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Advice Confessions

Read the best #advice confession stories

I want to marry her but i dont think it would be the right thing to do!

#advice   #help  

I cheated on my gf of 5 years with her best friend. I had been doing so since 1 year now. I kept lying to both of them that I dont talk to the other person but yesterday they both found out about it and now have broken up with me. I feel guilty and sorry inside for doing such a terrible thing. I love my Gf of 5 years a lot but developed a strong feeling for her friend as well last year and i ended up doing such a terrible thing. I feel guilty inside and am unable to forgive myself. Also it pains me inside when i think about how heart broken the girls are because of me. I have honestly apologised for my mistakes but they are not ready to talk to me anymore.

#relationship   #cheating   #advice   #guilt   #sorry  

I have a boyfriend whom I love very much and pleases me in every way but I can’t stop thinking about kissing my bestfriend(f)

#relationship   #advice   #bestfriend   #kiss   #love  

My partner of many years has been watching porn.
I have seen it in his browser history many times and when I told him how hurt I was about it he didn't really discuss it and now I have noticed he has been deleting it from his history be cause the same thing keeps popping up that he hasn't search for ages so he is deleting it from his history.
I still feel so hurt and cheated it makes me feel so lonely he dosnt even make the effort with me 😢
if tried to spice things up told him to come to me when he needs a fix If tried everything I can think off and now I'm lost I don't know what to do please help?!

#partner   #porn   #sex   #relationship   #advice   #desperate  

.I m a girl...I m 21 ..I just don't know to who I want to share my English not good... I used to like this girl few years ago... around 6 or 7 years ago ...but then I decided to let her go ... Not because I don't love her ... besides she know I like her but there nothing happened between us ... And she the one who asked me to forget her ..then I forget her actually I don't... Just I think I don't have feelings towards her anymore... Short story now she came back into my life again ... My feelings I just confuse about my feelings right now..I don't know if I have feelings for again or I just pretend I have feelings for her ...we both want to change become better person ..I mean we both decide to like girl anymore..but my feelings..I just confuse...I don't want to be old me.. I tell you this because I don't have anyone to talk or to share .. it's hurt me a lot to keep this problem myself ...I do have family but they don't know I used to like girl before...thank you ..have a great day .. :) god bless you :D

#lesbian   #change   #helpme   #advice  

So I'm in love with someone who was pretty much my best and closest friend for a good year of my life. I dated her cousin for a couple of months, and she didn't like her cousin. And that relationship was just toxic and when I ended it she was happy, and if I ever mentioned her she'd get annoyed and just bitch about her. After awhile of us just being best friends and just messaging everyday and letting eachother in on secrets about ourselves, I started catching feelings. She is 2 years older than me, but whenever we spend time and talk it feels as though we are the same age. We started hanging out just the 2 of us, and gradually we started spending a lot of time together. We talk on the phone for hours every day, while driving, while studying, on the train, before sleeping, we pretty much know everything about each others life on a day to day basis. But whenever we hangout together I try to sometimes get closer to her and hold her. And I just imagine myself holding her and never wanting to let go, but I'm too much of coward. I've been hurt by people before, and been played, so I'm very slow to realise what's real and what's not, and have major trust issues. I want to ask her out but I'm scared she's gonna say no and I'm just gonna ruin whatever it is that we have right now. I'm scared that if I ask her and she doesn't feel the same that I might just distance myself from the person that's the most involved in my life. I can't do that to either of us.

#love   #confused   #advice   #lost   #coward  

I bought a gift card to change into tokens on StripChat

The confirmation email got sent to my mother. She questioned and I lied and said it was for a pair of headphones that I liked.

What happens when those headphones never show up!!!

#help   #lie   #sex   #advice  

I came out as transgender male a while ago and most of my school just sees me as a biological guy and doesn’t question it but there’s a good portion that still know though. I like this girl who moved here recently and I’ve been talking to her nonstop and I’m falling hard for her. I just don’t know how to tell her I’m transgender

#trans   #transgender   #dating   #ftm   #lgbt   #help   #advice  

I was told once that you'd have to build a wall around your heart, so you won't be able to feel anything towards another human being. But, I was naive, and accepted people in right and left. I felt that no matter what I could trust anyone.

Dumb me.

That lonely road took me straight to hell. I've been molested by a cousin, Father walked out on me, Mom was the typical party girl - and have men in and out her six kids lives, homelessness, bullying and other things kicked in.

I even had a friend whom killed himself.

I learned the hard way, but, you have too not give too fucks about random people bullshit, and say Fuck you to those whom think that they could hurt you physically and mentally. Heartlessness is the way too go. Trust me. It is.

Now I do not cry (don't even remember the last time I did) I feel no humanly emotions, and I care for nothing, not even myself.

#advice   #heartlessness  

The big girl at my school likes me and I kissed her. She’s on the basketball team, she is taller than me and out weighs me by 50 pounds. Keep in mind I’m 5’10 170. She is like 6’1 220 maybe heavier. I’m shocked that she likes me but she does. She practically pushed me into this corner outside of the classroom. Luckily no one was around but she said “you know I want you right” and me being a shy fuck said “thanks” and she laughed and said “let me kiss you” and I was like “ooookk” it was so awkward but she started kissing me. Tongue filled my mouth and she pulled my hands to her butt. I won’t lie after a minute I was getting into it. And school was over so no one was interrupting us. She tricked me into that spot alone because she said she needed me to take
Her picture for a class assignment we had. Anyways after a good 7 minutes of making out in this corner she leaves the biggest hickey on my neck and said I should come to her place when no one is home. I used so much of my sisters makeup to cover it up. But this girls butt is so big I wouldn’t know what to do with it. But I just can’t say no. It’s not that I’m scared I just don’t like confrontation sli agree with everything people want. Any advice?

#sex   #maybe   #scared   #school   #advice   #help  

I just got into this relationship with a girl I I like, and I’m all for it but..I don’t like getting emotionally attached, I genuinely like this girl but at the same time, I don’t want to continuously be talking/actually putting effort into anything? I’ve had the same problems with past relationships as well so I know it’s nothing that my s/o’s are doing but I just don’t know what to do.

#confession   #coward   #advice   #relationship   #girlfriend  

So excited my boyfriend proposed. What 18 yo girl could say no? A few months later I knew I could not live with him. I made a mistake and needed out of this dud of a boy. I tried to talked to so many but I was told how wrong it would be to not follow through. I ended up finding someone with empathy, his dad. His father was also engaged so maybe it made the talks more relaxed. Somehow the two of us ended up in a secret relationship. Now we are in love looking for a way to move on without our deadbeat wanna be mates. Nothing to confess, just wanted let be known I should not feel guilty for improving my relationship. I could use advice on how to break the news.

#love   #relations   #guilt   #baddecision   #pregnant   #sex   #father   #fiance   #advice  

My girlfriend and I started dating at 19, we were together for a full year, then took a break. We took eachothers virginity when we dated. The reason we split up was just timing. But now at 21 we are back together. During our break, I dated a little, had a couple kisses but nothing serious or anything past a kiss. She had sex a few times. I noticed when we got back together during sex, it was just different. She was almost freakier and willing to try all types of positions. We talked about it and she was honest. She gave oral, 69, sex, even just rode someone’s face. I asked her how many guys and she said honestly a lot. She didn’t give me a number. But she said she only slept with one guy more than once. The rest were one night stands. She said this guy would experiment with her and had her doing all types of things. Now at first I thought great. Sex is even better with her. But knowing so many guys got to use her bugged me. Especially because I didn’t sleep with anyone during that year apart. And I can’t even be mad because we weren’t together, but it is hard to accept that she was passed around by so many guys. Apart of our bond was knowing we were eachothers only, but now she’s had so much sex it’s just weird for me. Am I crazy for thinking these things?

#sex   #feelings   #weird   #gf   #advice  

I am 17f dating a 15f girl and my mother is threatening to kick me out of the house because my girlfriend is so young. I’m also in love with my 18f best friend. I don’t know what to do. We’ve been dating for a month now but I’ve liked my best friend for almost two years just never acted on it. What should I do??

#relationship   #lesbian   #underage   #best   #friend   #bestfriend   #help   #needadvice   #mother  

I don’t like my girlfriend in a relationship way. I can’t say I’m in love with her at all. Like I get sad thinking about being stuck with her forever. I do love her and she’s amazing. But physically I’m just not attracted. I just know how sad she’d be if I ended things. When she cry’s it hurts me. And the thought of her with other guys is tough as well. Sexually I’m very attracted to her. But aside from that idk. I just wish I could take it all back and never started doing stuff with her.

#gf   #problems   #love   #help   #advice  

i hate having a bf. i miss being single and flirting w whoever i want. i never want to do any of the couple-y things w him and I'm just not as interested anymore. idk what to do tho bc he has a history of depression and I think breaking up would really mess him up. advice?

#regret   #boyfriend   #help   #advice   #depression  

This is a really long story but it’ll try to make it short, last year I started dating this guys best friend, let’s call this guy brad. So brad started spreading rumors about me since me and my boyfriend started dating and he bullied me everyday and got other people to do it too, he’s sexually and physically assaulted me and now he goes to a different hs but he still continues to talk about me and it’s been reported to his school but nothing has been done. How
do I get him to stop? 😭

#bullying   #help   #advice   #hate   #dating   #terrible   #confession  

I think I might be bi, but my parents are against the whole LGBTQ+ community. It also seems like I try to deny, but in the back of my mind the thought is always there. I don’t want to come out till I’m a legal adult either. Any advice?

#bi   #comingout   #advice  

Pray and roll the dice for #advice

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