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Regret Confessions

Read the best #regret confession stories

I live in a small town in the southern states. I'm a male age 15. 2 years ago me and my good friend were talking about girlfriends. I'm regretfuly saying for 2 years I've been catfishing my friend playing the role as two other girls on my other mobile phone.

#catfish   #lie   #regret  

I fear I've masturbated more times than I'll ever have sex and I deeply regret it.

#masturbation   #sex   #regret   #fear  

My hubby got in an accident and was in the hospital in surgery and my landlord came to my bedroom and asked to come in he said if I did not fuck him he would kick me and my husband out and I did not want to have my hubby homeless and recovering from the accident he could not walk so I fucked him and I regret it.

#fear   #adultery   #regret  

Im sorry I made you cry. I cant take back what took from you. I knew it was wrong I did it anyway. I'm so sorry.

#regret   #betrayal   #selfishness  

I always masturbate when Im alone at home or not at home and read alot of erotica WorstMistakeOfMyLife

#masturbation   #regret  

I'm 53, male, and married now for nearly 30 years. No children.

I grew up in a strict religious home. Sex was reserved for married people and I still believe this to this day. I had in my teens what I would consider with my limited experience, a normal libido. Erections with the slightest stimulation: vibration of the school bus, brushing up against a girl, bikini clad tv characters, and all manner of stimulus, and I would have a raging hardon. By 13 or 14, I can't remember, I started masturbating in the shower initially. It gradually increased in frequency all through my teens and early 20s until I finally got married at 23. We were both virgins and very naive. I knew before I married my wife that she had been physically and emotionally abused by her step father who, by the way, was only 12 years older than her. He never raped her, but fondled her breasts and made advances towards her. He even bored a hole through the bathroom wall to spy on her and her sisters. When they discovered the peep hole, they plugged it as best they could and told their mother, but if fell on deaf ears. She couldn't believe he would do such a thing. He did worse to the other 2 girls than my wife, but apparently she was affected more than her sisters.

After we were married for a year, what little sex there was in the marriage ended abruptly. Penetration became painful for her and after many doctors visits, the diagnosis was vulvar vestibulitis. We tried all manner of "cures" for years. Spent thousands of dollars on attempts to "fix" her problems. To no avail. I gradually returned to my old habits and eventually added porn to the addiction. Work, public restrooms, driving down the road in my car, were all opportunities to jackoff. She didn't work much, just the odd part-time job here and there, so I had little to no time at home alone, so I masturbated whenever I had the opportunity.

Over the years, I had a couple opportunities to be unfaithful with other women. About 5 years into our marriage my wife was out of town for about 3 months taking care of her grandfather. Her younger sister and her daughter were moving across several states. Their route took them through our area, so they decided to stop at my house and stay the night before continuing their move. My grandmother lived next door to me, so I stayed with her while my sister-in-law and her daughter stayed at my house. This was all with my wife's knowledge. I had the perfect opportunity to have sex with her and no one would have known. After she left, I masturbated what felt like non-stop for days thinking of her. She has the best looking ass of the 3 sisters. She's also the only physically fit of the 3. How I wanted to fuck the hell out of her before she left. As she was backing out of the drive to leave, I noticed she left something in the bedroom. Some piece of clothing or something. I ran outside and flagged her down. When I handed her the object, whatever it was, she had a somewhat puzzled look on her face. Did she want me to invite her back inside? I don't know, but I had my suspicions. She told my wife years later that I was a better man than my wife knew. We both looked at each other and had that look of acknowledgement. During the same time period, my aunt, who lived across the road from me took in a renter. She was gorgeous! Auburn hair, killer body, beautiful face and wild as they come. I never made a move. Next came my wife's best friend. This was the closest I ever came to cheating physically. She moved in with us, but we were very careful about never being together without my wife around. I came home once to find my wife gone and her friend was laying out in the sun right outside my bedroom window. I watched her from the window and jacked off, more than once, don't remember. To this day, I still think she chose that spot intentionally to tease me. She fained a muscle cramp once to try to get me to give her a massage. I resisted. I watched her drive out of our driveway when she left later that same day only to see here angrily cussing and shaking her head. She eventually got married and moved out. I traveled for work for about a decade. Never took advantage of the opportunity. Always looking, but never touched another woman. I just never got up the courage to cross the line.

When my wife turned 43, a "miracle" happened. Her pain went away and we enjoyed about 5 years of what I believe was a normal sex life. We had intercourse 3 or 4 sometimes more times a week. Then just as quickly as it came, it went away. The pain was back and then she had a nervous breakdown. Can't work, won't leave the house except for doctors visits, sits on the couch and watches tv and plays video games. She's 52.

Should I have left 25 years ago? Sometimes I think so. I went right back to jacking off and the porn obsession has gotten worse. It takes more and more deviant videos to get me off. How I wish I could go back in time. Would I still marry this woman? I really don't know. I just feel worthless, angry, frustrated, and hopeless. I feel as though my life has been a waste as far as my marriage goes. Neither one of us is happy, but it's not for lack of trying. I hope one day this all ends up being worthwhile.

#frustrated   #horney   #regret   #guilty   #conscience   #sisterinlaw   #bestfriend  

I LOVE to annoy little kids until they cry
I don't have any regrets about it, it's just great

#kids   #little   #annoy   #regret   #love   #cry  

I pretended to be this girl I'm friend's with on fb. This went along for year, but it wasn't to find love or anything serious. It was just to have people talk to me and think I'm great and also beautiful. I feel bad for this now........

#catfish   #lie   #regret  

When my grandfather died, I was so angry with him that I refused to go to his funeral.
Even now, 2 years later, I regret that I didn't take the chance to say goodbye to him one last time.

#regret   #grandfather   #death   #funeral   #refuse   #confession  

I miss you so much it hurts. I'm anxious and depressed and I can't get out of my own head tonight. I just keep running through what ifs and the should haves... I just keep trying to figure out what to change so that I'm happy but I just can't figure it out..I'm sorry about the way everything turned out. This wasn't how our lives were supposed to end up.I miss being best friends...i miss you. I love you. I don't wish this pain on anybody.

#sad   #regrets  

A few months ago I accidentally ran over our cat leaving the house. I didn’t have the heart to tell my wife so I lied and I’ve felt terrible since.

#embarrassed   #regret   #grief   #cat   #wife   #family   #coward   #confession   #secret  

I like spanking my daughters way too much. Depending on my mood they either get spanked in their underwear or bare bottom. I know its wrong and I try and fight it but sometimes I make up reasons to punish them. My wife knows it turns me on. I know one day she will use it against me.

#daughter   #spanking   #young   #regret  

I am so smart I know I am, I'm very good at memorisation but I never do my homework or pitch in in group activities at school and with my exams coming up I should be studying but im not I'm just spending all day eating, watching YouTube and now my grades are really starting to suffer and regret doing nothing about it


Yes, I have an addiction. I am addicted of feeling sorry for myself and always putting others first than myself. I know that I am not selfish but I think I need to put myself first. There are times that I am too kind to other people and they take it for granted. They spread gossips about me even if I am very kind to them. I even invited them in my house, not because to show them that we have money or gadgets. I invited them because I want them to know that I am comfortable being around them, and I want to know more things about them.

#regrets   #guilt   #pain  

I feel gross after what I did while I was horny. So I’m an 18 year old guy. I started messaging this girl on Instagram. She’s like in her 30s, a little overweight. But she posted tongue pictures and her boobs are big. I was so turned on I bought a pair of her dirty underwear for 40 dollars, then payed her 100 dollars to spit in a jar and send it to me. She’s dirty and weird so she’s happy to take my money. But I put the spit she sent me in my mouth and then jerked with the rest of it like it was lotion. Then I licked her stinky panties. I came and it felt soooo goood. Like the best cum ever. But after I feel so gross. I gave money to a random chick. I even told her if we meet I’d give her my whole check from work if she sat on me while spitting in my mouth. I’m disgusted with myself but when I’m horny I do stupid things.

#sex   #horny   #regret   #cum   #tongue   #nasty   #hot  

I had a PayPal set up with my parents card on it I spent their money here and there but over the course of a couple months it added up to $1500 I feel Aweful and hate myself for it I want to tell but I dont want them to hate me for what I have done this weighs on me and makes me feel like the dumbest and most greedy scum ever I hate myself for this and always will

#dumb   #greed   #regret   #money   #hate  

We were both 15, we had just taken our impact testing so we could do sports. As we were walking around the school he pulled me in and gave a me kiss, not a long one just a peck. We both knew he had a girlfriend (even though she was 18 and almost 2 1/2 hours away.) We kept walking and occasionally he would grab my ass and pull me into him so my ass would press against his dick. I remember him whispering "come here and fell it through your big ass" then kissing my neck. He followed me into a bathroom and pushed me against a stall and then fingered me standing up while still kissing me with pecks (we didn't make out at all) after that we went back to our friends who didn't realize we left and just talked. It's kinda been weird between us but it should roll over, even though we have a pool party to go to next Saturday 😋💦

#almostraped   #bathroom   #regretnotsuckinghimoff  

I’m not happy with my life and if I change the thing that’s making me unhappy everything will collapse because everything is based on it.


I used a social media to trade nudes with legal adults who asked for such. But, it turns out against my knowledge, that one such person was actually a minor posing as someone of age and said they had reported me to the site.

I'm afraid I'll be investigated by the police then arrested and posed as a pedophile.

#regret   #accident   #fear   #anxiety  

I’ve convinced my crush to cheat on his girlfriend with me. I played with his emotions until he didn’t know who to choose, now we’re arranging to meet up. I don’t regret it.

#cheating   #noregrets  

Pray and roll the dice for #regret

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