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At Confessions

Read the best #at confession stories

Now i am 25 year old.When i was 22 my crush rejected me, i got heartbroken and entered into a relationship with another classmate of mine. After I got into relationship with my classmate,my crush called me few times but I rejected her call. I was continuing my relationship with my classmate.One day when I was kissing my girlfriend(i.e. my classmate) in college campus a guy saw us kissing and he spreader the kissing story in whole college(My crush also got the new). After that incident my girlfriend dumped me and started talking to other guy. Although I was in relationship with my classmate I wasn't in love with her.I loved my crush since I was 21 and now I am 25 and I still love her. yesterday I proposed my crush and she said NO. (Its my story )



#help   #lost   #shame   #love   #death   #god  

Female. 17 My best form of masturbation is to use shower head with different setting. My favorite setting is the massaging one. I just put the running shower head on my clit and I usually just end up screaming like crazy.

#masturbation   #massage  

I was watching porn nude and masturbating at my desk. I realized I didn't fully close my door when the dog pushed it open and entered. I was too into myself to pay much attention or care. After I finished I sucked my wet fingers dry and stood to close the door. Looking me straight on my stepdad closed the door and told me, next time, close the door. I have concluded it doesn't matter how long he watched but probably saw me finish. I was into it and quite noisy. Forever embarrassed.

#stepdad   #caught   #masturbating   #nude   #embarresed   #porn  

As a kid, me and my friend caused a forest fire. It wasn't that harmful but played with matches and we accidentally dropped one to the ground.
We never told anyone about it, and they don't know until now who it was.


I am a male and I don’t consider myself gay, but I’ve become desperately addicted to the sound of other men masturbating. Not just the moans, but primarily the actual sound of suction as a lubed up hand or a flesh light makes as it goes across the tip of a cock. I’ve actually gotten into the habit of watching porn with a lot of male moaning, take out 1 head bud but leave the other in and just listen to the sounds of my own cock being jerked off. I like to get a little risky and every once in a while I’ll make sure the squelching sound is as loud as possible and I’ll moan at typical speaking level. I weirdly want my family members to catch me in the act, I think it’d be so hot. For now if any of you know any videos with lots of male masturbation that includes the squelching sound that I’ve come to love then leave a link or at least a name in the comments.

#squelching   #noise   #cum   #orgasm   #addiction   #masturbation  

I was striped when I was 10 by 3 17 year old boys ,was walking home from school and saw them smoking I tried to run fast but they caught me and grabbed me , removed my shirt and grabbed my boobs they covered my mouth and pinched and tweaked my nipples and they removed my shirt and my panties and fingered me, I would have been raped if my sister hadn't chased them away, not before she kicked them in the balls, although I almost got raped I had a good laugh after !!

#striped   #humiliated   #molested   #fondled  

I'm a 23 year old guy and I'm in love with my best friend but she's not that into me. I fantasise about her all the time but its always been just that, fantasies and i have never acted on them. Until last week that is, when i decided to steal her panties. We work together. So i knew whenever she took a night shift. So I waited for the day after a night shift. When the day arrived, i waited until she was busy with work. Then i snuck into the room where her bag was kept. My heart was pounding extremely fast and i had an adrenaline rush. I went through her bag and i found a black panty. It was slightly damp from her wearing it all night and It had a stain where her pussy would be touching. I took it and kept it in my pocket. I closed the bag and practically ran to the restroom. I locked the door and took it out. I took a whiff. Omg the smell was heavenly. I became instantly hard and i thought what the hell, might as well rub one out. So i wanked off with her panty held to my nose. I knew i would cum soon. I took a deep whiff and came onto the gusset of her panty. I went back to the room and kept it back in her bag. She has no idea about any of this. Cant wait to do it again when a chance arises.

#panty   #fetish   #masturbate   #steal  

I just licked over a toilet seat in the company I work for. Really don't know why I did it but I just did it.
I don't know how I should feel now.
That was weird.

#toilet   #seat   #lick   #tongue   #work   #company   #disgusting   #unclean   #confess  

My significant other thinks I am a bit corpulent therefore she registered me in a gym. My confession is that I haven't used any of the fitness equipment yet. I spend all my time in the spa area like the sauna.
I'm 5'10 and weigh 154 lbs, that's not fat!

#corpulent   #fat   #weight   #fitness   #gym   #equipment   #confession  

Since school days ( I am 21 now) I work at a restaurant. It's a family style restaurant, so we get A LOT of families. My parents were both born in Russia but migrated to my country 4 years before I was born, so I speak Russian fluently, but you would not think so when you see me.
So, as I said, we get many families and many of those are Russian as well. Some of them do not speak our language very well and it often takes a long time for them to order their food. The most annoying kind are those that have been to our restaurant like a thousand times (and they always order the same), but need a loooooong time to say what they want in our language.
I confess that I listen in on their conversations in Russian and that I understand each and every word they say, but I do not help them.
I always act as if I do not understand a single thing they say, even if it takes ages.
I think it is very important for them to speak our language! Otherwise they would never learn it properly.

#language   #restaurant   #guests   #waitress   #russian   #conversation   #order   #food  

As a Field Engineer, I had to travel to a big city often, and my mother in-law (mil) lives there. My wife says that I should just stay with her mother to save money. So I did, instead of staying at an expensive hotel, I stay at her mother's house. I have always had sexual fantasies about her mother, she is petite and cute and sexy. I masturbate thinking about fucking her mother. Her mother had a spare bedroom prepared for me to stay in, and I found that she laid one of her negligees on my bed for me to use. I jerk off and cumm into her negligee all night, I suspect she could hear me moaning when I would cumm. I leave her cumm soaked negligee on the bed for her to find each morning. It is a bit strange, but it is sexually stimulating for both of us, I think, and it relieves my sexual urges for now.
I hope that it will eventually develop into a full blown sexual affair with her mother! I want to sleep with her, and make passionate love to her all night long. I am not sure of my next steps, I need to be careful. Any tips appreciated.

#cheating   #incest   #mother   #inlaw   #cum   #fetish  

My girlfriend wanted to tie her to the bed and do everything I want with her. (she had seen this on the internet)
As you can imagine I tied her up really tight.
Then I farted in her face, got on my computer (which is in another room) and played Battlefield for 2 hours.
She was furious but it was worth it.

#tie   #bed   #girlfriend   #fart   #battlefield   #computer   #internet  

One of my friends ex girlfriends is super sexy. Thick thighs, big ass, cute face. I saw her at a different friends graduation party and long story short we kissed. It was nice. I felt her ass and tongue in my mouth. I knew she was my friends ex but didn’t care. I know he would care because he still likes her. But if you had a big ass Latina sticking her tongue in your mouth would you stop her? I’m texting her and I know she would let me fuck. I’m going to. As much as I can. When he was with her I would cum to her when I was alone. Now I get to cum in her for real. She said she won’t tell him because they aren’t a thing anymore. She doesn’t even like me she said she just wants some dick and she trusts me. This is going to be fun.

#sex   #hot   #latina   #friends   #ex  

I’m dependent on my boyfriend for income and we live together in our house. I love him but I’m so unhappy. I don’t know what to do anymore. I try to just forget how I feel and be positive about everything but it’s so hard to shove all of my feelings to the back of my mind. When I do say how I feel I end up being the bad guy because I get so angry and frustrated or I break down into a sobbing mess. When the ladder happens he apologizes and promises to change but then nothing ever does. It’s not like all of the things he does separately are deal breakers but when you lump it all together it just feels like so much and I can’t can’t handle it. I am so lost and hurting and there’s nothing I can really do about it

#relationships   #struggle   #dependent   #heartbreak   #love   #alone  

My wife has had boyfriends off and on during our marriage. Until recently she has dated them on her own and then told me stories about her "adventures." With her current boyfriend she likes him to pick her up at our house. When he rings the doorbell, it is my responsibility to let him inside. If she is not ready my job is to suck his cock until she is ready. If he cums, I am to swallow.

Last night she told me next weekend I will be taking his cock in my ass while she watches.

#cuckold   #hotwife   #bisexual   #cheating  

I love to masturbate when other people are around like when my father will take a nap I'll sit with him and pleasure myself

#lust   #masterbation  

I masturbate at least twice a day I am 12f and have been since I was 10. I masturbate to my crush usually bc I just can't help it. Ik he has a huge dick cause one time I was talking to him and I pulled my shirt down a little bit so he could see my tits and he had a huge boner. I really want to suck his dick but I only see him at school and there's cameras everywhere there. He rides my bus so I might sit down next to him and give him an hj but then everyone on the bus might see. He really turns me on and I'm wet just thinking about him.

#masturbation   #cum   #dream   #blowjob  

I hate this place. I hate everyone in here. I don't know why I'm stuck here. They're all making me toxic like themselves.

#hate   #stuck  

My bf made me into a complete pig.. when we first started dating I was in amazing shape I had toned abs and everything. But my bf started to fatten me up, he would feed me all day long. Over quarantine I gained 220 pounds, I’m now 316 at 5’’4. I laze around all day now. Even sitting up is difficult, don’t know what to do anymore so I just eat more

#fatty   #gain   #forced   #huge  

I am finally free!!!!!

I am 22 years old and I cheating on my girlfriend who is 27 years old. And I do not regret anything. The only thing I regret is that I did not break up with her sooner.
We were together for three years and in the last year things turned sour. There was no affection, we did not sleep together, we did not hug or cuddle or kiss properly (only the "mandatory" hello/goodbye kiss). We only fought. Fought fought fought fought fought. About everthing and anything. I dearly missed being held or loved and that was why I was really sad and unhappy.

Then, I met a young woman in a chat room (she is 21). She experienced the same issue with her boyfriend. So, we decided to meet up and give each other the things we missed about our respective partners. We slept together (and it was the best sex I had IN YEARS) and we cuddled and I stayed the night.
We had breakfast in bed the next day, showered together and had sex again. It was glorious.

We both really needed that and we will defintiely see each other again.

I broke up with my girlfriend a few days ago and I just feel so relieved! It was the right choice. I am finally free again to enjoy my life to the fullest.

#free   #cheating   #relationship   #girlfriend   #boyfriend   #sex  

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