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Pregnant Confessions

Read the best #pregnant confession stories

Me and my girlfriend have been together for about 8 years now. We started dating around the age of 14. She was my first girlfriend, and I was her first "serious" boyfriend. Not that she was sleeping around, she just had a few other "playground boyfriends." Ie, non serious. But thats besides the point. We were dating for about 2 years, when her family moved to another town. We were both still pretty young, and our parents didn't think we'd last, so obviously, with us not driving yet, it was pretty difficult to see each other. We tried though. Even that far apart I couldn't help but feel how much I loved her. We took any chance we could to see each other. Always had things to talk about. Constantly joked about marriage and kids and all that.

She started seeing me less and less though. She started having plans with other people, and not wanting to talk to me as much. She told me about this new guy she had been hanging out with. Told me not to worry about it. They were just friends. And I believed her. She never let me meet the guy, but I figured it was conflicting schedules or something. About a year after she first started hanging out with him, she called me crying She had been cheating on me for the past 6 months, and had gotten pregnant from this other guy. (I mean, you all saw that coming, right?)

So we break up. I'm heart broken, and my parents are making me feel worse, telling me they were glad she cheated, so that I could finally get a good girlfriend (ie, one they approved of). I didnt care if people thought it was just a stupid adolescent love affair. I loved her. I was committed to her. And she completely betrayed me.

I didnt date the rest of high school. I was deeply depressed, and very stuck in my own head. I didnt talk to anyone. I failed all my classes, and started getting into drugs. The only reason I even graduated was because I got stuck in a work release program, and most of my grade was given to me by my store manager. Took me about 2 years to get over her. Took a little longer than I had hoped, because I found out she had changed her last name to his, which kind of re opened some wounds.

I just started dating this girl. Nothing serious. Its been about 2.5 years since the break up. I wasn't wanting anything too serious. We weren't even having sex. The occasional kiss was all we shared. And that was fine with me. But one day my Ex called. She wanted to see me and catch up. So I went, thinking nothing of it. Or at least telling myself that.

We've been back together ever since. I am raising her ex boyfriends son with her now. Its been almost 3 years. I shouldn't have let it get this far, because I hate the idea of raising another mans child. I mean not that hes a bad kid, he just kind of wouldn't exist if his mother hadn't fucked another dude... He looks up to me. He loves me. Now I'm more of a Father figure to him than his own Father (whos gone on to have 4 other kids, btw)... But I secretly hold this anger towards the son were raising. I know its not fair. And I know he isnt old enough to understand.. But I don't want him. I love them both very much, but I don't want them. Especially his mother... She is great, and nice and pretty and hard working. Always talking about how good weve become at being parents. But I just dont feel the same towards her anymore...

Like I said, its been almost 3 years of feeling this towards both of them... The only reason we havent broken up is because Im too scared of another 2 year heart break. And because I dont want her son to feel like it is his fault. Its not fair to any of us. But I cant bring myself to end it with her.

#cheating   #pregnant   #ex  

I fucked around on my husband and I am pregnant with the other man's baby. There is absolutely no chance it is my husband's.

I guess I will have to confess when the baby is born, because it is going to be pretty obvious it is not my husband's.

#fucked   #husband   #pregnant  

I am with my boyfriend for ages and I really would be a mother but he still wants to wait. So I just stopped taking the birth control pill. This happened over a year ago (!) and I am still not pregnant. Maybe the universe tries to tell me that I shouldn't have children with him? Maybe he's bad for me? Maybe there's some other guy out there who's perfect for me? I now started taking the pill again, maybe my shining prince will come soon?

#pregnant   #baby   #children   #mother   #pill   #birth   #control   #universe   #prince  

For some reason when my wife was pregnant I was sort of "put off" by her big belly. I didn't fuck her much throughout any of the three pregnancies, maybe an average of 5 times during each pregnancy and at least 2 of those were anal fucks.

Lately I've been turned on by pregnant women and milking women. I've started paying to fuck pregnant milking, and just milking women. I have an ongoing adult nursing relationship with one woman I milk her tits every afternoon on the way home from work. I have paid other women to milk them and fuck them. I have been with 5 different women who were from 6 to 8 months pregnant, and paid to fuck them each several times. I will only fuck a hairy pussy pregnant woman or girl though, shaved pussy with a preggo belly for some reason just doesn't do it for me.

The adult nursing started as a once in a while thing, with no sex, though I did pay her extra for us both to be naked, she'd had her baby and got her super hot teen body back very quickly. Even without the milk she had very large C cups, now they are bigger. She announced that she was going to stop milking within a month. She was a single mother with a 4 year old and a new baby from different fathers. I offered and she accepted, I pay her rent and utilities, and she keeps her milk flowing. She is always naked, the baby is weened, and the four year old watches me suck his moms tits dry while she moans like the little 19 year old slut she is. She has gotten where she will now jack me off while I do it, and I started insisting that I rub her clit while I nurse and she cums about 4 to 6 times every session. I haven't stuck it in her yet, but I want to. I'd love to get her knocked up again and get double for my money, nursing and a preggo to fuck. I am not sure that will happen since I'm 33 years her senior, but I think if I wait until she really needs something and needs more money, I can get into her pussy. Once I can do that, especially if I get her pregnant, I'll have her so hooked on the money I can keep fucking her for a while. I still see two hookers who are pregnant and will keep fucking them until they deliver. I love that there is another mans baby inside them while I fuck their pussies, suck on their big tits and hold onto those big bellies. One is married and the baby is her husbands, he knows she gets paid to fuck while pregnant, I even fucked her with him in the living room watching TV. The other is a single mom, who got knocked up at a group bang where she was the center of attention. After they deliver, the single one has agreed to let me be the first one to fuck her after the doctor allows it.

I think back on my wife having been pregnant 3 times over 8 years, and think that I could easily have had 8 to 10 years of nursing on her tiny little titties, which grew to a nice B cup when filled with milk. I'd loved to have seen them deflate every day as I sucked them dry. I really missed out on doing that to her.


Me and my wife were trying to start a family. We had been married for 6 years and had been trying for 8 years. She was checked out and there was no obvious problem, I was checked out, sperm count was good but there slightly below the expected level of mobility.

My wife was getting desperate.

We had a nice Polish couple living next door and everybody always commented how and the Polish man looked alike. He was highly educated engineer and had more degrees and titles then I would ever have. He was also very nice and we became good friends and every now and then went out and had a beer and really good chat.

On one of these nights he was asking me, "You seem to very down in the mouth. What's bugging you?"

So I told him. and said that despite the results it could still be me who was the problem.

He smiled and me and said, "Oh how I would love to help. Your wife is such a pretty and sexy lass! But I am afraid my wife would divorce me straight aways if she ever found out!"

And I said that my wife would never agree to that. She would divorce me and marry him so that he could give her babies.

Then he said, our flats are door to door on the gorund floor. Streight out into the communal garden. If you want I could help and every night live a liitle plastic jar wih my fresh sperm in it and you just pick it up and have to manage to somehow pour it into your wife's pussy.

You would do that? I asked. Most certainly he said. I would be it a honour and I would love to help. Besides it is horny as hell and I already have a hard-on thinking my sperms flows into and up wife's cunny.

So we did and we kept it going for almost three months during the critical days. We never got found out and nobody ever discovered our big little secret.

My wife got pregnant and two years later we did the same. In no time I became an expert in artificall seeding of my wife's pussy.

My wife is happy, I am happy, nobody has ever questioned that these are my boys and my neighbour is very proud of his achievement and pleased that he could help.

#wife   #pregnant   #neighbours   #help  

I am married with kids. I have fantasies about impregnating (consensually) random women of many ages.

#sex   #pregnant   #kids  

I am pregnant.
I let my boyfriend cum inside me just because. When we found out I talked about abortion. He wont pay for me to get one. Neither will my parents.

I dont want a baby. Maybe I kinda sorta thought I did. Im 12 weeks in. Ive heard the heartbeat and I just..i just dont want it. Honestly Im kind of hoping that something happens and I miscarry so I dont have to deal with it. I could also get more attention and sympathy that way.

I have smoked weed while I knew I was pregnant. I also took Robotussin and Mucinex DM to robotrip. I still smoke cigs when I can. Because.well. i just dont care.

Its not that i dont care about my baby, i dont care about anyone, really. Thats something ive realized reading these confessions. I just like attention and doing what I want. I dont really care who I hurt. I know Ive manipulated people on purpose but it just doesnt really get to me. I think that now once Ive realized this and harnessed my true power I will take it to the extreme.

Before when I did things I really did feel bad..but now I dont care. At all.

I dont want forgiveness. I dont want to change either, honestly.

#baby   #abortion   #pregnant   #heartless   #careless   #mom   #mother   #teen   #manipulative  

I'm 24 years old and have been married for three years. For the past year we have been trying to get pregnant with no luck. This week I just found out that i'm pregnant. Problem is that two weeks ago I attended a conference for my company where I had to stay overnight. That evening my boss and I had dinner where we had a bottle of wine then afterward went to the bar for a couple more drinks. I then made the mistake of going back to his room for a nightcap where we ended up kissing which led to us sleeping together having unprotected intercourse. Now I have no idea whos baby I'm carrying but suspect it's his since my husband and I were having trouble conceiving.

#embarrassed   #doubt   #boss   #pregnant  

A fly landed on a tissue I masturbated into and I was thinking "ha dirty little bastard I hope it doesn't get pregnant". Had a giggle to myself but now the fly keeps flying round the room and landing on me I don't want to kill it ha.

#masturbation   #tissue  

Two years ago when I was 17 I had a silly crush on my best friends Dad. I didn't have a clue that he even would give me a second thought but that changed one day when I stopped by their house and he was the only one home. We chatted for a while then it became obvious that he was flirting with me. I was flattered but didn't think he would do anything. I turned to look at something on the TV and he came up behind me and kissed me on the neck. When I didn't resist he put his arms around me ran his hand in my blouse and began playing with my tits. One thing led to another then he bent me forward over the back of the sofa and raised my skirt. I thought he was going to play with me and didn't realize he had a;ready gotten his penis out. All of a sudden he was in me and I told him to pull it out because I wasn't on birth control. but he continued. The more he did it the more I was enjoying it so I just ask what he would do if he got me pregnant. His answer was we would cross that bridge if it happened. When he let me have it it was awesome and I let him know it was ok. A few weeks later it was obvious he had indeed knocked me up and we had to cross that bridge. He paid for me to have an abortion which I didn't want at first but he convinced me it was best.

#awesome   #pregnant  

I want to pound the shit out of one of my coworkers. I bought her a pregnancy test today because she thinks she's pregnant. wish it was mine.

#coworker   #sex   #pregnant  

I'm a 25 year old black woman married to a white guy. For the last year I have been having an affair with my husband's father.

He is 50, but is stud and so fine. His cock is huge and he can fucks like a machine.

It's the best sex I ever have had.

I fell in love with him and now am pregnant with his child.

I want to leave his son and only be with him.

He loves me too, but doesn't want to hurt his son.

I am so fucked.


I will do penance. My confession is that I got one of my employees pregnant. She is 24 and has been with us about a year. Not her fault, she wasn't expecting it. But now she's pregnant and she's morally bound not to abort. So here we are, I got a piece of her ass and now I got a problem on my hands. My wife is not going to be happy. She is already raising my love child from when we were first married. This time I'm sure she won't offer to take the child so we will let this girl raise the child. Money isn't a problem, between my wife and I we make out pretty good. But my wife is going to go over the top. She's told me many times to leave the work girls alone. Now? Here we are.

#sex   #adultry   #pregnant  

Several weeks ago my sister and I rented an Air B&B to do a mini vacation. We stayed up drinking with her husband. He passed out on the couch while we continued to drink. We finally turned in for the night, she tried to wake her husband to come to bed but he was out. I tried sleeping on the floor but it was uncomfortable so I got on the couch next to my brother-in-law and fell asleep. I woke up later to him pulling down my sweatpants and underwear I asked him what he was doing and to stop and he whispered "shh. Don't worry, I won't tell your sister" I then felt him inside me, I tried to pull away but he had a firm grip on my hip. After he finished, he kissed me on the neck and said "That was nice kid" The rolled over and went back to sleep. I pulled up my pants then got back on the floor and slept there the rest of the night. The next day while my sister was in the shower he walked up and put his hands on my waist and said "that was nice last night, we'll have to do that again soon". I did my best to avoid him the rest of the trip. I chalked it up to drinking and bad decisions.
But this morning I took a pregnancy test and it's positive. I'm pregnant with my brother-in-laws baby. I'm so lost on what to do.

#pregnant   #sex   #drinking  

I think I might be pregnant again. This would be my second child if I am. I'm not ready. Why am I so weak sexually. I'm in love with my partner but I'm not married. I just don't know what to do if I am I don't have options anymore I feel so alone.

#sadness   #pregnant   #child  

I am 37 years old, female, I am very fat, and not attractive to men at all. When younger I knew I couldn't get a guy to date me unless I let him have sex, that was just a fact. When I was in my late 20's I even tried lesbian relationships but only found even fatter, very butch lesbians who wanted to dominate me and stretch me and do all kinds of things to me. I know I'm fat, I know I'm basically ugly.
I asked a guy I know to get me pregnant for $ 3000.00 He moved in and is fucking only me, only in my vagina, though he can put it in my mouth or asshole, but he must cum in my vagina. He will do this for 3 weeks with what I hope is my fertile time in the middle. He uses me to put his sperm in about 2 sometimes 3 times a day. If I'm not pregnant then I'll try two more times. I have enough money for that.
I just want a baby, and know that to guys, I'm only good as the last girl at the bar to fuck. I've been nothing but a cum receptacle my whole life. So I want a baby and think this is the way to do it. The guy has no responsibility for the baby, so he's agreed to fuck me and me only during this time. He actually moved in here so he can fuck whenever he wants. He's very young so he fucks a lot and is a really big cummer.

#getting   #pregnant   #fat   #bbw   #ugly  

My first boyfriend broke up with me after we had been together for a year, I was 16 to the time he broke up.
Out of desperation I told him I was pregnant. He believed me and at first, he tried to help me and stayed with me. He was a really nice guy, caring and loving and he would have never left me with a baby.
Over the weeks, it got more difficult to keep the lie up. Of course I didn't tell my parents about my lie, so I had to ensure that he wouldn't meet my parents.
The time went on and after a while I thought he would love me again and wouldn't leave me neither without a baby. I decided to end my roleplay and let "the baby die".
Because he had to work in a different city, 3 hours away from our hometown, I called him and told him that I had lost the baby, that I had bled and that the fetus inside my body had been swamped out. I told him this could happen from time to time (I had heard about it before, so I didn't make this up).
He was very upset and sad that we lost our baby but I was just happy all the lying was over.
A few weeks later, he met my mom in the city and all went down... They talked about it and he discovered that I had never been pregnant.
I got a text from him "I know you lied. It's over."
I am now 23 years old, I have never heard from him since.

#boyfriend   #pregnant   #lie   #baby   #fetus   #break   #roleplay  

So I dont know why but I really like crossdressing especially as a pregnant woman. It feels so fun and I cant help but feel a sense of envy and desire to be one. I dont think i want to transition either since i cant actually be pregnant so whats the point.

#male   #pregnant   #fetish  

I have been cheating with a married woman for years. We dated in college and started talking online after we were both married. One thing led to another and we started having sex again. The sex is incredible and neither one of us wants to stop. Recently she told me, while I was inside her, that she wanted me to get her pregnant. Needless to say the sex since then head been incredibly hot! We track when she's ovulating and get a hotel room. Then have sex seven or eight times until we are both spent. This afternoon she sent me a pic of a positive pregnancy test. With the text. "Our first." It got me so horny.

#married   #woman   #pregnant  

I am an 19 year old college student living in a posh neighborhood in Dallas TX. Walking my family dog every morning used to see this married attractive and sexy blonde walking her dog. Eye contacts, smiles, Hello, exchanged names and became friends. Surprised she asked for my help setting up a new computer. I was in her house, her husband out of town on work. She confessed she wants a baby but her husband has medical issues. After several meetings, I said OK. We had hot and passionate sex in her own bedroom for a week and sure enough she missed her period. How will she confess to her husband? She decided to swallow his stuff instead as he could not have vaginal sex with her. That worked. Fortunately for me, the baby came out full blonde and a girl looking like her. After 2 years,. when I returned home for summer, I met her. I was kidding asking her if she wanted a second baby. No. However, we decided to have sex when I was home from college. She was hot and passionate in bed although twice my age.

#affaire   #pregnant   #college   #milf  

Pray and roll the dice for #pregnant

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