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Sad Confessions

Read the best #sad confession stories

My girlfriend broke up with me. I am 25 years old and I was in love. I just cannot fathom why she left me.
She left me without a real explanation, just said that she wasn't into me any more and that we doesn't want to see or talk to me any longer.

I tried calling her, but she blocked my phone and blocked me on all social media. Her friends also did that.

I know that she likes this one coffee place near her work that she visits frequently.
I confess that I've gone to this place every day in hopes of seeing her and talking to her to find out why she left me.

#girlfriend   #breakup   #love   #sad   #devastated   #coffee   #confession  

My husband was the happiest man in the world as his new porsche arrived. He cared for it, he cleaned and polished it every day. It was his treasure. He didn't allow anyone to touch it expect he was present. Then, some night someone broke into our house and stole his car. You can believe how sad he was, he cried like a baby for hours.
We went to the police but they said they couldn't do much about it but they would "keep looking".
A week later they called us and told us that the car was found. Burned out and destroyed, around 100 miles away from our home in the woods.
I have to confess... It was me! I destroyed the car because I couldn't stand my husband anymore. He just cared for the car and for nothing else. Now it's gone and I am happy.

#happy   #car   #husband   #destroy   #world   #porsche   #sad  

You ever hear someone singing a song to you on the radio? Well I’m reading a letter from another heart I broke while I listen to that. All that pain I caused. I will never forgive myself.

#sad   #pain   #tears  

I have lost my way. I abuse those around me and feel like I have no real low. I have now lost everything in my life for the most part. I was in a relationship with a younger woman whom I fell in love with. We moved in together and things went smooth for a few months. The whole deal was crazy she was married I was in a relationship but we were both unhappy and left our spouses. I thought that I was doing everything right for once. I was making really good money, $100k plus for the year we were together. We stayed in a nice house. I have 3 kids she had one. That was an issue and I thought that she was smart enough to understand what she was signing up for considering she had her masters by 23.

She changed, started being distant and then hiding her phone. I knew something was up and I eventually found out. She was sneaking around with another man. I am sure anyone reading this would just laugh and say i'm an idiot but I fell in love and I trusted her.

I was hurt and I couldn't handle it. I drank, a huge downfall for me. I confronted her and I pushed her up against a wall. She was scared from then on. I don't know what would have happened if that never happened. I still love her. I think about her everyday.

I think I probably messed up one of the best relationships I have ever had by being physical with her. I'm sorry Lauren. I love you with all my heart and if there were any way for me to fix things I would.

I will never forget you and I will always love you Mama Bear

Happy Valentines day XOXO

Your Ex lover (Sad and alone)

#sad   #lost   #stupid  

I was in love with my friend freshman year. Fully, whole-heartedly in love. She knew it, and she used me. I was her proxy for verbally abusing our social group, so she could seen like the innocent saint. I would have died for her. She threw me away because I was depressed. I hate her now as much as I loved her then. I look back and see her as the selfish hypocrite she really was. Love really does make you blind. Never fall in love with a sociopath.

#abuse   #manipulation   #hate   #love   #sociopath   #loyalty   #liar   #lies   #sad  

I wish I was a completely different person of who I am...

#sad   #me   #confession  

I think I might be pregnant again. This would be my second child if I am. I'm not ready. Why am I so weak sexually. I'm in love with my partner but I'm not married. I just don't know what to do if I am I don't have options anymore I feel so alone.

#sadness   #pregnant   #child  

I am not able to love someone. :-(

#love   #sad  

I’m suffering from self harm addiction and I’m so guilty because I promised everyone I’d stop but I can’t especially when I have a very bad day

#guilty   #sad   #badperson  

I’m paranoid my girlfriend will leave little does she know I have a history of self harming

#sad   #sorrynotsorry  

My best friend, who I was in love with for years, confessed that she liked me as more than a friend and I broke her heart. I just don't feel that way anymore and I know I destroyed our relationship forever. I made her cry.

#love   #heartbroken   #sadness   #friends  

I am just sick of being rejected and not being good enough. I have people around me all the time, but I'm just very lonely. I have a lot of troubles, and with all this new mess pilling up, I'm afraid it's sending me into depression and I don't know what to do. I'm scared to open up to someone because they wont understand it, take it seriously. Talk about it with other people. But I'm scared if I don't, I might lose it. I keep crying out loud, but people think I'm joking. At this point no one takes me seriously. Maybe I'm not worth fighting for.

#depression   #sad   #lonely  

Honestly, I don’t know what’s wrong with me, I’m a religious person and sometimes when I really think about IT I can struggle with night mares, and depression for weeks, but I love sex, the problem it’s like normal sex left me empty, I don’t know why I have those sadic fantasy’s like, something I stared thinking since I was like 17 was let someone fuck me while other people can see me, and show that to people how good I feel, also the idea of them watching me will make me 100 times more horny, other fantasy is being fucked by different guys, in the same time, and let them touch me all over my body I have the fantasy to feel more than 6 hands pleasing me in the same time, those fantasies are tooo dirty for the life I have, I don’t know what to do :m(

#orgy   #sadic   #bipenetration   #frustrated  

When I was about 7 I had a friend down the street that was like family because we were so close and one day we were playing house and she forced me to go down on her and went down on me when I didn’t want it (she was about 10 or 11 )

At the time I didn’t know what it was and I forgot for awhile until I learned more about the topic and now it run through my head every day and now I fear sleeping at other people homes

#confusion   #sadness   #ptsd  

I am filled with anger. Anger that is slowly bleeding away to hate.

Everyone is so fucking busy blaming and blamming each other into the dirt. Nobody either seems to or wants to understand, that regardless of your age, sex, gender identity, whatever label you proudly slap onto your chest, that we're all people just trying to get to the next fucking day.

You ever catch yourself wishing for super powers or magic? Doesn't matter how old you are, everybody does it from time to time.

Every time I come back to the same thing: Someone the entire world can rally together against. Of course it would never work and it's a fucking pipe dream, but it only fuels my fucking hate for the people around me.

I don't have high expectations. In fact they're rather simple. Survive, help others survive, get to that next sunrise, then figure it all out again, with the only ever present constant being that we, Humanity, are stuck on this goddamn dirtball TOGETHER.

But the only ones interested in saying anything like that only care about the audience they'll bring. The "clicks and the views" WOOOOO.

Fuck them.
And fuck you if you're one of them.

This will likely be buried in the sands of time. Sure maybe one or two, shit I might even get lucky and twenty whole people will see it.

But will it change anything? Will it get anyone to think? No. Because I'm either:

Alt-right because I don't agree with someone.

Alt-left because I don't agree with someone.

A Nazi, because I don't agree with someone.

Whatever fucking low budget brain label these fucksticks want to stick because I don't agree that there is one bad side and one good side.

And if you are one of those people, I just have a small, tiny, itty bitty criticism for you:




I'm going to die soon. The stress of being in this fucking world actively agitates bodily damage I've sustained and sicknesses I've suffered throughout life. I'm going to die, filled with hate for Humanity, all because these stupid fucks can't figure their shit out and that inability is going to be the fucking cause.

It's not everyone. There are those out there. The outliers. You know who you are.

And before anyone freaks the fuck out, I'm not acting out above kicking a shrubbery or two in my own yard.

These people, however much they fucking enrage me and fill me with hate and EMBARRASSMENT for being related to you on a genological level, are above wasting my time on aside making a random post on the internet nobody will fucking care about.

I don't think I deserve forgiveness.
I just want people to know.
However few.

#rambling   #dunno   #feltsadmightdeletelater  

It’s not a confess but I want some help. I’m a 19 year-old Middle Eastern girl who loves a 27 year-old Brazilian guy whom I met online in December 2018. He travels a lot and he sometimes talks about traveling to my country and meet me. I love him as I mentioned above but he never mentioned that he loves me or not he just told me twice that he “admires me” and told me once that he doesn’t feel the age gap between us, nothing more. The problem is that I understand that we are so different to be together, for example I follow a religion while he doesn’t and the cultural differences of course. What should I do with this love?

#sadism   #heartless   #stupidy   #love  

Why do we live, just to die in the end without anything?


I cut every night. I'm so depressed. It makes me feel good for one second than I cut again to get the good feeling back.

#sad   #help   #cutting   #sorry   #bye  

I saw a nervous young lady in need of help. I helped her. Helped her with a plan to help her career. Pretty smooth. Seemed funny at the time.

Then the real ex wants money. People see my hidden narrative online. Realize its in her music. Hacks my phone. At first no big deal. But then they steal my book ideas off phone. Swipe it. Somewhere in all of these two weeks i have a seizure. Then gets bad.

It’s finny. Im a very nice person. But everyone hates me for being helpful.

Why did God make me? I get tired of being alone.


I'm a 41 year old man and happily married to my wife. I have three female cousins on my father's side, one which is the middle one is who I am very close with and are close in age. I have always spent a lot of time with her and we have had a special connection since we were younger. I recently came to the realization with the fact with what I have deep down at some level known for a long time in that I am in love with her. This is information that I don't know what to make of it nor do I want to act on it in any way shape or form. It's a simple statement of fact. She doesn't know my feelings nor feel the same way nor does my wife know. I don't want to feel this way and wish I wouldn't but it's the reality. I just needed to tell someone.

#shame   #love   #sad  

Pray and roll the dice for #sad

Confessions by

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