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Confession Confessions

Read the best #confession confession stories

I really am afraid of thunderstorms. I can't handle them and if I hear the slightest noise of a thunder, I hide under my bed crying.
I am 34 years old and I have a daughter.

#thunderstorms   #fear   #daughter   #thunder  

f18. i’m horny asf rn. i want someone to rate my body and tell me all the dirty things they’d do to me. add me on discord

#horny   #confession   #discord  

I told my teacher my mom has cancer so she would let me eat and sleep in class. My teacher said I should do what I thought was best for me.
My mother is perfectly fine, I just played Xbox the whole night and hadn't got time to sleep or eat.

#lie   #mother   #cancer   #teacher   #school   #lazy   #xbox   #sleep   #eat   #confession  

I am 16 years old and I live in Spain. Sorry for my english.
This year me and some friends of mine are going to the fiesta de cerveza (Oktoberfest) in Germany. But our parents are not supposed to know. We told them we would visit another friend in another city but actually we are flying to Múnich en September.

#confession   #oktoberfest   #lie   #fiesta   #cerveza   #parents  

Okay. So me and my partner have been struggling quite a lot recently with arguing and things like that. Well we'd just had an argument and I'd stormed off and was sitting in my car thinking about how and why I'd not done so great in relationships before. So obviously, I sought feedback from my ex.

A bit of backstory, my ex broke up with me after 1.5 years of dating. It wasn't a great relationship, we argued a lot and broke up and got back together etc. Anyway. He had a gambling addiction that I found out about, he told me he'd stopped and been done with gambling for a year so I took him for a celebratory meal etc. Anyways, I find out about 6 months after it was all a lie and he'd been gambling behind my back and its why he never had money (he told me he was saving for a house). This led to me controlling his finances (he asked me to) and obviously started the strain on the relationship because of the lie and the constant lying on top of that.
He breaks up with me outside a pub at 12.30pm and never gave me an honest answer as to why things ended. So during this argument, I thought I need to know. So I reached out to him and was really nice and polite like hey hope you're well etc but why did you break up with me kind of thing...
I didn't expect a reply, but I got one. And he said that he was struggling at the time and it was intense etc but he couldn't think of a reason. Anyway, I left it a day (things have been resolved with my partner) and thought I'll just reply and say thanks, hope you're well, carry on getting help and hope the family is okay.
I send the message.
He's blocked me.
Cause he's the biggest time wasting individual who doesn't deserve a food word spoken about him who goes around, lying to everyone and everything and then running away from the situation.
I rlly want to talk to someone about it but I lied to my best mate and said I didn't text him and can't tell my partner cause it would hurt them. So here I am, silently fuming cause I didn't get the last word and wanting to just tell him once and for all to shove his over entitled head up his own arse.

#myex   #seekingclosure   #closure   #ex   #breakup   #partner   #confession  

I work in a filling station at the drive-through checkout. Some days ago an older guy around 60 or something drove by and wanted to pay with his credit card. He talked to himself all the time, he was really a creepy hell of a guy and really really unfriendly. When I told him to wait a moment he insulted me and said that I was an incompetent loser.
He then gave me his credit card, I put it in the card reader and told him to enter his PIN. He started talking while typing as accidentally told me his code. I gave him the receipt and he drove off showing his middle finger.
But he forgot his credit card.

I drove to the mall the same day and went shopping like I had never shopped in my like.
Thank you Mr. **** for your kind gift!

#filling   #station   #drive   #checkout   #credit   #card   #shopping   #money   #unfriendly   #confession  

I went through my brothers room to see a bunch of Barbie dolls

#barbie   #brother   #confession  

I hate my sister.


I read every confession on this site. I should be working right now but I don't want to, it's just too damn funny.

#confession   #work   #funny   #lazy  

Yep here I am, sitting at my desk, supposed to work but I don't. I spend the last hour reading through the comments. I'm almost done. The next thing I do is looking for another website to waste my working hours.

#desk   #office   #work   #lazy   #website   #confession  

Well I suppose that people spend a long time before talking or telling about things that should be kept hidden. I cannot be the only one, I was born like this, but of course I hated it and hid it. But not without acting out. I was always masculine, I played sports, both Volleyball and Softball. My Softball team member Amber was a full on bull dyke and every girl knew that she was out to fuck every girl on the team. I was scared when she came to me, she started by calling me names, belittling me for being so weak and miserable. She kissed me forcefully, grabbed my crotch and shoved me down on the couch in our living room. She called me a she bitch and little wimp and tore my pants and panties off and shoved her fingers in my vagina and kissed me hard on the lips. Your mine bitch, she told me, and she told everyone on the team. I was 17 and a virgin up to then, I had only kissed a couple of girls and never got beyond second base.

I had to wear a yellow ribbon in my hair so she could spot me in the crowd. Many days she took me into the girls' bathroom and I had to give up my panties and go commando. She liked the look of a hairy beast but on me she wanted the little girl. Her tongue was everywhere a tongue should never be, between my legs and between my butt cheeks, or down my throat. And her fingers were used to open my lips and to slip into my vagina, to grab my tits, to slap my thighs and ass. It was one day when I got mad and resisted her and got on top myself and forced kissed her and grabbed her tits and then stuck my tongue in her ear. Leave me alone I said. But she never did.

I never wanted to be like this, I wanted to know a man at least once, but I never have. All I know is tits and ass and vaginas. I have never known a dick. There, now you know. I'm a bitch lesbian.

#lesbian   #confession  

I'm always sick of my partner hogging the attention during sex and I really want it for myself, I want to introduce bdsm into our relationship and I'd really love to become a pet to her but I mm scared to tell her that I'm jealous and I just want to be her kitten

#bdsm   #confession   #sex   #attention  

I am 14 years old. But sometimes, i feel so horny. I feel like i want to have a sex. But I am scared. Because of that, I am just playing with my clit and fingering my self. But I just fingered once coz i am so scared Maybe it'll devirginized me. Help me pls

#masturbation   #sex   #confession  

I don't like the way my wifes talks to me. She treats me like I don't know anything and like I couldn't do anything without her telling me. I now started to give her sweets everytime she talkes nicely and politely with me and it's starting to work. She is re-thinking her behaviour and even corrects herself if she said something harsh.
This method is called "classical conditioning" by Pavlov. He invented this, using his dog.

#dog   #pavlov   #wife   #sweets   #conditioning   #classical   #confession  

What I am going to write now is so disgusting I am glad that no one knows you I am.
Do you know cake pops? Those lollipop-cakes on a stick?
I decided to make some of them and bring them to work. Bought the stuff I needed and got to work. I soon realized that my dough was one fluid mess and I was running out of time because I got the night shift and I still had to clean up everything and take a shower and stuff.
I then did something ... disgusting and disturbing, I got this idea while sitting on the pot. I decided to bake my excrements, make a stick on it and take it with me to work. So I did!
I even covered it with some icing.
Some of my colleagues ate it and had to puke. None of them knows what it really was, I told them maybe one of the eggs I used was spoiled. They believed me and I regret doing that in the first place.

#cake   #pop   #disgusting   #excrements   #bake   #stick   #work   #confession  

My boyfriend and I love animes and mangas. And recently, we started taking those interests to bed as well. We started role playing as characters from our favourite anime TV show and I guess that's what saved our sex life. I would even say that it was the best sex we had in 3 years. We would just talk and act like the characters from the anime and it was awesome!!My question is, however, is this still normal or do you think we should consider seeing a therapist or something?It's the first time I am talking about it, as I really think it's quite embarrassing to talk about...

#partner   #sex   #boyfriend   #animes   #love   #fetish   #confession   #tv  

After a long and exhausting day at college, I drove home by bus. After 10 minutes or so, an elderly woman with a cane entered the bus and immediately stormed towards me. She started screaming and shouting at me why I didn't leave my seat for her. This harsh tone and this arrogant implicitness without a trace of politness got me furious. I told her that I had a knee joint and that I wasn't able to stand during the bus drive.
She kept shouting at me and said something like we youngsters are too soft and whiny.
I despise such people. It's a shame that we have such people in our society.

#hate   #bus   #college   #whiny   #knee   #lie   #woman   #cane   #confession  

I’m scared , I’ve been gay since I was 14 and I have yet to reveal it to anyone other than 2 of my closest friends . I’m scared of how others outside will perceive me since i live in an area with heavy discrimination on the matter. I’m turning 19 this year and I have yet to reveal it to my loved ones. I’m scared of the Outcome.

#fear   #gay   #comingout   #family   #confession   #secret  

I get mad easily at people I feel really bad it hurts them and me

#feelings   #anger   #people   #confession  

Female, 14.
Because I am not allowed to smoke, me and a friend of mine meet once a day in our near park to smoke a cigarette. We always put the snags in a plastic bag and throw them in a rubbish bin.
A few days ago a fire occured in that park. One of our cigarettes kept glowing and set the bin on fire, a few trees and some bushes got also burnt down and now the police and everyone is looking for those persons who set the fire.
It's a desaster, we can't go to our parents because they didn't allow us to smoke and if they would find out, all hell breaks loose....

#fire   #cigarette   #smoke   #bush   #tree   #park   #fear   #confession  

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