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Money Confessions

Read the best #money confession stories

I get about 2000 dollars a week through gambling. I'm addicted but refused to accept this for a long time. Now I know I got a problem but don't see the point in stopping. I earn a lot of money with it and certainly don't have any disadvantages. Some of my friends now started to stop talking to me because they think I need help.
I don't care, I get a lot of money!

#gambling   #money   #accept   #help   #friends   #confess  

I work in a filling station at the drive-through checkout. Some days ago an older guy around 60 or something drove by and wanted to pay with his credit card. He talked to himself all the time, he was really a creepy hell of a guy and really really unfriendly. When I told him to wait a moment he insulted me and said that I was an incompetent loser.
He then gave me his credit card, I put it in the card reader and told him to enter his PIN. He started talking while typing as accidentally told me his code. I gave him the receipt and he drove off showing his middle finger.
But he forgot his credit card.

I drove to the mall the same day and went shopping like I had never shopped in my like.
Thank you Mr. **** for your kind gift!

#filling   #station   #drive   #checkout   #credit   #card   #shopping   #money   #unfriendly   #confession  

I confess that i started escorting and made over a grand unfortunately i spent it all and now i still want to go back and this time save money. No one close to me knows and im going to keep it that way :D. Also the thought of doing this job makes me happy 😊

#money   #life   #goal   #temporarily   #young   #money  

I just sold my start up company for A LOT really A LOT of money. As soon as my consultant called me to tell me that the seller signed the contract, I went to my bank and got a 1000 backnote (I live in Switzerland). Afterwards I went home and on the toilet and I cleaned my butt with this money.
I am sorry I did something arrogant but I wanted to do that for a very long time.

#company   #money   #rich   #bank   #switzerland   #toilet   #arrogant  

It's me again, The guy who works at Giant Eagle. I might as well confess that this very selfish but, when you hardly make any money working at Giant Eagle, all you want is more money. Usually whenever a customer has too many groceries, I will get another cart and then put their groceries in both carts. After that, I will help the customer out to their vehicle. This is where the selfishness comes in. After I help a customer to their vehicle and, depending on the customer, put their items in the vehicle or the customer will do it themself. Either way, every time I help a customer out to their vehicle, I'm always hoping they will give me a big tip of $50 or more. If a customer doesn't give me a tip, I walk away feeling cheated. If a customer does give me a tip but it's only a few dollars, again I feel cheated and wish that they would give me more money.

#selfishness   #money   #customer  

I am addicted to buy clothes - I am a shop-a-holic.
That's not the biggest problem for me. Everyone in my surroundings told me that I exaggerated with shopping and that I should stop. At first, I didn't believe them and kept on shopping, I did this until I was broke. Every single month.
Now I noticed it myself. But I am just to pride to admit to them that they were right. So now I keep on buying and wasting money just to show them I don't believe them.
I am just stupid, why do I do that?!

#clothes   #shopping   #addited   #pride   #lie   #money  

I live in a country where the state provides financial help for the poorer people. I receive such help but not because I am not able to work but because I don't want to. I live from the taxation of other people and it's the best!

#fraud   #government   #state   #help   #money   #financial   #taxation   #confession   #sin  

I (female and 20 years old) told my affair that I'm pregnant though I'm not. I just wanted more attention and that he would care for me. And it was great to see that he was scared that I could talk to his wife. And he gave me 300 euros for the abortion which I could use very well for my new TV.

#pregnant   #abortion   #scared   #tv   #money   #attention  

I'm going to become a doctor. To be honest I don't work in medical care because I care about other people or because I want to help them. I just do it to get the prestige and to be in the high society and of course to earn a lot of money.

#doctor   #medical   #care   #money   #prestige   #society  

My friend who is 15 has been getting fucked by two older guys who she calls her, "sugar daddies" One of them knows she is 15 and the other does not and both of them are married with kids. We both go to a private school. I am only there because I am getting financial aid because my family is poor, but she is rich af even though both of our moms work together. And her sugar daddies pay her about 10,000$ a month, which is far more than my mom makes in a year. So beyond statutory rape, she makes more money from it than my parents.

#adultery   #money  

I always knew I would come into money and I did. A really nice sum. Really good things just seem to always happen for me when everything else seems shitty for everyone else. I am quite happy about it-- it's just that now my bf that things have been rocky with is now suddenly very sweet and kind to me. Not sure how to take it. Yes, I love him, it's just he's been quite the shitheel to me and now suddenly it's "water under the bridge". I guess I'm not over him shoving me. We'll just see where this goes...

#boyfriend   #money   #hmmmm  

Gas prices are actually crazy. I know it’s common to complain about them but damn. In California the gas station closest to me is almost at 7 bucks. It’s like they give no shits about raising the price because everyone else is. Makes me miss trump. Makes me hate California. Every time I drive I gotta stare at the gas tank and prepare to kiss 100 bucks goodbye. I remember the good old days when gas was still 4.75$ a gallon. Pretty sad when 4.75$ is considered cheap. I can’t give anybody rides anymore and I’m not trying to be an asshole but before the spike in price I’d drive a friend over an hour to a doctors appointment no problem. Never asked for gas money. Now if you want a ride up the road that will be a dollar lol. But for real fuck this gas issue.

#gas   #prices   #angry   #mad   #money   #wasted   #missingtrump   #trump  

I had a PayPal set up with my parents card on it I spent their money here and there but over the course of a couple months it added up to $1500 I feel Aweful and hate myself for it I want to tell but I dont want them to hate me for what I have done this weighs on me and makes me feel like the dumbest and most greedy scum ever I hate myself for this and always will

#dumb   #greed   #regret   #money   #hate  

Male, 29.
Because I recently changed my mobile phone number, I get some strange texts from strangers who think I am a lady called "Nancy" and they are all offering me help. They want to give me money, or buy me things or invite me for dinner. But those people are not just men, even women write to this number.
I don't get it. At first, I didn't answer but now, I reply. One of those nice gentlemen even transferred money to a bank account of mine. Thank you dear Mr. Ben because of your friendly donation of 5 000 dollars, I am able to buy me a new car!
I don't understand why they all have my number, but now I appreciate it and won't stop.

#phone   #number   #help   #money   #gentleman   #car   #lady  

I was walking behind a guy when I noticed 100 bucks falling out of his pocket. Because he ran into me seconds before he lost the money, I took it without saying anything. I am now going to invite my girlfriend to a nice and romantic dinner.

#money   #lost   #dinner   #girlfriend   #evil   #romantic  

I'm unemployed and because I am lazy I cancelled college. Now I live at home again, my parents pay for me and I just spend their money on useless stuff or booze. I party almost every weekend, I get drunk and pay drinks for the ladies.
I beg for money and lend money from my friends. But I don't think about giving it back, occasionally they'll forget.
Well the biggest problem is not the begging and the laziness, it's simply that I can't care for myself... that bothers me.

#laziness   #unemployed   #money   #parents   #begging   #lending   #friends   #egoist  

For years now, I wish to have magical skills.
I would conjure up money, clothes, a house. Everything I need.
I confess that I'd love to become a witch.

#witch   #magic   #money   #secret  

I like to jerk off while smelling my sisters white flats


I got a salary raise about half a year ago. I know earn 200 000 dollars a year. But I didn't tell my wife because she would budget all the money for useless things. Some time ago, she told me she wants a new car and wanted to re-decorate our house. I will keep quiet about it and enjoy the additonal money myself.

#money   #dollar   #wife   #salary   #raise   #additional   #confession  

I peed in the shampoo bottle of my boyfriend's mother because this stupid woman claimed me for stealing her money.

#hate   #shampoo   #pee   #urine   #boyfriend   #mother   #stupid   #stealing   #claim   #money  

Pray and roll the dice for #money

Confessions by

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