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Hate Confessions

Read the best #hate confession stories

Was at work at Giant Eagle tonight, Saturday. Worked from 5-9 p.m. At Giant Eagle customers are still required to wear face masks even though the CDC has stated that anyone who is fully vaccinated doesn't need to wear one. An hour or so into my shift, I was asked to go into the lobby and take over for William which was to make sure that customers come in with masks on. I actually hate doing that because I know that customers will complain about wearing a mask. It turns out, I was right. At about eight o'clock, a customer comes in without a mask on. I asked him about his mask and he asked if he really needs one. I said yes and he said that he was fully vaccinated and I told him that he still needed a mask. He asked if it was Giant Eagle policy or CDC policy. I said it was Giant Eagle. He then asked another question about the CDC policy. I couldn't exactly make out most of what he said but my response was, "I don't know." His response? "That's right. You don't know." He also says that he works at a hospital and that he knows the CDC policy. He then says to go ask the manager and I do. I knock on the office door and speak to Andy. When I tell him what happened, I also stated that the guy was giving me attitude and right behind me I hear, "I was not giving you attitude." The customer had followed me into the store which he can't do and decided to talk to the manager. I wanted to explain the conversation that I had but Andy waved his hand as a way of saying to let the customer speak. The customer said his piece and Andy said his, I couldn't really make out what was said as I was standing outside the office and they were practically lowering their voices but what I did get was that the customer still had to put a mask on. This of course got the customer mad and he left the office. I then got a chance to say my piece and said that the guy was definitely giving me attitude. I was only out there for about a few more minutes when I began to feel the rage boiling up inside me. I knew at that moment that if another customer came in without a mask on and that customer made a complaint about it, I would definitely flip out and have a few choice words for the next customer. I immediately went inside and told Sam, the front end coordinator that I can't be out there anymore and she showed me where Andy was. I told him the same thing. At about 8:30, Andy asked me how I was. I responded that I was still pissed so he took me in the backroom and we put some plastic bags in a baler. I then told Andy again how I'm never going out into the lobby ever again because if I do I know and a customer complains about wearing a mask, I'm going to do something I won't regret and I don't care about the consequences. I even suggested a sign that says, "Wear a mask or get the fuck out!"

#anger   #hate   #swearing   #rage  

I hate my body. I've always been disgusted by it, and even y family is disgusted by who I am

My body it's built by oppinions,
but being exposed to toxic people, destructive coments and self hate has made me loose faith in happiness.

#disgusting   #body  

I hate my "friends"

No matter how many times nor how many ways I have tried to tell them and let them know that I want them to include me in things they do, I am tried of being left out of everything they do.

How hard is it for people to actually act like a "friend"

Is it really hard to simply call or text and say "hey we are going to do this, would you like to come?"

#friends   #hate   #loneliness  

I was in love with my friend freshman year. Fully, whole-heartedly in love. She knew it, and she used me. I was her proxy for verbally abusing our social group, so she could seen like the innocent saint. I would have died for her. She threw me away because I was depressed. I hate her now as much as I loved her then. I look back and see her as the selfish hypocrite she really was. Love really does make you blind. Never fall in love with a sociopath.

#abuse   #manipulation   #hate   #love   #sociopath   #loyalty   #liar   #lies   #sad  

I confess that I would love to punch those fake confessors out there in the face.
Some of those confessions can't be real!
I guess they are just bored or something...

#hate   #fake   #punch   #face   #confession   #anonymous  

To be honest, this has nothing to do with sex. I just wanted to get a message out and I knew most people usually go on this category. I've liked this guy for a little over a year now. We have a lot in common and we used to be really close because we were always having to sit next to each other in class. We had a band concert recently and I was really upset because this was the first concert I had where I wasn't sitting next to him. Later that week, I was hanging out with my friends when one of them.. let's call her May... brought up the topic of my crush... let's call him Brayden. I told them about how I felt after the concert was over and started to cry. All three of my friends... May... uh, Monica... and, uh, Alexis... told me I should just get over him. That is when I went full on rage mode.

They were telling me to get over him? For God's sake! I couldn't believe they went there! Alexis was fucking dating a guy from fucking Norway! May was fucking leading on a fucking senior (we are all freshmen)! Monica is asexual so I had nothing against her... but she has a secret admirer... let's call him Daniel... so, yeah. "Sure and in the meantime, May, you can stop talking to that Senior, Alexis, time for you to break up with that Norwegian guy, and Monica, you should just transfer schools so Daniel doesn't have to deal with your asexual ways!" I was so fucking mad!

By now you have all realised that I have a very short temper but I had a reason to snap. Next time you feel like telling someone to get over their crush, remember what it would be like if someone told you that. It sucks. We are separated now and Alexis commit suicide. I hate those girls so much for making me feel that shitty.

#love   #betrayal   #friends   #crush   #suicide   #remember   #tears   #hate   #temper   #message  

I have a crush on Megan Whessels a.k.a The Fanfic Critic on youtube.

I wanna cum on her fat face cause she has a double chin and that was in 2014, I do hope she's gotten even fatter since.
Seriously I would love to smell her armpits after a long hot day.

#bad   #sex   #megan   #wessels   #ugly   #fat   #youtube   #fanficiton   #i   #hate   #myself   #for   #thinking   #this  

I had a PayPal set up with my parents card on it I spent their money here and there but over the course of a couple months it added up to $1500 I feel Aweful and hate myself for it I want to tell but I dont want them to hate me for what I have done this weighs on me and makes me feel like the dumbest and most greedy scum ever I hate myself for this and always will

#dumb   #greed   #regret   #money   #hate  

I want to die and never be found.


My mother has very unrealistic views of the world or life in general. She uneducated, loud and embarrassing. She has an opinion to everything and is very much known for declaring them to everyone who will listen. She spends a lot on money on useless crap, decorating the house with weird shit. She's not working.She has this really big tooth gap which makes her look even more stupid.She works in retail for over 30 years now and she's still not capable of dealing with costumers. She thinks she knows everything and is the best at everything. And now she thinks she needs to belittle me, because I do not want to live in this small dump she calls home. I moved to a bigger city, far far away from her and living my dream of being an architect. She thinks I am stupid to leave my hometown behind and that I will be coming back crying some day because the big city is too scary for me.Fuck you! I am so happy without you!!!I hate you. I hate you. I HATE YOU.

#hate   #anger   #mother   #mom   #mum   #confession   #movingaway   #stupid   #embarrassing   #dream   #uneducated  

I hate myself. I have sent the picture right away and I can't cry my heart out. I wonder if I'll ever be able to withstand my own reflection. Don't forgive me because I'm not worth it.

#guilt   #hate   #help  

I pushed him once and he began to kick me,choke me,and throw me against the wall. I decided it was the last time. I punched him and he called the cops saying it was the neighbors who called. They arrived and I told them I attacked him for no reason and I was arrested. I took the fall for you so you could go into the army because you cannot go with a domestic assault charge. You never went. We got back together after 6 months of not being able to live in my own apartment because of the state and the charges. You were using and selling meth. You cheated on me. Your friend murdered someone and you let them stay in “our” apartment. You’re just as guilty and by the way,I broke my bond conditions to talk to you the whole time. I put my whole life at stake for you and you never once failed to break my heart. Thanks to the shit you post on social media everybody thinks I’m a monster. You make me feel like I’m a monster...I moved out when he was at work one day because I was scared of him and I had enough. I feel so guilty about the murder but if I speak up I could die and it’s too late. Any evidence they once had is probably gone or invalid. I don’t even know who is reading this but I wake up everyday and pray to God I never see him again. I just wanna get my degree and move. I can’t stand to live in the same little town as him. My name has been completely slaughtered and I am embarrassed to leave my house. No one believes my side of the story. Some one please believe me and be on my side. I’m tired of feeling so alone. I have posted this same confession to various sites in different writing styles in hopes someone will read it and understand and maybe they also won’t feel so alone. Every time I talk about it or think about it. I feel so many different negative emotions. I can’t ever word it the exact same every time. I just feel disgusted.

Why are those people who listen to the worst kind of music also those, who listen to their horrendous music in public without headphones??
My neighbour is one of those hateful people. He not only listens to his music on speaker, but also to all hours all day long. His shitty techno music drives me insane!!
Therefore, I confess that I not only want to point out to him to turn down his music, but I have a particular fantasy where I break into his apartment and destroy everything he owns, including his stupid subwoofer.
I already have the baseball bat I want to use. But for now, it is still only a fantasy. FOR NOW.

#hate   #music   #neighbour   #anger   #fantasy  

I put this under waste because I've wasted my life. Here it goes.

I'm bad like really bad. But looking at me you would never know. People are catching on as my life falls apart. I've been living like a quadruple life I guess. I don't even know who I am anymore. I can't think of anything I like. I hate everything and everyone. I have no friends left, the women of my life cheated lied and stole the entire time I've known them. Most of my buddies too. Just users you know. I always offer too much and people gladly accept my generosity. I always try and help but it eventually becomes them being entirely dependent on me. Then they go and I've lost so much in them. I never see the fruits of my labours.

Now I'm totally alone. And financially ruined. Relying on booze and drugs to feel better about the shitty person I am. I pray to god thanking him only, not asking for more. He still rewards me a lot. Gives me great opportunity and strength to conquer challenges. But I can't conquer myself. I want to end my life. Nobody would notice except the few leeches who still cling to my generosity. Everybody I've helped is doing great. I never took time to take care of myself, or set myself up better. My friends, wife, in laws, girlfriends, and associates have all benefitted greatly from my efforts but I'm fucked mentally physically and financially. I even still protect people after they betray me. Keep their secrets, bend to their requests.

I'm going to blow my brains out.

I hate this world, it's ruined anyway. Goodby you fucked up people. There's a good chance that there is someone in your life going through this who helped you a lot. I bet you won't even reach out to repay what's owed. Sick fucking society world wide.

#suicide   #hate   #jealousy   #lies   #cheaters  

I pretend to care about people I meet and my friends, but frankly I've been hurt and scarred so much that I don't care much for their happiness. If anything I'm resentful and bitter that they are happy and I'm suffering.

#life   #hate  

I peed in my stepdad's hot tub. He lives with us for 4 months now and he bought a hot tub for him and my mom but me and my younger brother are not allowed to go in there. And because we don't like him we decided to play some pranks on him. This was the first one; next we are going to put some fishes in it.

#stepdad   #hate   #hot   #tub   #prank   #fish   #revenge   #confession  

I can’t stand my husband. I cannot leave because we cannot afford it. Now, he wants to buy a new truck, instead of a reasonable car. And he knows I want to move out. POWER. FUCK HIM

#dick   #husband   #hate   #absue   #divorce  

I am filled with anger. Anger that is slowly bleeding away to hate.

Everyone is so fucking busy blaming and blamming each other into the dirt. Nobody either seems to or wants to understand, that regardless of your age, sex, gender identity, whatever label you proudly slap onto your chest, that we're all people just trying to get to the next fucking day.

You ever catch yourself wishing for super powers or magic? Doesn't matter how old you are, everybody does it from time to time.

Every time I come back to the same thing: Someone the entire world can rally together against. Of course it would never work and it's a fucking pipe dream, but it only fuels my fucking hate for the people around me.

I don't have high expectations. In fact they're rather simple. Survive, help others survive, get to that next sunrise, then figure it all out again, with the only ever present constant being that we, Humanity, are stuck on this goddamn dirtball TOGETHER.

But the only ones interested in saying anything like that only care about the audience they'll bring. The "clicks and the views" WOOOOO.

Fuck them.
And fuck you if you're one of them.

This will likely be buried in the sands of time. Sure maybe one or two, shit I might even get lucky and twenty whole people will see it.

But will it change anything? Will it get anyone to think? No. Because I'm either:

Alt-right because I don't agree with someone.

Alt-left because I don't agree with someone.

A Nazi, because I don't agree with someone.

Whatever fucking low budget brain label these fucksticks want to stick because I don't agree that there is one bad side and one good side.

And if you are one of those people, I just have a small, tiny, itty bitty criticism for you:




I'm going to die soon. The stress of being in this fucking world actively agitates bodily damage I've sustained and sicknesses I've suffered throughout life. I'm going to die, filled with hate for Humanity, all because these stupid fucks can't figure their shit out and that inability is going to be the fucking cause.

It's not everyone. There are those out there. The outliers. You know who you are.

And before anyone freaks the fuck out, I'm not acting out above kicking a shrubbery or two in my own yard.

These people, however much they fucking enrage me and fill me with hate and EMBARRASSMENT for being related to you on a genological level, are above wasting my time on aside making a random post on the internet nobody will fucking care about.

I don't think I deserve forgiveness.
I just want people to know.
However few.

#rambling   #dunno   #feltsadmightdeletelater  

My room mate and I were best friends. Now I hate that little slut, always fucking my boyfriend. I hate them both.

#hate   #slut  

I hate most people, esp. the useless (enter race, origin, low social status, habits here).
Women I see only as sexual objects, to be used ad discharged. Often I fantasize on raping my old mother and one of my aunts.
I wish I could unsubscribe from 'society' so I don't have to deal with it anymore.
The apocalypse sounds pretty good to me, a opportunity to express my displeasure with society and people by raping and killing them without consequence!

#murder   #rape   #hate  

Pray and roll the dice for #hate

Confessions by

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