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Cocaine Confessions

Read the best #cocaine confession stories

Ive done cocaine, I smoke weed and I'm addicted to tobacco. This is to take away the ongoing pain, I don't know what's wrong with me but I just have this pain and it won't stop. I even hear voices sometimes.

#weed   #smoking   #fags   #cocaine   #depression   #anxiety  


I confess to being a cocaine addict, among other things that I want to confess about. This is a long story and I will keep it as short as possible. It all started when I was in middle school, just as I was finishing 8th grade, i had reached a point in my life where I had become aware of how alone I was. I was being bullied my whole life in high school but only when I turned 14 did the loneliness begin to really hit me. I wanted to fit in with everyone so badly that I was willing to do anything. Once, I saw a group of popular kids doing drugs in the bathroom stall and they caught me looking at them. I asked if I could join and they didn't believe that a girl like me would even dare to do drug with them and thats when the insecure little girl inside me forced me to put aside all rationality and I just went for it. Since that day I have been battling addiction, depression and anxiety. I have to spend the rest of my life popping pills for my withdrawal symptoms and depression and I have to work my ass off to get my self-esteem back on track all for a second of impulsivity. Till today, I would say that i regret no thinking of the consequences. I regret not thinking of myself or my family before jumping into the trap. More than anything, I want to go back to the day and get the last 6 years of my life back...

#addiction   #depression   #guilt   #cocaine  

I called in sick at work and I am sat in my room getting high on Coke. I think I will do the same tomorrow.


Pray and roll the dice for #cocaine

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