were wasted and running around in the city, flirting with girls and mess around with people there.

After a while we met a homeless man. He was sitting in a corner of a building, drinking his beer and just looking miserable. We talked to him and while my friends where distracting him, I peed in his beer can.
We said goodbye and left after that, laughing our asses off.

In retrospect I feel terrible about it and very sorry for the man. He probably hadn't had anything else but that beer and I pissed in it. I am sorry!

#party   #homeless   #drunk   #alcohol   #beer   #can   #pee   #confess   #sin  

Pray and roll the dice for #alcohol

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