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Read the best #guilt confession stories
I’m no longer interested in the girl I’m dating. We’ve been together for over a year and we live together. I love having her around but I just don’t feel in love at all. I can’t picture romantic ideas with her in them or getting married or having kids with her. I always picture other women. She’s honestly a great person but it’s to a point where I don’t even want to kiss her. I wipe my mouth after because it feels wrong. I feel so guilty but I can’t help it. And every time we’ve gotten close to breaking up she cries and I feel to guilty. I feel terrible but I just can’t help it. I wish I never got with her to start. If I could go back I honestly would. We’ve had a lot of fun and made memories but I just don’t feel a spark at all. Idk what to do.
#love #relationship #guilt #guilty #confused
I love my girlfriend with everything that I have and will do anything for her. She's one the best parts of my life, but her drinking is her default to life's stresses. I wish it wasn't because she changes into someone I don't recognize when she drinks. She's says hurtful things to me and gives me anxiety by how reckless she becomes. Tonight I woke up in the middle of the night only to feel my back and legs wet, she had pissed herself in the bed. I wish she didn't drink so much when things get stressful because I love her, I just don't love drunk her.
I am in a serious relationship for two years and recently ı started to fancy someone else. I love my partner with my whole heart and ı dont want to end or damage my relationship with him. But ı cant seem to stop looking at my friend differently. We are not so close but we started to spend more time together recently. I feel so happy around him. He makes me laugh. He is not my type but there is something different about him. I told my friends about how I feel and they guessed who ı was talking about before ı even told them. They said that he acts close to me as well. They said that he sometimes flirts with me. I felt that before too but I wasnt quite sure. But he acts so cold to me sometimes and then comes and flirts with me. I feel so guilty for liking him. I told my boyfriend that ı liked being around him as a friend. But I know it is a little more than that. I dont know what to do. And also he has a girlfriend too. I cant stop thinking about him. He acts like he feels the same about me but then he acts like he doesnt know me. I am clear that ı dont want to risk my relationship but I cant seem to Shake this feeling of me.
Sometimes when I'm bored I lick my friends ears for pleasure. I get bored and tell them its a disorder. Some are kind enough to not get weirded out by me but recently I started biting...
I was really close with a girl, we were going to have a relationship, but i met someone knew and went with her betraying my friend. She is still me friend but i feel guilty.
I hate myself. I have sent the picture right away and I can't cry my heart out. I wonder if I'll ever be able to withstand my own reflection. Don't forgive me because I'm not worth it.
I am a married women of 34. I have two children and have lived conservative life. I have been married for 12 years and met my husband who is a reason in our church and 14 year older than me. I was a virgin in when we married and have no experience of any one else. I am home all day looking after children. I recently saw my neighbour naked through his window. This played on my mind all day. I have into temptation and spied on his window the next morning. I am ashamed to say that I masturbated at the excitement and anticipation of seeing him again but he was not naked. I feel guilty and as though I have betrayed my husband I have never masturbated before we it's a sin. I am now living in guilt and frustration as I can not stop feeling I want to do it agian.
I am a 25 year old East Indian girl who is obsessed with White men, older men. I have been increasingly involved with older White men who tend to dominate me and treat me like crap. I feel racially and verbally humiliated often but I keep going back for more. A part of me feels guilty and ashamed but a bigger part of me cannot stop. The way they use me makes me crazy!
I started sleeping with a guy I’ve always wanted to fuck last year even though he had/has a girlfriend.
I’ve always thought he was hot but have never been single when he’s been around (meaning he was in jail for the short time I was free between relationships since I met him about 8-9 years ago).
It was supposed to be one “encounter” … We had about 5 days while she was away and that was supposed to be it, however every time she’s been away since then he’s contacted me, the last couple of times even coming to me at my house (we lived just over an hour apart and I’d always gone to him). I’ve not once tried to reach out or been the one to instigate further hookups, it was always him, but not once was I going to turn him down. The connection is AMAZING, honestly I’ve had some of THE BEST sex of my life with this guy.
The weird thing is, even though I know his partner I just don’t feel guilty, I don’t give a fuck, I would and probably will continue to fuck this boy every time she is out of town.
#ifuckedyourboyfriend #illdoitagain #mostselfishthingihaveeverdone #noguilt
I'm about to start university and do nursing, which is something I've looked forward to for a very long time. I'm a guy and there aren't many guys who do nursing so there's normally about 3 in a class of 40 at the university I'm going to. But more and more recently I'm not so interested in the nursing and more interested in the dozens of girls on the course
I have been doing a lot of stupid things for the past 2 months and here's a breakdown of the major ones:
~ I have been cheating on my boyfriend of 4 years
~ The guy I have been cheating on him with doesn't know I have a boyfriend
~ Again the guy I have been cheating on him with is almost 10 years older than me (I'm 21) and my parents would be furious (I think)
~ I can't bring myself to tell either of them nor get myself to choose (BF provides the love and comfort that I need while the other guy provides the adventure and thrill of a relationship. He also satisfies my sexual needs in ways that I did not know I have.
~ I feel guilty for keeping all of these in the dark, but at the same time I do enjoy it
Not too long ago, I posted on another confession website about how I started hating it when the people I work with would talk to me and I began fighting the urge to tell anyone I worked with to shut the "F" up. A few days later, I went to the website and saw somebody commented on my confession. The comment was, "Find another job complainer." I swear, I tried to fight the urge to retaliate by not saying anything mean but, in the end, the urge was too great. I responded with, "I did a job on your mom last night. Neither of us were complaining." I know what I did was wrong and I am sorry but, it does get me mad when I confess something and hope to see words of encouragement but instead get talked down too when all I really want is for somebody to say something nice that could give me a piece of mind and let me know that whatever I'm feeling will go away with enough time.
I feel different now. It’s hard to explain but I’m 20 years old. I broke up with my ex a few weeks ago. We were together for 2 years and she was my first and only when it comes to sexual stuff. She’s very pretty but thin. I thought it was great until this last weekend. This girl that just started going to my gym came on to me at 1am when I was working out. She’s like 30 years old, not the best looking face but pretty good sized boobs but an amazing lower half. Thick thighs and a big butt. I wasn’t attracted to her personality but sexually I’ll admit I was into her. She told me she was looking for a casual partner. We slept together once and I couldn’t believe how good it felt. I never felt curves before. Just feeling a different body in bed was amazing but to feel all her thickness. I feel addicted. I feel guilty as well because I do still love and want my ex back. But I don’t know how I can go back to being sexually attracted to my ex when this girl made me finish twice in the same hour.
Im in love with both of boyfriends roomates.. I long for them so much. I just want to curl up on their laps and spend my time with them in their arms. Not to mention the sexual fantasies.. I won't ever do anything, they are all close friends and im not that kind of person it just.. hurts.
I recently became so close with one of my friends who is very innocent and straight forward. She once started talking about how aroused she was and I was shocked to hear that. I was like "It doesn't feel right to share these stuff" but she said it's okay as since she just shared her inner feelings. As days went now we talk a lot about sex (we don't sext each other but share the interest fetishes) sometimes I get aroused listening to that. I feel bad about getting aroused and I told her about it. But she was like as long as you are not thinking about doing with me it's not a problem.
I am a teen girl. Once, when I had gone shopping with my aunt at a local supermarket, i saw this pretty little hairclip. I know I could have bought it, but, for some reason I didn't want to. Instead, I wanted to take it. So I did! Sometimes, I think it is just a small hairclip.. Sometimes, I feel really bad.
When my bf is at work I look up the most disgusting things to masturbate to. I don't ever want to try any of it but the fact that it's so gross turns me on... I feel guilty afterwards
I'm 53, male, and married now for nearly 30 years. No children.
I grew up in a strict religious home. Sex was reserved for married people and I still believe this to this day. I had in my teens what I would consider with my limited experience, a normal libido. Erections with the slightest stimulation: vibration of the school bus, brushing up against a girl, bikini clad tv characters, and all manner of stimulus, and I would have a raging hardon. By 13 or 14, I can't remember, I started masturbating in the shower initially. It gradually increased in frequency all through my teens and early 20s until I finally got married at 23. We were both virgins and very naive. I knew before I married my wife that she had been physically and emotionally abused by her step father who, by the way, was only 12 years older than her. He never raped her, but fondled her breasts and made advances towards her. He even bored a hole through the bathroom wall to spy on her and her sisters. When they discovered the peep hole, they plugged it as best they could and told their mother, but if fell on deaf ears. She couldn't believe he would do such a thing. He did worse to the other 2 girls than my wife, but apparently she was affected more than her sisters.
After we were married for a year, what little sex there was in the marriage ended abruptly. Penetration became painful for her and after many doctors visits, the diagnosis was vulvar vestibulitis. We tried all manner of "cures" for years. Spent thousands of dollars on attempts to "fix" her problems. To no avail. I gradually returned to my old habits and eventually added porn to the addiction. Work, public restrooms, driving down the road in my car, were all opportunities to jackoff. She didn't work much, just the odd part-time job here and there, so I had little to no time at home alone, so I masturbated whenever I had the opportunity.
Over the years, I had a couple opportunities to be unfaithful with other women. About 5 years into our marriage my wife was out of town for about 3 months taking care of her grandfather. Her younger sister and her daughter were moving across several states. Their route took them through our area, so they decided to stop at my house and stay the night before continuing their move. My grandmother lived next door to me, so I stayed with her while my sister-in-law and her daughter stayed at my house. This was all with my wife's knowledge. I had the perfect opportunity to have sex with her and no one would have known. After she left, I masturbated what felt like non-stop for days thinking of her. She has the best looking ass of the 3 sisters. She's also the only physically fit of the 3. How I wanted to fuck the hell out of her before she left. As she was backing out of the drive to leave, I noticed she left something in the bedroom. Some piece of clothing or something. I ran outside and flagged her down. When I handed her the object, whatever it was, she had a somewhat puzzled look on her face. Did she want me to invite her back inside? I don't know, but I had my suspicions. She told my wife years later that I was a better man than my wife knew. We both looked at each other and had that look of acknowledgement. During the same time period, my aunt, who lived across the road from me took in a renter. She was gorgeous! Auburn hair, killer body, beautiful face and wild as they come. I never made a move. Next came my wife's best friend. This was the closest I ever came to cheating physically. She moved in with us, but we were very careful about never being together without my wife around. I came home once to find my wife gone and her friend was laying out in the sun right outside my bedroom window. I watched her from the window and jacked off, more than once, don't remember. To this day, I still think she chose that spot intentionally to tease me. She fained a muscle cramp once to try to get me to give her a massage. I resisted. I watched her drive out of our driveway when she left later that same day only to see here angrily cussing and shaking her head. She eventually got married and moved out. I traveled for work for about a decade. Never took advantage of the opportunity. Always looking, but never touched another woman. I just never got up the courage to cross the line.
When my wife turned 43, a "miracle" happened. Her pain went away and we enjoyed about 5 years of what I believe was a normal sex life. We had intercourse 3 or 4 sometimes more times a week. Then just as quickly as it came, it went away. The pain was back and then she had a nervous breakdown. Can't work, won't leave the house except for doctors visits, sits on the couch and watches tv and plays video games. She's 52.
Should I have left 25 years ago? Sometimes I think so. I went right back to jacking off and the porn obsession has gotten worse. It takes more and more deviant videos to get me off. How I wish I could go back in time. Would I still marry this woman? I really don't know. I just feel worthless, angry, frustrated, and hopeless. I feel as though my life has been a waste as far as my marriage goes. Neither one of us is happy, but it's not for lack of trying. I hope one day this all ends up being worthwhile.
#frustrated #horney #regret #guilty #conscience #sisterinlaw #bestfriend
I'm traveling with my parents to visit family. I'm gonna try to get a dildo through the tsa checkpoint. Tsa won't care I'm sure. I'm scared my parents will see it though.
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