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Lust Confessions

Read the best #lust confession stories

I got hard watching my son's girlfriend eat, lick, suck, and tongue a popsickle. I was daydreaming that she was using that long tongue, puffy glossed lips, pearly white teeth and braces, bobbing head, and sexy motions on my popsickle. At the time, it was just the two of us at poolside. Her actions were deliberate and she enjoyed. She did it too good. I got quite wet and wish I could have toched to see if this young sexy babe was also getting wet. I confess to lust.

#suck   #tongue   #tease   #lick   #wet   #girlfriend   #popsickle   #motions   #hardon   #sexy   #babe   #lust   #lips  

i have had problems with adult material since a young age. i want to quit. i feel better knowing that i have shown my secrets. i will do better. every time i open an adult site, i will remember this, and how terrible i am, and i will close the site. i refuse to let adult material hold me down, and constrain me. i am stronger than this, i am better than this. farewell, and thank you. every bit of love and help counts.

#lust   #p0rn   #addiction   #sloth  

I look very beautiful. Recently I let a guy make out with me in a bar. I was drunk, aroused. He came next to me and started talking smoothly. After five minutes I started loosing balance, he took me to a room upstairs and we made out there. Didn't had sex, but he fondled me by sliding his hands under my bra. I gave him a handjob.

He lives in my street only. I regret that for my life. Everytime I see him outside, I feel embarassed

#lust   #drunk   #sex  

I want to feel his hot, sticky breath on my neck. I want to feel his little pecks down my collar bone, sending chills down my spine. I want to gently caress his face in my palms, admiring the beauty of his astonishingly dark brown mysterious eyes. I want to feel our skin touching as we embrace.
I want him more than anything I've wanted before. 2 years of my life and more waiting for him will be worth it.

#love   #lust  

I'm currently 17 years old and I'm technically a virgin. When I was in third grade, I spent the night over at my friend's house for the first time. We're both girls. I've always been curious and very lustrous all growing up. I convinced her to scissor me and oh my god it felt so good. I'm straight but wouldn't mind experiencing a girl again.


I want more than anything on this planet to get my girlfriends mom naked and fuck her living brains out. I don't know why I want here so bad I think it might be because she left a pair of her satin panties by the washer one time and I found them there and picked them up and noticed how stained they were. So I took them in the bathroom and jerked my cock tasting her filth and smelling it and came all over them and threw them in with the rest of the wash. She also wears sheer white stockings to work all the time and when she gets home they are so smelly I instantly get hard. I saw her naked once but she didn't notice I saw her and she a little out of shape but her ass was so sexy and she's got a full bush of hair on her pussy just waiting there to soak up my cum. To get her into bed and in her stockings and panties would be amazing. I'd worship and sniff her feet for hours and then take her panties off and eat that asshole and pussy them just ram my cock into her till she couldn't walk and was coated with my cum.

#lust   #fantasy  

I (18m) am sexually and romantically attracted to my neighbor (39m). I see him almost every other day and I can’t help the way I feel when I see him, his smile, his beautiful beard and his body I can’t help but feel butterflies. I know that I will never ever be able to get him. But I want him to know how much I love him.

#gay   #neighbor   #lust   #crush   #olderman  

I am a 53 year old white woman named "Carol". My 26 year old daughter "Kim" married a black man, "Derrick" a few years ago. He's very nice and they're happily in love and I have a beautiful little grandson with another grandchild on the way. Things are wonderful.
Last year, my husband and I stayed at their home. they live in Atlanta, we live in Tampa, Florida.
While my husband was out one morning, and I thought the kids were up and out, I had a chore to do.
I was going to place a surprise anniversary gift for them, tickets for a trip to Cancun for a week on us, on their pillowcase for them to come home to. I thought Derrick had to work and Kim had said something about the gym in the morning.
I walked into their bedroom, the door was slightly open, and they were having sex. My daughter was on top of him and being very vocal about her enjoyment of it.I saw the look of pleasure in my daughter's eyes, and heard it in her voice, and realized that I'd never experienced anything like that in my life. Thankfully, they didn't see me but I cannot stop thinking about it.
When he withdrew from her I saw he was so well endowed that I almost gasped in shock. My God, how does she take that?!?!?!
I was so aroused by watching them that I feel ashamed that I have repeatedly masturbated about what I saw and fantasized and had dreams about having sex with Derrick myself.
I think I'm going mad.
Please pray for me.

#adultery   #envy   #lust   #black   #daughter   #mother   #envy   #embarassment  

To all the guys who have wives who engage in overnight travel for work, i.e., seminars, conferences, meetings, home office visits, etc., every one of them are cheating on you. I know because I am one of the guys who used to service them Also, they are enthusiastically performing all of the sex acts that they are refusing to do for you, i.e., blowjobs, anal, etc.

When I get done fucking them, sometimes I would get mischievous; especially if they fell asleep.

One time I wrote my name on a woman’s ass with permanent marker. Another time, I left hickeys by her crotch and on her neck. The one time the woman made me use a condom, I hid the used condom in her luggage. Once I had a girl tied up and I put her vibrator in her pussy and turned it on and put a huge dildo up her ass, and left her in the hotel tied up.

I meant no real harm. But all that was wrong.

#lust   #cheating  

I have lusted through the act of masturbation.

#masturbation   #lust  

I am attracted after 3 guys in my school. They are so hot.. I masturbate on their pics everyday. In school, I sometimes brush my hand across their butt/bulge on purpose without them knowing. I dream of them tied up and me doing things to them. I once even squeezed on of their butts during a crowded assembly..

#gay   #crush   #lust  

So I was 24, my cousin (a girl) was 27.

When we were younger we always hung around each other. We were best friends. Christ, when I was 21 I went to visit her and her ex husband and she got me to do percs and we started playing rock bang naked. But fast forward a bit, I was 24, she was 27. I was living at my mothers at the time and working under the table for my bud, so my schedule was he called, I had work. It was a Sunday night, she had a date and asked if I could watch her 2 children. She was out all night and we couldn't get ahold of her so finally around 4am the guy that took her on the date dropped her off. She was passed out, so we put her in my old room upstairs (I moved to the basement) well I guess she woke up around 7am and was wondering where she was lol. So she came down stairs to my room and laid in bed with me. I was dead asleep from being up all night with her kids. I woke up to someone rubbing my cock, I didn't think twice, I thought it was a dream. So it didn't stop and I turned over and it was her, just laying there staring at me. So she turned over and pulled me into her back (like she wanted to cuddle) so I just cuddled and started nodding off (I still thought this was all a dream). She then decided to rub her ass against my underwear. At this point, I'm rock hard. So she started playing with my cock again so I started feeling her up. We kept rubbing each other for a while, I moved my hand down to her pussy and started fingering her. As we both started getting to that point of no return...her kids knock on my door. So we stopped and went upstairs. She forgot her car was at the guys house so she got a friend to drive her to get it. Now my boss is calling to try to get me to work. She was taking a while so I called her and she was in her car on her way to my moms. I told her my boss is calling for me to go to work. She kept saying she's sorry, she'll be there soon! So I said hurry and we hung up. She called me about 10 minutes later saying "I'm so sorry, I don't know how to make it up to you" I said "just get here lol" and it got quiet for a minute. She then said "when I get there, I'll have sex with you". I just said "hurry up lol". So she got to my house, she stopped at a store to grab some quick food for the kids and told them to go upstairs to eat and watch tv. She then mounted me and started getting undressed saying "I'm going to fuck your brains out, you're going to love it. Tell me you want it". I didn't know what to say, so I said "I want it". We didn't even finished getting undressed and she was telling me to fuck her like a whore, to cum in her pussy". The one that got me going was that she said "I want to feel you cum deep inside me, it wrong but I want it, get me pregnant". I don't know why that turned me on so much so we started kissing and I heard a knock at my door. It was my bud/boss. So we got dressed, I helped her get her kids into her car and that was it. We haven't spoken about it to this day but we still talk regularly.

#sex   #lust  

I have masturbated heavily thinking about my mom. Even saw her bathing and touched my cock with her ass.

#incest   #lust  

My wife has a good friend, Karen, who I've always found to be very attractive. My wife and I have often commented on the fact that Karen just can't take a bad photo. Recently Karen's husband passed away and I've done nothing but think about the fact that a woman that hot should not be without sex. I'd do her in a heartbeat.
My wife knows how hot I think Karen is and wants to invite her over for dinner.
I know that they are friends but I can't help but think that my wife is just teasing me. Does she just want to have dinner with her friend or does she want to see how turned on I am by the time Karen leaves?


I am a 25 year old East Indian girl who is obsessed with White men, older men. I have been increasingly involved with older White men who tend to dominate me and treat me like crap. I feel racially and verbally humiliated often but I keep going back for more. A part of me feels guilty and ashamed but a bigger part of me cannot stop. The way they use me makes me crazy!

#sex   #lust   #race   #guilty   #asian   #indian  

I dont know if I'm gay or bisexual. I like girls but guys are cool too especially the hot ones. I had my eye on this hot dude at my workplace and I really want to feel him more. And at the same time this girl at my school really gets me hard too. This is killing me on the inside and I need to come out to someone i can truly trust.

#bi   #gay   #lust   #confess  

I just need to get it off my chest and say it at this point to someone. I think like my friend. Im so confused. Shes pretty, really pretty, and funny and all the good stuff but I don't actually want anything romantic with her. I do but I also don't. I don't want to kiss her or have sex with her, but I want to hold her and hug her and hold her hand. I don't know what I want with her. If Im being honest, I don't want ANYTHING with her, but my heart wants her in some way. I don't get it. But at the same time I do. I don't want to like her because I don't want to ruin the friendship, what we have is great but I also just want to accept that I like her a little bit, crush on her for a bit and then move on. But I don't want to ruin anything. Cause I DONT like her I just want to be with her if that makes sense. I know she doesn't like me in a romantic way and Im okay with that. I don't like her in a romantic way either, but I care about her. A lot. And Ive had dreams with her. Where we're holding hands or cuddling and I wake up confused but empty. And I really don't want to even think of myself liking her cause everyone around me would judge me for it. I would be fucking up. I don't know. I don't love her, not in a romantic sense at least, but I want to be with her. I think Im just lonely.

#love   #crush   #friend   #lust   #confession   #secret  

I've something with exhibitionism as I love it when girls or women watch me masturbating and enjoy it. I've done it quite sometimes. I was renting a house previously and went to the roof at evening and started shagging my cock with porn volume up in my mobile. Then there came two girls nearly my age and saw me jerking from neighbouring house's roof. I pretended as if I didn't know that they were watching me and the fact that they were watching the whole thing was driving me crazy and was making me filled with lust. I came a lot.

#exhibitionism   #lust   #masturbation   #public  

I have been obsessed with one guy for the past 5 and a half years, even while in a relationship I occasionally thought about this guy and for some unknown reason I can't seem to let him go from my mind. I think I am in love with him

#love   #lust   #obsession  

I am throughly discuted with myself. I have a porn addition that involves very young girls. I fantasize about having sex with them and masturbate. but when i get done if feel so much guilt and shame, that i get out a belt and beat myself with it! I give myself 40 lashes each time. this has helped in a mager way. I no longer am atracted to minors that i see on the street. when i see them on the street, i have nothing but love and compassion for them in my heart. And i wonder how anyone could ever hurt them sexually! I know that i could not! NOt ever!!! Yet when i am home alone i get horney and go looking for porn again. I am tired of this sycle! I have sought out help in the past by confessing my sins to a minister; but instead of helping me, he told everyone in the congregatiion about my lust. I had to move to a different city! Now I must say that I have never, not even one time, molested a child! Nor will I! I see kids as individual humans and not sex objects. I love them as if I were them! and if i were them, i would not want someone hurting me sexually. So I discipline myself and stay away from them!!

But this sin of lust has hindered my relationship with God. I desperatly want to be rid of this sexual desire. So I keep beating my self with a belt and doing what i can to resist the temptaiton to begin with. But you can rest assure yourself that i am not a threat to kids in society! I just have an evil desire that I must get rid of at all cost.

Please pray for me!!

#evil   #lust   #porn   #addiction   #confess   #confession   #sex  

Pray and roll the dice for #lust

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