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Stupid Confessions

Read the best #stupid confession stories

I confess I wish my ex girlfriends mother was dead. She’s a schizo. She practiced black magic, she has no teeth because she pulled them all out. Something witches do. And she’s a terrible person, who’s not even a real mother. I wish I never met her. But goddamned formalities and politeness ends up with me dealing with some stupid..I hate her.

#stupid   #witchcraft   #bs   #bad  

I feel I’m facing my death. I’m trying to go out swinging. My whole life I stood up for those who were targeted by bullies. Kept me in constant trouble.
I can’t physically do much anymore, so I use the written word.
I once fought a bunch of athletes to save a disabled person. Led to fights after fights. Finally the coach got me expelled.
But I’m at it again. I saw a tiny person being ran over. So I’m swinging way above my weight again. That’s my nature. Someone once told me I’d walk into hell and fight the devil to save someone. I don’t think I’m that courageous. I’m fact I see myself as a loser. But someone has to care about those no one else seems to love. Someone has to fight for them. I’d rather it be someone stronger and better than me. If I’m all you have your in deep. But I’ll jump in.

#stupidity   #stubborn   #honor   #love  

Ever since an anerism I get confused. I used to be smart; but now I realize I’m just a fool. During the pandemic I’ve tried to help people; but my ideas are mostly stupid.
It’s hard to accept the truth about myself. I’m a person no one ever actually wanted except one woman & my kids. She stopped wanting me. They just got stuck with me.

#stupidity   #foolish   #moron  

Ever since 9th grade (I'm in 11th now) I lied to my parents saying I got all A's every quarter so I could get $1,000 each time. I lied to them and ended up stealing a total of $9,000 that I now have to pay back. Ive also lost trust with both of my parents and now have to spend the rest of my life feeling guilty and knowing I did something so messed up to them. Woopee for me

#betrayl   #theif   #liar   #stupid  

Once when I was 11 I thought it would be cool if I made my cat "fly", next thing I know I'm telling my mom she fell off the back of the chair and we are driving to the vet. Turns out she was fine and just had a rock in her foot and that's why she was limping.

#stupid   #dumb   #liar  

So my Ex just changed his Instagram screen name to “African American Girls Only” 1. That’s Racist 2. I’m white 💁 so I guess I never happened?

#ex   #fuckedup   #stupid  

I'm a 28 year male. I honestly can't tell you why I'm writing any of this aside from the fact that I still think about what happened years ago and still want to do it again, unshamefully.
I was 12-14 at the time when all this happened and when I found out that masturbation was awesome. I loved finding myself and feeling something that was "forbidden" in my household. I come from a large family, lots of siblings and lots of reglion in the house, and it was difficult as the youngest son to find the time to sneak away and have a go with myself. But, one of my friends, a year younger than me that I met at church...go figure..., were hanging out playing video games and making jokes about everything under the sun. I can't remember who instigated it but, one of us mentioned how cool it would be to feel 'better' when we did what we do when no one is looking. Before we know it, we are playing with each other and trying to 'feel better'. We started by watching each other while we masturbating at first, it was a thrill and made us feel way better. Then we figured we would try with our mouths. It was the best feeling I had ever felt up till that point. Having someone else do the work and feel even more ecstasy than if I did it myself. One day, while at church, we found that the back part of one of the buildings with multiple classrooms was totally vacant and all the lights were out. We figured, why not? So we played around and took turns. When I "got there" he pulled back and got really mad because he thought I peed in his mouth.... I hadn't... it was the first time I had actually ejaculated. At the time I was excited and happy that I was maturing, but also scared because I loved the way it felt and how dangerous it was to do such a thing in a house of worship! Lol. We continued this for a few years, slowly developing into young men and having girlfriends, But we always had that to ourselves, our "feel better" time.
One day, he came over and as usual, we played video games and watched movies we loved. Of course, everyone goes to bed and it's just us, up late, talking, and he says,"You wanna try something different?" To which I got excited but confused. What could we do that we haven't done? He goes and gets a towel, some shampoo, and says,"Let's try something." Before I knew it, he was on his stomach with the towel under him and started putting shampoo between where his thighs met (gooch/taint). He says,"Just don't put it in me. Just through to legs, ok?" I cautiously kneel and, rockhard, place my manhood right where the shampoo was. It felt amazing... I came in less than 5 mins. I felt so amazing, it was rediculous. He said,"Was it good?" To which I responded,"Dude...amazing! You gotta try it!" I took his position, lathered up, and was ready. Same thing. He came really fast and we had a laugh at how we beat the "system" as teenagers lol.
Once again, this went on for a while, and were loving the fact that we had a way to make ourselves feel good and it still didn't break too many rules. After a few times of doing this we got together on the fateful night when we found out it could feel even better. We had the house to ourselves and he gave me the look. I go and grab a towel and some lotion, some kinds of shampoo made it burn sometimes, and came back to the room. We discuss who would go first and I lost the game of rock-scissors-paper, so I assumed the position. He asked if he could try something. I, hesitantly say yes, and he goes for my hole. Scared, excited, frighten, and invigorated, he slowly put it in. It burned a little but it felt strangely good. He pumped a few times and pulled out. I quickly, and as silently as I could, said,"You didn't come in me, did you?" He didnt. He was just as scared as I was and came on my ass. I was still invigorated and excited, he took the position. I wasn't planning on trying it at first cause I didn't want to hurt him but he insisted. So, I slowly put it in and it was the mouth times a million. As I am about to come 10 mins or so later, he says, weezing, "Do it, just do it in me." I did. It was the craziest and best feeling I had ever felt. I couldn't move. I just laid there throbbing inside him. We got up and cleaned ourselves. We didn't do this ever again after that. Not because we didn't want to, but because we became step brothers shortly after....
We don't see each other often, mainly holidays and family events. Neither of us mention it or even talk about it. I still wish I had that connection though. It's strange when you trust someone that much to not tell anyone about your secret dealings and recreational fun, but it still is a great memory, even if it's weird as all hell. Totally taboo yet, secretly, still an amazing life experience.

#sex   #taboo   #young   #stupid   #fun  

I wish I could live inside of my books. I want love to exist irl like it does in books. I have plenty of opportunities but I never take them because I'm never interested. I'm only interested in one person


I always have the desire to do something stupid to make myself look brave. I don't know how that started, but I soon noticed that I got the attention I need by doing something reckless and stupid. Last week, I jumped in front of a moving car to save a small frog and I was almost hit. The driver of the car couldn't believe how stupid I acted because I didn't want to apologize for it. Two months ago, I jumped into a lake near my hometown, even though I can't swim. I just need the adrenaline and I need the attention.It's like an addiction and I know, someday, maybe tomorrow, maybe next week, I going to die because of it. 

#audacity   #bravery   #stupid   #die   #confession   #offmychest   #swimming  

I'm angry all the time over how arrogant and stupid my mother is. I just want to punch her in the throat. My mother blames everyone else for all her problems. She’s the one that ignores ever single warning about her fantastic life choices or who to trust. Then when things go south it’s OBVIOUSLY not her fault. Like my cousin, who is a notorious con artist AND has scammed her out of money in the past. She ignored every red flag and decided to buy a car from him. A car that she hadn’t even looked at before buying.That he insisted be paid in cash. It’s been 2 years and she hasn’t seen that car that supposedly exists. Yes, my cousin is an ass hat. However if my mother even listened to other people for once in her life she might see that she’s partially to blame. Maybe she might even make better choices in life if she paid attention to other people’s opinions and beliefs instead of living in her own world of denial and aggressive narcissism. But until that day comes, which it wont, it’s everyone else’s fault.

#family   #familyissues   #narcissism   #stupidpeople   #cantacceptblame   #neverwrong   #anger   #punchingpeople  

I remember when I was in the 4th grade and my crush use to touch my leg during class. Since I was sooo fucking dumb, I let him to touch me. Till this day, I haven’t told anyone yet. But I guess you guys know now….

#stupidity   #dumb  

I'm depressed and I use porn or sexual innuendos as a coping mechanism. Does it make me happy for those few minutes, yes. Does it help me, well no. It makes the situation even worse.

#sex   #depression   #porn   #stupid  

I know my boyfriend spies on me and is part of research groups that do global social experiments on me. I also let him mistreat me.

#stupid   #boyfriend   #betrayal   #secret   #confession  

I have a boyfriend but I went to my friends house for the night and we made out😰😰I feel rly bad now what do I

#stupid   #mistake   #idk  

I’ve been following this girl on Instagram. She’s a white girl, very sexy. Amazing body, nice tits. I just followed her to jerk to her if I’m honest. She isn’t even famous I just saw her one day and thought she was sexy. The problem is her beliefs are so bad. She’s one of those white girls who posts BLM and wants to defund police, she even wants gang members who literally murdered people to be given justice. If a bitch is supporting criminals then she’s mentally insane. So whenever I go to her page I see so much lib tard bullshit that’s just retarded. I’m her head police all suck, and people in jail should be let go because they were forced to be gang members and killers by the racist government. This bitch is so stupid. But she’s so hot that I have to put up with seeing it so I can see her sexy ass body. I know the cliche is hot girls are dumb but this bitch is next level retarded. She probably loves joe Biden and thinks high gas prices is good. Why do such hot bitches have to be so stupid.

#stupid   #liberal   #hot   #girl   #sexy   #sex  

It’s not a confess but I want some help. I’m a 19 year-old Middle Eastern girl who loves a 27 year-old Brazilian guy whom I met online in December 2018. He travels a lot and he sometimes talks about traveling to my country and meet me. I love him as I mentioned above but he never mentioned that he loves me or not he just told me twice that he “admires me” and told me once that he doesn’t feel the age gap between us, nothing more. The problem is that I understand that we are so different to be together, for example I follow a religion while he doesn’t and the cultural differences of course. What should I do with this love?

#sadism   #heartless   #stupidy   #love  

My idiot sister in law got drunk at a party in June at her other sisters up in Pennsylvania. We were staying there for the weekend too for their daughters high school graduation and was flirting with her husband all night telling him that she was "gonna get you tonight!" when they went to bed later.
She got so drunk that she went in the wrong guestroom and gave me a blowjob,I had laid down because my back hurt and I was tired from the long drive, before she passed out drunk.
She's pretty, slim but is a drunk and at 33 she is starting to look older from all the boozing most likely.
She was calling me "Bill", her husbands name, and gave a helluva blowjob I have to admit.
I came in her mouth.
I didn't fuck her because she passed out but I probably would've if she'd stayed awake.
I doubt she even remembers giving the blowjob she was so drunk.
I never told my wife.

#adultery   #stupidity   #oral   #blowjob  

It's been over a year and three months since the last time we talk, but every day I think of him if he is alive or okay because I know he has been kicked out of house and lives on the streets. Like our story is so complicated and hard but I can't stop thinking about him and I don't know why like every guy I ever talk to my stupid brain and heart keep comparing them to the guy who I love so much and broke my heart. Part of me wants to contact him so badly like I did contact him to have closure but he thought I had closure of him and I thought the same way but I guess now because deep down inside of me my heart wants him. So my question is should I contact him again even though the last time we talk I tried to get closure....

#love   #movingon   #heartbreak   #wondering   #gay   #stupid  

Turns out that if you put a blanket on a heater, it'll catch fire.

#fire   #stupidity   #burn  

My mother has very unrealistic views of the world or life in general. She uneducated, loud and embarrassing. She has an opinion to everything and is very much known for declaring them to everyone who will listen. She spends a lot on money on useless crap, decorating the house with weird shit. She's not working.She has this really big tooth gap which makes her look even more stupid.She works in retail for over 30 years now and she's still not capable of dealing with costumers. She thinks she knows everything and is the best at everything. And now she thinks she needs to belittle me, because I do not want to live in this small dump she calls home. I moved to a bigger city, far far away from her and living my dream of being an architect. She thinks I am stupid to leave my hometown behind and that I will be coming back crying some day because the big city is too scary for me.Fuck you! I am so happy without you!!!I hate you. I hate you. I HATE YOU.

#hate   #anger   #mother   #mom   #mum   #confession   #movingaway   #stupid   #embarrassing   #dream   #uneducated  

Pray and roll the dice for #stupid

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