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Confessions Confessions

Read the best #confessions confession stories

I have grown a huge crush on my educator and future colleague and I cannot get over it or somehow I don't even want to get over it because I know what ever I feel is very pure and genuine. He's always there in my mind. Every where I go, everything I do, every time I close my eyes, every time I am with my open eyes, he's there , I mean not physically but he's there. Someone please out.

#crush   #colleague   #senior   #confessions   #help  

Every time I get drunk I become insatiably horny. It doesn't much matter who for, I'm not straight. But especially when I'm drunk what I really would love is a good hard cock -- or several. Several. All around me, in every hole. Kissed and adored and wanted and cum and mm. I can only keep from going to my ex about half the time when I'm drunk because he is the best sex I have ever had and is always more than happy to indulge whatever I want that he can safely give. He's so damn good and all I can think of is having sex with him when I'm drunk.

#alcohol   #lust   #sex   #cum   #confessions  

I told my parents that I would go on a camping trip with some of my class mates.
In fact, I'm flying to Amsterdam with my long-term secret boyfriend to smoke some weed and stuff.
I hope they don't find out.

#lie   #amsterdam   #weed  

I read almost all of the confessions here and I am so angry with all the people who write they "don't regret" anything because they are lying! Of course they regret what they did! Otherwise they wouldn't post it here on this website!
When you are already confessing your sins, why can't you tell the truth and say that you're sorry? Is it really that hard?

#confessions   #regret   #lie   #hate   #truth   #sorry   #website   #confessionstory  

I confess that I should be in the dancing school right now. But instead, I'm sitting here, reading confessions.
I missed the last 3 lessons just because I'm too lazy.

#lazy   #read   #confessions   #lesson   #missed  

So I'm 18 right now but when I was about 15 I started working at a candy store. For my whole life public nudity has turned me on likeeping crazy.

At the mall where I worked there were a lot of foreign people who shopped there for some reason. Well one night went I was closing alone I was particularly horns and this little again girl (probably about 12 and didn't speak english) come in wanting to buy some chocolate. So while I helped her I unzipped my pants and pulled out my cock and started to rub it behind the counter while she decided. Still rubbing my cock I got her chocolate and walked her over to the cash register where the counter was quite low and she could see me hard cock. I have her her total and she gave me her cash. Still rubbing my cock I got out her change. At this point I am about to cum so I keep her change while I finish and jizz all over it. When I hand it back and give her her chocolate she just looks at my milked cock, smiles and walks out.

At this same job we had two chocolate dippers. Whenever ic loses alone and after all the costumers had gone and I had locked the door I would take off all my clothes and finish the closing duties naked. After I was finished closing I would jack off. I jacked off using many different things in the store depending on my mood. One night I stuffed gummy worms up my ass and jacked off sitting at a table out on the floor (where the costumers would sit and eat). Another night I took an unopened jar of peanut butter, opened it, and ducked the peanut butter until i came inside of it. I just took a spoon and mixed it in and put it back on the shelf. I also, on multiple occasions, would cum in the chocolate dippers.

However, my most memorable cum was when I was 16 and closing alone (as with all of my other stories). I wad standing behind the counter, jacking off, when this little girl, who was probably about 9 or 10 came in asking for a free sample. Seeing that there were no parents around I told her that we had this new syrup that we were thinking about selling and asked if she wanted to try that. Of course she said yes, so I prompted her to walk fort to the end of the counter. I told her that it was a secret new candy so she would have to close her eyes. See she closed her eyes and I walked up terms her and jacked off right in front of her face. As soon as I felt that I was about to cum (which didn't take long) I told her that I was putting a tube in her mouth that would squirter the syrup. So I put my cock in her moth, pushed it in and out a couple of times and busted my load in her mouth. I told her that she couldn't swallow it yesterday because she needed to take time to taste it. When I pulled my cock out of this little girl'scout mouth I told her to open it so I could see that she didn't swallow it. Looking down at her woth my cum in her mouth I took a picture, put my cock away and told her she could open her eyes and swallow now.

#cum   #little   #confessions  

Today was one of the worst days in my whole life.
My dad left, my mom had a collapse. And I hate him so much right now, because he left us in this misery.
I hate him so much that I actually thought about killing him. Or at least, I want to beat the shit out of him.

Some days ago, I learned that my dad is a gambling addict, he played a lot of poker and made bets. He's a loser, he lost almost everything. We are higly in debts right now. Before he left, he took the last 500 dollars I had. That was for my car, took over 2 years to get so much money. Now it's all gone.

Actually, he wasn't that bad as a father. He worked hard (so I thought), cared about my mom, he even brought her flowers. Then we found out that he got fired 5 months ago...
Why would he do that? Why did he lie about it?

I hate him so much!!!

#hate   #confessions   #father   #money  

I've called the Alcoholics Anonymous and asked them which wine would match perfectly to fish.
They didn't answer me.

#evilness   #joke   #funny  

My best friend has been fucking me since we were young. Im married now and I still lay naked on my belly on his bed with him on top of me. I just love how it feels when he cums inside my ass, the way cum oozes out when he pulls out is heavenly!

#gay   #gaybff   #gayconfessions   #bottom  

Well I don't have the right category I wanted but just wanna share this.

I am a Filipino girl at around 14 years old. I just confessed my feelings to my friend a few hours ago.

I will hide my name as "Anon" and her name as "Asuna"

I met her last November. Me and my best friend always go home from school together with her squad. And because we always do that after school, I met Princess. That time I had no feelings for her. But she was always so kind to me, and I don't put any meaning to it, until this year, February 22, she hugged me for around 15 minutes, maybe a friendly hug but it was so tight and after that, she acted strangely, she has a marker stain in her face and she asked me to remove it, because her friend volunteered to remove it, but she refused so and chose me to remove it instead. After that, I knew my feelings toward her was real, so, I suddenly had a crush on her, at first. At this month april 15, we went to my best friend's older sister's party and she was invited. We were only few that time. When we are walking on our way home, it was only Asuna and me. We walked together but kept quiet. It was kinda awkward until she said that she will miss me, but yeah, I just said its ok bc I COULD NOT SAY THAT I WILL ALSO MISS HER. When she was at her destination I said goodbye and turned my back on her. Until she called my name, grabbed my arm and suddenly gave me a goodbye hug, like the ones in movies, even though we were in public, I just took the moment she hugged me for like 10 seconds and didn't mind the people looking at us, and she left me, confused on what she just did, and she ran to cross the road.

This day, we were on our way home, from our family trip. While we were on the car, I opened my messenger and I suddenly confessed my feelings to her. I said that she must not reply me, saying sorry bc she cant bring back my love for her or something like, so thanks to the feature in messenger, I just blocked her, because I had no choice, I know she's not a bisexual like me, well kinda. And here I am, writing this. I just, love her. I wanted her to feel the same way as much as I feel for her. But I will never know unless I unblock her, but I've already made some possible outcomes that she will just leave me in the "friend" zone. Help me :(((

#shy   #love   #bisexual   #romance   #confessions  

(m/18) It's really embarrassing for me to tell you this. When I was in 8th grade, I pooped in my pants. I was in school that day, just before class started; couldn't make it to the toilet and all of the brown glory landed in my pants and underwear. It stank horrible and I tried to get rid of all the shit on my ass and in my pants, but somehow I just thought 'fuck it' and went with it. I think it didn't take more than 2 minutes for the others to notice the smell. It was just HORRIBLE. Every time they tried to find out where the stench came from I tried distracting them and stuff. But in 3rd period the worst thing happened. I went up to the board and because I was sitting on my ass the whole time, the shit got through my pants and there was one hell of a stain on my ass.Throughout school I was known as shitter from then on. It made my life miserable. I want to confess that I am one lazy bastard and had I just cleaned myself up that day I wouldn't have to go through hell.

#confessions   #shit   #pants   #embarrassing  

I just wanted to take a short break and read some of the confessions here.
Now almost an hour has passed and I still haven't got back to work.
Damn it!

#confessions   #work   #lazy  

I get really fucked up on Crystal Meth and go on true confession sites and start typing stories I have heard, or at least I think maybe I heard them sonewhere, but it really doesn't matter cuz once I start typing I can't a to and I must just kinda keep on making up shit as I go along, although they seem pretty real no matter how fucked up or sick and twisted or just down right plain unbelievable or whatever and.then I come down and see what I've posted or at least try and figure out which ones may have been mine or not - I dunno. But it's pretty fuxked up and they aren't real and some take like hours to type and whatnot and I think maybe I need to get some serious help or something. Anyways, I think I posted a shit load on this site and they aren't real. The end

#meth   #sick   #twisted   #lies   #stories   #unconfessions  

What could be worse than losing the love of your life?
I can tell you: Losing not only the love of your life but also all of your money, even your car.

But it's not what you think. I didn't get hurt. I was the once causing it.

I tricked a woman into thinking I was in love with her. She believed it. It was a turbulent romance with a lot of sex, many drugs and fightings.
I slept at her place because I don't have an own apartment and she even paid some of my bills!
She loved me, no she ADORED me, I can feel it. That wouldn't be so bad, would it? But she was such a pain in the ass, she always wanted to cuddle and go to a nice restaurant and do couple stuff I guess. It was terrible!

So I dumped her.
Took her checkbook and her car when she was at work and drove off.
She hasn't heard from me since and she won't... ever.

I don't regret anything.

#heartless   #romance  

I just wasted an hour reading through this confessions.

#wasted   #confessions   #reading   #boring  

I visited my mom last year for her birthday. I moved out a few years ago and our contact wasn't that good for quite a long time and to this time last year we wanted to become closer again.
It was a really nice day, we get along very well.. but then her new boyfriend stopped by. He was totally wasted, didn't know that her birthday was on that day or who I was.
He shouted at her for not making dinner and drove off, not without flipping the bird.

I was just so pissed off! I couldn't and I still can't believe how rude this guy was.
My mom told me earlier he's working in a music store. So, when I drove home I looked in.
Well, I don't have to tell you that this bastard is a real pussy, I just threatend him a little bit like 'Yeah man whats your problem??? Leave my mom alone' and stuff and he showed me the white feather.

That idiot haven't got in touch with my mom since then and she doesn't know anything about this incident.
It's for the best I guess

#mom   #birthday   #boyfriend   #incident   #audacity  

when i was a child we had to go to confession and I often made up things and added in some swearing, and cursing, coveting desires , envy etc and temptations and eating too much chocolate.

#hmmm   #confessions   #at   #school  

Me and my mom were best friends when I was growing up. She was always there for me and we had great fun together.I really thought I could tell her everything. One day, I borrowed some jewelry from her for school. It was a very old, pretty ugly necklace and I thought this would not be a problem. I never saw her wearing it and I really wanted to return it right after school.On this day, and I didn't think about it, we had PE in the last two periods. I left the necklace with my other stuff in the locker room.And it was gone when I came back! I looked everywhere, but I just couldn't find it. Someone else must have stolen it. I was so terrified of my mom and that she maybe didn't love me anymore because of this. I was so scared that I would lose my best friend.So, I lied. A few days after I lost it, my mom was looking everything for this stupid necklace.And, as I found out, it was the necklace of her grandmother, (my great-grandmother)...I never told her that I lost it and I lied and helped her look for it for months.I am so sorry about that!

#confessions   #necklace   #grandma   #mom   #school   #gym   #stolen   #lie  

I'm 32 years of age and for the past few years my desire to have sex with my mother has grown stronger. She is 53 shortwith a bit of curves that makes her look a bit chubby. At a stage when i was still in the house 18 to 20 years of age she use to undress infront of me. She would leave the bathroom door open when she peed even when she bathed. Not covering up i could see her nice c cup breasts small nipples and her bush covering so i couldnt see properly. But still caught glimpse here ant there of her. At that time i didnt think of her in a sexual way so i just looked as a male of that age. Until the one day when without thinking when she stood naked infront of me again busy getting clothes i reached out and touched her breast to take of something stuck on the side of her breast. I placed my hand on her breast and and moved it over to the side to wipe it off. She stopped with what she was trying to take out the cupboard looked over to me as i had my hand on her breast. I had my hand on her breast for a few seconds as i enjoyed what i felt when i touched it. She asked what i was doing and i said just getting that of and she than said that i shouldnt enjoy it to much as she is my mother and with that said i notice that her nipples got longer and hard. Which my hand immediately went and touch her nipple. She made a noise i couldnt make out and suddenly got uncomfortable. Pushed my hand of her breast and said that's enough. Since that day i have been wondering more and more how the rest of her must feel like. A couple of months later after that day she caught me pants on the ground busy helping myself. Both of us froze and she looked at my hard cock in my hand and i couldnt help but look her up and down she had her see through nighties on and i could see her nipples as hard as that day. She turned around and went back to her room i thought she is going to tell my dad but till this day not a word. But ever since than she hasnt been naked infront of me like it use to be. No if i see her naked i accidentally walked in. I know she is my mother and the feeling i have to have sex with her isnt normal. Thing is i have been wondering what will happen if i just tell her straight forward how i feel what will happen.

#lust   #sex   #family   #mother   #confessions  

I'll try," she said as he walked away.
"Try not to lose you."
Two vibrant hearts could change.
Nothing tears the being more than deception,
unmasked fear.
"I'll be here waiting" tested and secure.

Nothing hurts my world,
just affects the ones around me
When sin's deep in my blood,
you'll be the one to fall.

"I wish I could be the one,
the one who won't care at all
But being the one on the stand,
I know the way to go, no one's guiding me.
When time soaked with blood turns its back,
I know it's hard to fall.
Confided in me was your heart
I know it's hurting you, but it's killing me."

Nothing will last in this life,
our time is spent constructing,
now you're perfecting a world... meant to sin.
Constrict your hands around me,
squeeze till I cannot breathe,
this air tastes dead inside me,
contribute to our plague.
Break all your promises,
tear down this steadfast wall,
restraints are useless here,
tasting salvation's near.

Nothing hurts my world,
just affects the ones around me
When sin's deep in my blood,
you'll be the one to fall.

"I wish I could be the one,
the one who won't care at all
But being the one on the stand,
I know the way to go, no one's guiding me.
When time soaked with blood turns its back,
I know it's hard to fall.
Confided in me was your heart
I know it's hurting you, but it's killing me."


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