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Work Confessions

Read the best #work confession stories

This year I turn 20 ..I feel like useless.. Before this I m so stupid n lazy to study but since 17 I decided to change. I want better life.. People keep treat me like asshole just because I m not like my brother.. He so clever as fuck but me.. I desperate want to change, want have better life and got many money. Sometimes when I watch youtube, I see a lot of people show off how rich their are.. I m so fucking jealous... This year I wish I can continue my study diploma but since my family got money problem, I have to forget my diploma... I have certificate in computer system.. I really want to create something that can make money... I want to have my own shop or my own brand... I really like to create earphone or headphone... If I can't get all of that, at least I can work at good company, at least IT company.. I know it's hard for me since many people out there clever than me but I can gibe the best I can. I swear....! I want work at Google company.... I wish I can!

I work in the accounting department of a small business, and have daily contact with a girl who works in the mailroom. I'm 25 and she's a few years younger. I recognize her type. Poorly educated, pregnant at an early age, insecure, impulsive, etc. You get the point. She's dumb, but nonetheless she has a job and is pretty nice. And she's sexy as fuck. But again, in that insecure way. She doesn't dress slutty. She tends to wear things that don't show off her body, but she must have quite a few tattoos because I've seen them on her upper chest, arms, and behind her ear. She doesn't dress slutty though. I think she's half Mexican and half Persian. Anyways, a couple months ago I found out that a friend of hers who also works in the mailroom, has had a crush on me for a while. So at first this girl started talking to me a little bit, and I was thinking she just wanted to get to know me better so she could tell her friend who likes me. But as the weeks have gone on it seems more like flirting and less like her trying to set me up with her friend. None of them know I have a girlfriend.I would never cheat on her, but I often fantasize about the girl from work. I know she has a boyfriend. But it's like the fact that there are so many messed up things make it hotter. Not only would she be cheating on her boyfriend and me on my girlfriend, but she'd be cheating with me behind her friend's back who she knows has a huge crush on me. And she seems like exactly the type of girl that would be a total sub in bed and let me do anything I wanted. Every day when she brings me the morning work I think about forcing her down under my desk, and how hot it would look to see my cock buried in her throat. Like I said, I love my girlfriend, and she lets me do anything I want to her as well. I would never cheat, but it's such a hot fantasy.

#cheat   #slut   #work   #temptation   #lust   #fantasy  

I regularly lust after my co-worker.
I have known her for 5 years but I am married and she has had a few boyfriends over this time and I have never done anything about it. I don’t think she has any lustful feelings for me at all.
She has beautiful blond hair, the sweetest laugh and the sexiest ass, especially when she wears white jeans. Oh Kirstie how I long to have you and see your face as you cum.

#blond   #laugh  

The last two weeks, I stole more office supplies and was more time on the internet than I worked.

#office   #supplies   #internet   #work   #lazy  

What I am going to write now is so disgusting I am glad that no one knows you I am.
Do you know cake pops? Those lollipop-cakes on a stick?
I decided to make some of them and bring them to work. Bought the stuff I needed and got to work. I soon realized that my dough was one fluid mess and I was running out of time because I got the night shift and I still had to clean up everything and take a shower and stuff.
I then did something ... disgusting and disturbing, I got this idea while sitting on the pot. I decided to bake my excrements, make a stick on it and take it with me to work. So I did!
I even covered it with some icing.
Some of my colleagues ate it and had to puke. None of them knows what it really was, I told them maybe one of the eggs I used was spoiled. They believed me and I regret doing that in the first place.

#cake   #pop   #disgusting   #excrements   #bake   #stick   #work   #confession  

I've always been an A+ student. Not once did I get a B, not even an A-. Funny story; one time my teacher entered in the wrong grade and told me about it and how I thought I got an F in the class, even though it was a mistake, I started crying my eyes out. I didn't forgive myself when I showed up late to class or turned in a homework assignment 5 minutes late. That's not why I'm writing this confession. I cheat, a lot. I am a university student with perfect grades, and the only way I can get those grades is if I cheat. I will not pass the test, even if I studied day and night for it if I don't cheat on it. That started during my second semester in college and ever since, I've been lazy and discouraged and have no will or reason to continue on with school. The thing is, I know it's wrong, and even if I ever get caught, I will not care whatsoever. But I can't stop myself. I've violeted my trust in myself. My family's and friends' trust in me. The dean of the school and all my professors who have congratulated me on my excellence.

#mistrust   #cheating   #plagiarism   #college   #student   #professors   #work  

I lie so much, i can't stop and i do it every day. I lie about school work, friends my secret drinking habit that i try to beat, but i can't. I want to stop lying but it just feels natural and i sometimes don't even catch myself when i do it until it is done. I always get in trouble but i never care.... uggg i feel so bad about it and i know it is wrong.

#lying   #school   #work   #secret  

I'm unemployed and I like it!

#unemployed   #work   #like   #lazy   #confession  

I'm writing about this now because if I don't, it'll well up inside of me until I explode. My coworker Jessica, (real name) will not be driven to or from work by me any more. Me and Jessica both work at Giant Eagle but she used to get rides to and from work by either her mom or her dad as she doesn't know how to drive. A few years ago, her dad died two days shy of his 74th birthday leaving just her and her mom. At first, her mom would work swing shifts. If her mom worked the morning shift one week, then Jessica's mom could take her to work and then take her home. If her mom worked the night shift, she could still take her to and from work but would be tired by getting up so early. Eventually, I agreed to take Jessica to work or to her house depending on whenever her mom was working the night shift so she could get some sleep and if Jessica needed me to pick her up or take her home. One day, her mom started working the night shift so by the time her mom got home, she was exhausted. Eventually, I agreed to pick up and take Jessica back from work if our shifts started at the same time and/or ended near the same time. Ex. If I was done at 4:00 p.m. and she was done at 5:00 p.m., then I would take her home. We then both agreed that instead of waiting an hour for each other. We would wait for each other if our shifts ended at only thirty minutes apart as we both felt it was unfair to the other if we had to wait for over an hour. We also agreed that if I couldn't make it to pick her up due to any reason i.e., being sick, funeral etc. That I would call her and let her know. The thing about Jessica is that she would be very appreciative if I could pick her up and take her back but, if I explained a legit reason for why I couldn't take her home or pick her up, her response was always, "Yeah, fine, whatever!" in an upset voice. One day, my dad went to get his second covid vaccination shot so I texted her to let her know that I might not be able to pick her up because it is true that some people do get sick after the second shot. And if it happened to my dad that I was going to stay home to take care of my dad. She at first agreed to see what the word was but, a few minutes later, when I texted her again and said that I couldn't pick her up, guess what her response was. I was angry that she didn't believe me so I deleted her number from my phone. It was only a flip phone at the time so I couldn't block her. Eventually, I decided to give her another chance and put her back in my contacts. Eventually I got a Samsung phone so this next part helps. Since it's winter time now. We both agreed that depending on the conditions of the road if it were to snow or if I couldn't pull out into the street because of said snow, I would text her and let her know that I can't pick her up. It eventually snowed and because of that, my car was stuck. Yesterday, Jessica contacted me and asked me if I could take her to work and even gave me her schedule. I told her I couldn't and explained the situation. She asked me if I couldn't just shovel my car out and pick her up. I said I had but my car was still stuck. Her response? "Okay. Fine.....Forget it!" and then she placed a disappointed emoji next to the message. Once again, she was angry at me for something I have absolutely no control over. Well, no more. I blocked Jessica's number and then deleted her from my contacts. When I do see her next week, I'm going to tell her basically what I've put here. That every time I have an honest reason for not being able to pick her up or take her back she gets angry and doesn't believe me. I'm also going to tell her that from now on, her mom can start taking her to work and back home because I'm done with her. Hopefully Jessica will learn a lesson from this. That she should consider herself lucky and be thankful that I was willing to take her to and from work when she needed me to But from this day forward, her mom will have to take her because I'm sick and tired of her pissy attitude when I can't do one, the other or both.


When I’m at work, I secretly open my colleague’s computer and record on video with my phone her intimate chat correspondence with her friend. This includes her nude photos and videos of her masturbating and playing with sex toys. At home I watch these vids and masturbate. This has been going on for a month. Am I doing something bad and should I stop? I mean, nobody knows about it and I’m hurting no one, right?

#masturbation   #voyerism   #work   #colleagues   #nude   #photos   #video  

I used to be EXTREMELY lazy, it got to the point where I would just sit at home and play World of Warcraft all day. I finally told myself to grow some fucking balls and began to change my life around, nowadays I love to run, workout and wake up early. My diet also consists of only the healthiest foods so to all of you out there who are lazy, Never give up your dreams.

#wow   #lazy   #workout   #healthy  

One of my co-workers is sick for two weeks now. I think I have something to do with it. He always brings is thermos jug with him to work, and he's a really nervous and bustling person, so I put some suppressant in his tea. His reaction on the drugs were hilarious but now I feel a bit guilty.
I hope he will be fine soon!

#sick   #suppressant   #tea   #guilty  

One of my friends is a total loser. He only had D's in school and in worklife it's even worse, he got fired the other day because he couldn't remember his bosses name. And I don't want to start about his woman skills, there are non.
First, I tried to help him but it's just not possible. Now I began to expose him in every arising situation. You can't imagine what fun it is to she him struggle and fall. In a metaphorical way of course.

#loser   #friend   #school   #worklife   #woman   #exposure   #confession   #evil  

I really want to fuck my ex gf was the worst of the worst tattoo'd drunk party girl I thought I was rid of her but she still pops into my mind sleeping awake does not matter at random times with my current gf. I think what the fuck and try to forget it . My current gf She is ok I am happy with her most of the time we get into aome kinky stuff but I want more !. I want to fuck my sister inlaw she has tattoo's is petite blonde she found our bed restraints kit while snooping one day and now is kinda flirty was told she is a prude which I highly doubt .......I have 2 co-workers who regularly flirt with me heavily one is a bunny boiler the other well lets say is a little more horny than most I have to talk to her on a semi regular basis and now when I do I have to control over the rock hard cock I get just talking to her I really just want to bury my face in her crotch till she screams my name over and over again then bend her over and feed it to her for hours ........maybe the xmas party will have to do .......


For a while now, I am texting with this really nice guy on one of those popular networks. We have a lot in common and we often say that we should meet some day because he only lives about 10 miles away.
We spontanously said we would meet, one night as my parents weren't at home - I told him he should come to my place because I didn't feel well visiting him. Because I live in a very rural area in the woods, I explained him the way via text message.
After 2 hours of looking, he gave up and drove home again. But what he didn't know: He could not have found me! I gave him a wrong address because I got scared. Now I feel very guilty, he's such a nice guy.

#network   #meeting   #parents   #rural   #woods   #confession   #lie  

I feel like I am surrendering, giving up, quitting, throwing in the towel. Or maybe I'm 'older'.

My father is one of those men. Ex career military, second career in law enforcement. Today's woman rejects men like that. No woman wants to be my mother, stomped on, door mat, home waitress, house maid. I swore I would never be that woman. I went to college to get a degree in something that stood out. Get a self supporting job, and along the way tell men and boys to fuck off.

Yesterday I cleaned house, did the laundry, fixed dinner, did the dishes. Skills my mother taught me. The guy, he went for a run, met up with two buddies to work on his car, got a burger then they came over to watch some rerun football game. That's when I was the household waitress. And I compared him to his buddies and congratulated myself on landing the best guy.

I don't plan on staying home after we get married, I plan to work. At least until we have kids. Oh, and this guy is ex Marine, he gets along with my Dad. The other guy I dated didn't make the grade.

#women   #work  

I confess i want to make out and have hot sex with one of the girl that works in the same company as me.
im married and have a kid and shes has a bf and a kid too. we were very close before up to a point where people thought something was happening between us. it was before she got pregnant. i masturbate a lot thinking of her.

#adultery   #unfaithful   #workplace  

Her name was Stephanie. She was 18 when I met her. We worked together at a retail print shop. She was tall, thick, with sandy blond hair and a cute upturned little nose. I was 30 and married.
Stephanie loved talking about her personal life. It might just be me. People always tell me details about themselves for some reason. She told me when she lost her virginity. She told me when she had an ffm threesome. She told me a month later when her bf and his twin brother double teamed her. Yeah. This girl was having a HELL of a sexual awakening. Of course I was hard as stone with each tale.
One day she showed me a polaroid (this was before smart phones) of her and some girls on a couch. In the middle sat a guy with his dick out. She asked me if I could guess what she did. Without waiting for my response she said, "If there's a dick out I'm going to suck it. That's what they're for."

I immediately pulled my dick out. I'm huge, btw. I always love the shock when a woman sees or touches it for the first time. Stephanie smiled and said it was really nice but she didn't touch me. I was disappointed.

A week later she was in the break room. She was reading the schedule on the wall, her back to me.

I pulled my fat cock out under my work apron. It felt good knowing that only thin cloth separated my juicy dick from the world.

I came up behind Steph and started rubbing her back. This was actually a fairly common thing in those days, random back rubs at work. Today it would be considered harrasment. But work culture was different then.

She didn't mind it and even moaned a little. Then I kissed the back of her neck.

She turned her cute round face at me and said, "You WANT me!" as if it was a surprise to her.

I didn't speak. I just sucked on her ear.
This broke her 18 year old brain. She froze and said, "Umm...ummm....umm." as if she could no longer form words.

I gently caressed her breasts. She had ENORMOUS tits.

"Ummm...umm...mmm" she repeated, fervently.

She wore a white button down. I popped open a button. Just enough to reach in under her bra.

She gasped and I put my mouth over hers. We kissed long and hard.

Then I opened up my apron to reveal my giant cock. She was shocked and maybe even a little disgusted. Like she didn't think I was just trying to have my way with her.

I just held it out and smiled.

Her soft hand grasped my shaft.

"Do you want me to touch it?" She said with a touch of anger, " IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT?"

"I want you to SUCK it." I said into her ear as she jerked me.

Just then we heard our manager coming.

She turned back toward the schedule on the wall and buttoned her shirt.

I put my cock away.

We never hooked up again.

She's married with kids now. I saw her on Facebook a couple years ago and apologized to her for taking advantage when she was young.

She said not to worry. "It was a wild time. I had a lot of fun back then."

(Names changed. All else is true)

#young   #breast   #work   #sex   #flashing   #18   #older   #kissing  

I hate one of my co-workers. She's in training right now and I will ask her if she wants my help. Then I'm going to tell her everything wrong, just to see her fail.
I won't regret anything!

#training   #help   #fail  

I read every confession on this site. I should be working right now but I don't want to, it's just too damn funny.

#confession   #work   #funny   #lazy  

Pray and roll the dice for #work

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