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Porn Confessions

Read the best #porn confession stories

I invited this cute girl to my apartment yesterday. It was our third official date and I wanted to impress her by cooking for her. So, we end up on my balcony, everything is going smoothly, we are both having a great time. We are talking, drinking some wine, PURR-FECT!
I noticed that some nice background music would be nice, too, so I got my laptop, opened it and that's when it started...
I forgot that I was watching some ... adult movies ... the night before and after I was "done" I simply shut it, but never closed the tab.
Well, the movie started again the second the computer powered up.
God damn... she took it lightly and laughed about it. But I am still embarrassed...

#porn   #girl   #date   #embarrassing   #laptop   #movie   #oops  

I have watched porno several times durinf the past 3 months


I have been looking at porn for about a week now.

#pornography   #addiction   #confess  

I am throughly discuted with myself. I have a porn addition that involves very young girls. I fantasize about having sex with them and masturbate. but when i get done if feel so much guilt and shame, that i get out a belt and beat myself with it! I give myself 40 lashes each time. this has helped in a mager way. I no longer am atracted to minors that i see on the street. when i see them on the street, i have nothing but love and compassion for them in my heart. And i wonder how anyone could ever hurt them sexually! I know that i could not! NOt ever!!! Yet when i am home alone i get horney and go looking for porn again. I am tired of this sycle! I have sought out help in the past by confessing my sins to a minister; but instead of helping me, he told everyone in the congregatiion about my lust. I had to move to a different city! Now I must say that I have never, not even one time, molested a child! Nor will I! I see kids as individual humans and not sex objects. I love them as if I were them! and if i were them, i would not want someone hurting me sexually. So I discipline myself and stay away from them!!

But this sin of lust has hindered my relationship with God. I desperatly want to be rid of this sexual desire. So I keep beating my self with a belt and doing what i can to resist the temptaiton to begin with. But you can rest assure yourself that i am not a threat to kids in society! I just have an evil desire that I must get rid of at all cost.

Please pray for me!!

#evil   #lust   #porn   #addiction   #confess   #confession   #sex  

That awkward moment when you read that one of your favorite porn stars is recently single and you get really excited for a second before all of reality bursts your second long fantasy.

#sex   #porn   #fantasy   #single   #hookup   #hookups   #pornography   #adult  

I have been having the greatest sex of my life with a straight man for the past two years. He claimed that none of his friends even suspected that he was fucking me, and was a little paranoid that they would find out. I kept trying to get him to come out of the closet, but he refused. He would perform anal on me and never hesitate to cum in my mouth or demand for me to do the same thing to him. I remember one time he ate my ass like it was the last supper, and afterwards when he was leaving, told me he was still straight. Yeah, right.
One night when he came over, I hid a couple of video cameras in the room and taped us fucking bareback. After he left, I watched the tape. It was hot as fuck and I probably jerked off to it a couple of times that night before I uploaded it to a gay porn site. I don't know what I was thinking, but that act alone and the thought that others would maybe be watching us fuck and suck cock really tuned me on. Within a week, the video had over 2,000 hits.
About a month later, I saw my boyfriend at a cafe with his friends, but I never even went over to his table, since he never wanted any of his friends to know. After they finished eating they paid their tabs and left, and about ten minutes later, two of his friends returned to the cafe and sat down next to me at the table. They told me that they had watched the video, but had not told my boyfriend that they knew. Turned out that they were bi and were fooling around with each other on the side.
They told me they would keep our secret if I would give them blowjobs. We went back to one of their apartments and not only did I blow both of them and savor the sweet taste of their warm cum down my throat that night, but I have been bottoming for both of them at least once a week since then. Oh, and by the way, I'm still fucking my straight boyfriend, too, but he doesn't suspect a thing and thinks our secret is safe. Little does he know, our gay fuck video is up to over 80,000 hits now...


I was 13 and she was 14 when this happened. When my cousin (f) and I (f) were younger (around the age of 7 or 8) we used to watch porn together, I first came across it on my older sisters computer & I ended up showing her (my cousin). As we got older and whenever we visited each other we'd watch and react to it together in private. One day, the door was locked and we were on the bed watching a lesbian porn vid. She suddenly says "I wonder what it would feel like" then I asked her if she wanted to try it and she said yes. Sooo long story short I ate her out.. At a huge family party might I add :/ She's completely straight and I'm bisexual, we don't talk about it but we still watch porn on days that we see each other. I'm now 16 and she's 17. Our families still don't know about anything that we do or have done (aka each other lol)

#bisexual   #young   #curious   #porn   #family  

I am 55 years old and I have been a masturbation fanatic since I was 13. I got ahold of some porn magazines and the first chance I got to be alone, I spread them out in front of me and figured out what to do next. A few hours later, I did it again. The next day, I masturbated 4 more times. I jerked off heavily all through high school and beyond and rarely had girlfriends. I accumulated a large stash of porn magazines. In my 20s, I started going to adult bookstores and masturbated in those private video booths. Nowadays, of course, I have access to unlimited porn on the internet. I have masturbated less when I was in a relationship, but I always looked at porn and masturbated. Since I had a string of unsuccessful relationships, I decided to go it alone and now I masturbate just as much as I did when I was young, usually 4 or 5 times a day. I watch a lot of porn because the porn makes the orgasms more intense. I have often wondered if this is a strong sex drive or an addiction. Recently, I was on a camping trip and I did not have enough privacy to masturbate for several days. Yes I survived but by the end of the trip, I was thinking about what I was going to do when I could get myself some alone time and sure enough after I got home, I masturbated like crazy for a couple days, actually losing count of how many times.

#masturbation   #lifelong   #porn  

I have a crippling porn addiction. i have tried to cope up with it but im not able to, i tried nofap for 35 days then relapsed. I remember i once jerked off in an anonymous parking lot I don't know how to confess this to someone in person so i cane here to do so......


I have been addicted to porn and masturbation for 5 years. It has destroyed my self esteem and now its about to break my love life. I want to confess to my fianceé. I am scared she may leave me when I tell her the truth. No one knows about it but I have to tell someone so I can get help.

#porn   #addiction   #masterbation   #love  

hi, I want to say first of all that i love babies, toddlers and kids with agape and phileao. NOT eros! But i do have an internet porn problem. and sometimes i end up in pedo chat rooms. and I talk about things with these perverts that shock and discust me!! I get wraped up in role play scenerios that are hideously gross! For me, the conversation/role play, is pure fiction!! And i always wonder afterword why i did all that! Becuase everything i said to them is totally contrary to my true nature! My relationship with God has been tainted by this, and i feel that i need to confess my sin in order to be healed. (i.e. have my relationship with God restored) I am really disgusted by what I have done, and vow to never do it again!!!

#disgust   #evil   #porn   #sex  

I think I was in 8th Grade, I recently discovered what masturbation was and got instantly addicted to it. Almost everyday 1-2 times a day I did it, but one time I was so desperate I decided it was a bright idea to do it while I was in math class. Since we were watching a movie in the dark I thought that it was a good opportunity, so I simply jerked off around 5-10 people at my table.

I didn't really think about it till I started going cold turkey again from porn & masturbation. I don't think anyone saw me but if they did it's been almost 6 years so it's probably long forgotten, I was 13 at the time & starting off a wonderful porn & masturbation addiction.

But flash forward to me now I'm working on it & getting better.

#masturbation   #porn   #public  

I’m old but I’ve learned. I got some fake thing that seemed real. I clicked it and got emails acting like they knew me. I opened one. Porn. I never opened another.
I still occasionally get one but never open it. Do they just randomly try to go after everyone? I can’t figure out how an old person who only reads the news and sports gets porn sent to them disguised as normal stuff.
I need a filter that blocks everyone except the few people I want to talk to.
I get angry over this. I don’t want to talk to some perv.


I remember coming across porn, when I was about 7 and had just gotten a new tablet. I remember looking up "" in the middle of the night, just being a sneaky, silly little kid. It took me to a porn site, and the first video I clicked on was a bondage video. I was immediately enthralled in the contents of the video, and found it exciting to watch something like this. Although I didn't know what it was, I loved it.

Fast-forward 3 years, I'm 10 years old now. I start to remember what had truly happened that night when I was just 7, so I decided to do some investigating. I grabbed my tablet and searched up "" for the second time ever. Yet again it took me to the site, and I clicked on another video (I do not recall what this one was about). This time, I realized, for the very first time, that I was watching porn... And I fucking loved it. I must have locked myself in my room for a good 3 hours, scrolling through and watching all these videos. I became more and more excited as the video went on, and I noticed something happening. I felt a feeling in my stomach, and a tingling in my privates, accompanied by a wet feeling. This had never happened before. I wanted to see what it was, so I pulled down my pants and panties, and took a look. My panties were completely soaked. Then I decided to imitate what they were doing in the porn video, it seemed as if the woman was having a lot of fun. For the first time, I masturbated. It was amazing. For the next 6 months or so, I would masturbate pretty much daily. At 11 I kind of took a break.

Now I'm 13 and love masturbating. I took my mom's hitachi, washed it off through and through, and now I use it as my own. It feels amazing! She didn't even know it was gone. I masturbate daily now, if not every other day.

#masturbation   #porn  

I have cheated on my 20 plus times with Asian whores. I need to get my porn/whores/drinking together before it cost me my job and kids. It is time for me to man up.

I'm a 16 year old girl and I am obsessed with lesbian porn.

#lesbian   #porn  

is that I have a sex addiction and I happened to speak to a porn star via twitter. She then came to my town and I asked to see her. She said ok, and I met her and her husband and the next thing you know, she's blowing me and then we both bang the shit out of her. Best day of my life!!

I am a 20 year old Christian from the UK, London. I look at pornographic videos and images online. I know it is a terrible sin and by God's grace and the power of confession it will be broken in Jesus name AMEN!!

#lust   #porn   #sin  

The day I learned I was a lesbian was the same day I masturbated for the first time.

I got a smart phone for my 12th birthday. About two weeks later, in the middle of the night, I am unable to sleep. So I grab my new phone. I had looked up pictures of girls before, but never naked girls. I image searched naked girls and was astounded. After five minutes of scrolling, I realized I had been subconsciously rubbing my lady parts through my PJ bottoms. I took my pants and undies off and rubbed my pussy as gently as possible. It wasn't until half an hour later that I had started to lose control and pushed my finger inside myself. I had never realized touching my privates would feel so good. I kept at it, looking at dozens of beautiful nude girls until I reached my first orgasm. I kind of yelped when I climaxed, and I couldn't back to sleep for a whole hour because I was worried my parents might have heard.

I'm 16 now with a wonderful girlfriend. I want to masturbate with her someday.

#lesbian   #porn   #orgasm  

I'm female and addicted to porn. I don't know anyone else who is.

#masturbation   #porn   #alone  

Pray and roll the dice for #porn

Confessions by

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