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Guilt Confessions

Read the best #guilt confession stories

I was sleeping at my friends house and because his much younger sister was at her friends I was able to sleep in her room. After me and my friend were done hanging out in his room and decided to go to bed I went to his sisters room. Even though his sister is younger than me she is still good looking. I went to her dirty clothes hamper and grabbed some socks. I had one to my face and one I used to masturbate with. I just smelled her dirty feet and I had cum in the sock. I felt guilty after and I put the socks back with her dirty clothes. It felt really good but also I felt weird after knowing what I did. I was thinking of her while masturbating as well. Then when I left before I went I grabbed her dirty underwear and just licked and smelled them, then I put them back.

#sex   #sexy   #guilt   #sock   #socks   #dirty   #weird   #feeling  

I feel different now. It’s hard to explain but I’m 20 years old. I broke up with my ex a few weeks ago. We were together for 2 years and she was my first and only when it comes to sexual stuff. She’s very pretty but thin. I thought it was great until this last weekend. This girl that just started going to my gym came on to me at 1am when I was working out. She’s like 30 years old, not the best looking face but pretty good sized boobs but an amazing lower half. Thick thighs and a big butt. I wasn’t attracted to her personality but sexually I’ll admit I was into her. She told me she was looking for a casual partner. We slept together once and I couldn’t believe how good it felt. I never felt curves before. Just feeling a different body in bed was amazing but to feel all her thickness. I feel addicted. I feel guilty as well because I do still love and want my ex back. But I don’t know how I can go back to being sexually attracted to my ex when this girl made me finish twice in the same hour.

#sex   #guilt   #thick   #help   #comment  

I am 18 and read these stories often and masturbate to them frequently all these stories of young hot horny girls turn me on and I wish could fuck the girls

#masturbation   #guilty   #pleasure   #horny  

I confess to being lazy. I try and do as little work as possible. I often don't do homework assignments until the last minute. As I type this, I have readings I am supposed to be have done. I have not done them because I can't bring myself to do the work. Sometimes, I get lower grades than I should because I was lazy and didn't work as hard as I should have. One time, I put off an assignment for months after it was due.
I nap often because I am so lazy that sleep is a better option than actually doing school work.
I am guilty. I am a sinner. I will seek out ways to discipline myself, and do penance.

#lazy   #school   #guilty  

I'm about to start university and do nursing, which is something I've looked forward to for a very long time. I'm a guy and there aren't many guys who do nursing so there's normally about 3 in a class of 40 at the university I'm going to. But more and more recently I'm not so interested in the nursing and more interested in the dozens of girls on the course

#shame   #guilt   #ratio   #care  

I have a girlfriend. And I love her. But before her, there was someone else. We never really got anywhere worth writing home about, this other girl. She was in a difficult place at the time. So we just flirted, kept up a certain level of sexual tension, while still keeping each other at arm's length. It was, strangely, fun. Let's call her Mary.

Then, I started dating the girl that would be my girlfriend. She was hard to get and even harder to read. A real spitfire who'd never let me get away with anything. Everyone she meant would say that there’s something about her that just leaves you enthralled but you just don't know what exactly. It's something. Call her Amy.

Things hit off with Amy. It was a rocky start being who she is but it got somewhere nice, somewhere serious.

But early on with Amy, Mary and I kept texting and kept interacting on social media. We would comment on each other's photos how hot we thought the other was. Amy didn't mind. Mary was a friend, after all. In the DMs, Mary always talked about how we should get some coffee sometime; how we should maybe get a drink. Just us. She knew about Amy, though. We talked about Amy sometimes, so she knew.

The plans for coffee or drinks never went anywhere. I just kept saying, "Yeah. Maybe."

It didn't go anywhere until one day, it did.

Amy was out of town. And Mary dropped a selfie on my DMs saying she in a cafe downtown alone. I thought about for a while. Then I hopped on my car and went for it. "What harm could some coffee do?" I thought at the time.

I got there and we talked. She talked about med school and I talked about my own shit. It was, in a word, surreal. Then she asked me to walk her to the toilet. It was up some stairs and away from prying eyes. Before she went in she gave me a hug and, out of habit and shock, I hugged her back. My heart was racing. She pulled back and held my face in her hands, then wrapped them around the back of my neck gently.

"You're an amazing guy, you know that?" She said, her face close to mine. She was, without a doubt, one of the most beautiful people I've ever known.

I smiled.

We stared at each other for a while, arms locked around each other. In any other situation, this is where I would go in for a kiss.

But no, I just said, "You should go in, Mary. I'll downstairs."

I don't know if it was guilt or something else. Maybe a part of me had finally decided to admit what my concious mind wouldn't: that I was cheating on Amy.

When she went in, I called up my bestfriend. I told him to call me in 10 mins with some fake emergency. He knew where I was and who I was with, so he agreed. No questions asked.

When Mary returned, we continued talking for a little bit before my bestfriend called. I left that cafe on the whim of some fake emergency that afternoon. Despite that, I was one of the best non-date dates I've ever had.

A few days later, Mary stopped interacting with me on social media. No likes, no comments. She stopped the DMs and when I would try, she would respond but only to be respectful, I felt like.

And so eventually, I stopped.

A few weeks had passed and I got a DM out of the blue from Mary. I remember I had just woken up that summer day when I got it.

"I meant what I said. You're an amazing guy. Wish you the best. Take care of yourself."

I never responded. I didn't know how to. I didn't know what it meant.

That was three years ago. I don't see Mary anymore. I don't speak to her, whether in person or online. But sometimes, during the late nights, I think about that day in the cafe and about what that message, that seemed too much like a goodbye, meant.

Amy, to this day, doesn't know about it. And I've never done anything like that since. We're happier than we've ever been now and things are going great.

Mary hasn't dated anyone since, I don't think. But I see her online, looking happy and still in med school.

I'm writing this now because it's been three years. All that time and I still think about Mary.

#cheating   #guilt   #mystery   #adultery  

I (f/20) took advantage of a stranger a few years ago. I was 16 when it happened and I was in town shopping with my best friend. While walking down the street, a guy around 25/30 came up to us and asked us in broken English if we would like to have some coffee with him and that it would be his treat. My bff was against it at first, but I convinced her. It was free coffee after all!
So, we went to a cáfe and tried to have a conversation with him. He was from some dirt poor country or something like that and his English was really terrible. What we found out was that he wanted to go to university and bring his family to him (they were still in his country of origin) and that he migrated because he thought that he could have a better life here. He had no friends and apparently had a hard time making friends and connections.
We asked him why he wanted to have coffee with us and I am not sure, but I think he thought we were cute or something.
We tried to talk to him for like half an hour or more, but it was more or less pointless. His English was really really bad. Why come to our country if you are not able to speak the language???
Anyway... He went to the restroom eventually and we decided to bolt. He wanted to pay for our drinks anyway, so I guess that is not a problem...
I talked to my bff about it today and she said that we behaved like total dickheads back then. I never thought about it before she brought it up today.. Well, I guess I am feeling kind of bad about it now.
So, forgive me?

#stranger   #advantage   #freedrinks   #poor   #bad   #guilty   #pity   #bff   #coffee   #confession  

I'm traveling with my parents to visit family. I'm gonna try to get a dildo through the tsa checkpoint. Tsa won't care I'm sure. I'm scared my parents will see it though.

#sexy   #secret   #guilt  


I confess to being a cocaine addict, among other things that I want to confess about. This is a long story and I will keep it as short as possible. It all started when I was in middle school, just as I was finishing 8th grade, i had reached a point in my life where I had become aware of how alone I was. I was being bullied my whole life in high school but only when I turned 14 did the loneliness begin to really hit me. I wanted to fit in with everyone so badly that I was willing to do anything. Once, I saw a group of popular kids doing drugs in the bathroom stall and they caught me looking at them. I asked if I could join and they didn't believe that a girl like me would even dare to do drug with them and thats when the insecure little girl inside me forced me to put aside all rationality and I just went for it. Since that day I have been battling addiction, depression and anxiety. I have to spend the rest of my life popping pills for my withdrawal symptoms and depression and I have to work my ass off to get my self-esteem back on track all for a second of impulsivity. Till today, I would say that i regret no thinking of the consequences. I regret not thinking of myself or my family before jumping into the trap. More than anything, I want to go back to the day and get the last 6 years of my life back...

#addiction   #depression   #guilt   #cocaine  

I love my girlfriend with everything that I have and will do anything for her. She's one the best parts of my life, but her drinking is her default to life's stresses. I wish it wasn't because she changes into someone I don't recognize when she drinks. She's says hurtful things to me and gives me anxiety by how reckless she becomes. Tonight I woke up in the middle of the night only to feel my back and legs wet, she had pissed herself in the bed. I wish she didn't drink so much when things get stressful because I love her, I just don't love drunk her.

#soulmate   #girlfriend   #drinking   #issues   #guilt  

I am 17 (f) and I am addicted to lesbian porn. Ever since I was a young girl, maybe around 13, I have been masturbating to lesbian porn. I have only had 1 lesbian experience (which will be a seperate confession) and am desperate for more. I

#masturbation   #lesbian   #secret   #porn  

My neighbor and I were sipping wine and chatting. I was telling her this and that about my marriage and how my husband leaves me unsatisfied. Next thing I know she was kissing me. It ended with me having my first experience with another girl. Now I am sorting things out. I was so horny and totally lost control. I confess.

#guilt   #sex   #girlgirl   #lesbian   #horny   #husband   #neighbor   #69   #kiss   #first  

In 1986 when i was 12 years old a neighbor man asked me to sell him my dirty underwear. He said he would give me 100$
stupidly I did and i kept it a secret.
Years later i heard he had gotten in trouble for molesting little girls and they found over 500 pairs of little girls underwear.
I often wonder if mine were in his collection.


#12   #underwear   #young   #guilty   #secret  

One time, after going down on my boyfriend and him cumming on my face, we went to the bathroom to clean up. So we get in the bath and I blow bubbles in the water just to be funny, but it made my boyfriend not want to make me cum. He left me hanging on purpose for something very dumb (more than once). Or he will guilt me into having anal sex with him after saying no, saying stuff like "we did it before", "it feels better" etc. but that was when I wanted to do it. When I confessed to him that I'm insecure about my vagina, he got offended and didn't wanna kiss me or do anything affectionate because he thinks that I "don't care what he says as I'm insecure over it anyway", expecting it to be gone after I've been insecure over it for years. He only started being affectionate like 4 hours later when I started crying. This all happened within 2 weeks. I'm 16.

#guilt   #shame   #insecurity   #boyfriend  

When my dad's dog died I was actually happy at first. He was old and no longer able to control his bowels while also being more demanding than usual. He was always a bit of a nuisance due to my parents not training him at all and in age became worse through no real fault of his own. He was clearly suffering since his legs had failed entirely. He got put down after vomiting blood.

After a few days I began to remember his puppyhood and felt emotional. He was a trouble maker but never malicious. He wasn't a bad dog, maybe he could had been trained better but he was not bad.

He seemed so scared when he was in his final days of existence. I want to know his pain has ended and he is in Heaven not some eerie plane of non-existence.

I gave him a bath and cooked chicken with a tasty sauce for the dog in his sunset hours. I didn't actually know he was going to be put down that day.

I wish I had cared for him more in his life. Now I feel a void. He was a nice dog. He didn't deserve to die and it hurt to watch him suffering. I feel like a shit person.

#dog   #death   #grief   #guilt  

I worked with a gal she was just 19 with a killer body but very very ugly with big thick glasses. I was 28 with three kids and both my wife and I worked to supply our family. I've never had a hard time attracting woman and had been married to this drop dead gorgeous blond for 8 years. I never wanted to hurt her I loved her very much and we had alot going for us. Andrea got around because she out right told me one day she was very horny and she used her body to get any man in her bed. She always flirted with me and I don't understand why but my dick wanted her. One night we worked late and she stayed over to help and she was all over me talking tinkling and just flirting. I didn't want anybody to know but I asked her if she wanted to go out after work, were talking 1 Am. It was not unusual for me to work all night because orders had to be filled. We went to McDonalds and alone we got talking about cable TV which I told her I didn't have wish I could. She was telling me she had it and invited me over to see. I accepted. When we got to her small and I mean small apartment she had three rooms, kitchen, bathroom and living room. Her bed was a mattress in which she picked during the day on the floor. She turned on the TV for me and started to look at her mail. I sat on the couch with her and before long was kissing. She told me she always wanted to see my dick so I pulled it out and she started to give me a blowjob. After about 5 minutes she stood up and pulled her jeans and panties down. My wife doesn't shave and now I was looking at a shaved teenage pussy. She laid back and I started eating her out. After a short while she sat up grabbed my hand and we put down the mattress. I noticed she had taken off her top and I was at awe, so much smaller than my wife with little nipples. We laid down and I started to suck her nipples and drove her crazy. Than she laid back legs spread and I entered her unprotected. It felt awesome, she kept telling me I was hers and she needed a man in her bed every night. She came very hard many times until I shot my load in her. Instantly gilt came on me and I wanted out now.. She grabbed me and begged for me to stay crying. I soon left and went to a truck stop to wash and went home it was now 5 am and crawled in bed with my wife. It never happened again but I still do see her from time to time.


There's this guy that works at a store near me. He has to be the hottest guy I've ever seen. And every time I go to the store and see him he catches me staring, I know he's too old for me but damn. I'd do anything he told me to. The thing is I have a bf and I feel guilty just thinking about this guy. When I know I have 0 chance with a guy because they're 10/10 and I'm a 1/10 I usually don't even bother thinking about them but I can't stop! Help! Is it wrong I think about him?

#guilt   #fantasy  

Roommate caught me jacking off, I feel terrible.

#masturbate   #roommate   #guilt  

So I knew this dude about 2 years and we clicked instantly but then around the first half of the year we stop talking and then around the begin of the second year we start talking again and see how we are. Today I found out he has a girlfriend that he cares for so much and I still have feelings for him but I shouldn't so what should I do let him go or keep talking to him?


After I drink hot tea I rewarm the last of the water and put the teabag back in. Then I let the warm teabag sit ontop of my clit until the whole area is warm and pulsing. Once I'm good and hot, I massage the warm teabag in circles, faster and faster until I cum.


Pray and roll the dice for #guilt

Confessions by

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