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Bed Confessions

Read the best #bed confession stories

I’m 21 and still wear diapers all the time.

#abdl   #diapers   #bedwetter  

I want my woman to dress me like a pretty little baby girl. I will wear a lace baby dress and frilly little panties over a soft terry towelling nappy. She will babysit me and check me for wetness from time to time, then bath me, dress me and put me to bed.

#wet   #bed  

Because my mother called me "a lazy bastard", I peed on her bed and dropped her phone in the toilet. She is phoning all day long and if she isn't on the phone, she's in her bed, watching TV. And then she says to me I am lazy?!

#mother   #lazy   #insult   #phone   #bed   #hate  

im female and i look really hot; i really get compliments all the time. i work as one of the only woman in the technology section. i like my career choice very much and each day i can bedazzle my male colleagues although im working in this company for 5 years now. its the same everywhere else
with my look i always win hearts and minds
thats just great!!

#look   #good   #compliments   #heart   #mind   #bedazzle  

I need a teddy bear to sleep. Just can't fall asleep without one of my soft cuddle toys.
About 2 months ago, I slept over at my girlfriend's place but forgot to bring Mic, my favourite teddy bear. I was awake all night long. It was horrible. I am scared without my stuffed friends.

Next month, my fiancée and I are getting married. I am 29 years old.

#teddy   #bear   #soft   #cuddle   #bed   #sleep   #marry   #embarrassing  

My girlfriend wanted to tie her to the bed and do everything I want with her. (she had seen this on the internet)
As you can imagine I tied her up really tight.
Then I farted in her face, got on my computer (which is in another room) and played Battlefield for 2 hours.
She was furious but it was worth it.

#tie   #bed   #girlfriend   #fart   #battlefield   #computer   #internet  

Because I was angry with my little brother, I pissed in his bed before he went to bed. The next day he tought he had wet his bed. He doesn't know that it was me up to now.

#little   #brother   #angry   #piss   #bed   #wet  

I am mentally disturbed and I can't think faster than I can type into a calculator.

#mentally   #disturbed   #faster   #type   #calculator  

My dad gets hed up about the fact that he can't bring one of our empty crates back because there's one bottle missing. I am not telling him that this bottle is lying under my bed and I am just too lazy to get it.

#crate   #bottle   #dad   #secret   #confession  

I'm a guy and i really like to hump my bed completely naked I'm a humper been doing it for years sometimes I'll hump till I'm all Sweaty I like watch porn also of guys humping and girls also but recently I started just jerking off more but I do miss humping my bed the feeling is amazing to jus hump my bed especially in the mornings I'm really thinking of humping my bed now lol.

I pulled a rather nasty joke on my brother...
Recently the temperature's have falling quite a bit where I live. At night, we have sub zero temperatures.
My brother was at his girlfriend's house for the last few days, so me and a friend of mine decided to prank him.
He has a big waterbed in his room and he always likes to tell me that he loves his bed more than me.
So, we decided to open all 3 windows in his room and turn off the radiator.
As I said, it gets really fucking cold at night. He was gone for two more days and when he came home, he found one big bloc of ice in his room aka his former bed.
I am sorry bro that you had to sleep on the couch for 4 days straight until your bed has thawed.

#bed   #water   #cold   #freezing   #prank   #joke   #funny   #brother  

Scared is the word I would use right now to define my life at the moment. It's not just school, I am scared of being left alone. I think my boyfriend is about to leave me for someone else. I know he's having an affair with another woman, but I can't leave him. I can't be alone right now so I have to take it I guess. It's just a matter of time until he realizes what a boring and annoying person I am and then he'll leave me forever.
I am scared of people. Social anxiety is nothing to take lightly.
Sometimes I even can't leave my house or my bed. Other people scare me. They might talk to me. What do I reply?
I think I need help.

#help   #social   #anxiety   #depression   #sleep   #bed   #boyfriend  

I was jumped by 3 women and robbed. But I’m way to embarrassed to tell anybody including police. I was walking alone in a park just to get some fresh air. I don’t even live in a bad area. First it was just 1 girl who approached me. She asked if she could use my phone, I pulled my phone out to unlock it when I was hit right in the face from behind. I don’t remember it all but I remember falling down and then feeling them kick me in the head. At one point everything went all black. I kinda came to and I was so confused. Two of them were kinda holding me down reaching in my pockets, and then 1 made me tell her my phone password. They took my phone and wallet which had 300 bucks inside. Then they just beat me again. Punches kicks, but I couldn’t block my face because they would have 1 girl hold my arm. They left after I stopped moving. I limped home and thankfully I wasn’t injured severely, just bumps and a black eye. I’m not a big guy which is why I guess they targeted me. But to have to tell someone you were knocked out and robbed by females is just to embarrassing for me.

#theft   #knockedout   #beaten   #girls   #robbed  

Last night, I had a weird dream about toilets and bathrooms and stuff like that. I don't wanna talk about it in detail but I dreamt that I had to pee very urgently but I couldn't find a toilet, so I decided to pee behind a parking car.
In my dream, I peed behind this car.
In reality, I peed my pants.
In bed.
My boyfriend right next to me.

He woke me up because he felt something wet on his legs.

#toilet   #bathroom   #pee   #wet   #boyfriend   #bed   #embarrassment  

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