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Help Confessions

Read the best #help confession stories

My boss (m54) keeps sending me (f23) racy emails. He keeps asking me to suck him off under his desk or tells me that he wants to fuck my brains out. I don’t reply, I just pretend I don’t see them. I’m afraid he’ll call me into his office soon and I’m not sure if I should hook up with him. He looks like he’d know how to treat me right but he’s married. What should I do? Someone help please.

#problem   #sex   #boss   #help   #affair  

I did something so dumb but wanted to do this for helping poor kids out there. and I over spent $1,000 plus and want to spend other $700 on xmas secret santa gifts for kids for salvos because they don't have enough and I am on a disability pension and I feel so stupid I did this but I want to. I do care. I wish someone could help me raise some money to help fund my idea. Its not for me but for the kids out there. I just want to let them know someone cares. if you start a go fund me on chemist page I would appreciate it. I am doing products kids can use like shampoos, hand wipes, body sprays and lip balms, toothpaste and toothbrushes etc.

am I a loser dickhead or what? !

fuck xmas and being poor I am sick of it. I poor but I want to help. so go figure it out.

#with   #scratches   #of   #rash   #and   #infection   #i   #want   #to   #still   #help   #others  

I lie to my family, tell them I don't have shit to self-harm with, I go through their things for my addiction. The urges are too strong. I think i'm going to die soon by running into the highway.

#suicidal   #ineedhelp  

I hate myself. I have sent the picture right away and I can't cry my heart out. I wonder if I'll ever be able to withstand my own reflection. Don't forgive me because I'm not worth it.

#guilt   #hate   #help  

I feel like I'm useless yet I don't have depression, I sometimes just wanna talk to my friends but I feel like they all hate me especially one person. I have to spend the next few days with her and I seriously think she hates me. God, I wanna die

#help   #depression  

I don’t like my girlfriend in a relationship way. I can’t say I’m in love with her at all. Like I get sad thinking about being stuck with her forever. I do love her and she’s amazing. But physically I’m just not attracted. I just know how sad she’d be if I ended things. When she cry’s it hurts me. And the thought of her with other guys is tough as well. Sexually I’m very attracted to her. But aside from that idk. I just wish I could take it all back and never started doing stuff with her.

#gf   #problems   #love   #help   #advice  

Hello, I am 15 and have a boy friend. I love him. Been going for 2yrs strong. But I watch porn everyday. Is that wrong? Or should I tell him. But I don't wanna lose him.

#confused   #porn   #helpme  

this is not a sin on my end, but it is something that i desperately need off my chest. my ex-girlfriend verbally/emotionally and sexually abused me. occasionally it was consensual (kissing etc), but she would make me do things i would never do (i am asexual). she told me that if i told her to stop one more time she’d tell everyone i was nothing but a put out, for attention. she would yell at me, and if i didn’t cry, she’d cheat on me. she cheated on me constantly, and never let me get angry, for if i did she would hurt me. i was too afraid to break up with her, but once i did, things got worse. i admitted to one of her friends what had happened, but he told me i was making it up. i was just trying to get her in trouble, i was just trying to play victim. now my ptsd is worse than it has ever been. i don’t know what to do now. she is trying to ruin my life.

#help   #abuse  

A lesbian coworker ran her hand up my crotch and I said nothing. I kind of liked it and now I am worried because I keep thinking about it which makes me curious for a girl experience. I'm married which makes this all the wierder for me. I'm confused now and even imagining my husband joining after me and my new friend get to know one another a bit better. Why am I feeling nasty, naughty, and so curious?

#pussy   #lesbian   #rub   #curious   #husband   #girl   #coworker   #confused   #help   #threesome  

I’m 21 and I’m kinda dating a 17 year old. I know it sounds weird but hear me out. So we aren’t technically together but we’ve been friends for a while and we go on dates and hang out all the time. I was honestly just fine with being friends. We met through a video game and realized we lived really close to eachother. She started trying to get physical with me first. She would kiss on my neck and try to touch my privates and even sit on my lap. I’ll admit she is very attractive. Tan skin, thick thighs and a nice butt. But I tried to suppress those feelings. We do kiss and makeout sometimes but I’ve been very strict on no sex. She will be 18 in 5 months. But until then I’d feel scared to sleep with her. Her parents are fine with us being together and hanging out. I just don’t think they’d want us to sleep together yet. Any opinions?

#sex   #age   #kissing   #opinions   #help  

Me and my wife were trying to start a family. We had been married for 6 years and had been trying for 8 years. She was checked out and there was no obvious problem, I was checked out, sperm count was good but there slightly below the expected level of mobility.

My wife was getting desperate.

We had a nice Polish couple living next door and everybody always commented how and the Polish man looked alike. He was highly educated engineer and had more degrees and titles then I would ever have. He was also very nice and we became good friends and every now and then went out and had a beer and really good chat.

On one of these nights he was asking me, "You seem to very down in the mouth. What's bugging you?"

So I told him. and said that despite the results it could still be me who was the problem.

He smiled and me and said, "Oh how I would love to help. Your wife is such a pretty and sexy lass! But I am afraid my wife would divorce me straight aways if she ever found out!"

And I said that my wife would never agree to that. She would divorce me and marry him so that he could give her babies.

Then he said, our flats are door to door on the gorund floor. Streight out into the communal garden. If you want I could help and every night live a liitle plastic jar wih my fresh sperm in it and you just pick it up and have to manage to somehow pour it into your wife's pussy.

You would do that? I asked. Most certainly he said. I would be it a honour and I would love to help. Besides it is horny as hell and I already have a hard-on thinking my sperms flows into and up wife's cunny.

So we did and we kept it going for almost three months during the critical days. We never got found out and nobody ever discovered our big little secret.

My wife got pregnant and two years later we did the same. In no time I became an expert in artificall seeding of my wife's pussy.

My wife is happy, I am happy, nobody has ever questioned that these are my boys and my neighbour is very proud of his achievement and pleased that he could help.

#wife   #pregnant   #neighbours   #help  

So I like this guy and he’s asked me out before (I said no because we’d only recently met) and he said that he wanted to ask again now that we know each other better.
I found out today, he’s started going out with another girl. I feel slightly jealous but I know that we never actually dated so I suppose I don’t really have any right to be,
One of my close friends developed a crush on him too, not that long ago. She doesn’t know that I’ve liked him for a while.
He still looks at me different then the rest of our friendship group though.
I don’t know who to talk to because my best friend doesn’t know him, my close friend doesn’t know what to say to help and my other close friend (who is particularly good at giving advice) is too far away to talk to and I don’t know how to bring it up with her

#confusion   #help   #whatdoido  

There is so much on my mind right now I don't know where or how to start.
I am exhausted I am tired I am lonely I am stressed I am crowded.
I don't want to be with people, but I do not want to be alone either.
University is killing me right now one test after another and another. Work is horrible, I am being bullied and threatened.
I just want it all to stop.

I just want to sleep.

#tired   #exhausted   #insane   #stress   #whattodo   #help  

We're losing the house and I don't know what or how to tell anyone.

#lies   #deception   #help   #homeless  

For over a year I’ve been leaving comments and stuff on the net. Part of it was looking for someone. So id leave these crazy stories. The hope was some one who needed me would reach out. Well it worked. They just called up out of the blue. Sadly they need me much more than I thought. I’ll try my best to help, but a lot of damage is done. So sad. Good person that just needed someone to help and love them. Prayers that God will heal this person.
There’s other people who need my help too, one desperately so. I’m trying to help them too. Prayers that God will help me help all of them.
I did try to do good along the way too. I played roles and games. Pretended to be things I’m not.
The goal was to get some positive change. I think I did that.
The pandemic forced us all to try to survive. I played roles: a conservative; a liberal; a moderate; a victim; a funny person, all with various goals.
I wanted to be helpful; educate, and entertain. Try to help the world survive, & myself have interaction. I’ve had basically no human interaction for over a year. So these comments were my inter action with the world.
It’s so strange to see yourself have an impact. At least mine seemed to be for greater good on versions scales.

#hope   #help   #lies  

I'm 19. I've been living with depression for 10 years and every day is a struggle. As a result of being barely able to function, I've barely finished a three year culinary highschool (In my country you finish elementary school at the age of 15 and then you choose a profession and go to school accordingly. Three year professions are the shitty ones and you cant go to college to them), and I'm a chef that cant cook and hates his profession. I have no job and I'm not qualified for anything besides slaving in a kitchen.

I want to do another year of highschool so I could go to college but my education is too shit so there's no way that I can pass math and french.

I have no money, no job, no friends, no girlfriend, I'm fat and my dad hates me while my mom sees me as a disappointment. I haven't achieved a single thing that I could be proud of. I'd be happy to kill myself but I don't want to burden my family with an expensive funeral.

I'm forced to watch my life crumble and to live in poverty while all the people I know achieve things that are out of my grasp.

I'm scared.

#sad   #depressed   #depression   #confession   #failure   #help   #disappointment  

I am 13 years old and I really want a thick cock to go inside my tight little pussy. NO matter what, whenever i finger and/or use objects I just can't get off. I don't have a "friends with benefits" relationship with anyone or anything and my parents and sister are practically prudes I can't tell them anything, and I just cannot take this sexual frustration!!!

#sex   #preteen   #help   #masturbation   #lust  

I am 17f dating a 15f girl and my mother is threatening to kick me out of the house because my girlfriend is so young. I’m also in love with my 18f best friend. I don’t know what to do. We’ve been dating for a month now but I’ve liked my best friend for almost two years just never acted on it. What should I do??

#relationship   #lesbian   #underage   #best   #friend   #bestfriend   #help   #needadvice   #mother  

Help me O Lord.


Im 83 and i cant stop eating chicken fried noodles


Pray and roll the dice for #help

Confessions by

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