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Secret Confessions

Read the best #secret confession stories

I peed in the coffee of my boss 5 minutes ago.

#confession   #secret   #coffee   #urine   #evilness  

I confess that I lie to my girlfriend every day. I tell her that I love her but I do not.
Why I do this? Maybe because I'm scared to be alone again....

#lie   #love   #girlfriend   #confession   #secret   #alone  

I (female, 17) confess that I'm afraid of Santa Claus.

#christmas   #afraid   #scared   #secret  

For work, I always have a lot of research to do. And this means that I often have to work at home (later, at night for example).
But I'm just too lazy. So I got my son to do it. He gets 10 bucks each time he "helps" me.
I can get to bed earlier and he gets some extra money. He's always a bit tired though and his grades in school aren't that good as in the beginning of the year but I guess that's not too bad.

#lazy   #confession   #work   #son   #secret   #anonymously   #research   #night   #tired  

I live a very simple life, it may not be the most normal but it’s simple. So I work weekdays, have weekends off. I live alone, I’m 25. I just work, then go to the gym. I have friends but I just like doing my own thing while I try to save my money. But as a 25 year old sex is a need for me. I don’t want to bar hop because I don’t drink, and dating isn’t in my plans just yet. But sex is still needed. So every weekend, and I literally mean every weekend, I will pay for sex. Normally it’s through online apps. I keep it simple. 200 dollars for a few hours. Then they can shower if they want, and leave. I just enjoy making out, getting oral, then having sex preferably unprotected. Whether it’s a new 18 year old hooker, or a 40 year old dirty hooker, if it’s a hole I’ll fuck it. I spend 200 to 600 dollars for sex from Friday night to Sunday night. It’s just my thing. The reason I offer 200 when it’s usually cheaper is so I can have my make out session, get oral, and not have to wear protection. Plus I do feel bad for them so I like to pay well. And I make such good money and I save well so treating myself is fine. I know once I get into a real relationship my sexual past is going to be brought up but until then I’m satisfied sleeping with these girls. To me it’s better than jerking off in the dark alone. I get to fuck all types of girls. From 18 to 45. Skinny, fat, fake lips, big butts. It’s incredible. And I will admit it’s kinda addicting at the moment.

#sex   #admit   #secret   #my   #life   #hookers  

I'm a pretty, petite, 22yr old female, 34c in bust and redheaded and have always loved wearing really sexy or slutty underwear, not that anyone would know as I keep the fact secret. My secretarial job requires me to dress very formally: mainly white formal blouses, black skirts and the like, etc, yet despite this, I often find myself fantasizing about stripping off at my desk to rub my pussy or perhaps having sex with a co-worker, not that I have yet. Anyway, one day I was at the mall shopping and spied some really sheer pink crotch-less panties, and simply had to have them. I put them on to work next day, and happily found myself hugely aroused as I walked. Indeed, I was that turned on, that on reaching my desk, I broke my own rules and quickly began to play with myself, enjoying every moment until I came, though I'm now uncertain if others may have noticed? The thing is, the married guy opposite my desk has made a point of asking if I need anything 24/7- odd, as he never used too?

#sex   #horny   #pink   #panties   #secret  

I'm traveling with my parents to visit family. I'm gonna try to get a dildo through the tsa checkpoint. Tsa won't care I'm sure. I'm scared my parents will see it though.

#sexy   #secret   #guilt  

I constantly lie to my boyfriend about thinks I needn't lie about.
For instance about my condition, when I have headache, I'll tell him that I have stomachache as well.
Or when I forget something, I come up with ridiculous excuses. I even tell him wrong information when he asks me what I ate.

#lies   #lying   #constantly   #secret   #excuses   #confession  

I m 17 and started to masturbate since i was 12. I always felt like it is a sin, so i stop masturbating for months. Though everyday, i crave to have orgasm! I can't help but to masturbate every day for at least 2 times now. My family, my parents especially thinks and believe I m an innocent girl and is far away from sexual thoughts. Well they are wrong because i masturbate to porn and my boyfriend daily. Masturbation helps me sleep, pleasure explodes in my head and every limbs of mine just gets weak. I confess that i m obsessed with the feeling of reaching up to climax.

#masturbation   #secret   #sexual  

It's been a month since I last self harmed.

I stopped doing it because I got into a relationship, and I'm afraid of my girlfriend's reaction if she found out.

The thing is, I don't know for how long I can keep going. Every day is a struggle and it never leaves my mind. Even when I'm doing something or distracted the "want" is always lurking around.

It feels stronger than me. I want to just give in, but at the same time I can't. This is killing me.

#depression   #hurt   #girlfriend   #relationship   #secret  

The building I live in is under constructions and some of the workers pass just outside my livingroom window. I really want them to look inside annd see me change or even masturbate on the couch... wear revealing clothes on purpose just in case one of them will look inside... But I don't want it to be obvious I'm trying to get their attention...

#workers   #watch   #secret  

I'm a believer, living in a religious and spiritual environment everyday but...what nobody knows is : I'm a lesbian. Where i am, it's a sin and i know it too well to let anybody know about my sexual orientation because i know i will be rejected. I live with it everyday and it's so hard, especially when i feel attracted to a girl - but can't voice it out. I tried my best to date guys, but it doesn't work. I am just not into boys. Those who say that it's a matter of choice or will, obviously don't understand. Trust me, it's not! It's just like you can't explain why your favorite color is your favorite color. And now, here i am, living a life where i'll never be 100% happy - just because i'll never be able to have a real love story. How can i even concile my sexual orientation and my beliefs... Tough life!

#lesbian   #secret  

I've made an online friend;
She's 2 years younger than me, she's not legal yet. I'm 18 and she's 16. (Shes straight)
About a year ago, we started fighting, she doesn't know why. But I do.
I'm jealous of her boyfriends, her friends, her family.

I love her, I've started loving her ever since I was 15. I keep fighting with her because I cant keep hiding my jealousy.
I'm drowning in my sins.
I'm lesbian, my family is christians. They said they'd disown me if I was gay.
I cry everynight.
Why cant I hold you?
Why cant I love you?
Why cant I just confess
All my stress would rest,
I love you. I'd die for you.

#unforgiveable   #love   #undying   #depression   #online   #gay   #lesbian   #secret   #family   #jealous   #jealousy  

My girlfriend sleeps with her mouth open. So, when I go to bed later than her and she's already asleep, I put some food in her mouth. It's hilarious. She's always totally confused the next day. I always tell her that she ate while sleeping.
Sorry babe, I'll tell you the truth when we get married.

#food   #hilarious   #joke   #secret   #girlfriend   #funny   #confession  

I am 22 yo married lady who likes reading stories. I have never done a woman but these stories make me want to experiment. I masturbate and confess. Just don't tell my husband, please.

#lesbian   #pussy   #lick   #taste   #eat   #straight   #husband   #secret  

About 2 years ago my husband read my journal and I cant forgive him for it or move past it. By reading my journal, he thought I was having an affair, I wasn't. I was online getting counseling and the person that was my counselor and he left to move to England and I was devastated. I felt abandoned by my counselor. I am angry because he read it, took pictures of it, shared my most intimate thoughts with my son. I cant forgive that either. I am grateful that my son realized how wrong it was for his father to share my written, private word. Fast forward to today, He does not support my desire to do other things, he will sabotage me by, stating he has to work, give me that pitiful look.
He is a man that does not like to be alone. He has no friends and slowly but surely, ran my friends way.
Anytime I wanted to go out, it was never a thing of have fun it was, almost like he was upset that I was going out with my friends. Since the incident of my journal and the way he shredded my, I have no desire to be married to him anymore. I will not have sex with him, because I hate the thought of him touching me.
I smile but have serious distain for him. This man does not deserve me at all and I don't want him and the moment I get enough money to leave, I will.

#betrayal   #husband   #hate   #journal   #secret   #betrayed   #confessed  

I couldn't help it, she's so gorgeous and she also likes me. I was was walking past her house (how ironic, I know) and she came out. She gets really shy around me. I just had to tell her that I liked her, so I did. She said she liked me too. We started kissing and it got sexually aggressive kissing. We went back into her house and to her bedroom and got completely naked. We started touching each other and kissing more and more. Eventually, I started licking her tits and she was stroking my dick. Then I started licking her pussy and ass hole and she sucked me off and ate my cum. Then, we had the best sex ever. Now when we see each other, when we're alone, we kiss all the time for roughly 10 seconds. If my sister ever found out, I think she'd kill me

#love   #sex   #secret  

It is crazy to think that I was in love with my best friend but it is how it is. She has the most beautiful brown eyes I have ever seen and she is fearless. She likes dyeing her hair in crazy colors and she is not afraid of the outcome.
That seems not like much of a confession, huh?
Well, she is not gay nor has she ever shown interest in other girls. I always thought I am straight myself, but maybe not. I am not so sure.
So back to the story... We are both in our twenties (she 27, I am 28) and work in the same company, but not in the same department. She started dating one of MY co-workers and they hit it off like a house on fire. She had those lovey dovey heart shaped eyes for weeks and weeks on end. I tried to be happy for her, I really really tried, but I just couldn't take it anymore...
He came to me often for advice and asked me for my opinion on things to give her. At first I tried to be a friend and help him out but after a while I started telling him bullshit. She is a vegetarian (has been for ~10 years now) and apparently they never talked about this?!? They have been going out for like 6 weeks now and that never came up, wtf?
So, he asked me if she liked steak, because he wanted to cook for her. So I told him yes, that she loved steak and that she liked it English (i.e. almost raw) and of course he listened and cooked for her and made her the steak just as I told him, without checking with her or anything. He's such a dumbass, honestly...
I do not know what went down but it escalated apparently. They fought, they screamed and what not.
And the best of it? She did not find out that I told him about the meat!! She is not talking to him currently, but she came to me right afterwards and I was able to hold her in my arms and comfort her.
I'd definitely would do it again, even if it means that she's said.

#bff   #inlove   #crush   #confession   #secret   #lies   #vegetarian   #steak   #fight  

I have been snorting meth close to 5 years now, more recently ive increased my intake, think i want to end my useless life i can't any longer. Lost so much in the past 2 years. Beginning of the month I was constructively fired. What next? Think I'd settle for a coffin thank you. Tuned 33 yesterday and i don't want to see or go through any more of this.

#drugs   #guilt   #secretly  

Some years back I got to live out one of my fantasies. When I was in HS I met a girl and instantly fell in love. We dated at the end of my senior year but ended up breaking up a bit later. Some time goes by and we date again but we broke up yet again, I couldn't get over her no matter what but we'd also never had sex. A few months later she during a summer break (she was still in HS) we got closer when I lived where she was staying for a few months to be there with her, we ended up fooling around a lot and it really felt like we were a couple but soon after she started school back up she got a boyfriend and I was devastated. I also now had way more fantasies about her because of the fooling around, I remember one particular time when she just rubbed my dick all over her face through my thin shorts it was so fucking hot hearing her panting and breathing hard while doing that, then me trying to go down on her from behind with her in the fetal position. After she got that boyfriend we kind of fell off for a while and she went on to be in different friend circles than she use to be, I'd see her here and there when she was single mostly but we never seemed to get as close as we had been to my despair. Then one day she told me she was getting married, she got married, moved to and adjacent state and became pregnant. I became a door to door salesman for a while and left the state too traveling with the company, during my travels I ended up getting a lot more sexual experience that I thought I'd get in a lifetime. Some years later I left that job as I was no longer satisfied with it and felt unappreciated for my efforts. Her husband was in the military and as it turns out he'd been deployed and she was staying at her in-laws to not be alone with their now toddler child. We had stayed in touch here and there as friends but it always ate me up inside.

So one day we were reminiscing about the past and she invited me over, she said nobody was home for the weekend and another friend was also gonna be there so she wouldn't be alone the whole weekend, this friend was also another ex of mine. When we all hang out we all three reminisced about the old days and just have fun in the big empty house, we'll call the first one T and the other one L. It seemed a bit clear that the L who was single was trying to do something with me, she wore a skimpy outfit and kept trying to get my attention but I was more interested in T, who, noticing what L was doing wanted to get my attention too. We ended up hanging out there all day, I at one point cuddled with T while L just watched TV. At night L decided she wanted to go to bed and seemed pretty frustrated so T told her to take one of the rooms as it was at that moment a spare anyway. T and I laid down on the couch together spooning, instantly making my dick very hard. She kept teasing me the entire time which is something I remembered fondly of her from the old days so it made it that much hotter. After a bit I ended up drifting off to sleep holding her with my dick still hard pushing up against her. All of a sudden I'm woken up feeling T's amazing plump ass pushing up against me over and over really hard and fast just rubbing my dick, as I start opening my eyes I notice her breathing really hard panting. I wake up with my mind blank, I can't think of anything I can't do anything other than breath insanely hard and feel her up against me. She notices I woke up and I'm sure we talked a bit while doing this but I can't recall any of it, I was so entranced it felt like I was an animal it was so raw. At some point she gets on top of me and rubs up against me more, then she takes off her shorts and is grinding me like that. She finally pulls up off of me and takes my dick out, or maybe she pulled my pants completely off I don't even remember I wasn't paying attention, I could have been completely naked or fully clothed and I wouldn't have noticed either was, this was a dream come true and nothing else was on my mind I couldn't think. She's still teasing me and as she starts to lower herself I just thrust up hard trying to get my cock inside of her, she moves up and tells me to relax I thrust up a bit more and realize she won't let it in until I relax so I reluctantly relax. T slowly lowers herself and I feel her pussy sliding down my cock. It is the most amazing feeling, she had the best pussy I'd ever felt in my life. I'm just sitting there waiting for her because I don't want her to stop. She's sitting on me now with my cock fully inside of her and she starts moving. She makes one grinding motion and I instantly felt myself on the verge of cumming, and it was going to be a big one. She notices my face, and stops, I couldn't help but blurt out "woah". I'd never felt anything like that, before this, no woman had ever been able to even make me enjoy when they rode me, I always had to stop them and take control, but this, this was something else. I told her, "hang on I'm about to cum" so she stopped until I was more relaxed. I ended up turning her on her back and going to town on her for a while that way on her in-law's couch, but it was getting too loud and T was afraid L would hear and catch us so we went to her in-laws room and had sex on their bed. It was honestly the best sex I'd ever had, part of it was the fantasy, part of it was how open we'd always been talking about sex even if we never had it before. The next day L left early and T and I fooled around some more in some of the other rooms. We noticed the next day that she'd cut her knee open a bit while she was on top riding me on the couch, I told her it would be a reminder of this and she agreed. For years she had the scar and I would always ask her about it when talking to her. She ended up moving abroad for a while, but we still talk. One day, I'm definitely going to get some of that amazing pussy again and have my dick completely melt in her, I'll definitely be going raw and cumming in her, it's already in the works, I'll make sure to write about it after it happens.

#sex   #ex   #cheating   #bestsexever   #bestpussy   #deployed   #quick   #hot   #married   #wife   #secret   #raw   #animalistic   #lust  

Pray and roll the dice for #secret

Confessions by

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