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Crush Confessions

Read the best #crush confession stories

I have grown a huge crush on my educator and future colleague and I cannot get over it or somehow I don't even want to get over it because I know what ever I feel is very pure and genuine. He's always there in my mind. Every where I go, everything I do, every time I close my eyes, every time I am with my open eyes, he's there , I mean not physically but he's there. Someone please out.

#crush   #colleague   #senior   #confessions   #help  

Today I had two run ins with best friends of mine, and I'm putting this under stupidity because I know I'm vain but I still have my suspicions.
The first one was with a guy friend of mine. We've known each other about five years, and at one point were extremely close. We dated for an extremely short period before I broke it off, but that was four years ago or so, and he's now married with a child on the way, and he's so excited it's adorable.
Now, I moved away but am visiting, and so we got to talking when I caught him at work today. Everything's fine, we're talking about his future son and a woman comes over.
"Now I know you're talking to a beautiful lady but could you please do me a favour..." Friend immediately responds, "I'm married, she's just one of my best friends." (My response is, "take a joke, hun".) Anyway, my suspicion is because he felt the need to clarify. Why would he? It's stupid, but I think he has some lingering feelings for me (he admitted he loved me several months after "dating"), like I sort of have for him. Not that I'd ever act on it, and he's faithful, so it doesn't really matter, but I'd like to know.
The second one was with a girl friend of mine whom I've known for about eight years. We haven't seen each other in a long time but we're still really good friends.
Anyway, she's telling all about HER kid and boyfriend, whom she loves so much, have no doubt. But for a while now I've suspected that she may have a crush on me. She's polyamorous and wants a girlfriend with her boyfriend, so it's kind of plausible. But it's all the WAY she says things. She's always said I love you, but now they feel different. She says things like "night gorgeous" and "I miss and love you lots" which at one point I thought nothing of, but now...
I want to fly out there just to see what would happen.
Again, I know I'm just vain, but usually my feelings on this stuff are right. I guess we'll see, though I wouldn't mind hearing some opinions.

#love   #crush   #vanity   #poly  

My (ex) best friend who is a guy (I am a girl) confessed to me and I politely rejected him. He's now acting as if I don't exist. I don't give a damn if he's upset, I'm not responsible for his feelings. I was as nice as possible, so if he's upset that I rejected him it's his problem. I make an imaginary cold cloud around me when he's nearby.

#friends   #drama   #crush  

I used to have a crush on my best friend and I know just figured out that she picks her nose.

#boogies   #dirty   #crush  

I am 15, I masturbate 1-2 times and day and often (if I'm feeling good enough) over stimulate myself by reading dirty crush imagines and imagining its my crush doing it all to me.. I know I should be ashamed but seriously if you saw what he looked like... you would probably be how I would. It's the same way with my celebrity crushes and I have no shame.

#masturbation   #crush   #dirty   #overstimulation  

i just found out the guy i (19f) was crushing on is a lot younger than i thought he was (hes 15). now i feel kinda gross. bluh.

#anonymous   #accidentalunderagecrush   #crushes   #bluhifeelhorrible   #healreadyhadagirlfriendtoo  

Damn, I simply cannot get over my ex... and we were only together for like 6 months and that was 2 years ago...
He just got into my head and I cannot forget about him... He is an arrogant bastard with a small dick but a big inflated ego but despite that... I compare every man I have been with since with him... I still love him.
K., you are a pitiful human being, but I am still in love with you.

#ex   #stillinlove   #love   #crush   #bastard   #sex  

My best friend confessed his love to me and I also love him but recently we've been fighting as I think he longer like me as he flirts with other girls and doesn't notice me.I said I was over him,but I never truly will be over him..

#love   #crush  

I really like my ex. He was my first boyfriend and I can't stop thinking about how funny, cute, and nice he was to me. He broke up with me because of long distance (We live in the same city, and just go to different schools). It's been 3 months. He's had over 4 other girls. I still like him, but just want to be friends. Any advice.

#firstboyfriend   #ex   #missingex   #crushing   #likemyex   #hopingtobefriends  

So a little over 2 years ago my cousin showed me this girl she thought I might like, I thought the girl was cute but at the time just didn’t really want a relationship or anything. I did secretly follow the girl on a burner account I had and just casually would check on her if she popped up, I’d watch her stories or look at her posts. because I found her pretty hot if I’m honest. But she ended up getting a boyfriend and I kinda just forgot about her. Flash 2 years to the present and I was on that burner account when I see a post from her come up. Just a pic of her. I immediately thought wow she’s still so hot. I want to follow her on my main account and message her and see if I can’t get anything going with her. The issue is if she told my cousin or my cousin found out I’d be looked at as weird. I’d get questions like “how did you know her name” or “how did I randomly find her account” I’d rather just text the girl without anyone knowing. I wonder if that’s possible or if somehow word will get to my cousin that I am texting her friend. They aren’t that close but still. I’ll be exposed as the weird stalker guy I sometimes am.

#secret   #stalker   #crush   #instagram   #cute   #girl  

I have a crush on my friend Tina. She’s 50YO, about 5’2 and looks so much like actress Teri Hatcher. She is so cute and sexy. Love her smile and her sexy little body. I love to masturbate, and I have been masturbating to Tina so much. We meetup at tailgate parties and she looks so cute. For two of them this year, she wore tight little dresses that showed off her cleavage and her cute legs. She had flipflops clinging to her pretty, bare feet. Tina’s smile is so wonderful. I can’t get her image out of my head, and my masturbation to her is so good. I have such a masturbation crush on Tina. I want her to know and I want to masturbate in front of her so she can see what her beauty does to me!

#tina   #tailgate   #masturbation   #masturbate   #crush   #milf  

my confession... where to start?

i've liked my best friend for seven months, until today.

he likes someone else, and i was dumb enough to think it was me. pure stupidity on my part, seeing that everything i thought were sign we're nothing.

what's really stupid is that i caught feelings when i shouldn't have.

#heartbreak   #crush   #feelings   #sad   #crying  

So, I'm a 13 year old (straight) male and I like to cross-dress. Today, I went in to my mom's room and cross-dressed in her pantyhose, panties, bra, tank top, skirt, shirt. It made me feel so, so sexy and powerful. I love it. I also secretly use her dildos while she's at work, and I love the feeling it inside of me, it make me grin silently with happiness when that fake orgasmic penis vibrates in my anus. In addition, I have sexual fantasies about my 9 year old (female) neighbor and try on her panties and bras when she's not there. I also have sexual fantasies with my crush, who has a nice tight body and big boobs. I want to one day be inside of her body and have amazing shower sex with her.

#crush   #sex  

When i was in 4th grade I saw a pretty blond girl. At the time I didn't even know her name, I just feel in love immediately. It was love at first sight. Then in fifth grade, we were in the same class. Her name was Kaitlyn Ould. We became great friends but I never told her how I felt about her. When we went to middle school, we didn't talk much even though we went to the same school. In all three years of middle school, only one class together. And before I could confess my feelings to her, highschool had arrived. Now she goes to a different school and I'm crushed.

I will always remember you and cherish you in my heart Kaitlyn Ould

#crush   #firstlove   #love  

I’m in love with this guy and we met before I got in a relationship with my boyfriend but sadly we can’t date so that’s when I started dating my boyfriend. Well me and this guy started back talking and my feelings for him have gotten bigger and now I don’t think I want to be with my boyfriend. I feel bad because at the beginning of our relationship it was good and then something happened and it just kinda fell off. Well to make matters even worse my boyfriend got me a promise ring and I don’t want it, I really just want to break it off with him but how do I tell him that after I met his whole family....

#lost   #confused   #love   #crush   #boyfriend   #unfaithful  

To be honest, this has nothing to do with sex. I just wanted to get a message out and I knew most people usually go on this category. I've liked this guy for a little over a year now. We have a lot in common and we used to be really close because we were always having to sit next to each other in class. We had a band concert recently and I was really upset because this was the first concert I had where I wasn't sitting next to him. Later that week, I was hanging out with my friends when one of them.. let's call her May... brought up the topic of my crush... let's call him Brayden. I told them about how I felt after the concert was over and started to cry. All three of my friends... May... uh, Monica... and, uh, Alexis... told me I should just get over him. That is when I went full on rage mode.

They were telling me to get over him? For God's sake! I couldn't believe they went there! Alexis was fucking dating a guy from fucking Norway! May was fucking leading on a fucking senior (we are all freshmen)! Monica is asexual so I had nothing against her... but she has a secret admirer... let's call him Daniel... so, yeah. "Sure and in the meantime, May, you can stop talking to that Senior, Alexis, time for you to break up with that Norwegian guy, and Monica, you should just transfer schools so Daniel doesn't have to deal with your asexual ways!" I was so fucking mad!

By now you have all realised that I have a very short temper but I had a reason to snap. Next time you feel like telling someone to get over their crush, remember what it would be like if someone told you that. It sucks. We are separated now and Alexis commit suicide. I hate those girls so much for making me feel that shitty.

#love   #betrayal   #friends   #crush   #suicide   #remember   #tears   #hate   #temper   #message  

I'm a sinner , I'm bad and treacherous asshole. I crushed a mouse with my foot, pressing on its belly, to suffocate it a little ... I had a great erection, while I enjoyed having the power to kill it without scruples. the thing that excited me most, was the fact that I crushed him in front of a boy, whom I had previously ordered to capture him.

#crush   #steponit   #foot   #fet  

So i know it’s not uncommon to feel emotions towards your cousin but i have a serious crush on my cousin, she’s just perfect y’know and I don’t know what to do.

#crush   #embarrassment  

It is crazy to think that I was in love with my best friend but it is how it is. She has the most beautiful brown eyes I have ever seen and she is fearless. She likes dyeing her hair in crazy colors and she is not afraid of the outcome.
That seems not like much of a confession, huh?
Well, she is not gay nor has she ever shown interest in other girls. I always thought I am straight myself, but maybe not. I am not so sure.
So back to the story... We are both in our twenties (she 27, I am 28) and work in the same company, but not in the same department. She started dating one of MY co-workers and they hit it off like a house on fire. She had those lovey dovey heart shaped eyes for weeks and weeks on end. I tried to be happy for her, I really really tried, but I just couldn't take it anymore...
He came to me often for advice and asked me for my opinion on things to give her. At first I tried to be a friend and help him out but after a while I started telling him bullshit. She is a vegetarian (has been for ~10 years now) and apparently they never talked about this?!? They have been going out for like 6 weeks now and that never came up, wtf?
So, he asked me if she liked steak, because he wanted to cook for her. So I told him yes, that she loved steak and that she liked it English (i.e. almost raw) and of course he listened and cooked for her and made her the steak just as I told him, without checking with her or anything. He's such a dumbass, honestly...
I do not know what went down but it escalated apparently. They fought, they screamed and what not.
And the best of it? She did not find out that I told him about the meat!! She is not talking to him currently, but she came to me right afterwards and I was able to hold her in my arms and comfort her.
I'd definitely would do it again, even if it means that she's said.

#bff   #inlove   #crush   #confession   #secret   #lies   #vegetarian   #steak   #fight  

I am in love with a girl. Absolutely head over heels. She's kind, makes time for me, funny, sweet, smart, caring, pretty... She's everything I love.

We spend so much time talking. Often, we video call for hours on end, overnight, we sit on video call whilst going about day to day activities.

It's like I'm actually there.

But she lives in another country.

I know many people make long distance work, we don't even have a language barrier as my German is very good and her English is amazing.

It's just after the last long distance I did, I'm afraid of losing her. I love her. It's not a silly passing infatuation. I can see myself marrying her.

#love   #girl   #crush   #longdistance   #lonely  

Pray and roll the dice for #crush

Confessions by

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