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Boyfriend Confessions

Read the best #boyfriend confession stories

so, I met a guy 10 months ago, and of course we made it , since then we're together but what he doesnt know is that , even if i want , i cant be open with him about my life , i continue lying him abou everything in my life , just to feel loved , .. im a terrible person , i already cheated on him with 3 guys.
but somehow i do love him... even if im doing this

#boyfriend   #bad   #imaliar  

I (m/22) confess that I persuade my girlfriend to do anal even though I know she will shit blood (literally) and be in pain for the rest of the week afterwards. But she's actually the dumb one if you ask me, why does she not go to the doctors about it??? And she could say no, so.......
I confess that my pleasure is more important to me than her wellbeing.

#boyfriend   #anal   #girlfriend   #blood   #pain   #ohwell  

I’m F 17 and I’ve been dating my boyfriend for 5 months (2 officially) and we have a lot of sleepovers. Every time we sleepover things get heated, he fingers me and I give him a blow job. I really want to sleep with him and I know he does too but I’m scared that I’m too young and should at least wait till I’m eighteen. I’m also very very scared of getting pregnant. But I really want to sleep with him. Not to have sex but because I love him and want to share this intimate moment with him. He will be my first but I’m not his. I really want to tell him I love him before I do it though because I want it to be more than just lust. But I’m scared that if I tell him he won’t say it back and if I tell him that I don’t want to sleep with him until I know that we both love each other then he will only tell me to sleep with me. Am I being naive to think that we’re in live so young? Should I just sleep with him because I feel ready? Or should I wait till I’m eighteen?

#sex   #boyfriend   #young  

I can't help it. I'm jealous of everyone. I used to get teased a lot, and even though that has stopped, I still feel like everyone is gloating and trying to steal my things. I hate it when any girl even says hi to my boyfriend. I see everyone as a threat. I can't help it. I hate that I see things this way. I hate that I can't just be friends with someone. When I'm walking down the street and I see a girl my age, I get jealous. It's terrible. I do a good job of hiding these feelings so that no one else hates me, but I hate myself. I even notice bad things about my friends. I don't feel depressed, and I know that people like me, but I can't help it. I just hate people instantly.

#jealous   #impression   #boyfriend  

I am a single female, 21 wanting to lick pussy but don't know how or who with. I am in an experimental mood that happens when I have my period and get really horny. My boyfriend is playing hard to get and I want something new. so crAZy

#lesbianthoughts   #pussylick   #boyfriend   #horny  

Me and my bestfriend made our boyfriends cry in the same night and we laughed the whole time.

#crying   #bitch   #boyfriend  

I went to work for my boyfriend's dad. He wanted a statemnent for customer's, so we went shopping and he bought me clothes for work and more. Not sure why, but i want to give him head. I accidently exposed me when changing. I get horny thinking of the Try-Ons. Maybe I did it subconsciously to excite him.
I confess to wanting his touch.
So embarressed as to what happened.

#horny   #expose   #touch   #boyfriend   #preteen   #pussy   #tits  

I have a boyfried and i love him with all my heart. But one day i was with my best friend and we kiss. Now a felt bad 😭

#lie   #kiss   #boyfriend  

I don't even know if I want forgiveness. But I find this overwhelming urge to confess. I can't keep it in. The father of my child admitted he still has feelings for me. It felt like I was in a dream. He was out of my life and our son's life for 11 years. We've made amends and we are all on good terms. But things have felt off. Weird. I get mixed signals from him. He told me today he is always happy to see me and he always looks forward to seeing me because he still has feelings for me. He never stopped. Then he dropped the real juggernaut: he wants to have sex with me. He thinks about it. I admitted I think about it, too. That's the part where I feel guilty. Well, the first part of it. I can't tell him no. I am dangerous when sex is involved. I'm a lust addict. I felt myself flushing with feelings of lust when he was talking to me. Thoughts and feelings were swirling around. All the fantasies I've had about him since he resurfaced were playing in my head. Him admitting feelings and that he wanted to have sex with me felt like a fantasy playing out in real time. He said he wasn't going to act on it, but then said no, he didn't trust himself either. And jokingly said "well, maybe" in regards to having an opportunity to act on his feelings. It was alluded to several times. Basically, if we at all had an opportunity, or wanted to create one, we could. We could cheat together. I have a boyfriend and he has a wife. I don't necessarily want to cheat on my boyfriend. It's not like a desire I have specifically. Just like he doesn't want to cheat on his wife and hurt her. But when it comes to me and lust--like I said, I'm dangerous. I don't trust myself. I couldn't say no. I don't know how to explain it. It's a familiar feeling. Being overtaken by lust and feeling like I'm not in control. I've dreamed about cheating "accidentally" and feeling the horrific shame of not being able to undo what I did, despite feeling devastated, feeling like I didn't act of my own will. That's what it has felt like in the past. Not being able to say no to someone because, well, I didn't want to say no. I can't separate the "want" from the "should". I shouldn't do it, but I want to. I shouldn't have this slice of cake, but I want it. I cannot deny myself that which I crave. He's a craving. I did not need him to tempt me, to exacerbate and amplify my feelings for him. Especially now that he resolved all the tension and mixed signals I was picking up, I don't have to wonder if he's being an asshole or if he's hot/cold to me because of whatever made up reason. It's all clear now. And what I'm picking up is that he's ready to throw down. If only we had a chance... I wonder if fantasizing about that moment will be enough to satiate my desire. Or if I will need to make it a reality.

#sex   #relationships   #babydaddy   #cheating   #infidelity  

My first boyfriend broke up with me after we had been together for a year, I was 16 to the time he broke up.
Out of desperation I told him I was pregnant. He believed me and at first, he tried to help me and stayed with me. He was a really nice guy, caring and loving and he would have never left me with a baby.
Over the weeks, it got more difficult to keep the lie up. Of course I didn't tell my parents about my lie, so I had to ensure that he wouldn't meet my parents.
The time went on and after a while I thought he would love me again and wouldn't leave me neither without a baby. I decided to end my roleplay and let "the baby die".
Because he had to work in a different city, 3 hours away from our hometown, I called him and told him that I had lost the baby, that I had bled and that the fetus inside my body had been swamped out. I told him this could happen from time to time (I had heard about it before, so I didn't make this up).
He was very upset and sad that we lost our baby but I was just happy all the lying was over.
A few weeks later, he met my mom in the city and all went down... They talked about it and he discovered that I had never been pregnant.
I got a text from him "I know you lied. It's over."
I am now 23 years old, I have never heard from him since.

#boyfriend   #pregnant   #lie   #baby   #fetus   #break   #roleplay  

I’ve been with my bf over 11 year, since I was 16. In 2020 I was feeling pretty neglected attention/sex wise so I started talking to guys online.. and then I ended up meeting one for a hike and sucked him off in the woods and later he fucked me senseless on a trail. Well that was so exciting to me that I wound up on tinder that night to find someone else. The next day I met up with someone new, had mind blowing sex. From there I was HOOKED! I’ve now slept with over 15 people since then, some of them multiple times. Well my best friends boyfriend slid into my dms, and my friend was upset I didn’t tell her so we don’t talk anymore.. but I still talk to her boyfriend and have plans to meet up with him once he’s able to visit where I live (they moved away). And NOW.. I’m talking to my boyfriends best friend/boss.. he liked an old picture of mine on fb randomly 2 days ago.. so I decided to shoot my shot and message him on snap. He was super flirty so I went with it and now we’ve exchanged many pictures and videos.. he’s coming by on Monday to drop off my bf’s sweatshirt while my bf is at work at his other job, and I told him he should come in to fuck me on the bed we share.. needless to say I can’t stop thinking about Monday. I’ve wanted his best friend/boss since before I even met my bf. We had a bit of a fling before my bf came along, we made out and he fingered me on a dance floor. I’ve wanted him to fuck me for at least 12 years!!!

#cheating   #sex   #wantingwhaticanthave   #boyfriendsbestfriend  

My life sucks. I don't get a girl and every girl I like gets a boyfriend shortly after. I should make a business out of it...
I guess it's because I am just a nice guy. Girls don't like nice guys...

From now on I am going to be an asshole! A big jerk.. Maybe I'll get a girlfriend then...

#girl   #boyfriend   #life   #unfair  

My boyfriend and I have basically been together for three years. Two years older than me, we met in Highschool. Let me just say, he's the love of my life. He's an ambitious and hard worker and cares passionately about me and my happiness. Not only that, but hes fantastic in bed. I've yet to meet a man that is a better fuck than he is. I'm very happy.

Last year, we took a break. We reached a very hard part in our relationship and consequently broke up for about 10 months. (We never stopped seeing eachother and never stopped fucking, so nowadays we just pretend the breakup didn't happen.)

However, in this time I hooked up with a friend of mine, L. First time happened at a party. We were both drunk, he was complaining about his girlfriend, I was complaining about being single, then suddenly we're making out and now I was bent against a tree. He was good at it too, smaller than what I was used to but the way he kissed me and the way he used his hands left me reminiscing for months. We would hook up a second time on New Years, four months later.

My boyfriend and I rekindled our relationship a month later, but the hook ups with L haven't stopped. Only a couple times, they've all been drunken escapades except for the most recent event, which went down with both of us sober. We spent the night at our friends house, fucked in the kitchen and shared a bed together. It was so nice.

Its been days since, and the guilt is eating me alive. I am in no way romantically attracted to L, and wish deeply to marry my boyfriend some day, but how can I say that when I'm cheating?? CHEATING!?. I feel awful about it, I want to be true to him and be faithful, but L and I just have this lustful connection I just can't say no to...

I cant imagine losing my boyfriend again, for real this time. I know if he were to find out, its game over. I just can't do that, its been my worst secret.

#cheating   #boyfriend   #girlfriend   #lover   #lust   #sex  

I am a straight 16 yo virgin with a boyfriend. I live at home, do school, and p/t work. So I am busy. It's not easy to masturbate, but I do enjoy playing with myself before sleep. I don't think I've had the Big O yet. But my arousals intesifies when I read. Some confessions are so juicy, I return for more. I have thought of kissing my best friend but it's only a fantasy. I read some say it's natural for a girl to kiss a girl once but not in my world. Maybe a kiss would go on to the big O. it makes me really wet, my heart beats up, my thoughts go rampant, and it's so hard to keep quiet, but I must. I am confused as to why I get like this when I am super horny. In a normal state of mind I don't have sexual thoughts of my friend.

#straight   #curious   #horny   #wet   #virgin   #confused   #boyfriend   #busy  

I like the relationship I am in. It will be 3 years when the semester ends; the longest one I've ever had. The issue is I don't think I'm in love with him and I don't see me completely falling for him for superficial reasons, but I want to make it work. I feel troubled and shitty.

#boyfriend   #relationship   #love   #relationships   #romance   #selfish   #vain   #appearances  

I separated from my boyfriend after three years. I was young, exploring the world. So I didn't see anything wrong with him being mean to me, yelling, drinking.... However, he was very masculine, confident, I loved how he dominated me during sex. I was submissive like a little kitten, I let him do everything, even being violent....
At the end of the relationship, I met my current fiancé. He is a loving, caring ... Also in bed. We decided after a few years that I would not take the pill. Nevertheless, I still couldn't get over it and didn't let him come inside me.
However, a year ago I met my ex when he was shopping. We chatted, I went to his place for coffee and somehow it happened that I succumbed again. Triumphantly he fucked me again as if I were a whore, and I begged him to be harder on me, and later, all battered I begged him to impregnate me.... Which I allowed him to do. Since then, I dated him behind my fiancé's back, got pregnant and now have a two-month-old daughter. My fiancé further doesn't know that I don't think she is his....
And now, even though the pregnancy wiped me out and the delivery was terrifying, twice before I went back on the pill (I regret it a little... But it's safer that way), I let my ex come inside me again.... I'm stepping on thin ice but I can't stop....

#cheating   #pregnant   #impregnation   #betrayal   #engaged   #fiance   #adultery  

I confess that I have a very bad habit. Everytime I think no one sees me, I eat my own booger. Usually, I am a cultivated young woman but I just can't stop doing it. It's kind of an addiction for me.
The problem is that I even do that when my boyfriend is around. I have to keep myself from laughing out loud when my boyfriend kisses me deeply after I ate a booger.

#disgusting   #booger   #bogy   #addiction   #boyfriend   #confession  

So basically my boyfriend and I are almost a year now.. Everything was going so well. Till this dude came(who is his best friend). At first we kept having intense eye contact, i thought it was weird bcs i have a boyfriend and i feel like those eye contacts have chemistry. I don’t t know what I was feeling. But i had a hint he sorta like someone.. So, At first it was good bcs him and i are getting along & i could be close enough to play cupid on my best friend. My best friend really likes him. I can’t blame her.. he is cute.

What is getting me confused and crazy is that. My other best friend told us (4) that she has some tea about that guy. We talked about him and stuff and my best friend mention 2 bad news and 1 good news.. the 1 good news is that He found my best friend really pretty and he wouldnt wanna make things awkward for her bcs we all eat in the same table.

The 2 bad news is that he’s not ready to be in a relationship and he likes someone else. My best friend said he only likes this girl when he sees her. He just feels something for her (okay wtaf lmao)

And you know who’s that girl? Me.

Now did i mention i have a boyfriend? It is so wrong. But whenever I see him, he’s just really cute. He was smiling at me when i saw him earlier. We also had eye contact. You know eye contact that are normal? It isnt like that. Its like an eye contact where u like someone. He just keeps smiling 😭 I don’t wanna feel this way. I love my boyfriend & I don’t ever wanna lose him. But at the same time its so wrong. I don’t have feelings for the guy but he just flatter me so much.. And I should keep boundaries.

#complicated   #boyfriend   #bestfriend   #lovetriangle   #confused  

ok, so i confess. one day, i was on my girlfriends computer, and i found an old porn she made with her ex boyfriend. i watched it quite a bit on her computer, and it got me so turned on that i had to copy it to my usb drive. now i have it on my computer and have 24/7 access to it. i watch it almost every day to jerk off. i have lots of sex with my girlfriend, but i just love this video for some reason...

the film starts off with the camera out of place, then it turns quickly to my girl in between the legs of her ex on his bed; both fully naked; his cock in her hand. His dick is huge. i got a 6.5 - 7in cock, but his must be 8.5/9in. It's also thick as a rail.

her head goes down on his cock and she sucks it a little bit less good than she sucks mine. she doesnt go as crazy on it, but its also a lot for her to handle. shes basically gagging on it... until her arm gets too much in front of the camera, so this guy moves her into a better suited position; takes her head, moves her arm, grabs the bottom part of his cock and thrusts her head a bit. then he holds her there and continues to jerk off in her mouth, as if she couldnt do it. the size of his dick makes my mouth water, i wish i was sucking it with her. when i first started watching this video, i felt proud, cause i thot it was a porn i might have made with her. then i felt shame once i found out, but now that ive gotten over the fact that her ex man's dick is so big, i enjoy it way too often. watching her deep throat that cock, and come back up to smile at the camera with his dick in her cheek makes me bust a nut every time.

#exboyfriend   #girlfriend   #porn  

Hi, I'm writing this Anomynously, and I'd just broke-up with My 1st Boyfriend. And I thought about moving on with My Life by NOT thinking about him, but when I told him it's over, he said that Women are:

I didn't like him much, because he didn't notice me, he'd NEVER paid attention to me, never notice that I was there, and he'd always played his video games than actually spending time with me.

#boyfriend   #life   #woman  

Pray and roll the dice for #boyfriend

Confessions by

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