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Divorce Confessions

Read the best #divorce confession stories

I want to help men. Do not get married or have children. No matter how good you are; or how much you love each other, they’re divorced friends & relatives will end your marriage. Then that will destroy your children’s happiness. Females cant stand to see each other happy.

#divorce   #divorced  

My mother has been psychologically, physically, and verbally abusive since I learned how to walk pretty much. She got into deep shit for it when teachers found out one day, and now she just abuses me verbally and psychologically because it won't leave bruises or cuts.
One day my father left her because he couldn't stand it anymore. Now It's just her and I.

I feel so torn down by her that I repeatedly lose hope looking for a job and apartment, and each time reality strikes, making me see that I'm stuck with her. I just want to die sometimes.

#abuse   #hopeless   #physical   #psychological   #verbal   #divorce   #suicidal  

my dad an i often meet up to smoke some weed. my parents are divorced so my mom isn't allowed to know anything about that

#smoke   #weed   #divorced   #mom   #dad  

I made a pass on a married woman. It was just for fun but she wants to get divorced now.
I feel bad. :(

#married   #woman   #fun   #joke   #divorce   #bad  

I can’t stand my husband. I cannot leave because we cannot afford it. Now, he wants to buy a new truck, instead of a reasonable car. And he knows I want to move out. POWER. FUCK HIM

#dick   #husband   #hate   #absue   #divorce  

My parents got divorced when I was a kid and my mom took everything from my dad she could get. He lost everything: his car, his house, almost all of his salary and me. Because of that my dad only worked for the alimony he had to pay. He know lives in a really shitty apartment, in a shitty district.
Since then I am not able to trust another woman because I don't want to end like him. That's why I go to prostitutes instead. I am really scared of women and relationships although I'd like to have a girlfriend and start a family. I am a wuss.

#divorce   #dad   #mom   #money   #alimoney   #relationship  

I know some unhappy drunk females who’ve never been able to keep a man that are pushing a female in a good marriage to divorce. If she does her happy children will be miserable. One is disabled. She will be unhappy. But it’s what “they” want. She asked what she should do. Their argument is she doesn’t work & he doesn’t want her too. But she gets to travel. Big house in nice area. They are doing well. Yeah. That’s terrible.


I know that my dad has been cheating on my mom. But, i do nothing. I didn't confess to my dad nor tell my mom and my sister. I just do nothing. At my 14 years old mind that time i thought it wasn't my business. I don't really like my dad anyway. He is quite bossy and has a bad attitude. 1 year later, my parent got divorced. My life has changed. I was sent to boarding school. My parents didn't really care about me and my sister anymore. All of this happened because of me. 23 years old marriage just ruined because a daughter like me doesn't want to be responsible. I deserve to live like this. But the fact my sister and mom suffer because of what i did just.....

#divorce   #parent   #love   #cheating  

I had been married about 28 years when I decided I needed more excitement in my sex life. I put an ad on a well known meetup site and soon found myself meeting a single woman who lived with a guy wanting the same. We talked at length about what each of us want and agreed to meet a week later. So we did, and we did, and we have been meeting occasionally ever since. But being with her just wasn't enough, We only saw each other a couple times/year and it was only for a few hours. So I put a few more ads in other free meetup sites and have had great luck meeting women. I have met women while traveling and at home. Among the women I have met, about 4 of them are long term affairs where we see each other once/year or so. I have met married women, single women, and divorced women. I have spent the night with married women and single women. I have showered and bathed with most. All of them are wonderful and they all know this is just for the fun of the moment and there is no intent that either of us change our lives to be together. Sex with strangers is absolutely wonderful. You never know how the other person will act, what their preferences are, how eager they are. Each meeting is new and exciting. I have been with skinny girls, full sized girls, short girls, tall

#married   #divorced   #sex  

I'm married to a bitch. She told me I couldn't care for our newborn daughter since I am a guy. She hired a nanny. 2 months later I realized the nanny was mean and fired her. I'm a stay home Dad. I have changed, fed and cared for her until school. And my wife has resented it since.
She questions everything I do. Is disrespectful. And lazy. An Unhealthy slob. I do most of the household work/chores. She Is disrespectful to my parents and doesn't like when I take our daughter to see my sister.
I am the breadwinner also and have made a very good living. She wants more. And a trip abroad. And. And. And......
The problem is we have enough to retire comfortably. But not after she wastes our assets. Lawyers. Agents. RealEstate taxes and commisions. CPA's., 401k penalties, firesale, Ect. Then spitting the rest will leave both of us unable to retire. Work till I drop.. I worked hard to retire. This sucks.
Splitting it is fine, she wants to go for my juggler, which will drain both of our retirement.
I just want to cry.

#divorce   #retirement   #hate   #despair   #wife   #confession  

I finally got to see my kids after the divorce. Turns out my role in the house has been replaced by video games.
Gone: fishing; baseball; basketball; walking; bird watching; playing music; learning to fix things, chores.
Replaced by: video games.
To her parents credit they kept their promise. They promised to take my place. My children now clean their house. Yes!!! I was teaching them robotics; programming, and engineering. They teach them to scrub toilets and vacuum. That should take them far. Her parents have never cleaned their own home. Well That’s why I had children, so her parents could pretend to be royalty.
I was out front redoing the drainage for the flower gardens. I asked my youngest if he wanted to learn how. He said sorry; mom says I gotta change grandpas sheets; wash his clothes; and clean his bathroom, so he can go play pickle ball.
I said well grandpa and his friends do like to play pickles with each other. It’s very hard.

#pickles   #ball   #divorce  

My (still) wife and I are about the be divorced. We separated a year ago and are living in different apartments and stuff. It's not long until we are finally officially divorced.
3 weeks ago, I went out with a buddy of mine. We went to a bar for some drinks. I met (almost ex) my sister in law there. She is a beautiful, young and confident woman. We started talking, danced, drank some beers and eventually ended up at my place.
I am not sure if what we did is right. We are dating now. On the one hand, it is ok because me and my wife are not together anymore and about to be divorced. On the other hand, she is my sister in law, so that's a big no no....

#sil   #sisterinlaw   #wife   #divorce   #divorced   #sex   #relationship   #dating   #bar   #drinking   #alcohol  

I went out to repair a customers tyre at their home address and ended up having sex with her. The following week I was called out again to the same address. When I arrived it was the mother of the girl i had sex with. As I was fixing her car she said that her daughter had told her about how hot the guy was from the garage was that she had to have sex with him. She said that's why she had to call me back out so she could see for herself. She opened her zipper and only had a bra on and said I've nothing on under my skirt. I couldn't hide my bulge and she said come upstairs and we can have sex.

#bored   #divorced   #milf  

I am stuck in a sexless marriage and hate myself for it. I have had opportunity to cheat and offers from other women but turned them down because I'm in love with my wife. I contemplate divorce everyday but I stay for my kids. I hate myself for not having the strength to walk away.

#divorce   #marriage   #self   #hate   #resentment  

I often contemplate divorce, I love my wife but I have not been happy for years and I keep convincing myself things will get better but I'm starting to get the the point where I dont care anymore.

#divorce   #marriage   #depression   #lonely  

My advice to young people.
You will think having children is a great idea. But no matter how good a person you are; you can’t fix society. You can’t make the world safe. You can’t make people kind or get them to care.
As for marriage. Love is not enough. You & your spouse can completely love one another. But in-laws and stress will still almost certainly destroy your marriage. When it ends; your happy well adjusted children will emotionally fall apart.
As for Church. I’m very spiritual. I pray & know my Bible. I have lived a fairly clean life. But I never found solace in a Church. Just people trying to exclude others as they patted themselves on the back. Preachers trying to cheat on their wives and shake down members for every penny while they went on nice paid vacations. They’d spend an hour at a mission, then a week at a fancy resort.
I used to work with guys who just invested their $; stayed single, & enjoyed life. That’s probably the least emotionally painful way to live.
I used to try to talk young people out of suicide. It’s amazing how many were the children of Church members. They’d be gay or have a mental disability. The preacher & congregation would have these young people convinced God didn’t love them. Let me tell you; Churches are full of people lying; cheating; looking at porn; you name it.
Go to restaurants after Church let’s out. Unhappy rude people giving the wait staff a hard time, then barely tipping.
Oh I pray and can recite the Bible. But I try to live it rather than talk about it. I’m also a sinner & know it.

#church   #marriage   #divorce  

Venting sounds great right now. My parents are separated, my biological mother has nothing to do with me, nor my siblings. I’ve been off my antidepressants for a while now. Anxiety isn’t fun though. 🙃 I feel alone in this world... I feel like everyone is against me. Everyone judges me for my past.. it wasn’t the best I’m admit but the adversity has made me stronger.

#divorced   #stressed  

I toy with the idea of leaving my wife. I can't be with her anymore, she makes my life a living hell and don't even notice it. It's like she doesn't know what she's doing but she does it in a way I don't like it.
For example: She bought a dog but she know's I'm afraid of it.

I am just too lazy to leave her. I would need to find a new place to life and who should tell our kids?

#leave   #wife   #hate   #hell   #divorce  

My wife of nearly 20 years is a total prude. She normally comes when I play with her ass, but always complains if I try to fuck it. She also wants sex to be gentle. She would often turn me down in the first decade of our marriage and I grew resentful (she comes every time we have sex).

I had a gf back in my 20’s pre marriage that was really sexual. I screwed her ass once on my suggestion and after that, she would ask for it. I would obsess about screwing my wife’s ass, but she thought it was dirty and complained and tells me no. Now I really am not into my wife, just a lot of resentment.

I started cheating on my wife, and I found that many, many women crave being dominated (spanked, tied up, even choked), and love the feeling of getting their ass plowed. Some young (20’s), some my age. They are also more agreeable in general and just overall more submissive. My wife would not follow me through the only exit of a burning building (unless I was leading her exactly where she already decided she wanted to go.)

My wife found out about my affairs and we are trying to work things out. But I doubt she will ever enjoy getting her ass filled up by me even if she lets me. I have lost my attraction for her because of her rejection of my sexual appetite.

Seriously considering divorcing her over this. Thoughts? If you were a woman, and loved anal, would you stay with a man who would not give it to you?

#anal   #adultery   #divorce   #bdsm   #spanking   #choking  

Me and my wife got divorced this year. At court, I showed my fake ID the authorities, but they didn't notice anything. I could have shown them a picture of Daisy Duck and they wouldn't have noticed it.

#divorce   #fake   #id   #authorities  

Pray and roll the dice for #divorce

Confessions by

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