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Adultery Confessions

Read the best #adultery confession stories

My wife went out of town for a night to her mother's house. After insisting I not be alone because I've cheated on her in the past, I agreed to let her 19 year old sister stay the night as a witness that I wasn't up to anything.... we had sex most of the night and next morning

#wife   #sister   #adultery   #confession  

I have a crush on my neighbor he’s so hot and he’s a cop! He always looks in my windows at me, I think he wants me too.

#crush   #neighbour   #adultery   #love   #secret  

I live next door to a lonely widow named Ruby. She often talks with my wife, but usually only offers me pleasantries when we see each other. This has gone on for years. My wife recently accepted a job with a hotel company that requires her to frequently travel. She wanted the job and since our kids are grown and gone, I told her to go for it. During her first trip away, Ruby started talking to me from her yard. She missed talking to my wife and wondered how I managed without her around. I told her I was fine with it and we left our conversation at that. The next morning, Ruby knocked on my door to ask to speak with my wife. I told her that she was away because of her new job and would not be back for 2 days. Ruby apologised for forgetting that I had told her and then asked if she could cook dinner for me that evening. She probably assumed that I would go hungry without my wife to take care of me. She is in her eighties and was a stay at home wife for her husband and kids. I accepted -- why not?

That evening, I visited Ruby's house and she invited me to sit at the kitchen table while she finished cooking. She was wearing a nightgown, which I thought was a little odd, but it was after dark, so I didn't think it too out of place. While she was cooking on the stove, I could tell that she was not wearing a bra, because her breasts were sagging down and I could make them out underneath the thin material of her nightgown. I'm not sure why, but I got very aroused and became very embarrassed. I tried to think of something to get rid of that feeling, but I couldn't. I thought it would be ok to just sit there until it went away, but Ruby was finished preparing and asked me to move to the dining room.

I tried to conceal my erection when I walked to the dining room, but I caught Ruby staring at my crotch. I must have turned beet red, because Ruby, began to apologise for noticing and I awkwardly apologised for it happening and then said I should probably just go. Ruby then rushed over to me and pleaded with me to please stay for dinner. And then it all came lonely she much her conversations with my wife made her lucky my wife was to have me as a she wished she had a man like me in her life. Then she collapsed in my arms and started sobbing. I didn't know what to do so I just held her and I was so embarrassed because I couldn't get rid of my stupid erection. That is when I noticed that Ruby was pressing against it.

I pulled her away and explained that I should probably go. Again, Ruby pleaded and said she would do anything if I would stay. I don't know why I did it. I guess I was just so aroused and felt so in control of the situation and figured I could do anything I wanted, so, I grabbed Ruby by her arms and kissed her hard and deep on the lips. Ruby, allowed this for several seconds and then pulled away and slapped my face. She looked bewildered but not angry. It seemed like an eternity, how long she look at my eyes and then she kissed me back. Passionately.

I tore her nightgown off and she gasped and clutched one arm across her breasts and the other hand over her vagina. I lifted her onto the table and pulled her arms up to my neck and kissed her hard. I pushed my body against hers so she could feel my erection between her legs. She whispered into my ear 'make love to me'. I pulled my pants down and immediately entered her. We grunted and thrust together right there on her dining room table and I came far too quickly but I couldn't help myself. I then had a rush of guilt and embarrassment and began to apologise. Ruby just put her finger over my lips and said, 'Shhhh. Our secret is safe. Now please take me to my bedroom and make love to me all you want.'

I did, and I know Ruby will never be lonely again.

#adultery   #elderly   #neighbour  

Me and my bf live in same apartment. We have sex daily. My parents doesn't know this. They still think I am a virgin.

#sex   #adultery   #virgin  

I am a 36 yo housewife. I had an affair with my neighbor's husband, she's a fat pig that insulted me for "doing nothing but being a housewife because you don't have an education" at a party in front of some friends and neighbors because she works, just to humiliate her. Then she cried to me that her husband was having an affair she thought several weeks later and I just laughed inside.
Fuck her.

#affair   #revenge   #humiliation   #adultery  

A few years after we married I met someone and brought him home wanting an open relationship, my husband was shocked but I told him it's either both of you or none of you and he backed down. I thought it would be more exciting but now I see how much damage I've done and the betrayal in my husbands eyes. I'm such a screwup.

#cheating   #adultery   #husband  

I'm a single guy but have been carrying on an affair with a married woman for a couple weeks now. It started simply - two people who were mutually attracted to one another - but it's gotten complicated recently. Her husband, who's a friend, despite a couple years difference in age, confessed to me while golfing the other day that his wife seems off and that he thinks she's having affair. I didn't think he was testing me as he seemed very genuine so I just gave him the advice I would give anyone in that spot. A couple days later, I ran into the both of them at a nearby restaurant. I was with a date. My buddy was really nice, made a great effort with my date but his wife, my mistress, was a little cold. I know I need to end it. Quickly.

#adultery   #cheating   #married   #affair  

I am a 53 year old white woman named "Carol". My 26 year old daughter "Kim" married a black man, "Derrick" a few years ago. He's very nice and they're happily in love and I have a beautiful little grandson with another grandchild on the way. Things are wonderful.
Last year, my husband and I stayed at their home. they live in Atlanta, we live in Tampa, Florida.
While my husband was out one morning, and I thought the kids were up and out, I had a chore to do.
I was going to place a surprise anniversary gift for them, tickets for a trip to Cancun for a week on us, on their pillowcase for them to come home to. I thought Derrick had to work and Kim had said something about the gym in the morning.
I walked into their bedroom, the door was slightly open, and they were having sex. My daughter was on top of him and being very vocal about her enjoyment of it.I saw the look of pleasure in my daughter's eyes, and heard it in her voice, and realized that I'd never experienced anything like that in my life. Thankfully, they didn't see me but I cannot stop thinking about it.
When he withdrew from her I saw he was so well endowed that I almost gasped in shock. My God, how does she take that?!?!?!
I was so aroused by watching them that I feel ashamed that I have repeatedly masturbated about what I saw and fantasized and had dreams about having sex with Derrick myself.
I think I'm going mad.
Please pray for me.

#adultery   #envy   #lust   #black   #daughter   #mother   #envy   #embarassment  

My friend invited me to tag along with her and her husband to a festival. I third wheeled them all evening. She is fat and unattractive. He is tall and handsome.
When she went to use the bathroom, I let him suck tequila off my nipples. Then I rode him inside his truck. We walked around for the rest of the evening with his cum all over my boobies. She was clueless. I’m 18 he is 56.

#adultery   #seduction   #cheating  

I love talking to my boyfriend on the phone while another guy is fucking me. It's the only way I can get off. If it matters, I'm thinking of him while doing it.

#sex   #adultery  

I'm in love with my friends wife and daughters. I wish he would die so I could seduce his wife. She can still bare children, and I want so badly to see her pregnant with my baby. The idea is so hot to me I'm masturbating right now.
Fuck I wish he was dead...

I missed out on the first two daughters, but one of them is about to turn 18, and I'm going to do everything I can to get her in the sack and knock her ass up. She had a crush on me when she was 14, and if the laws were different I would have started fucking her then and there. Here's hoping she still has a little flame for me. mmmm making babies....

#adultery   #friend   #wife   #daughter  

I've been having an affair with my best friend's boyfriend/husband for the past twenty years. It's mostly been harmless fun. It started back in high school. While she was in French Club, I was sucking her boyfriend's dick. I don't think my husband or his wife have ever suspected anything. They have three kids, and I have three kids. I'm not sure all of them are my husband's. I'm pretty sure at least one of my kids are his. Though I've never done a paternity test to find out. I didn't want to know. The two of us still have sex pretty regularly. Usually while she and my husband are at work. He and I work together now, and whenever we go away on a business trip together we end up having sex in our hotel room too. Until recently, we've never had any reason to be concerned because our marriages have been very happy. The sex we had was just fun. Yeah, we've been lying to our partners, but nobody's gotten hurt. But recently I found out my oldest daughter and his oldest son have been having sex. Neither of us were prepared for that. They could very well be siblings and not know it. I don't know what to do. Part of me thinks we should just discourage the relationship, never do a test, and hope they find other people. But then part of me thinks that we should definitely do a test. If it comes out that my husband is her father, no harm done. But if it comes out that my best friend's husband is the father... I'm not sure what to do. Do I tell her, and potentially ruin both our marriages, and their lives? Do I just try to discreetly break them up without explaining why? I never thought any of my kids would date his kids. I still really don't want to know, but i also don't want to completely ruin their lives if they find out some other way.

#adultery   #incest   #sex  

A few years ago, I told my sister I couldn't go to her bachelorette party because I had to work. That wasn't totally a lie. I was working as a stripper, and worked her fiance's bachelor party. We ended up having sex. I felt guilty about it for years. Recently I had to move out of my apartment, and in with my sister and her (now) husband. I know he still has a thing for me, and I want to have sex with him. Sometimes when she's not home, I'll dress a little sexier, and show off a bit more skin. We haven't done anything more than flirt, but I want to give in so bad.


Ten years married, I still like to surprise the wife and one day took the afternoon off so we could take a day trip to the beach. As I pulled into the driveway, I noticed another car parked there but gave it no real thought. As I approached the front door which was slightly open, I could hear Ann's voice telling someone that she wasn't on the pill. Peaking in, I saw Ann on her knees dressed only garters, hose and heels with a black man she called David stroking his dick.

She took his dick and began to suck it with passion and reverence. Ann said, "If you fuck me today, you might inseminate me." Pushing her to the ground, the black guy told her to spread her legs.. As he mounted her, David called her a bitch and gleefully exclaimed, "If I knock you up, that would make you my whore. Do you want to be my whore?" Ann asked him not to cum in her and to pull out when he was ready to cum.

Fucking her with deep long strokes, David said she deserved to be his whore. "I want to knock you up, Ann!" Ann stated she wanted to be David's whore and by fucking her, she was his whore but that he couldn't cum inside her womb as she was not on the pill.

David started to fuck Ann harder and faster. "Do you really want me to pull out bitch?" "No really but I don't want to be knocked up." "You really need to be my whore, bitch!"

David was grunting and his hips were shaking wildly. Moaning loudly, he said "I love you whore" and Ann cried that she could hot semen filling her pussy. David said no and slowly pushed his cock deep into her cunt. Ann screamed "Please don't knock me up. Please pull out. Please. . ."

Ann gave David an evil grin and sighed "Please. . .please don't. . .please don't pull out. I need to be your whore. Let's go to the bedroom where you can fuck me all day long!"

#mwf   #adultery   #creampied  

I've been sleeping with my aunts best friend regularly since I was 15. I'm now 26 and she is 36 and married with 3 kids. we still find time for eachother. as much as I feel bad about it I can't quit her. there is something about an older woman that keeps you coming back. my aunt would be very upset if she knew as well

#adultery   #cheat   #aunt   #sex   #taboo  

I have been in a relationship with a wonderful girl for several years now. She has her flaws, but I've believed her to be the love of my life, and I've asked her to marry me. At university, I've recently met a different girl that is completely perfect for me, has no flaws whatsoever, and is completely attracted to me. I don't believe in cheating, and I just don't want to break my fiancé's heart. The anxiety I've had over what I should do has caused me to cry myself to sleep for the last few months.

#engaged   #adultery   #confused  

I have so many secrets that I would never finish posting them all here. Some make feel bad, some excite me, and some I just want to relive. I wish I had a confidant, a real person just like me to share all those filthy secrets with and hear some of theirs too. I just need to get them off my chest somehow.

#secrets   #sex   #adultery   #incest   #teens  

I will only date men that I don’t really like or am particularly attracted to just so I can cheat on them because cheating sex is the only sex that gets me off. It’s always bareback and almost always guys with girlfriends or wives.

#adultery   #gay   #cheating   #unfaithful  

My wife is having an affair with her nephew and does not even try to hide it from me or others.
She has him living in our home, while he is attending college, and was going upstairs to his bedroom every night to have sex with him.
How did I know?
She was loud as hell, would actually come down the stairs in the morning wearing one of his t-shirts, and he posted innuendos on facebook about it as well as numerous pictures of the two of them together..
One of her friends even asked me why I tolerated it.
When I confronted my wife she told me we could divorce or I could "shut up and accept it".
I sleep in the guest room now and her nephew is sleeping in our bedroom with her.

#adultery   #nephew   #asian  

I have cheated my husband with a coworker and confessed it to him. Now he wants divorce but I don't want to let him go what should I do. I know I'm being selfish but he is only one I have and yes I feel so guilty a d regret doing that.

#adultery   #cheating  

Pray and roll the dice for #adultery

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