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Relationship Confessions

Read the best #relationship confession stories

I'm getting married next month and i have a 2 year old son with my fiance...but I'm still in love with my ex bf. My fiances brother.

In highschool I was a loser. But one day while I was eating lunch in some corner this cute girl asked if she could sit with me. We talked and exchanged numbers. We then texted all the time. It was so cool and I was really liking her. I would get butterflies when I’d see her messages. She asked me to meet her at her house one day to watch movies. I showed up and all her friends were there and they all started laughing at me and calling me names. I went home so upset and asked her why she did this and she said she bet her friend she could get the “weird” kid to like her. Flash forward 10 years and her mom works for me and tells me how miserable her daughters life is and how she has no job. I asked her mom if she wanted I’d hire her daughter. That’s going to be real fun if it happens. Her mom has no clue what happened between us either.

#love   #heartbreak   #relationship  

I met a person who I really connect with and our relationship is growing by the day; I’m happier than ever before. But I still feel like I don’t deserve this happiness and all I feel is that I want to push them away, protect them from being stuck with me for the rest of their life.

#relationship   #shame   #depression   #selfless  

My boyfriend cheated on me recently. He admitted that he did it out of selfishness and that I was pushing him away, this was during my grandfather passing and he was like my second father, he said otherwise nothing I did contributed to his action and that at first it was cause he liked the attention he was getting, then he got annoyed with her because of how she started to treat him. We’ve been trying to get through it via separate and together but I’m starting to feel like I want to get payback, I’m angry and hurt very much still for obvious reasons and aside from the cheating our real has and still is amazing. We almost never argue, we communicate, anything he could want out of me I give and vice versa. What should I do?

#cheating   #relationship  

I know my girl is being very dishonest with me because nothing adds up and there is so many far feched excuse but I don't know exactly what she is covering. I don't want lies to make our relationship Fall apart from the extended time of lies I don't know if I can forgive her. how do I get the truth out? I have tried having the most serious and adult understanding conversation with her because we both said we really want to grow old together we have 4 kids together but I have this trust issue only because I really love her and want to be sure we are not wasting time by living lies. I have some proof of her guilt but no confession so it's complicated. What should I do?

#desperate   #girlfriend   #guilt   #jealous   #relationship  

When my fiance died, I was 26. We had been best friends since age 10 and did not start dating until I was 20 and in college. Considering how abusive my stepfather and mothers marriage was, my fiance always consistently made me feel safe and was very much a shelter in the storm. Reliable and protective in a way that I never had to worry about anything. I was very naieve to how much my fiance was worth or that they were one of the top ten wealthiest families in America. I've met people with money but never anyone so generous towards me: emotionally, physically, financially, sexually. Would go to pay a bill for a class or utility bill and it had already been paid. It is rare to meet anyone who 'sees your need, and meets your need,' without even having to ask. Why ask anyone to buy you yellow roses? If the intention or initative is not there to show someone love and kindness what is the point. People should go the distance to show you love, and you should go the distance for others. It creates a mutual reciprocity, a flow.

My fiances death, was interpreted by my body as hearthreaking pneumonia over the loss of my 16 year companion. For 5 years in a row I continued to catch pneumonia on the day that my fiance died like clockwork. Until I found out from working with a group of monks to heal in the mountains of San Francisco I had to face a deep grief known as survivors guilt for still being alive. After that, I never caught pneumonia again.

Fast forward to the pandemic and a man from mainland China comes off the plane directly into our spa in Jan of 2020, the owner who never gets sick, like once every 4 years went down like the titanic. Then I went down for two weeks but recovered quickly. In the process the blood banks were having shortages and offered to pay me $100 a pint because a lab out of State wanted to use my juice for making serum for cancer and transplant patients. Without blood donations or the serum neither can get treatment or transplants and die. The irony, the loss of a great love and all those years of being sick in fact made me immune to CoVid. Who knew God had a plan under all the pain.

I buried a family member this week, and have been feeling under the weather. Was around too many people maskless, and I am exempt via a Doctor for vaccines due to creating serum. My left lung hurts and I am coughing with a mild fever, I wonder if this is it? I have been here on prison planet existing without the love of my life and best friend for 22 years and I am tired of being here.

Beyond family, I have learned you can expend a lot of energy caring and supporting people. But no one sincerely cares about your emotional, physical or financial well being- people are raised to be too selfish and self serving. Only concerned about what they can get from you or what you can do for them. I think about all the people my family and I have helped along the way for years and not one of them has cared to check in on me or my family to see if we are alright during the pandemic without me first making the effort. What a waste of kindness, and effort when everyone is in survival mode. The worst is nothing your extremely wealthy friends see your suffering and instead of helping you just sit back and watch you continue to struggle. It is one of the greatest disappointments when it is within their power to empower you.

Sometimes when I go to sleep at night and close my eyes, I secretly hope not to wake up. To leave the cruelty of this world behind and wake up in the dreamy arms of the one person in my entire life that not only loved me in words, but in deed consistently. No lip service. No games. No drama. No flakiness. I dated a lot of people afterwards, many of which know nothing about loving others in a healthy way. So much so I just gave up hope of ever finding or meeting anyone, because peoples issues and drama just burned me out. Then they perceive you as either; not rich enough, skinny enough, wearing the right superficial labels or driving the right car, or your unwillingness to sponsor their gold diggeritis. It's just ridiculous and compounded with the fact peoples medical addicitions come in two, no thanks. After working in nursing, you learn so many people are just toxic and abusive. Humanity needs to change to a more loving and compassionate mindset, instead of this fear based survival exploitation mode. I was backstabbed for the last time by 2nd fiance, and by my own sister and mother last summer that I was trying to help and shall pass on being close to anyone. I trust no one anymore, as it is better to be alone than settle for less than you are worth. 90% of the planet are assholes, and the ones you think aren't are. I refuse to settle for this planets version of shit love and lust because they are ignorant to what true love and caring for another genuinely means. Grateful I did not have to spend my life searching for love or sleep around to find it when God blessed me with wonderful you, my true friend, my ally, my angel in this life and beyond.

I have survived long enough without you, I know you are proud of me, but I am ready to return home to you forever because it has been a very lonely, beautiful and disappointing journey far from the waking joyful dreams of our southern mansion surrounded by trees filled with spanish moss, sharing lemonade on a hot sunny day, skinny dippin on the beach and dancing under the southern stars with the laughter of our unborn children in the air. The world has forgotten that love, shared with those you love is everything, never take it for granted and stop wasting time listening to your own excuses that hold you back from love. Tell the people you love that you love them, that they matter, that you are grateful for their existence. See their need and meet the need without having to be asked. Make every sunrise and sunset count.

Forever Grateful for my fiance Lee being my love light in the darkness of this world and allowing me to carry that love with me like a Tesla solar backpack of love to complete the work I must do. And I have done a lot. Sweet dreams my love. Hope to see you soon if any of these variants will do their job, so to expedite matters I refused any medicine or medical treatment during the pandemic.

March 3rd, the two year countdown begins...your interstellar wife is finally coming home.

#fiance   #grief   #love   #relationships   #covid  

My partner still talks to his ex (from 2020). The girl messaged him about becoming a social media model/content creator. For over 2 hours, he couldn't stop talking about it because he thinks it's not a good idea. He's so serious and angry that when I tried talking, he objects. So I just let him talk and I listened as it might be what he needed. He didn't tell his ex about it, though that's during when I was with him. Don't know if he did later that day. I understand he cares as you would for a friend but 2 long hours might be too much.

#friends   #relationship  

I have been in a 3 year relationship with a guy who has cheated on me 2 times during the first year of our relationship. When caught the first time, he swore he wouldn't again and I believed him. Two months later, I found out he was cheating on me yet again. He convinced me to stay with him and I tried my best to get over it. I truly believe that he has changed and would never cheat on me again, but I still resent him so much. I've never had great self esteem or confidence in myself as a woman, so him cheating really destroyed me. I know I am a physically attractive girl so the thought that goes through my head is "it must be my personality" and that hurts me so much more. This has caused me to become extremely depressed and suicidal at times.

Recently, I have been fighting the urge to cheat just so he knows how it feels. I know that is extremely spiteful, but I want him to know the damage he has done to my confidence. I don't want to cheat out of a desire for sex like he did, I just want him hurt. I'm sure I won't end up cheating because I am a good person, but the thought of him experiencing the same pain he inflicted is tempting.

#cheating   #boyfriend   #girlfriend   #betrayal   #relationship  

I’m dating a girl I’m just not attracted to. She’s on the behavior side. 225 ish to be exact. And dating someone who outweighs me is just odd to me. And her personality is strange to. She wants to drink, smoke and party and get tattoos. I don’t like any of that. She even has people on her life that are fake and she lets them control her. When I see other girls I wish I could be with them. But I’m already in this relationship and conferrable. Having to restart would be nearly impossible. And the thought of my current girlfriend being with other guys is what keeps me with her. We were each others first so the thought of another guy doing stuff with her keeps me from breaking up with her. But I secretly hope we can move on from eachother and I can be with my true love whoever it might be.

#love   #relationship   #preference  

I have a serious relationship and I love my boyfriend but our sexual life is not that great. I have fears. I can’t step out of my comfort zone. He satisfies me bu I cant satisfy him. This is my second serious relationship and ı am not that experienced. I know that if you dont try things you cant learn but I just cant do it. We decided that we want to wait before having sex but other than that I cant do anything to satisfy him. He says it is okay for him if I dont want to do anything or if Im not ready but I feel like I am not enough and that ı am a bad gf. Its just I am scared and I overthing these kinds of things alot. I am scared of doing something wrong and leaving my comfort zone. I feel like I dont deserve him and that it is unfair to him because he deserves sexual satisfaction t oo. He gets really sad when we talk about it because he loves me and he tries to convince me that I am enough but I just cant get rid of this feeling.

#incecurity   #overthinking   #boyfriend   #satisfaction   #relationship  

I moved to a city in the Midwest, I am male, 23 years old. Had no girlfriend and no prospects. I made friends with the woman in the next apartment, who I actually thought was a guy until I talked to her. She is a lesbian and what I would call (and she does too) a bull dyke. She dresses as a guy usually, sometimes binds her tits, has short masculine hair, tattoos, and brings incredible looking girls to her apartment for the night or weekend of very noisy sex and what must be some hitting, slapping, and general dominance over them. We get along really well,, hanging out, talking sports, going to bars, sometimes even hanging around one of our apartments for an evening of drinking and bullshit stories.

In the drunken talk I admitted that when I was 14 to 16 I'd had sex with four grown men during that time. Sometimes being the bottom and sometimes the top. I preferred the top, but didn't mind either. I got a girlfriend at 16 and realized I could do without dick but not mouth, ass and pussy. She said the same was true for her. She realized I hadn't been laid in over a year and brought me into her apartment and made her girlfriend of the weekend let me fuck her. The beautiful lesbian was really pissed about doing it, kicking and screaming which moved her pussy around more and I shot a big load up her pierced twat. Later she made the girl suck me off, and the next morning my friend told me to come back over and had the girl tied up spread eagle and told me to get some ass. I did. The lesbian kept screaming that I was raping her and my neighbor Carl (real name Elizabeth) slapped her a few times in the mouth and she shut up. I found it all pretty kinky really, a lesbian dyke watching me cum in her very beautiful lipstick lesbian girl. She would make her take my cum from her pussy and from her asshole and stick it directly into her mouth and swallow it all., in front of both of us.

This was repeated a few times the same girl a few times, then another. Time passed and we were both going through a dry spell, and in hanging out one evening, she asked if we could have sex . . . as friends. Not get involved but rather like a couple of guys hanging out and just helping each other out. We started just jacking each other off, her using her hand on my cock and I used my two fingers and thumb jacking off he biggest clit I'd seen in person. It stuck out of her outer lips about an inch. I'd seen pictures of bigger ones, but not in person. I eventually sucked her clit and gave her many orgasms. I would bob my head up and down like I was sucking a cock. She would talk to me like she was another guy and I was sucking her dick. Eventually she started taking off all her clothes and letting me suck her tits and once while fingering her and sucking her nipples, she laid over on her belly and told me to fuck her like I would another guy. So I fucked her up her asshole and it was really good. She didn't get off, just laid there breathing heavily, and stroking her clit. After I shot off she came using her fingers and hand on herself. She would sometimes bring over her strap on dildo and fuck me. We did almost everything we could but her pussy was out of bounds for anything by my hand and fingers. She could take my whole hand up her cunt.

So we were having a homosexual relationship though we were male and female. After a couple of months of fucking like two gay guys I was buttfucking her, and put my hand over her mouth, and shifted my weight to hold her still. I pulled my cock out of her ass and jammed my 9 inches straight into her pussy. She started screaming and yelling through my hand over her mouth, trying to shake me off, but I got her pussy fully anyway. I hadn't cum in about a week before that and I shoot a big load anyway. This one was massive, she was leaking my sperm out of her big pussy. Afterward she just laid there with my cock growing soft inside her and I realized she was crying. I tried to make light of it, and she wasn't having any of it. My cock slipped out, and she got up and used my underpants to wipe off the cum and try to get it out of her pussy. She didn't even cover up, just picked up her clothes and walked toward the door.

Throwing her clothes at me she said "I don't want the clothes from when I was raped by you". Then I realized that I had indeed raped my best friend. Raped a guy, but really a girl. Why couldn't I just stay fucking and cumming in her mouth and asshole, they were great, why did I need to fuck her pussy too? She left naked and went down the hall the short walk to her apartment. We avoided each other for a while, she didn't have any visitors at all. In the meantime I met a super hot girl, both body and face. We were fucking pretty regularly. One time when she was over and naked on the couch giving me a blowjob, Carl came to the door. Only it was Elizabeth this time. She was in a dress, full boobs without binding, a bit longer hair in a feminine style, even wearing make up. In front of my girlfriend she said very loudly "The day you raped me, You got me pregnant. What are you going to do about it?" I was stunned, my girlfriend got up, gathered her clothes and pulled on her tight, slinky dress, without undies on, sticking her bra, stockings and panties in her purse, she left saying that we obviously had things to work out.

To my surprise, and I mean really a surprise I was actually attracted to Elizabeth as a girl. She came in, and even told me I could fuck her again, anytime I wanted. In a few weeks her lease was up and we took both of our apartments and went into a two bedroom unit, one for us and one for the baby. I do miss having sex with her manly self, and she definitely misses young, beautiful women being between her legs, but I told her anytime she wants she can do that, with or without me. So now her tits are filling up, she's in the stage where she is horny as hell and she wants to get married before the baby comes. I do cum in her mouth, her pussy or her ass, anytime I want. She is still a very horny person, I think after the baby and she's done nursing she'll start bringing over some lesbians again. I hope so. I feel the need to rape one again.

#rape   #pregnancy  

I have some resentment towards my husband for being obsessed with oral sex. I feel like its not god honoring.

#relationship   #marriage  

The reason why I felt like you cheated on me wasn't because i genuinely felt like you did something physical with them, but somehow i still felt betrayed. I had trusted you with talking with them at late hours during the night, I didn't even bring it up. I trusted that staying up just talking to a friend wasn't anything more than that, I put aside my feelings of jealousy because I wanted to put you above that, and I thought you finally opening up to people would help you in the long run, that it would help take some weight of my chest, that I could focus more on the relationship instead of your well being, that it could help us get better. when I heard he didn't even know we were dating, I felt betrayed, how could you not have brought it up at all? all those nights you spent talking, we both know he was getting feelings too, how could you have never brought it up? and then you told me white lies, that you were just breaking up with me because you weren't good enough, you needed to work on yourself, but I knew it was because you liked someone else, that you liked him, that sinking feeling in my stomach was still there and it was true. that is why I felt you cheated. because none of that was fair.

#cheating   #love   #relationships   #sad  

I do not know what to do. I broke up with my boyfriend a few months ago, because I thought we were not meant to be. He was annoying me back then and there were some things that just did not seem to work out (we were long distance as well). So I broke up with him to give him a chance to find someone who truly appreciate him the way he is.
Since then, I moved back to the same town he lives in after graduating college. But I met another guy and this one still lives in the city where I went to college. I thought I could like the new guy, but I was not looking for something serious. I am not so sure he thinks the same way I do about that... because when I get in a new relationship, I want it to be with someone who is at the same level as me, you know? And the new guy got totally different interests and hobbies. But he is nice and all and I do not know how I feel about him... I am sure, however, that he wants more than just a casual fling...
I have started to think about my ex quite often now. We had a great time together and I am still so sorry that I hurt him by breaking up. I kind of want him back, but I fear that the same feelings will come up again, when (or if) I start seeing him again. I do not want to hurt him more.
I am not sure, but maybe I started thinking about my ex more often, because I am not content with the thing I have with the new guy? We are not in a relationship or anything, but we do text a lot and try to see each other every couple of weeks (no sex so far).

I am a total mess right now and I do not know what to do. I need advice, but I cannot talk to my friends about it...

#love   #ex   #relationship   #breakup   #confession   #confusion  

I am in a relationship with an amazing man. I love him more than anything.

We live thousands of miles apart and parting with him was one of the toughest things ever.

I have a friend who lives in the same dorm as me.

He's shown lots of interest but I've always turned him away. He's not attractive whatsoever, but he's a good friend of mine.

On the weekends, we like to get drunk and play board games in my room.

One particular night, we were playing jenga and trying to put the game away, but I was too drunk to stand. So we both just sat on the floor, his arm draped around me while I continued to sip a drink. He looked at me and asked me, "Are you tired?"

I shook my head and finished my drink. I was extremely intoxicated at this point, but I was still aware of what was happening. He finished his last drink too and I knew he was drunk.

He helped me to my feet and lifted me in his arms (this was normal, he always did this and put me to bed before he left).

He laid me down and looked at me. In that moment I wanted him to leave like usual because I was afraid if he attempted to kiss me, I wasn't going to fight back.

Unfortunately, he leaned down and kissed me and I grabbed him and pulled him onto the bed.

We made out feverishly.

I knew what was going on and knew it was wrong but I couldn't stop.

He lifted his face from me and asked, "Want me to turn off the lights?"

I said yes, obviously. Like I said, I didn't think he was attractive.

We continued to kiss and the whole time, I imagined it was my boyfriend.

We kissed for about 20 minutes until I called a halt and told him he had to go back to his room.

He didn't argue with me. He said okay and left it at that.

After he left, I felt extremely guilty.

I still do.

#cheating   #lie   #wrong   #relationship  

when i'm in a relationship, i want to be single, but when i'm single, i want to be in a relationship

#relationship   #help   #goals   #unfair   #confession  

I'm in love with someone 17 years older than me. I'm 15 and he's 32. He has confessed to having some sort of feelings for me. I can't stop thinking about him, and i know I shouldn't have these feelings, but I do.

#relationship   #older   #discord  

My partner of many years has been watching porn.
I have seen it in his browser history many times and when I told him how hurt I was about it he didn't really discuss it and now I have noticed he has been deleting it from his history be cause the same thing keeps popping up that he hasn't search for ages so he is deleting it from his history.
I still feel so hurt and cheated it makes me feel so lonely he dosnt even make the effort with me 😢
if tried to spice things up told him to come to me when he needs a fix If tried everything I can think off and now I'm lost I don't know what to do please help?!

#partner   #porn   #sex   #relationship   #advice   #desperate  

I’m in a toxic relationship, and I constantly find myself day dreaming, and fantasizing about my coworker. I feel terrible, am I a terrible person?

#toxic   #relationship  

Im am in a committed relationship and it has been two years. I love my bf but I started to have feelings for a nother guy. He is my friend. We are not so close friends. He was acting close to me, he was touching me constantly so I thought that he might have feelings for me too. He has a gf too. We have this different kind of chemistry. But I love love love my bf and I dont want to risk my relationship with him. As I said he was actimg close but then it stopped. Now he just acts normal arund me. He is distant. I cant understand what happened. I just want to know that if he likes me too or not. I will not leave my bf for him but ı am just curious. I will forget about him. Its just hesmiles differently when he sees me his eyes shine. I think we have a different connection but we will never find out

#relationship   #cheating   #dating   #love   #commitment  

Pray and roll the dice for #relationship

Confessions by

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