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Love Confessions

Read the best #love confession stories

I'm a lesbian and I always end up having crushes on straight girls. I ways convince myself they're bisexual though so I feel like I have a chance.

There's one girl I have a crush on called Ella. She's gorgeous - blue eyes, dark blonde hair. Her smile is so pretty and she's

I think about her loads, what itd be like to have sex with her and kiss her and look after her. I wish I could ask her out or something but I don't know how. She's caught me staring at her loads in class so I wouldn't be surprised if she already knew.

Its so frustrating.

#girl   #lesbian   #gay   #crush   #love   #sex   #lust   #straight  

I met a guy back in the 80's and we used to fuck and it was so fun. His name was Francisco and he was SO cute, 20 years old with a baby face and a nice body. He smelled good and his skin was so smooth. I used to love to suck his dick and feel him inside me. I haven't seen him in years, I've been married, divorced had different jobs. We did meet up a few times later, but he was changed- I think he was struggling with debt and family problems and he came off as sort of cold a bit smug. I could tell something was troubling him but we never discussed it. Now I wished we had. I've had all sorts of lovers, boyfriends, etc. But Francisco Flores was special, NO ONE has ever made me feel that way. My pussy used to ache for days after he fucked me, and now my heart aches. Maybe the closet I've ever come to loving someone I was involved with just for the sex.

#memories   #youth   #loss   #love  

i’m in love with the worse ones for me and i can’t help myself i regret the things i did and who i trusted.

#boys   #trust   #love   #confession  

I love my classmate


I’m in love. One of my children is very sick. I’m trying to help save him. Yesterday I held my ex. I’m trying to just be her friend. But I love her.
So yesterday I sang some songs outside. People stopped and listened. I actually sing okay.
She didn’t realize I was singing for her. I nailed “Perfect” by Ed Sheeran. My voice is better on deep stuff, but I can nail stuff like that fairly well too. I got “All of Me” by Legend.
But then I found one my voice really can nail. “Sangria” by Blake Shelton.
I even danced to one song that was upbeat. I dance very well.
I can’t tell her I love her. I’m here for our son. But I can dream about her in my arms.
She’s beautiful. I look like a bear that escaped a zoo LOL.


I have been in love with the same person since the 6th grade. He and I are both adults now, me being a 23 year old F, but I still can't get him out of my mind. He never loved me and we never even dated. We were just friends. One day I decided to tell him my feelings on Facebook messages. Well, he read my confession and ignored it. A few minuets later I went to his Facebook page to see he made a post saying "Confused and don't know what to say." I was thinking about that post today and went to his old Facebook to see if it was still up and it was. The date on the post was July 26, 2012. 10 years.. 10 years of loving someone who probably never thinks of me. How pathetic.

#love   #sad  

I have a crush on my teacher.

#curiosity   #emotional   #imagination   #thoughts  

I'm was a freshman and I had a crush on a senior in high school. He was so hot and nice. At the time he had a girlfriend who was great at everything she did. Soon I got his snap chat and we started talking, it turned out that his parents were away for a week and that he wanted me to come over. I told my mom that I was staying at a friends house and that I wasn't going to be home for a couple days. At first it was really awkward he offered me something to drink and we ate dinner. Then he took me to his room and he took his shirt off. Of corse he had a six pack and a very muscular build. He started kissing me and told me his girlfriend would be over tomorrow so I could only stay one night. At first I had no clue what I was doing, but it sort of all came easily. I started kissing him every where. I kissed his entire stomach, every ab and bump he had. As a got closer to the pelvic area he got really jumpy, I unzipped his pants and pulled them down, revealing a massive boner. I slowly worked my way back up to his lips. He grabbed the bottom of my shirt and lifted it up and over my head. He kissed my neck and smiled when I moaned. He unclapsed my bra and sucked on my nipples. He did the same thing I did and kissed my entire body. He didn't even unclasp my pants, he just shoved me on the bed and put his hand down my panties. After he got me really aroused he used his mouth to unbutton my pants. He then slid my pants down and took them off. He pulled down my black thong. Between he took on my clit and his fingers inside me he made me orgasm hard. he thought it would be cute to tease me and it was. He rubbed his dick all over me and finally rubbed it all over my vagina. At the time I was a virgin and really nervous. He slowly inserted it inside me and I immediately moaned. I told him to stop but he didn't it felt so good, I orgasmed 3 times and he still didn't stop. He came inside me without a condom. He pulled out and went down on me again with his mouth. This time felt even better he sucked on me so hard and it felt so good. At around the time my phone started buzzing. My mom was calling but I declined it and we continued. We laid down together and just talked. He rolled over on his side and told me I was hot. I pushed my on his back and went down on him hard until he came in me again. He told me about s pool they had. He walked me down and we jumped in and went for a swim. We couldn't stop kissing. Eventually he put me on the side of the pool and sucked on my clit and fingered me again. I leaned back panting and moaning. He crawled up beside me and carried me to his little sisters trampoline. I went down in him again and he came in me once again. I had arrangements for my friend to pick me up and she pulled up in his drive way. I ran up stairs with him at him side and got dressed. I kissed him good bye and we never saw each other again.

#sex   #love   #young  

What could be worse than losing the love of your life?
I can tell you: Losing not only the love of your life but also all of your money, even your car.

But it's not what you think. I didn't get hurt. I was the once causing it.

I tricked a woman into thinking I was in love with her. She believed it. It was a turbulent romance with a lot of sex, many drugs and fightings.
I slept at her place because I don't have an own apartment and she even paid some of my bills!
She loved me, no she ADORED me, I can feel it. That wouldn't be so bad, would it? But she was such a pain in the ass, she always wanted to cuddle and go to a nice restaurant and do couple stuff I guess. It was terrible!

So I dumped her.
Took her checkbook and her car when she was at work and drove off.
She hasn't heard from me since and she won't... ever.

I don't regret anything.

#heartless   #romance  

It is crazy to think that I was in love with my best friend but it is how it is. She has the most beautiful brown eyes I have ever seen and she is fearless. She likes dyeing her hair in crazy colors and she is not afraid of the outcome.
That seems not like much of a confession, huh?
Well, she is not gay nor has she ever shown interest in other girls. I always thought I am straight myself, but maybe not. I am not so sure.
So back to the story... We are both in our twenties (she 27, I am 28) and work in the same company, but not in the same department. She started dating one of MY co-workers and they hit it off like a house on fire. She had those lovey dovey heart shaped eyes for weeks and weeks on end. I tried to be happy for her, I really really tried, but I just couldn't take it anymore...
He came to me often for advice and asked me for my opinion on things to give her. At first I tried to be a friend and help him out but after a while I started telling him bullshit. She is a vegetarian (has been for ~10 years now) and apparently they never talked about this?!? They have been going out for like 6 weeks now and that never came up, wtf?
So, he asked me if she liked steak, because he wanted to cook for her. So I told him yes, that she loved steak and that she liked it English (i.e. almost raw) and of course he listened and cooked for her and made her the steak just as I told him, without checking with her or anything. He's such a dumbass, honestly...
I do not know what went down but it escalated apparently. They fought, they screamed and what not.
And the best of it? She did not find out that I told him about the meat!! She is not talking to him currently, but she came to me right afterwards and I was able to hold her in my arms and comfort her.
I'd definitely would do it again, even if it means that she's said.

#bff   #inlove   #crush   #confession   #secret   #lies   #vegetarian   #steak   #fight  

I'm stupid because i like this guy and he likes me back but i can't help but treat him like hes mine and no one else matters it even makes me look like a psycho with how i am with it


I’m no longer interested in the girl I’m dating. We’ve been together for over a year and we live together. I love having her around but I just don’t feel in love at all. I can’t picture romantic ideas with her in them or getting married or having kids with her. I always picture other women. She’s honestly a great person but it’s to a point where I don’t even want to kiss her. I wipe my mouth after because it feels wrong. I feel so guilty but I can’t help it. And every time we’ve gotten close to breaking up she cries and I feel to guilty. I feel terrible but I just can’t help it. I wish I never got with her to start. If I could go back I honestly would. We’ve had a lot of fun and made memories but I just don’t feel a spark at all. Idk what to do.

#love   #relationship   #guilt   #guilty   #confused  

I'm in love with my dentist. He's about 50.. I'm a 19 years old boy.
The last months, I saw him over 8 times. Always said that I have terrible tooth pain and stuff.

#love   #dentist   #secret  

I don't know how to put this exactly, but I'm addicted to cutting my body and then showing it to people who care for me secretly. Like I would make the cuts and then when they heal over a bit I would go do a dramatic thing but I've stopped since then. I really want to do it again but I promised everyone that I would stop cutting. I used to cut so bad that I would bleed for not of the night and one day they got infected but I fixed that up without anyone knowing. I just I have this urge all the damn time to cut and I don't know what to do anymore considering the fact that I know it's wrong but it feels so right. I've been trying to find a place where no one could know about the cuts but every time I try to think about it I cringe cuz I know the pain I had to go through and the fact that I was also emotionally unstable and still am to this day. I just I fucked everything up and I don't know how to fix it anymore. The person I love is gone out of my life and I just want to die

#love   #drama   #confession  

I don't wanna me with my boyfriend anymore, he drives me crazy. Like he drinks his coffee, it's disgusting and annoying, I could go nuts! I don't think he is attractive anymore. Now he wants to marry me and I am not able to break up with him. Our parents are now starting to plan our wedding and I am freaking out. Actually, I'm in love in another man and I rejected him for my present boyfriend. I am such an idiot. This was the biggest mistake in my life and I don't know how I can end this. I'll have to leave my boyfriend at the altar, whether I like it or not.

#marriage   #wedding   #boyfriend   #frustrating   #love   #altar   #confession  

I still can’t let go of my ex but I don’t even want to act like a pathetic depressed ex.It's been 2 months since we broke up and I’m still not over it but outside I’m kinda act good as chill with my friends as I even went on date with other guy after breakup to move on but still can’t get over. So I made up my mind and text him because he finally unblocked me in ig as asked him on a date like causal last date not talking about patchup and all and he said yes. Omfg I’m having finals so will be going after that.

#ex   #love   #pathetic   #date   #despair  

I love you, and I never knew it until it hit me like an ice cold bucket. Every time I see you I get happy and feel thankful for being your friend. Friend.

And just like that being friends wasn't enough anymore. I wanted you to look at me the way you look at him. Yeah,him.

I know you love him. You always have. I don't understand why, I mean he's an awesome guy, but he never looked at you the way I do. He'll never love you like me.

I'd do anything for you, and you know it. That's why you know how to manipulate me in doing anything you want me to.

I'm leaving next year, and I promise I'll tell you how I feel, cause I know that's what you'd want me to do. I just hope you can see me the way I see you.

P.S: I loved you from the very first time, I just never knew it.

#unrequited   #love  

Back to my story with the dentist.
I went back to see him again today.
He looked in my mouth, he told me that I can't come here anymore. I have to see a specialist now because he doesn't know what causes the tooth pain.

I am so dissapointed, how should I be around him now?!

#dissapointment   #dentist   #love   #secret  

I want to feel his hot, sticky breath on my neck. I want to feel his little pecks down my collar bone, sending chills down my spine. I want to gently caress his face in my palms, admiring the beauty of his astonishingly dark brown mysterious eyes. I want to feel our skin touching as we embrace.
I want him more than anything I've wanted before. 2 years of my life and more waiting for him will be worth it.

#love   #lust  

I don't think my bf really loves me. I think he's cheating again.
We have a son together and while I was pregnant he had an online relationship with another girl as well as a 4 month long affair while I miscarried our second. He's had 6 other "slip ups" And now he's secretive with his phone again.

#cheating   #love   #online  

Pray and roll the dice for #love

Confessions by

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