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Pain Confessions

Read the best #pain confession stories

I (m/22) confess that I persuade my girlfriend to do anal even though I know she will shit blood (literally) and be in pain for the rest of the week afterwards. But she's actually the dumb one if you ask me, why does she not go to the doctors about it??? And she could say no, so.......
I confess that my pleasure is more important to me than her wellbeing.

#boyfriend   #anal   #girlfriend   #blood   #pain   #ohwell  

I miss her so much. I shouldn't hurt so bad. I'm a grown man, with a professional job.
She hurt and betrayed me for years, but I can't stop or let go.
I have been drinking for the last 8 days just to make it stop and it won't.
I am so afraid.
I don't want to die but I don't know how else to stop hurting.
I'm ruined.

#pain   #despair   #sadness  

I feel the urge to hurt someone. And I don't mean a punch in the face but really HURT somebody. I don't know where this urge comes from but I often dream about breaking someone's fingers one by one. It doesn't turn me on or anything, it's more like a hunger inside of me, I just want to do this. They shouldn't die but they really should feel the pain, I want to hear them scream.
I would hurt every person but preferable female.

#punch   #hurt   #die   #pain   #scream   #odd   #confession  

What’s the point?
What’s the point in bearing with all of the troubles that we have during our lives?
With all of the wars and battles that kill thousands of peoples’ lives, but when it comes down to the choice to end it all or not, they ask you to stay alive because your “important.”
What’s the point in dealing with all of the criticism that we receive because all of the other people don’t believe in our beliefs?
And we all know that the end of the world is truly near, but we’re too scared to admit that everything will be destroyed.
And whether that day will come in a lifetime or not, death is inevitable and no one will remember your hard work.
All of the nights you stayed awake to finish that project for school and the many hours that you spent working just so that you could have a roof over your head.
And for what?
We all know that you’re too scared to admit that living another day of our lives is a lot more painful than dying.
So why do we do it?
Why do we put ourselves through so much pain and suffering just because we need to live another day, waiting for absolutely nothing?
Why do we fill our lives with lies by saying that we are going to save the planet, but our mere existence is destroying it?
Why is it so important for one out of the billions of people on Earth to stay alive?
Because of greed?
Just to gain that satisfaction of saying that you saved someone’s life when you’re actually putting them through more pain than you can imagine?
What’s the point?

#depressions   #pain   #painful  

This is how I once solved a basic biological challenge. The solution wasn't ideal, but (almost) the best available, I believe.

I was driving on a summer vacation trip and felt a mild twinge or two in my stomach. After a few minutes, I pulled into a supermarket parking lot where I had shopped on previous trips. Right after getting out of my car and locking the doors, I realized that I was in big trouble, and remembered a toilet in the back of the store. After just a few steps, I needed to clench my anus very tightly to avoid the unthinkable.

Finally, I was in the store and heading for the back, but I didn't know whether the toilet was at the right or left end; and maybe it was out of service, or maybe the only toilet stall was occupied. The pain was almost unbearable, and I knew I didn't have time to investigate the toilet situation and then return to my car if necessary; so I decided to immediately return to my car.

Somehow I made it back to my car without losing control, and with a new plan that required using things that were already in the car. I quickly installed the windshield sunshade for privacy, and gathered up a large plastic kitchen bowl and a small white-colored plastic bag with handles. Then I undressed, placed the bowl in the driver's seat, and squatted with my bottom inside the bowl and my knees up by my shoulders–still tightly clenching my anus.

Finally, holding the plastic bag open underneath my bottom, and hoping it was positioned correctly, I relaxed and achieved wonderful relief as the waste quickly rushed into the bag.

Thorough wiping wasn't too difficult and I put the used tissues in the waste bag and tied the opening. Then I put the waste bag into another small plastic bag and also tied it closed. Finally, I placed the tied-up bags in a third larger plastic bag, tied it up, got dressed again, and carried the bags across the parking lot to a small trash basket mounted on a roof column in front of an ice cream shoppe.

Then I returned to my car and rested for awhile–reflecting on my accomplishments in the face of desperate pain–and finally returned to the store to do my food shopping–now relaxed, refreshed, and re-energized.

Now, a few final considerations: (1) The parking lot had a security guard, so I needed to be especially discreet. (2) The waste disposal location wasn't good, but I was afraid of attracting unwanted attention if I walked out of my way to use a more distant trash basket. (3) I did try to remove excess air from each bag before tying the open end. (4) Later, I did realize that I should have waited and found a better disposal location.

#pain   #anus   #pooping   #disposal  

You ever hear someone singing a song to you on the radio? Well I’m reading a letter from another heart I broke while I listen to that. All that pain I caused. I will never forgive myself.

#sad   #pain   #tears  

How do I fix myself? I don’t want to break another heart. I can’t fix the hearts I’ve broken. I can’t fix my heart. Life would be easier if I was like most men & just didn’t care. But it deeply hurts me to know I hurt others. To see someone hurting & know I did that. All my muscles & good looks won’t fix this.

#pain   #suffering  

So my girlfriend and I had a long fight last night... I would go into details but I don't have the energy to type... Right now though... She's been talking too much about hurting herself... She's had a history and I've made he promise not to do that so she hasn't yet... But she keeps talking about it... I wanna hurt myself and show her how much it'll hurt me of she hurts herself... But if I do that I'll be hurting her myself... What do I do

#love   #pain   #anger  

I do pain pills everyday.
Been doing it for years
never been to jail
never had it destroy my life
never lost a job over it
or a boyfriend
or a friend

I don't want to quit I don't want to get better>
I just wanna have a damn good time :)
I don't think there's anything wrong with that

#drugs   #addiction   #choices  

Back to my story with the dentist.
I went back to see him again today.
He looked in my mouth, he told me that I can't come here anymore. I have to see a specialist now because he doesn't know what causes the tooth pain.

I am so dissapointed, how should I be around him now?!

#dissapointment   #dentist   #love   #secret  

I woke up from a sexy dream. Went to the bathroom. Lay down on my half excited self. It got crushed under my back, now I’m in pain & can’t sleep.


I am a married man, but I have been in love with and fantasized about a woman named Suzanne, who was my co-worker and is now my longtime friend. I am thinking about proposing a secret, sexual relationship to Suzanne, but it would require her to agree to 10 conditions, and I don't know if she would agree to even just one:
(1) she must show up at my home every night at 10pm and leave at 2am;
(2) she must be wearing no more than 5 items of clothing -- a shoe counts as one item;
(3) she must obediently submit to whatever I ask her to do;
(4) she must be prepared to be nude in an outdoor or public setting of my choice;
(5) she must be prepared to receive pain that I inflict that may cause non-permanent injuries such as bruises, welts, and cuts;
(6) she must be prepared to receive unprotected vaginal sex;
(7) she must be prepared to receive unprotected anal sex;
(8) she must be prepared to receive throat fucking that may cause her to puke repeatedly;
(9) she must be prepared to receive golden showers and to swallow urine; and
(10) she must be prepared to receive urine inside of her vagina, her rectum, and her throat.

#adultery   #coworker   #sex   #submission   #nudity   #pain   #bdsm   #anal   #oral   #vomit   #urine   #deepthroat  

I think I'm still in love with my ex. I think about her all the time STILL. We haven't been together for 3 years now, but I still know she is "the one" for me. It's torture, we don't talk or interact at all, she could be dead for all I know (she's not, but still), but I want to be with her so fucking bad.

I've never felt this way with anyone else before. It's crazy. I hate it.

#relationships   #love   #pain   #regret  

I have a really serious problem with my dick. He's too big and when I have sex with a girl I only know that they don't like it because it's too painful.
I really dont know what to do...

#dick   #sex   #girl   #painful  

I was attacked yesterday for looking at the actor patrice in lady hear me tonight video and yeh I said I liked him 10 years ago and 20 years ago and no one bullied me then? its not nice people doing this shit on me. I should be allowed to like what I want.

I am sick of being bullied over this stuff.

is it just due to my ignorance?

#the   #hurt   #is   #there   #and   #painful  

when have I ever tried to compete with the ugly old cunt queen elizabark? seriously. I don't want your husband because he is too old to fuck. William chose his whore, so he got that whore, and he is married to it. Its really just his problem. not others problem. the same with harry and all the others. I could never imagine wanting to fuck andrew or charles or the other one or anne. I mean, jesus christ someone help us lord. how can anyone compete with queen elizbark? I don't even think the other royal queens around the world compete with her. they are the ones she should be worried about. the queen of spain. the queen of denmark, the queen of buthan, they are the only queens who can compete there are no other queens other then the queer gay male queens. ok. There is no queen of nz, no queen of usa, no queen of caraboo, history claims that was fictious. fuck off your old slut bag queen. like stay in your own lane you stupid old pig. stop being such a selfish old bitch! grow up and grow some balls bitch and stop being the big fat bully girl and tyrant towards your own subjects and peoples. Like seriously. Look at how you and you alone have destroyed the commonwealth for your arabs and asians and indians and africans. Like you did this long before megs and diana came along. fuck off sending your flying monkeys like fergus to rape and abuse, you wicked old witch of the west. why would anyone ever want to be you. your old, your ugly and to most people you are irreverent. you only have money and fame and that will go. death gets most. you are a bad person. a very very bad person and so is charles and william. power does corrupt and that is the end of the matter. how about you stop competing with every other woman for their man! you got nothing in common with any other woman on the planet other then child birth maybe and that is questionable. like I used to respect you but you gone too far now. just stop it.

#queens   #are   #like   #lead   #paint   #dried   #out   #and   #old  

I got drunk and lost my virginity to my friends dad. I was too drunk to remember exactly what happened but I was asleep and woke up to him thrusting inside me. Then I blacked out again. The next morning I woke up and found he didn't use a condom. Its basically rape and I fear I might have an std.

#sex   #virginty   #drunk   #date   #rape   #hurt   #pain   #std  

I once stabbed my friends hand with a pencil because she kept tapping my shoulder they were know for lying about people doing physical pain to them so when she told the teacher They didn’t believe her

#trauma   #pain   #pencilinhand  

Would love to control my desires and sinful desires so I can focus on work and newly married life. I'm working on it through sinful meditations. These thoughts are sins. Forgive me lord

#shame   #trauma   #ptsd   #childhood   #problems   #war   #fighting   #veteran   #fetish   #pain   #sadism   #masochism   #bondage   #spirit   #grand   #domination   #switch   #game   #discord   #chess   #cashapp   #cash   #love   #royalty   #friendship   #army   #values   #manners   #ideals   #fwb   #negative   #aweful   #suck   #happy   #yes  

I’m 24 years old. A week ago I got prescribed temazepam (a benzodiazepine) because I often have trouble sleeping at night. Two days ago I went to the pharmacy and picked up my prescription. That night I took all of the pills in the container (30 pills). I did it to escape reality, but in retrospect, I did it in the hope that I wouldn’t wake up after I went to sleep. I often consciously idealize suicide but never expected myself to (sub)consciously engage in an attempt to realize that idealization.

The day after I stumbled around, still numb and dozing off due to the anxiolytic effects of the drug, and my dad came to me in my room, whilst I was crying my heart out, releasing all the emotions that I carry with me silently, never allowing myself to show that very dark, sinister side of me.

I tried to end it all taking the easy route. The strength to carry on the fight left me that night. And so I, in some kind of desperate hope to end my nonsensical existence, I tried to overdose. I’m not a woman, but the lyrics describe my current state of being… “I don’t know what she’s doing now… last I heard from her she said… she felt as if she should be dead… I guess in fact, she usually does.”

Please, if you are hesitating to leave a comment, don't hold back. I want acknowledgment, whether you condemn me, feel empathy, consider me as stupid or encourage me to try again. I reach out in anguish, anonymously.

#pain   #desperation  

Pray and roll the dice for #pain

Confessions by

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