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Read the best #nude confession stories
I'm a 17 year old boy and I like to be naked when my parents aren't home. When i'm home alone i run around naked in my backyard which isn't exactly to private. One of the busiest streets in the neighborhood can see into my backyard. I think k i've gotten caught a couple of times by people but i'm not sure. What can i say i like being nude.
I sent boob pics to a total stranger that I met on omegle. I am constantly worried.
I remember these evil girls pushing me out of the shower room completely naked telling me "show your stuff" and locking the door behind me. Stood out there watching them laughing behind the window, while a crowd of boys gathered around saying "spread those cute thighs" for us. I remember there was no place to hide, got forced to stand there stark naked exhibiting myself. By the time those bitches let me back inside, I had exposed every inch of myself. I remember walking out with everyone outside looking at me and thinking the next day I would have to face them all in school. The teasing was so horrible I felt naked every day I went to school.
#abused #nude #humiliated
It felt so good to be stripped nude with my prick out in front of her.
I would strip nude and masturbate in front of my pretty neighbor every day. She would walk by while I was masturbating and I would cum when she looked at me. My cum would squirt out 5 or 6 feet several times while she watched. She was so beautiful wearing a dress and high heels every day… I would cum so hard! It felt so good to be stripped nude with my prick out in front of her while masturbating real hard and then having her watch me cum. I was very embarrassed and very ashamed but I just could not stop masturbating in front of her. I loved it!
I was sexually assaulted in college by group of black girls.. One of them came up to me telling me my skirt was to short and was trying to seduce their boy friends. Told her I wasn't the only female in the party wearing a short skirt. They kept giving me bad looks and a while later they all got up and left. The incident never went further than that soon forgot about it. I left about a half hour later and ran into them in the parking lot. They called me white trash and "here's your chance to show your goodies" I ended up getting stripped nude, and humiliated in front of their boy friends. I still remember being slammed on top of car telling their boy friends "look at that pink pussy" I bared it all that night and horrified about them taking pictures of me. It happed so fast and the shame was so overwhelming I couldn't even scream. "Not so tough with your clothes off" they said while dragging me out form behind the cars. "Here's your bag and have a nice naked drive home" was the last they said. If something went my way that night, was having a cell phone to call my girl friend. I was never happier to see her get out of her car with clothes in her hand.
I am a married 23 yo female. My husband's younger sister visited for the past two weeks. I have never been with or attracted to another girl until her. When her brother was not around, she was not private. I don't know that her door was ever closed. I saw her nude several times and found myself dressing with the door open thinking she might catch me. The bad part was going overboard by masturbating two different times, nude on the bed with the door open. The master bedroom is on the opposite end of the house so I was more easily emboldened. And o so horny that I could not stop till I came. It was quick and not overwhelmingly noisy. I imagined her walking in on me and eating my pussy. I was so into it that I don't know if she saw me, but I hope she did. Her actions were no different and nothing was ever mentioned. She is now my fantasy girl and I cannot wait to see her again. Maybe something can happen next time, but she is straight. Curiousity may have her and I try for first time.
#sisterinlaw #pussy #eat #horny #lesbian #straight #nude #masturbation
I was watching porn nude and masturbating at my desk. I realized I didn't fully close my door when the dog pushed it open and entered. I was too into myself to pay much attention or care. After I finished I sucked my wet fingers dry and stood to close the door. Looking me straight on my stepdad closed the door and told me, next time, close the door. I have concluded it doesn't matter how long he watched but probably saw me finish. I was into it and quite noisy. Forever embarrassed.
#stepdad #caught #masturbating #nude #embarresed #porn
My mom is quite mean to me and my stepdad which has pushed us together. We watch out for one another and are very close. When the bitch is not at home, we enjoy a shower and washing one another. Flirting, soft and brief kissing but no tongue, and some light touching just to tease. I often get aroused and extremely horny, but we never do hardcore including open masturbation. We respect each other as best friends and adults practicing self-control. We resist all temptations that could lead to problems. Always playing it safe to make sure moms not around and keep in mind when she might pop in. She's dumb but should she ever deem something inappropriate, we have rehearsed all excuses. 18 months from now I will get on birth control and stop sneaking. And my fantasy will transpire with my sexy love driving me off to college. The second we leave I start teasing so he is ready, anxious and wanting. Once there and the door closes, I seduce him until he devours me, taking my virginity and giving me my best orgasm ever. I'm just not sure I can wait that long.
#stepdad #sex #lust #bff #touch #nude #shower #flirt #kiss #fantasy #resist #hardcore #virgin #temptations #devour #college #horny #masturbation #inappropiate #sexy #aroused #respect #sneaking #orgasm
I am a stay at home mom and I don't wear clothes around the house. I even answer the door nude. I get a kick out of the expression on their faces, usually it's a young guy trying to sell something.
Have you ever posed nude? Would you? I had a set of pictures done for my now-husband as a gift.
I was nervous at first, but I relaxed and enjoyed it very much. And he is a very happy man. I would do it again.
#posing #nude #pictures #naked #photography
I'm going to jump right to it. I exchanged photos with my best friends husband.
He was wanting to know what I look like naked so I showed him and I was curious to see what his junk looked like.
Well it didn't stop there he was saying how he wanted to do sexual stuff with me. I wasn't going that far. Even before all that he swore he wouldn't tell anyone. But here I am with my best friend not talking to me and don't even wanna try to hear my side of things. Her husband didn't even mention the fact he was talking about having sex with me! I'm lost about how to fix this.
#sexting #adultery #relationship #cheating #husband #secret #naked #nudes #confession
My girlfriend is 22. I get off on showing strangers her nude photos and talking about her. Anything goes conversation, no question or comment is out of bounds. She has a hairy pussy; some guys don’t like that.
I used to let women see me nude. Most women like how I look. They will smile or look lustful. Only the most attractive usually have to confidence to hit on me. So I used to let them see me nude if they wanted. They were very happy to see my massive muscular body and giant election with long term elections matched my movie star type face that still hasn’t wrinkled. They’d even pay to see me nude.
But there was a price to pay. A childhood of forced nudity; being molested, and rape.
I tried to shame women sneaking peaks at me (violating my privacy); whether it was my older sisters friends or whomever, but that didn’t work. In society people don’t seem to think men should be modest.
I’m all messed up. I’m too old to get over it.
At least I never treated others the way I was treated. In life we choose. I chose to be kind to others even though kindness was not shown to me growing up.
When I’m at work, I secretly open my colleague’s computer and record on video with my phone her intimate chat correspondence with her friend. This includes her nude photos and videos of her masturbating and playing with sex toys. At home I watch these vids and masturbate. This has been going on for a month. Am I doing something bad and should I stop? I mean, nobody knows about it and I’m hurting no one, right?
#masturbation #voyerism #work #colleagues #nude #photos #video
I am only 14 so it is normal me and my boyfriend (13) only kiss, hold hands, and minor touching. And that was bad because his dad caught us getting excited. He made it like it was normal and cool. Now my boyfriend won't touch me. I am mad and trying to show myself to his dad.
#mad #dad #expose #nude #masturbatetodad
My brother knows I love going commando and takes this for granted. I was sitting on the couch with my brother, my mom, and my dad. We had dinner guests over so after dinner we went to the living room. We all sat down to enjoy a conversation. My brother started shaking his legs which triggered my dad to shake his. At this point I was bouncing a little. I felt the all to familiar feeling in my silk jogging shorts and noticed I was showing more then I wanted too. I tried to pretend like I didn’t notice but our dinner guests did. My brother looked at me with a grim and I knew he did it on purpose. About 20 minutes later, I was getting wet.
Everyone was getting ready to hit a bar and my cousin didn’t want to wait for a bathroom to free up so she went in to my basement and got changed. There is a nest cam in my basement and I jerk off to the crystal clear video of her nude. (She is 26)
My mom has a new friend and he is so cute I want to have sex with him. Mom was upstairs getting dressed and he was downstairs watching TV. I quickly got in and out of the shower, wraped my hair in a towel, and walked nude to the laundry room pretending not to notice him. I returned only with panties and bra in hand. And wow there he was. We were looking at one another. I jumped and exclaimed, oh! and threw my arm accross my tits. I asked, when did you get here and continued to my room. Now everytime I see him, he pretends not to look as his eyes survey my landscape. It's arousing to watch him lust for me and knowing I exposed myself to him. I will tease again when the time and sitution are right. Poor Tim knows I am too young to touch. Besides, he visits to see my mom and not me. I get horny and masturbate thinking he is watching. I hope he is still around when I turn 18. Maybe sooner if? Stranger things have happened.
#nude #shower #tease #lust #masturbation #sex #arousal #exhibitionist #sexy #panties #tits #cute #teen #young #horny
I need to take control and break my habbits. I like to touch myself too much and do it many times subconsciously. I get called out alot. A few weekends ago, I was lying on the couch watching tv. Out of habbit, my hand was down my jammies massaging as I relaxed and enjoyed. After the show I awoke from my daze. I removed my hand, adjusted my shorts and got up to go to bed. My stepdad was sitting there next to me. I totaly forgot we sat down together to watch the show. We said good night and off I went. I don't know how much I did or what he saw or heard. As far as I know, I have never masturbated in his presence. At least I was covered and I think I remained quiet and calm. I am trying to not be embarresed and believe he did not notice. Maybe he was too embarresed to let me know he knew what I was doing. If so I hope he enjoyed it. I might as well cause I cannot undue it.
#touch #masturbating #embarresed #stepdad #habbit #caught #nude
I had my first real girlfriend when I was 14. When we made out I would take all my clothes off and would stay naked as long as possible. I got turned on walking around in front of her and she liked it too, although she never once took off more than her top. We would go to her house after school because her parents both worked and I would strip for her. She invited me over one Saturday evening telling me her parents would be away. When I got there she had some friends over and I wasn't sure what was going on until she told me they knew, she had told them and now they wanted to see. The teasing was nuts and it made me horny enough to do it. I went upstairs to my girlfriends bedroom, she came with me and as nervous as I was she was equally encouraging. I still remember the feeling of walking out from the bedroom going down the hall and getting to the top of the stairs. Too nervous to be hard I started going down and could hear their excitement when they saw me. I knew which step would let them see I had no underwear on and the squealing when I landed on it was insane, I was so horny. It wasn't long before I was hard and eventually I masturbated for them. After that I regularly stripped for her friends, who by the way were my classmates too.
Confessions by