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Woman Confessions

Read the best #woman confession stories

I have broke other people's trust, I fully admit to this and we will happily live with banished sin and banished against our pillars, boundaries, morals, values, honors by God.

Thank you so much

#god   #love   #fulfilment   #righteousliving   #justice   #fairness   #equality   #promise   #forgiveness   #living   #jannah   #happyeverafter   #wow   #beauty   #embrace   #growth   #life   #woman   #man   #humanity   #unity   #peace   #harmony   #alligmenet   #mutuality  

when I was 14 I started fucking a 54 year old neighbor. We've been fucking for about 8 years, I finally around 17 got a girlfriend but still fucked the old lady down the street. I'm on the 5th steady girlfriend, and about the 25th girl I'd fucked and I'm still fucking the now 62 year old. She lets me do anything I want to her, and at the same time taught me how to please a woman, so my girlfriends have always been very satisfied sexually. The thing is she used to leave the bathroom door open and usually smoked while doing her business, both kinds of business. I started liking the smell, both of the cigarette and urine and even the other. Seeing her naked on the toilet was a real turnon for some reason.
I got to where I let her watch me, then she would lay out some plastic on the bathroom floor, later the living floor, and she'd get over me, and start going pee and poo on my belly, or I on hers. Then she'd take me in her pussy or her ass and lay on me with it all spreading on us both and I'd fuck her until I came. Sometimes she sits on my cock and smokes a cigarette with the poo and pee on us both. For some reason I found this kind of play very arousing and I still like it. I can't bring myself to ask my girlfriends to smoke while blowing me, much less fucking me, or to let me even watch them on the toilet much less do what she does to me. I'm 22 and hopelessly lost in a fetish and don't know how to even admit it to a girl, much less find one that is also into this type of play. I totally understand that most people are super super super turned off by this, but . . . I'm lost.

#ws   #bs   #smoking  

One of my friends is a total loser. He only had D's in school and in worklife it's even worse, he got fired the other day because he couldn't remember his bosses name. And I don't want to start about his woman skills, there are non.
First, I tried to help him but it's just not possible. Now I began to expose him in every arising situation. You can't imagine what fun it is to she him struggle and fall. In a metaphorical way of course.

#loser   #friend   #school   #worklife   #woman   #exposure   #confession   #evil  

I always thought women are the one thing I find most fascinating in life - until I met him. He is 22 years old and he taught me how nice love between men can be. He showed me love and the most beautiful things in life.
I will never let another woman break my heart. We men do not need you! And this realization is the best thing that ever happened to me.

#women   #woman   #men   #man   #love   #gay   #homosexual   #heart  

I worked in a restaurant. The owners threw a party for a departing employee. The boss lady's mother was there. Everyone had a good time. The next day the boss lady told me her mother raved on and on about me all evening after all the guests were gone. She was an old lady probably early 70s. My boss told me ,"you almost had to go home with my mother last night....." It was said jokingly of course but that night I jacked off because just knowing I made her wet turned me on.


I kinda like women, and I am a man!

#wtf   #man   #woman   #love  

To Confession 737:
I agree! Women should be allowed to be hit, too. I don't get it why we should treat them different in this situation. They want equality, so let them have equality.

#confession   #woman   #hit   #equality  

I am living in sin for several months now. I have a long distance relationship with my boyfriend and we only see each other every couple of months. We've been together for over 10 years now and I am now 25 years old. We promised each other our virginity and wanted to save each ourselves for the other one. I am pretty sure that he will propose to me on Christmas, the next time we see each other.
My secret is that I've been seeing some else since summer. And that is not the worst part. The person I am seeing is also a woman.
I don't know how it happened, but we met on the bus, started to talk and it was just like BOOM! I've never felt anything like this before. I, of course, still love my boyfriend to death, but with this woman... I feel complete, I feel so happy I never thought I could feel.

We went out for drinks rather quickly and that was the same night we shared our first kiss. It was electric. It was magical.
I know now that I am totally and irrevocable in love with her.

But that is not all... She doesn't know anything about my boyfriend either.
We have to keep our relationship secret, because my family is very very very religious and they would never talk to me again if they found out.
And they of course wouldn't talk to me anymore if they only knew that I cheated on my boyfriend.

Why am I writing this now? Because yesterday... yesterday was the first time we had sex. I do not feel bad for the sex itself because it was rather spectacular and I am more than happy that I had my very first time with her. But I feel bad that I am living a life full of lies and that I betrayed and cheated on my boyfriend, best friend since middle school...

I don't know what to do know. I know, someday everything will unravel, but I just don't know what to do....

#betrayal   #cheating   #woman   #boyfriend   #inlove   #love   #sex   #lesbian   #confession   #sin   #lying   #lie   #family   #religious  

I made a pass on a married woman. It was just for fun but she wants to get divorced now.
I feel bad. :(

#married   #woman   #fun   #joke   #divorce   #bad  

I was the other woman.

I am a 38 year old, white female who was sleeping with another womans man, a 22 year old and he was hot but strangely enough I got even more aroused when his 21 year old wife who was a gymnast kicked my flabby booty.

I have brown long hair. B cup breasts I still have my good looks and figure except I have a bit of of pot belly and a flabby fat butt. And he loved it.

So we in his room and his wife was suppose to be at work. I'm sucking him off his big fat dick went deep in my throat, he fucking me good, I'm on top but I'm in heaven my eyes was in the back of my head until his small 5'2 but cut up wife pops in the room. We both jump up, she was warring her form fitting work out clothes showing all her muscles. Me being a scary pussy my 5'9 stupid ass ran for the door she was blocking. WAM she socks me right in my belly it felt like she stabbed me, my belly wobbles, jiggles and emplodes from her fist. I could feel my fat butt meat wobble from all the impact. I drop to the floor half way out. I was thinking I got to get out of this.

So I muster up all my energy and rush her only for her to but me in some sort of front choke. She knees me in my belly again. I gasp for air and life. I am pissing on myself cuz I think she is trying to kill me. My belly is burning hot with pain, I'm feeling sick now cuz he just fed me ( a lot I might add) and i feel it coming up. And it dose.

I was so embarrassed and humiliated, I'm trying to escape but she had me trapped. In some neck hold. I was going out. I could feel my self getting weaker, I can hear myself snorting like the pig I am finally I start to fart uncontrollably. And that's when she let me go.

Dizzy, dumb and wobbly I stumble and wobble to the door only to bump into a wall. She's kicking me in my tank ass as I crawl to the front door. Finally I got out. I didnt even go back for my clothes.

I was scared out of my mind but I couldn't help but be turned on by my ass whoopin.


i have a fetish for seeing men lose to women in any 1 on 1 competition - not just in fights. also if a girl tells a man "you're eliminated" that turns me on, for some really weird reason.

#fetish   #woman   #lose   #competition  

After a long and exhausting day at college, I drove home by bus. After 10 minutes or so, an elderly woman with a cane entered the bus and immediately stormed towards me. She started screaming and shouting at me why I didn't leave my seat for her. This harsh tone and this arrogant implicitness without a trace of politness got me furious. I told her that I had a knee joint and that I wasn't able to stand during the bus drive.
She kept shouting at me and said something like we youngsters are too soft and whiny.
I despise such people. It's a shame that we have such people in our society.

#hate   #bus   #college   #whiny   #knee   #lie   #woman   #cane   #confession  

For my study I have a room in another city, but now I'm going home for the weekend.

My parents don't know I don't sleep during the week in my own room but in the bed of my plump, buxom landlady, who is a widow of 64 years and having a great time with her!

#widow   #landlady   #plump   #sex   #student  

I want you all for myself but you love her. You won't give her up for me and it's breaking my heart. I was stupid to think I couldn't fall for you... Would've been better off not meeting you.

I have an affair with another woman although I am married.
Neither of them knows about the other one. But today something horrible happened. They met!
They started talking in the supermarket and they want to meet again tonight in a bar and have a few drinks.
I know because my wife showed me a picture of her.
I am screwed... What should I do know? What if they find out tonight?

#married   #affair   #otherwoman   #supermarket   #bar   #confession   #screwed  

My boss only likes those women who treat others bad and bully the "fat" ones.
I keyed his car for that. Such an asshole!

#boss   #hate   #woman   #bully   #car  

I married an older Saudi, with very strict views on a woman's role.

It seemed the thing to do, since I am extremely submissive, and love to be confined in a severe burqa, virtually 24/7! My only contact with the world is the tiny fine-meshed area at my eyes. He ties me into it neck and waist, before sex, so I am utterly helpless, which really plays to my rape fantasies! He was really surprised when I admitted I loved it, but VERY willing to add another second similar burqa! He sent for his mother, to come live with us, and control my "morality" while he was gone, which is quite frequently. She is mean and cruel, and really hates me for not being of the "faith" although I have offered to convert to Islam. She really enjoys her absolute power over me, and even seals off the little meshed area, leaving me in absolute blackness, slowly suffocating under the layers of heavy, stifling cloth, while she insults me, beats me, and torments my clit, painfully, but also arousingly. This is the final humiliation, so aroused I have to beg her to continue, while she calls me slut and whore, and tells me she will make her son take another wife, and thus gain me for HER personal slave! Scary but exciting, especially when she tells me I will never see the light of day again! This woman is scary cruel, and I just worship her! She is very fond of teasing me into unbearable arousal, and denying me the relief of orgasm! When I need to come so bad that I will promise her ANYTHING, she prolongs the torment until I truly think I'm going to lose control of my bowels!

He came home unexpectedly, in the middle of a bout like this, but just said amiably he was delighted that we two women were 'such good friends'! When his mother declared that the slut needed real punishment, he agreed amiably, and told her to do whatever she felt was necessary to encourage my morality! AND he agreed that perhaps she was right about another wife!

#culture   #shock   #married   #woman  

Today I was shopping with my mom at our local mall and after successfully buying clothes we needed we thought we would get ourselves some nice crêpe, there's a little place in the mall that sells them. There was quite a line in front of the little booth, but we weren't in a hurry and thought we could wait. 10 minutes later, it was almost our turn, when this stupid bitch came by, just pushed in and walked in front of us. I said something along the line like "Are you nuts? What's wrong with you?" but she just ignored me. Well, we weren't in a hurry, so we just let her.
This stupid bitch then ordered 4 crêpes, and if you know how they are made you know that it takes quite a while to make one. I was furious after that but I thought well.. Karma's a bitch, she'll get what she deserves.
I also have to say, she was quite fat, so I guess she got all 4 of them for herself..
After she paid she walked past us and smirked like the stupid bitch she was. She wanted to say something petty or spiteful, I know it but before she could say anything I just flipped and knocked the crêpes out of her hand.They landed on the dirty floor and the woman just gaped at me with an open mouth. It was awesome. She tried to insult me after that but my mom and I just walked away.
I really hope I taught this arrogant and stupid woman a lesson for live.

#angry   #furious   #food   #fat   #ignorant   #anger   #woman   #confession   #noshame  

As a happily married man, to a wonderful woman, I should be grateful for what I have, but I do need to confess, before I go crazy. I sell my body, whilst dressed as a woman, and my doesn't know

#married   #man   #woman   #confess  

I want to fuck a blue-skinned woman.
Very strange I know and I don't know why but there is just something about them. This is what happens when you are locked away in your room, left to play Halo, Mass effect and Overwatch games.

#strange   #alien   #confession   #sex   #porn   #masturbation   #woman  

Pray and roll the dice for #woman

Confessions by

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