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Confess Confessions

Read the best #confess confession stories

Hi Well I have never confessed this before and think it's an addiction, Ever since I was 14 I have been been drinking my pee, it's started when I used to masterbate and I used to taste myself on my fingers and the sweetness used to turn me on and make my orgasms much harder, so it was a natural progresion for me to taste my pee after I rubbed my pussy straight after going to the bathroom one day and the taste was amazing and got me off so fast I was instantly hooked, I have been doing this for over 10 years now and am considering telling my Boyfriend but don't know how to approach the matter, we don't live together but after we have sex I sometimes can't wait for him to go or for me to get home deppending on where we are at the time his place or mine, and as soon as I get alone time I wait untill I have a full bladder untill I am almost about to burst then I strip off and piss straight into my biggest cup that I keep just for this purpose then I sit down and masterbate while drinking it all down and when I'm almost finnished I allow my throbbing wet pussy to cum as I hold the last mouthfull of pee in my mouth before swallowing and when I cum it truely is the most intence orgasms I have but it's getting worrying because I have been doing this even more and more and look forward to it and some how can't get off otherwise, I am afraid if I tell him this habit I have formed that he may not like it or worse still may not want me, but I still can't help wanting to tell him and to share this with him so he could be a part of it, I wish I didn't have this but I just can't stop once I get it into my head what I am going to do, it makes me so wet just knowing that I am going to make myself drink a cup of my sweet piss and cum while doing so, turns me on so much I can't stop. The orgasms I experience is amazing and mind blowing so much that I find it an addiction.

#true   #confession   #addiction  

Today, I pissed in my own mouth, swallowed some, spit the rest out onto my feet, lucked it off my feet and sucked my toes til I came, and licked the cum off.

Gross, but so so fun.

#kink   #nasty   #masturbation   #confession   #sex  

I (f / 39) met a really nice guy, I am madly in love with him. At the moment, he's in prison for murder.
I know he bitterly regrets that he strangled his ex girlfriend after a huge fight and he suffers that he took a life of a human being.
It is expected that he will be released from prison this summer. I fell in love with him and I am ready to help him build up a new life, with me.
Of course, all of my friends and my son (19) are shocked warn me that I might be the next victim on his list.
Now my son issued an ultimatum. If I want to continue visiting the man, he will move out and he won't talk to me again. Now I should immediately choose my son over a murder but it's very hard for me because I like this man so much and I know that he has a lot of good qualities and features.

I am sorry that I am in love with a murder.

#murder   #love   #prison   #ultimatum   #confess  

My mother got some money in her drawer. I stole it.. about 1,000 bucks and I don't even know why I took it.
Actually... I don't need it.. If I want something I can ask my parents, they would buy me...

#money   #stolen   #parents  

As I was a kid, around 14 years old, I stole cigarettes from my grandma. I smoked them with some of my friends on the playground.
Now I'm 25 and I'm grateful to my grams that she gave me the opportunity to smoke. I think smoking is fun and cool.

#cigarette   #smoking   #theft   #grandma   #cool  

I am 27 years old and have never been kissed or had sex with. I feel like such a fucking loser all the time. I have some friends, but I think they just pity on me and are not actually my friends. They invite me along, but only sometimes. I guess when they need a designated driver because they know I do not do alcohol. I see on their FB and snap when they are out having fun without me.
I really like to have a girlfriend, but I do not know how to talk to women... I am such a fucking loser.

#lonely   #virgin   #change   #friends   #confession  

Today, I dressed myself as death, with a scythe and a hood and walked through a nursing home.
I never had so much fun in my life before.

#death   #scythe   #hood   #nursing   #home   #fun   #life   #confess   #evil  

She went to close the door when she saw it was me, but I stopped her, and said "No, listen I want apologize, that's all! Can I come in for a minute?" There was doubt and even fear in her eyes, behind the heavy lenses of her horn-rims, but she stepped back, and allowed me in. I sat where she indicated, smiled my best smile, and said "You really HATE me, don't you? Not that I blame you - I've been pretty awful over the years, I know!" She nodded stiffly, saying nothing. She was quite athletic for her sixty-five years, and self-assured with it! I was thirty years younger than her, and at least averagely attractive. "Is there a point in here, anywhere?" she asked acidly. "Okay, I'll cut to the chase! I feel the need to be punished. By you. Sounds crazy I know..." She snorted "Actually it sounds pretty damn good to me! But I don't believe you anyway! If I had you in handcuffs, I probably wouldn't believe you!" I laughed sheepishly, and said "Pity we don't have any! Maybe I could convince you!" She got up and went to a closet, pulled out a holdall, and laid it on the floor between us. "My husband was a police officer, before he died. I still have some of the stuff he carried in his unit." She upended the bag, and stuff fell onto the floor, including a pair of handcuffs! "Wanna put your money where your mouth is, Junior?" My eyes were drawn to something black, rolled-up, with a strap round it. "What's that?" I asked, unable to take my eyes off the dull shine of what looked like rubber to me. "Oh he always kept a body-bag on board - fatal accidents, you know...." She unwound it, into about seven feet of rubberized material, with a full length zipper. "Wow!" I said, "Never seen one of these for real! Just in the movies!" She stirred it with her foot. "OK. Here's the deal! I'll punish you by shutting you in there, and lecturing you on all your many shortcomings - captive audience?" Okay? No? I didn't think so! Chickenshit! You can leave now!" She got up, and began rolling the bag up again. "No, wait! I'll do it!" She handed it to me, and said I'm going to the restroom briefly. If I were you I'd undress because it'll get awful sweaty in there, real quick!" She strode out of the room, and surprised at myself, I threw off my sweats, and slid into the bag, shivering at the touch of the cool smooth rubber, as I zipped it up to about my chin. She returned, and said "Holy Shit! He fucking DID it! You must have shit for brains, junior!" She quickly slid the zipper all the way closed, and then belted something round my neck, so that the heavy material drew in tight to my face and head, and suddenly all I had was air coming through the zipper! And the zipper tag was out of reach, above the strap round my neck. It was black, rubbery-smelling, and quite scary! I couldn't think why I had done this! It was too late now though. I was helpless! "So!" she said coolly. "Let's hear your apology! It better be real good! Real convincing!": In a state of shock, and with just enough air for consciousness, I babbled stuff, and she laughed nastily.. "Some apology! I guess you do need to be punished, and loathing you like I do,, it will be a real pleasure! You have been one rude, selfish, thoughtless piece of testosterone-laden shit! It will be a REAL pleasure to humiliate the FUCK out of you, over the next few weeks! You get out of there, Mister, only when I'm satisfied you've learned some manners!" Next few WEEKS? She couldn't do that! Could she? I wasn't sure.......

#hate   #confession   #crazy  

I confess that I would love to punch those fake confessors out there in the face.
Some of those confessions can't be real!
I guess they are just bored or something...

#hate   #fake   #punch   #face   #confession   #anonymous  

I confess that I have a very bad habit. Everytime I think no one sees me, I eat my own booger. Usually, I am a cultivated young woman but I just can't stop doing it. It's kind of an addiction for me.
The problem is that I even do that when my boyfriend is around. I have to keep myself from laughing out loud when my boyfriend kisses me deeply after I ate a booger.

#disgusting   #booger   #bogy   #addiction   #boyfriend   #confession  

I'm sick at the moment. Got some nasty bacteria and to defeat them I have to take special medicine.
I confess I'm addicted to those pills already. I get pretty hallucinations from it.

#bacteria   #sick   #medicine   #addicted   #hallucinations   #confess  

I wrote one of the confessions on this website, I'm not going to say which one it is but I have to say that I lied. This never happened to me. I'm sorry.

#lie   #confession   #website   #sorry  

I read the diary of my twin sister. Now I know that she's got a very serious diarrhea.

#confession   #diary   #diarrhea   #sin   #anonymously  

The day I saw you, my life changed forever, I remember that day like if it happened yesterday, you were walking on the hallway of the second floor, outside of the drama room, I saw you and I knew that I was at the right place, I felt shy and lost, I used to look at you everyday, trying to figure out how to spell your name, I lived with the frustration for a very long time, because I thought that you would never notice me, and I wouldn't be in your standards, so my expectations got lowe and lower, until one day, someone invited me to go out, and you were invited also, I wasn't sure if I wanted to go because you were gonna go but then I realized that I wanted to see you, even though I knew that somehow I would screw up because of my difficulties and shit, so that first time went well and it happened again, the next weekend and the nex and then next but then I heard that you were leaving for good and I thought that it would not be the same anymore because well, you were special to me, and i was gonna lose you forever, so I couldn't even talk to you because I didn't know what to say, but it wasn't necessary because you talked first, and you invited me to your very last day in Cebu, I felt really happy and emotional because you considered me to be with you in your last day, and I can say that I was lucky because only few people were invited, your really close friends, I am not sure of why you invited me because we were not as close, anyway. I felt emotional because my brother was in the hospital the day you were leaving, and i didn't want to let him alone, but then I thought that you invited me to be there in your last moments and that i wouldnt be able to see the most beautiful and amazing girl I had ever met, so I decided to go and spend the day with you and my friends, it went pretty well, it was quiet though, i guess because it was your last day and no one knew what to say, and I swear that when I saw you without your braces that day i fell in love just like the first day I saw you, change on you is always good, it's always been like that, I thought that we wouldn't talk any longer after your left, but until now, we talk everyday, about your daily lives and everything that happens to us, but now, I am the one who is leaving and i'm leaving this beautiful place in which I met you, I knew it was gonna change our lives forever because that meant that any chances of meeting up were gone because of course we didn't have any motive to go to each other's country just to spend a couple of days and then leave, so I wanted to write everything that I feel for you, as it will never be the same, and as I see our last chance of being togethere vanish in the air. I am writing this because I didn't want to leave without you knowing everything, and whithout me knowing anything that you hadn't said, I always loved you and i never told you

#love   #confession  

Every tuesday is pizza day in my office. This means our boss buys pizza for the whole office. Because my office is in the fifth floor and the cafeteria is in the first floor, I often have difficulties getting a slice of pizza. Some of my stupid and egoistic colleagues always take half or the whole pizza and disappear in their offices. The entire staff gets 5 to 8 pizzas. We are 32 people.

So today, I waited for the pizza man and put laxatives on each pizza before leaving them in the cafeteria.
Hahaha, what a fun. The entire third floor was blocking the restrooms for the rest of the day.

#pizza   #laxative   #office   #staff   #egoistic   #revenge   #confession  

I write poems and short stories. I even have a dream diary.

I'm a 27 years old guy living at his parents place...


I got my little brother drunk. He's 16 years old and had some friends over, they had some beer with them and some tequila but none of them drank very much. When they left, I showed my brother what he could to with all the leftovers. I mixed him a very special cocktail, containing 4 cans of beer, half a glas of tequila and some vodka.

He drank all of it, we had some fun but then I sent him to bed.
The next morning the whole living room was covered in vomit. My brother had to clean up the mess; my luck was that he don't remember anything, so I denied giving him that much alcohol.

#alcohol   #vodka   #cocktail   #drunk   #vomit   #funny   #brother   #confess  

I sneak around and suck others guys cock. After I added up my list, I realized that I’ve sucked 47 guys total. With multiple events with each guy. I’ve been sucking one friend for 22 years. I even sucked my nieghbors cock regulary for 4 years, 215 times total with him. I actually just let him cum in my mouth. I’m so gay, right?

#gay   #confess  

I am obsessed with Harry Potter!
If I could I would leave the muggle world behind to become a witch. I would even leave my family and my friends.

#fan   #confession   #witch   #magic  

My girlfriend and I (m/30) have been together for around 10 years now. Her family is originally from Russia. Shortly, after we got together, she invited me to her birthday party with her family. Up until then, I never met her family or knew much about them. Of course I agreed to come and got her a nice present and some flowers for her mother. I actually thought that it would be a small and quiet celebration.
Oh boy, was I wrong.
When we pulled up to her parents' house, I was overwhelmed. It was (still is) a really big house with fine decour and everything. I got rather nervous that her family would not like me as they obviously were playing in another league than me.
So, it was a huge party and all her family from all around the country and from Russia came to celebrate. And as you might know, the Russians love their vodka. Everyone was very kind and everyone wanted to drink with me. As soon as my glass was empty, another relative came my way holding vodka shots. My girlfriend was very busy talking to everyone and did not notice what happened until it was too late.
So, we danced, we took shots, the food was amazing. Until I noticed that I wasn't feeling so well. I didn't make it back to the bathroom, but puked all over myself, the floor and some landed on my girlfriend's mother... I was mortified!
Somehow, my girlfriend, her mother and her aunt managed to get me into the bathtub and hosed me down. They got me a pyjama of my girlfriend's dad and they put me to bed.

The next morning when I woke up I felt horrible. I was utterly ashamed, but still went down for breakfast. Everyone still present was smirking and laughing at me, but it seemed everything in good fun. Her mother came up to me with a bottle of vodka shortly after and asked if I wanted to do some shots. I almost puked on her again.
So I guess I just wanted to get this off my chest before our wedding in June when I have to see her whole family again.

#girlfriend   #russian   #vodka   #drunk   #puked   #embarrassing   #family   #celebration   #party   #bathroom   #funny   #ashamed   #confession   #wedding   #russia  

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