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Cheating Confessions

Read the best #cheating confession stories

I'm 39, turning 40 in a couple weeks. It's been kind of getting to me, I admit. I went out with my friends for a girls night and I have never cheated on my husband in our 16 years of marriage but this never got I knew in my mind that I wanted to. I drank a lot, knowing it's the only way I could go through with it. I hadn't had sex with anyone else since before we started dating, and I wanted to have a fling before I turn 40. If kill him if he did it, but I didn't feel guilty, but I do now. I got drunk and threw myself at a younger guy, we danced and I made sure to really show him that I wanted him. We kissed and messed around st the club, and we left in an uber to his apartment. I was really drunk but still had some sense and was thinking of a way out and when we got there he had a roommate who was smoking pot. I hadn't done that since college, so we smoked. I got really high and we kissed more and I just remember sitting on his lap topless and the next thing I was going down on him. This was in the living room of his apartment with his roommate in the room. I ended up having a threesome, they both penetrated me and we did things that I haven't done with my husband in years. Both had sex with me but it was as one at a time while I took the other in my mouth. Both had me anally, which is really embarrassing and painful. When I woke up in the morning I got dressed and ran out half drunk and got an uber home. It 9 am. My husband was very worried, he locate where I was and said he drove there but couldn't get past the locked gate. I told him it was one of my girl friends and apologized to him. He accepted it. He's throwing me a huge 40th birthday party so I don't want to ruin it. It's been a week today.

#threesome   #anal   #cheating   #wife  

I’ve convinced my crush to cheat on his girlfriend with me. I played with his emotions until he didn’t know who to choose, now we’re arranging to meet up. I don’t regret it.

#cheating   #noregrets  

I'm leaving my wife today. She doesn't know it yet. I said I forgave her the first time she cheated. I tried to and I wanted to. She did it again. Im done.

#wife   #cheating   #betrayal  

I've been with my boyfriend for about 5 years. I Convinced him to move out of state with me. He thinks we are so in love and as much as I'd like to believe I love him so Much, I cheated on him multiple times with different men. The guilt is eating me alive but can not bring myself to tell him and he's all I have so I can't leave because I'm scared to be alone.


is that I have a sex addiction and I happened to speak to a porn star via twitter. She then came to my town and I asked to see her. She said ok, and I met her and her husband and the next thing you know, she's blowing me and then we both bang the shit out of her. Best day of my life!!

My daugther is so beutiful. She was 18. She have nice curly body. Her tits is grapefruit size. I love my wife. My 1st wife my daugther mom she died went she gave birth to her and i marry her sister. But she can't have babies. I wasting a lot of sperm for nothing the only sperm i waste went she gave me a blowjob. One night she was sleeping. My daugher came to me and tell me dad i want you to be my first ang impregnate me don't waste your sperm that bitch. Guive your sperm. She remove her night gown and we fuck on the sofa for hours. I And she got pregnant. My wife doesn't know is mine. We fuck every time she sleep go to work and one night i gave strong sleeping pills and fuck same bed while she was sleeping. Im planning to divorce her and marry my daugher we can't stop fucking each other. Now she got 5 children im the father. My wife doesn't know is mine.

#daughter   #impregnate   #cheating  

I had sex with my friend's girlfriend. My friend and her once had sex in my room, so she knew where I stayed. I invited her over on Valentine's day after school, my friend was out of the country at that time, and we just went for it. Great sex, she is very gorgeous and we have kept this secret for a long time now. After some months, my friend got another girl and I also had sex with her also after they had dated for 2 weeks. He knows about this one though, and he has been chasing my girlfriend and exes but failing. I feel bad.

#friend   #cheating   #sex  

I've always been the sensitive guy when it comes to relationships. so if a girlfriend of mine cheats on me. it really does hurt me alot, and it would take me a long time for me to handle all that pain but here's a story of how I did enjoy my lover cheating on me:

I've been dating this girl for a couple months now. well, she isn't my girlfriend, and she's hiding from me why she doesn't want me to be her boyfriend. and I kinda didn't mind. cause she was a bit different than most girls and she change the way I look at things. and not digging too deep into it was my way of saying thanks for changing the way I look at things, and we always had sex whenever she comes over. and then I found out she was dating another man. so rather than confronting her. I decided to just befriend the guy and find out things about him and her. I used a fake account to do it on facebook and chatted with him, and I found out that she was actually married to the guy. it was a surprise to me. cause her profile has no trace of her being married. and I don't know why. but that made me feel a little better, I didn't know why. but the thought of being a guy that a girl uses to cheat on her lover sounds like an honor or something. it was weird. I always get cheated on.... but never the guy who was used to cheat on their lover. I felt empowered.... confident even. is this the feeling of cheating? cause its amazing.

anyway, after finding out all that. I decided to tell her what I learned, so the first time she arrived. I told her. she was crying and telling me this is all wrong and this isn't the way she wanted me to know. she actually thought I was angry that she didn't tell me. but for me, its the opposite. I didn't play the victim of cheating this time... I get to play the best part. So I told her that I didn't mind at all. and we talked and all that. and um... we had sex. a couple of times, cause the thought of me fucking a married woman just for some reason turns me on even more. she keeps changing the way I look and making me discover more about myself. and I loved her for it. and it just keeps getting better and better. one time I went to her house when her husband wasn't around and we fucked in their bed. I guess its true... stealing a man's wife on their bed is the best feeling. but that wasn't enough. I became good friends with the guy and actually decided to turn that friendship into a real thing. and one time when I was over their house. the guy was too busy watching something and I fucked his wife in their kitchen. it was a quickie cause we didn't want to get caught. but it was the best feeling ever. its like I was living in a porn movie.

but good things comes to an end. she decided it was bad that she keeps cheating on her husband. after like... 3 years of us doing it and not getting caught. but oh well, its time to move on I guess. but there's still some instance where my "friend" invites me over and his wife is one tease away from going on her knees and sucking my cock. but yeah. thats my story, we still haven't gotten caught yet.

I love wearing very short skirts and dresses and letting men see me without under wear. My husband has no idea I do this during the daytime while he is at work. I have gone as far as picking a guy who had enough guts to say something to me, I had sex with him in the car then walked around the mall with his dripping cum down the inside of my legs.

#exhibitionism   #fetish   #cheating   #cum  

I go looking on homemade porn sites for videos of my best friend. She used to be a swinger, and cheated on her husband for years with one lover in particular. I look for her because her lover had a tape of them together. I believe it’s more than one because he did a hidden cam once, then told her about it and she then tagged she loves the camera. I go looking for a hot haired brunettes that are hot and pale biy no such luck yet.

#friend   #porn   #cheating  

I was staying with my friend and his wife while looking for a job. He was always bragging how hot his wife was and how good she was in bed. I thought she was plain and overweight, but she had a nice big wide fat ass.

Usually I would go job hunting shortly after my buddy left for work and not return until the end of the day. One day, my interview was canceled and I was near the house, so I thought I would stop by and grab a bite to eat. When I came in I heard my friend’s wife upstairs making noises. I went upstairs and peaked in the bed room - she was masturbating with a vibrator. I waited until she was in the throes of an intense orgasm, when I walked in and took off my clothes. She was bewildered, especially when I tossed the vibrator and mounted her. My friend was right, she was a great lay and orgasmed with me when I came deep inside her. After the glow of sex wore off she said she was pissed at me for taking advantage. Then I took her again, bending her over the bed. No complaints after that.

This became a daily routine after my friend left for work. It definitely prolonged my job search.

#cheating   #lust   #masturbation  

I'm a 20 year old guy. I've been with my girlfriend for 3 years. We're unbelievably close and have basically planned out lives together. But I can't help but feel that she's not the one. I've had a few drunken kisses with a few girls and a one night stand with a close friend. None of which she knows about, and all of them I feel terrible about. I know if I tell her she'll dump me. But I also know (almost for sure) that if we break up she will kill herself. I obviously don't want that to happen but I can't help but think about other girls.

#relationship   #cheating   #suicide  

Me and my girlfriend have been together for about 8 years now. We started dating around the age of 14. She was my first girlfriend, and I was her first "serious" boyfriend. Not that she was sleeping around, she just had a few other "playground boyfriends." Ie, non serious. But thats besides the point. We were dating for about 2 years, when her family moved to another town. We were both still pretty young, and our parents didn't think we'd last, so obviously, with us not driving yet, it was pretty difficult to see each other. We tried though. Even that far apart I couldn't help but feel how much I loved her. We took any chance we could to see each other. Always had things to talk about. Constantly joked about marriage and kids and all that.

She started seeing me less and less though. She started having plans with other people, and not wanting to talk to me as much. She told me about this new guy she had been hanging out with. Told me not to worry about it. They were just friends. And I believed her. She never let me meet the guy, but I figured it was conflicting schedules or something. About a year after she first started hanging out with him, she called me crying She had been cheating on me for the past 6 months, and had gotten pregnant from this other guy. (I mean, you all saw that coming, right?)

So we break up. I'm heart broken, and my parents are making me feel worse, telling me they were glad she cheated, so that I could finally get a good girlfriend (ie, one they approved of). I didnt care if people thought it was just a stupid adolescent love affair. I loved her. I was committed to her. And she completely betrayed me.

I didnt date the rest of high school. I was deeply depressed, and very stuck in my own head. I didnt talk to anyone. I failed all my classes, and started getting into drugs. The only reason I even graduated was because I got stuck in a work release program, and most of my grade was given to me by my store manager. Took me about 2 years to get over her. Took a little longer than I had hoped, because I found out she had changed her last name to his, which kind of re opened some wounds.

I just started dating this girl. Nothing serious. Its been about 2.5 years since the break up. I wasn't wanting anything too serious. We weren't even having sex. The occasional kiss was all we shared. And that was fine with me. But one day my Ex called. She wanted to see me and catch up. So I went, thinking nothing of it. Or at least telling myself that.

We've been back together ever since. I am raising her ex boyfriends son with her now. Its been almost 3 years. I shouldn't have let it get this far, because I hate the idea of raising another mans child. I mean not that hes a bad kid, he just kind of wouldn't exist if his mother hadn't fucked another dude... He looks up to me. He loves me. Now I'm more of a Father figure to him than his own Father (whos gone on to have 4 other kids, btw)... But I secretly hold this anger towards the son were raising. I know its not fair. And I know he isnt old enough to understand.. But I don't want him. I love them both very much, but I don't want them. Especially his mother... She is great, and nice and pretty and hard working. Always talking about how good weve become at being parents. But I just dont feel the same towards her anymore...

Like I said, its been almost 3 years of feeling this towards both of them... The only reason we havent broken up is because Im too scared of another 2 year heart break. And because I dont want her son to feel like it is his fault. Its not fair to any of us. But I cant bring myself to end it with her.

#cheating   #pregnant   #ex  

This story may be long so please bear with me. I have been with my husband for 15 years and married for close to 10 years. Halfway throughout our marriage I was diagnosed with an illness which decreased my sex drive. I also have no kids due to my illness. Because of my low sex drive I would mostly say no to my husband if he wanted to have sex. Sex would occur maybe once a month of maybe every few months.  One day while watching TV I grabbed my husband's phone to look at some pictures that he took and he immediately took back his phone and started acting suspicious. My husband is a very bad liar so I knew instantly that he was hiding something. He confessed and showed me all the porn that he had been watching. I was so upset at him and cried because I felt betrayed. If he told me he was into porn I would have been okay with it and watched as well, I guess it was the sneaking behind my back that made me upset the most. Months went by and I could feel my hormones starting to change. I was always horny. This time when I wanted to have sex my husband never had the time (he works 2 jobs and gets exhausted). 1 night we made the plan to have sex when he got home, but it never happened. When he left for work I started watching porn but it did nothing for me. I then began to masturbate, but again nothing. I decided to go online and sex chat with strangers to see how it would make me feel. I chatted with a few guys and the feeling was incredible. Made me feel so bad. I would take sexy pictures and rejoice every time I received a compliment on my hott body. I felt wanted, which is the exact feeling I was longing for. I then began chatting with this new guy. He was different. He was funny and cute and also married and feeling lonely in his marriage. With him it wasn't about the sex it was more emotional. For me, I have an amazing relationship for my husband so i was purely looking for something sexual. I spoke to this guy for a month and finally decided that we should meet. I would wake up in the morning and my husband would tell me how beautiful I was and how lucky he was to have me. A week before meeting the other guy I started feeling knots in my stomach knowing that I couldn't betray my husband. I ended up coming clean to my husband one night after dinner. I told my husband about how I was going to meet a stranger to make out and told him it was because I was feeling unwanted from him. My husband was so graciously understanding and did not get upset at me. More than anything he was trying to understand where all of this was coming from. He kissed me and told me he was glad I came clean and that he would never be able to tolerate it if I actually cheated because he has too much self respect to stay with me. He said "if you ever cheat on me, I never want to know. If I know, I will leave you, and I never want to leave you". I stopped chatting with the other guy at this point and started to work on my marriage. Things were starting to get really good, but in the back of my mind I couldn't forget that rush I felt from talking to a strange man and have him admire my body. A few weeks after confessing to my husband I was back online. I started talking to this guy who was also married but with kids. He was looking for an NSA relationship just like me. He was so smooth with his words and somehow convinced me to meet him a week after we started chatting. I was at my friends bachelorette party and planned on meeting him in a McDonald's parking lot for a quick make out session before heading home. I get into his car and kept hearing him tell me how hott I was. He made out for 10 minutes, he even offered to lick me down south but I refused. As soon as I got home I was so turned on and ended up having the best sex imaginable with my husband. I continued talking to this guy and he turned out to be a decent human being. We would talk daily for 4 weeks and met up 3 times just to make out. One day after much thinking I decided to end things and told him I had to work on my marriage. He asked if we could meet one last time and i agreed that we could meet on his birthday. This guy had a way with his words and it was so hard to say no. So yesterday I went to see him, but this time it was in a hotel. I bought the sexiest outfit and lingerie I could find. He was so passionate. He kissed every part of my body and even did things I wouldn't allow my husband to do. I gave him a bj and made him cum within a matter of seconds. He called to check up on his kids and they weren't well so he wasn't able to get hard in time for us to actually have sex. But what we did enjoy was 3 hours of passion and I can't get it out of my mind. I am ashamed to say that i woke up this morning feeling no regret. I love my husband and will spend the rest of my life making it up to him. I will also take this secret with me to the grave. I guess the reason for my confession is to know how I could move forward. How can I make things better? A million thoughts and emotions have been running through my mind all day and I know in my heart that my husband deserves better. I know I'm a cheater, but that's not the only label that defines me. I love my husband more than I love my own mother. I always think about all the years I deprived him of sex, yet he still never cheated on me...and here I was after a few months of neglect going off and having an affair. He is my best friend and i could never imagine my life without him. I know he deserves better. How can I make myself better and worthy of him? I no longer speak to the other guy, but how can I stop myself from getting tempted again? I would appreciate some honest advice.

#cheating   #confession   #husband   #wife   #sex  

Me and my wife had been married for 1 week when this happend. I'm bi and my wife knows I like to look at men on the internet and I get turned on by them. I've never been with a guy or thought I would... That all changed. 1 week after our honeymoon she was back at work and I had the day off. I posted on Craig's list just to see if I could get some pics. 5 mins go by. I get an email from a guy claiming he had a 9in cock and would love to just chill. I was really horny and thought, what the hell ill just go chill and nothing will happen. I made it like 2 blocks from his house. I txted him. He said come on over. I walked really slow. I got to his Door. He buzzed me in. The flight of stairs seemed to take forever to climb bc I really had no idea what was at the top. I knocked on the Do it and he opened it. In a towel. I couldn't breath. I walked in and sat on the couch. He came and sat beside me. I was getting hard and had no idea why. He stands up and drops the towel. And omg was he huge. He stepped right up to me and grabbed my head. Next thing I know I'm sucking his dick. He forced his dick in my mouth for what seemed like forever. All of a sudden he yells out Im cunning. He slammed his dick as far in my mouth as he could and came. I swallowed it all. He stepped back grabbed the towel and said thanks. I got up and left. My wife does not know this happend and will never know.

#cheating   #bisexual  

My pretty wife fucked a boyfriend of hers. i can't forgive her.

#wife   #cheating  

Im married and fucking my boss who is also married.
He is 23 years older than me.

He is developing feelings that i don't have or want (my marriage is happy just the sex is crap) but i don't want to stop cause I am enjoying it

I'm a female, and I have been cheated on multiple times. Eventually, I started cheating. It feels so good knowing that I turn other men on. I find it really satisfying when I sext and flirt with someone new. The feeling I get when I am talking to another person other than my partner is amazing. It makes my current relationship feel boring, though. I usually do it over the phone, but it's cheating nonetheless. I know I would feel crushed if my partner did this, but somehow knowing it doesn't make me stop.

#cheating   #sex   #sexting  

I’m 24yrs old and have been with my bf for 3yrs and have a child with him. Unfortunately due to some rough patches we’ve gone through and still kind of are going through , I feel I’ve lost all attraction to him. In fact I know I have because I am now cheating on him something I had always said I’d never do and have NEVER done... until now that is..
I met this guy who just blows my mind. We started hanging out as friends of course and he was well aware I had/have a bf. He respected our relationship as in he never tried to even flirt with me and we quickly became good friends. So much to the point I started expressing our problems to him ( yup it’s going there ) he of course and listened to me and whatever we continued to bond. Well one of my problems in my relationship is that I am not satisfied sexuallyand my bf refuses to try anything new so I become sexually frustrated.. and one night I was so horny and ( let’s call him Nick) Seemingly randomly Nick started to flirt with me. At this point I’ve been talking to him for a few months and have had a crush on him the entire time..without even really thinking about it I responded back showing I was clearly interested. Got to the point of telling him I’m tired of fucking myself to which he got me to confess that I would so let him fuck me in a heartbeat. Well ever since that night we’ve been sexting eachother and I’m dying for the day he gets here ( we don’t live in the same state ) to secretly fuck me. I’m still very much with my bf and he knows that but just wants to give me a good time I so desperately need. He’s coming to my state in a few months and I’ve never wanted someone to fuck me so bad I get wet just talking about it. Yes we literally have a whole week planned of cheating and I don’t think anything is going to change my mind. I just needed to get it off my chest somewhere because I can’t tell a single soul about this and I know he has no problem with this being a secret which just turns me on more.

#cheating   #lust  

I'm a married man and I've had a crush on my friends wife for a few years now. He's more of an acquaintance. I see her a lot more. I want to make sweet love to her in a major way. I find myself constantly fantasizing about her.

#crush   #beautiful   #married   #cheating  

Pray and roll the dice for #cheating

Confessions by

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