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Depressed Confessions

Read the best #depressed confession stories

Hey.. I hate myself I am so much fat..I think that I m burden for this earth I don’t score well in exam I get teased by my cousin..


I have a lust. It grows stronger every day and it keeps bugging me.

The endless routine of life is eating me from the inside. Work, Social Life, Family.., It all feels. Well it feels staged. I wanna run away really bad. Leave everything behind i have and go AWOL to a place nobody can find me. A quiet place to die. A deep dark forrest or mountain far away from civilization.

I pass the airport on my way to work every day. Every day i think about booking a flight without return. Dissapearing on a so called "vacation" I would hurt everybody i know. They will look for me. But they wouldnt know i dont want to be found

#routine   #lust   #depressed  

I can't be left alone with my thoughts or they're gonna kill me. Alweys need to hear, watch or do something. It's exhausting.


I confess I watch cartoons all the day because I don't have something better to do. My wife and my kids left me several months ago. And today, I found a meme with my story on it. I am very depressed right now and I am waiting for my favourite cartoon show to be broadcast.

#cartoons   #tv   #wife   #kids   #depressed   #sad  

I'm too depressed to go see my doctor about my depression.

#depressed   #doctor   #depression   #confess  

Hii reader I don’t know why what I am doing I am getting angry day by day I lost my tolerance today I hit my older sister and say many bad words to her and I have also fought with my mom I am really feeling bad what should I do I want to die but god is not listening I am not getting love my mom used to tell me tution fee cost which I feel bad that she is showing that what she is doing she is unique I am damn sure that not other mother do this thing..I am also praying that my crush loves me back..but he is 9 years older than me what should I do.

#depressed   #die   #crush   #mom   #sis  

My sister and I had the worst fight we ever had. I was being mean by hitting, but not much, but I wasn’t saying anything mean. My sister can control her physical side, but she can’t control her words. She made me feel terrible like a monster, like a pest that wouldn’t go away. Words, to me, cut deeper than the skin. In the midst of our fight, she said she wanted me to scream louder so my dad could come hit me. Said it would make her happy to see me in pain. Whenever she left me alone , I would sob and cry as quietly as I could, so they wouldn’t hear me.

I had cried at least eight times in less than 2 days. Even before the fight I cried because mom and dad wouldn’t really notice me much. One time my mom was with my sister in the kitchen laughing and having fun. I came outside to join, but right when I came mom fell silent. She didn’t acknowledge me at all. I said hi but she didn’t care. I went back in my room.
My sister said don’t go, but I left since I felt left out. Once I left my mom said why should she stay. I heard it and I cried and cried. Then after the fight, dad screamed at me and told my sister to leave me alone. A few minutes later my sister, my dad and my mom were laughing and having fun while I was crying feeling like I didn’t belong. I still feel like I don’t belong . Everyone would be happier, have no more fight, no more cry’s, no more maintenance. I DONT BELONG!!!

#sorry   #family   #parents   #sister   #fight   #depressed   #sad   #lonely  

I'm only 13, and turning 14 in the 6th and I'm a bisexual lady. I just started dating my best friend in September me and her are both madly in love. I'm inexperienced in the field of love but the passion I feel for her is real. Her parents forbid it, so they don't let us talk or see each other after school. It's extremely hard being someone's virlfriend and only being able to see them during professional times. I haven't felt loved in two years and now that I've got a taste it been thrown out of my grasp. I've started hiring myself when it gets to be too much. I'll just cry my head off and peel away at my skin. I'm too much of a coward to kiss her. I've seen a man drunken off of his senses. None of it was fun. I'm seeing a therapist once a week for my depression now. I hope to get better soon.
On the more innapropriate side of things, I think of her night and day. Perhaps she's on my mind too much, because I've discovered that I am a very sexual individual. she gives me her beat each weekend that just eludes her aroma. It turns me on so much. There have been times where I stick a pen up my vagina for mass amounts of pleasure. I think of her and sometimes I want her to climb ontop of me and just show me how dominant she can be. I want her to dominate over me and drive me flushed red crazy.

#bisexual   #lustful   #depressed  

My constant, sloth like state disgusts me. im a 17 year old male living in england currently and i hate myself. i hate my life. im constantly in a state of boredom, but im too lazy to do anything, im not at college because i cant be bothered having to try to achieve something, i was recently in a relationship with a girl who i thought i loved, but she wanted me to go out every day and i dont want to do that, im too lazy. i do not have a job, because i quite frankly cannot be arsed to go out and look. i dont know how to approach and talk to people in real life situations i spend most of my time playing games like league of legends to try and take my mind off of reality. i do nothing all day but eat, sleep and masterbate. sometimes i wish my family hated me, so i had a reason to feel so shit. i wish something traumatic happened to me as a child, i wish my parents abused me i wish a neighbor raped me or something to make me hate life, but no, my childhood was normal, i used to be normal. but now i cant stop this cycle of nothingness. i dont want to live, but i dont want to die. i dont want to die, i wish i had never been born in the first place. at least if i died and my family hated me then they would be happy i was gone, but they love me, and that makes existence so much harder. idk what im trying to say, i just wanted to vent. basically, im depressed, suicidal, and i dont have a reason for it which angers me to no end. im a disgusting waste of skin, im a waste of resources. im a disgusting human being. this life that was given to me by the lord, or whatever created us is being wasted. im a waste, why do i exist.

i am so so sorry for existing.

#suicidal   #depressed   #lazy   #wasteofskin  

I got a recommendation from Instagram to follow my ex gfs new profile and because I don't care about my mental health I stalked her whole profile and became severely depressed thinking about how much I miss her and still love her. I had a breakdown, cut myself, and cried on the phone to my friend. I'm worried I may never move on from her because I truly feel like she was the only love of my life.

#breakup   #relationship   #exgirlfriend   #breakdown   #selfharm   #depressed  

I have been hiding behind a thick mask for as long as I can remember, I guess I'll always be an insecure person.

#insecurity   #insecure   #mask   #hiding   #depressed  

I dropped out of University. I don't know should i feel bad or move on.


i feel so lonely, i don't have emotions, no happy, i feel empty, no one cares, and...finally there is one noticed... but i still alone

#lonely   #depressed   #alone   #emoth  

I'm 19. I've been living with depression for 10 years and every day is a struggle. As a result of being barely able to function, I've barely finished a three year culinary highschool (In my country you finish elementary school at the age of 15 and then you choose a profession and go to school accordingly. Three year professions are the shitty ones and you cant go to college to them), and I'm a chef that cant cook and hates his profession. I have no job and I'm not qualified for anything besides slaving in a kitchen.

I want to do another year of highschool so I could go to college but my education is too shit so there's no way that I can pass math and french.

I have no money, no job, no friends, no girlfriend, I'm fat and my dad hates me while my mom sees me as a disappointment. I haven't achieved a single thing that I could be proud of. I'd be happy to kill myself but I don't want to burden my family with an expensive funeral.

I'm forced to watch my life crumble and to live in poverty while all the people I know achieve things that are out of my grasp.

I'm scared.

#sad   #depressed   #depression   #confession   #failure   #help   #disappointment  

I use two numbers. I'm on a whole new level of being a single 29 year old male(virgin).

Average looks. 6 feet tall. A little plummy.

Always being friendzoned.

I chat with these two numbers pretending to be a couple.

There. I've said it.

#depressed   #single   #alone  

I’m in love with my best friend and I can’t tell him because he will reject me and then we won’t be friends anymore

#depressed   #inlove   #stuck  

I hate my life no one loves me my dad is either drunk or on some kind of drug and my mom hates and she never talks to me and she wonders why I cut my self and I'm anorexic its bc I'm not happy

#teen   #depressed  

I've been really bad for a while, I've tried reaching out for help but nothing is happening, I'm still bad, I think I'm just giving up, I dont want to but I don't think I can stop it anymore.

#sad   #depressed   #lost   #alone  

I'm 12, I like multiple girls. One is called Maddie, second is Lexi, then I really really like Cora. They're all amazing but they all don't like me. I got friend zoned by Cora but she yet flirts. I went on a date a few weeks back with a Girl who likes me but I don't like her. What do I do? I want a girlfriend(or boyfriend) but I wanna actually like them like I feel for the girls.

#love   #lgbt   #lesbian   #lonely  

I am depressed. I am the at the point of depressed where I can't bother to get out of bed and I would not at all mind if an asteroid killed us all off. Because then it would be over. I want it to be over. Don't get me wrong I am not suicidal. I was born into little, gained just a little more over my 22 years of life. I am overweight and haven't had a single girlfriend in 2 years of a single romantic advance or interest from the opposite sex ever since. I try so much to gey people to like me. Try so much to keep conversations alive and interesting but I dawns on me those people always choose to spend their time and love on other people. I don't know they may be amazing but God does it hurt soooo much. I am not ugly or unfit despite my slight chubbiness. I am quite good looking anf that is not my personal opinion I actually got accepted in that good looking people only dating site. Why am I so alone? why is no one interested in loving me or even getting to know me? Why am I so constantly alone?. Why do I have to cry myself to feeling better every other week?

#unloved   #depressed   #alone  

Pray and roll the dice for #depressed

Confessions by

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