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Girls Confessions

Read the best #girls confession stories

I'm 18 now, this is a story from when I was 15. I was a freshman in high school and had made the cheer team. A couple older cheerleaders, a junior and a senior at the time, had told me and two other freshman that there was a certain initiation for new cheerleaders. I should have questioned it, but I was a dumb blonde freshman and the senior was captain, so I took their word for it. They never said what the initiation was, just that we had to meet them in the cheer locker room after practice one day. All three of us showed (we were the only freshman cheerleaders), and the junior and senior were there as well. They told us that we didn't have to do the initiation to be part of the squad, but we would never be invited to team lunches and other outside activities if we didn't do it. We three agreed.

They began to explain to us what we had to do. We were to strip naked, run to the pool (which was down the hall from our locker room) and make ourselves squirt in the pool, then run back and get dressed. They said it was a test of bravery, a valuable skill for cheerleaders, but none of us fresman bought into it at first. But our captain and junior captain reminded us how we'd be ostisiced if we didn't. I went into crisis mode, because I really wanted to be in the inner ring with the cool older cheerleaders, but oh so many things could go wrong. The public nudity, the intentional contaminating of the school's pool (which was grounds for a fine and suspension), and the big thing was I was not comfortable with was masturbating in front of others. Up to this time, I had only masturbated a few times, and I only ever did when I was home alone, which wasn't often. I didn't even know what a "squirt" was at the time, and I was too embarrassed to ask the older girls, so I asked my fellow freshmen, who explained the concept. I had no idea what to do, but I didn't have time to make a thoroughly thought out because the older girls told us we had thirty minutes to strip, run, squirt, and come back. I decided I'd do it, because while I was terrified, I also kinda wanted to do it.

I had stripped naked in the locker room before, so that part wasn't a big deal. Once all three of us were stark naked, the senior went to the pool while the junior stayed. She had her phone out to use as a timer. She asked us if we were ready. None of us said yes, or no. We just sort of stood there. It was freezing in that locker room to the point where my nipples were hard and pointy (I remember that so because I was really embarrassed about it for some reason), but I felt a sweat breaking on my forehead. The junior shrugged and tapped her phone and said "go". We slowly went to the door and peeked out, making sure none of our skin touched someone else's. The hallway was empty; it was almost six pm. There would be no one in the pool room besides our captain and junior captain, though there were windows looking out at a seldom used parking lot.

Once I decided to go for it, I stepped out into the hall. I checked, and there were no security cameras around, probably because they weren't allowed by locker rooms. I ran down the hallway. It felt really awkward to run while naked. My feet slapped on the stone floor, my semi-mature breasts bouncing with my strides. I reached the pool and entered. The other two freshman had yet to follow.

In the pool room, the junior captain said it would be best to straddle a corner of the pool to insure my squirt would not miss the pool. I was not even close to having the courage to even put my hand near my girlhood at the moment, though. I just sort of stood there staring out the window to see if someone would walk/drive by and see. Soon the other two girls arrived.

Our junior captain told us that we needed to hurry. She even ave us advice on how to squirt, which was really weird, though kind of her, I guess. She didn't take off any clothes, she just kneeled down with her back to the pool. She told us to try leaning back and putting our butts over the water. One of the other girls was the only one to move. She copied what our junior captain had done. She was obviously embarrassed but probably wanted to get this over with. The rest of us watched while acting like we weren't watching as the girl started to finger her pussy.

I'll be honest, watching her stroke her love spot and slowly become arroused turned me on. I actually felt myself getting wet. I approached the edge of the pool and sat down facing towards the water. The cold wet floor on my bottom actually made me even more horny. I spread my legs as far as I could (which is pretty far; I'm a cheerleader) and I began to slowly rub my pussy. I made sure to look around and yell at the others not to watch before continuing. The third freshman finally joined a few moments later.

My breaking point slowly neared as a few minutes went by. I wasn't really occupied with the fact that I was sexually pleasuring myself with three other girls around in a public place that was no less my school. I was more concerned with having the best orgasm possible, because I had to squirt, and I was just so damn horny at the moment.

I wasn't the first to cum. It was the girl who had started first, and we all could tell she was nearing her tipping point because she began to moan loudly, which made me all the more horny. I looked over and watched as her backside pulsed back and forth, her yells of ecstasy echoing off the walls. She screamed like a horror movie actress, and I heard the drip-drop of her cum as it burst from her lilly pad and into the water. It came in the three bursts (yes, I counted) until she fell to her side and started to breathe heavily.

Not long after this, the other girl came to a climax. She had gone to the other side of the pool, so I had a perfect view as she rubbed at her pussy with one hand while groping her almost nonexistent titty with the other. As she neared her peak, she screamed "F**K" about three dozen times. She squirted like a water gun, her juices flying into the pool.

This left me, and I was almost over the edge. I had put three fingers inside myself, though i'd only ever fit two before. I went faster and faster, knowing I had to make my body push out some of my natural lubricant, or else I'd fail the initiation. I was moments away from my orgasm. I made some rather embarrassing noises in the process, but nonetheless, as I climaxed, ever so slightly, some of my love juice squirted out into the pool. I had done it.

We all went back to the locker room, got dressed, and went home. Believe it or not, me and those other two girls still talk and joke about that day. To be honest, I can't say I regret it. I have a thing for cumming in public now. I've squirted in the water fountain in front of the school….twice

#masturbation   #group   #girls   #squirt   #public   #school   #cheerleader  

I masturbate over the girl's in my class regularly... Which seems fine until I start to do it IN CLASS sometimes even over the teachers

#friends   #girls   #crush  

Two girls, one 13 and one 10 years old, made me strip nude and masturbate in front of them!

I knew as soon as I saw them approaching that they were coming to watch me masturbate and cum. The 13 year old said, " Remember you said that you would show me your dick? Can I see it now? And can my friend see too?" So I stripped nude and my dick was hard already! Then she asked me, " Can we watch you Masturbate?" So I started to masturbate and they stood in front of me watching. They were so gorgeous and sweet, they really let me take my time masturbating. I knew that they wanted to watch me cum and that they would stand there looking at me while I was masturbating for as long as it took for me to cum, so I took my time. My prick was so big and hard, I occasionally let go of it so that they could actually see it throbbing. I wanted them to know how much I loved masturbating in front of them so I looked at them and smiled while I was masturbating in front of them. Then I started cumming, I just couldn’t hold back any longer. When I came they saw my cum squirt out several times and they stood right there watching until I completely finished cumming. As I was cleaning up my cum the 13 year old smiled and said "Thanks" and then they walked away laughing. They then told all their girlfriends what I did.

#girls   #masturbate   #cum  

I’ve been dating my bf for a year and five months and lately we’ve been having problems but we’re good now and I want to bring up something that has been bothering me, my bf follows many lewd anime girls accounts. It may be stupid of me to feel insecure about it but I can’t help it, I just feel like he sees the drawings more attractive than me. And I want to address it without causing an argument.

#boyfriend   #girlfriend   #insecure   #anime   #animegirls  

So I’m bi but I have never been with guys or girls, do I have a right to say that I’m bi and I really want to get with a girl before I get with a guy. I know that won’t happen but I want to eventually have experience with both but I don’t know on which one I want right now. What do I do?

#sexuality   #girls   #guys  

I think that little girls having sex are disgusting. They literally make me so sick. Girls having sex as early as 11 are nasty little sluts. Sex is something special, not something to take for granted. Please stop and have some self respect.

Another thing is when they get pregnant. You're not even enough to have sex use protection at least. If your mom has to remind you to brush your teeth or take a shower what makes you think you can take care of a kid?

Long story short little girls who have sex and get pregnant are stupid little sluts ruining their lives. I know this isn't nice but it's the truth. I have my opinion and you have yours. If you think other wise fuck off and make your own confession

#slutshaming   #stupid   #girls   #underagedsex   #disgust  

A few years ago when I was in my early 20ies, I had some serious troubles that I still notice today.
I was in a huge friend circle and we liked to party or generally hang out and relax. Most of them were my age, but some were a bit younger. The two youngest were two 16 year old girls and they were best friends. As I now know, one of them was totally and insanely in love with me. But she never told me or shown me, she was always kinda bitchy to me. I guess this was her way of showing me?

Anyway, one Friday night, we were all at a birthday party in a friend's house and those two were there as well. I actually can't remember what caused or triggered it (it must have been something rather trivial) when the girl that had been in love with me started acting up and blew the whole thing out of proportion and started screaming and crying at me. I remember that she called me a "stone-hearted asshole" that "does not care for other people's feelings". I never would have thought about myself in that light and I could have argued with her about it back then, but I thought I would just leave it at that and tried to ignore her as best as I could.
That seemed to spur her on more and I was told that she got completey wasted after I had gone home.

The next day, I woke up to dozens of angry and hateful text-messages from her and her best friend and they were threatening me and said that I would regret it and that I was an asshole and the like. I ignored the texts and even deleted them and that was the stupidest thing I could have done. Couple hours later, the police knocked on my door and arrested me. They told me that I had been accused of raping a girl.
As it turned out, those two bitches went to the police and told them that I had made her drunk and had sex with her without her consent. Her best friend acted as a witness.

After this, almost no one wanted anything to do with me. They all shunned me and labelled me as the "child fucker". Only one friend believed me.
Those two lied their asses off and (lucky for me) couldn't keep their stories straight and the examination of the "rape victim" had shown that she was still a virgin and definitely did not have sex with anyone the night before (as she said).
The case was dropped and I sued them. They only had to do some social work.
All of my friends still believed them and did not talk to me any longer.

I had to move to a different city, find a new job and start again from the bottom. With only one other person believing in me. I has been some years now and I am happy again, but this story still leaves a very sore taste in my motuh.

#confession   #rape   #allegation   #untrue   #lie   #girls   #destroyed   #life   #wtf  

Mostly I masturbate in a conventional manner. But I took a tip from a female friend who told me if she was really horny she could get off by rhythmically clenching and relaxing her thigh muscles. It was even easier if she was laying on the floor on her stomach with her pubis pushing against the floor.

I've tried this and managed to cum this way. It is fun to do when in a group of people and want to get off unnoticed by your companions. Laying down on the floor suddenly is contraindicated.

Similarly, I was riding a rented horse one day in the park and noticed the rocking motion of the horse was giving me an erection. Leaning a bit forward in the saddle and letting the horse do the work, I eventually got off. A little messy maybe but you must suffer for your art.

Sexperts say most of sex is mental, not genital centric. Nice to know I can get off with the old fashioned yank when I'm too tired to focus, focus, focus.

#masturbate   #horseplay  

ever since i had the ability to "remember" memories, ive had a fetish of girl legs. every time i saw a girl i liked with a skirt, i looked at her legs and felt wierd inside. noone knows that i like when girls are tied up except my closest friends corgan and alex. i also met this girl who likes being tied up or just the thought of it. sadly, she lives far away from me. i hope one day i can meet her, and possibly "get to know her" if you know what i mean.

#skirt   #legs   #girls   #memories   #fetish  

I went to my friend's slumber party but there were only six of us because parents were afraid to let their kids out of lockdown. We had fun anyways and I still made three new friends. At bed time we changed and lied togheter on the floor with sheets and pillows. We giggled, talked, told stories and I fell asleep. In the middle of the night a head between my legs and a tongue at my vagina awoke me. I was startaled and afraid to. It felt good so I pretened to stay asleep. I had no idea when it all started but it lasted another five minutes or so before she quietly slid away. My pleasure feelings stopped and I fell back to sleep. When we got up that morning it was weird to look at everyone and know that one of them just gave me my first sexual contact. I talked and even stared at their hair looking for clues. Nothing. I went home not knowing who gave me those pleasurable feelings. Was it one of my friends or one whom I just met. And why me? Will I ever know, do I want to know? Will I look at girls in the same way as before? Curiousity is still in my head. I have a new bad I cannot break. I go to bed and end up thinking of that night. I start touching and rubbing until I have to get up, lock the door, and get naked. I put my blanket and pillow on the floor. Then I hump, ride, and grind my pillow with each girl running their tongue on my pussy. I try each girl to find the who gives the most pleasure. Every day gets better and better and I cannot wait till bedtime to masturbate.

#tongue   #slumber   #friends   #sleepover   #girls   #parents   #sex   #pussy   #virgin   #pleasure   #pillow   #hump   #grind   #ride   #stories   #curious   #habit   #masturbation  

I'm in a clique of 4 girls, we call us "the table" (because at parties, we like to stay for us and drink and have fun). The last time, everything got worse and worse. Two of my girls, Tamy and Annie got into fight about a boy or something and didn't want to talk to each other for quite a long time.

My confession is that I kinda liked it. I got more time to do something with my boyfriend without those girls bitching around that I don't have time for them and stuff. Tamy was like 'You always hang around your bf. You don't want to do anything without him' and that was really annoying.

I have to say that I even tried to sabotage their fight, so it would last longer. I told Sue that I saw Annie with this boy they were bitching about. Sue ran to Tamy and told her that, too. Now Tamy tried to go out with him to make Annie jelous and it worked, she really had a date with him and they both had some private time together.

I feel guilty right now, just because I told Sue about that guy and Annie, Tamy had a date with him and Annie got so furious about that she keyed the car of Tamy and battered down a window of her car.

I thought about telling them the truth, but now I am too scared. They will never forgive me when they find out that I lied to Sue.

And what makes it even worse is that my boyfriend Michael broke up with me a week ago. Now I destroyed my friendship to my girls and I don't even have a boyfriend to spend my time with...

#clique   #girls   #fight   #bitching  

I was jumped by 3 women and robbed. But I’m way to embarrassed to tell anybody including police. I was walking alone in a park just to get some fresh air. I don’t even live in a bad area. First it was just 1 girl who approached me. She asked if she could use my phone, I pulled my phone out to unlock it when I was hit right in the face from behind. I don’t remember it all but I remember falling down and then feeling them kick me in the head. At one point everything went all black. I kinda came to and I was so confused. Two of them were kinda holding me down reaching in my pockets, and then 1 made me tell her my phone password. They took my phone and wallet which had 300 bucks inside. Then they just beat me again. Punches kicks, but I couldn’t block my face because they would have 1 girl hold my arm. They left after I stopped moving. I limped home and thankfully I wasn’t injured severely, just bumps and a black eye. I’m not a big guy which is why I guess they targeted me. But to have to tell someone you were knocked out and robbed by females is just to embarrassing for me.

#theft   #knockedout   #beaten   #girls   #robbed  

i have a crave of cunnilingus. i like neat clean shaved pussy. i have enjoyed cunnilingus with 4 girls up till now. i get crazy down there and man, its not just licking. i suck pluck eat and consume every drip of it. i make them mad as they raise their waist off the mattress. i never let go until the girl moans n cums again n again. i did that to my maid too and she thinks i m the best man a girl would want

#cunnilingus   #girls   #secret  

I just watched The Babysitter with my mum, when Bee and Alison were kissing, I couldn’t help but think about how comfortable I would be with confessing my sexuality to her. I’m not even sure if I still like guys anymore or if it’s just girls, cause god girls are so hot.

#lesbian   #bisexual   #curious   #sexuality   #confession   #girls  

I want girls to call me a faggot and laugh at me and my tiny little penis.

#humiliation   #gay   #girls  

I'm 16 with a nice body and like to show it. I realize I need to enjoy it before I grow up looking like my mom. Low riding baggy shorts, a big sleeveless tshirt, and never a bra is my normal attire. I get horny knowing all the men and boys are admiring and want me. I show what I can while acting innocent. I would say I am an exhibitionists except that I weird out when another girl eyes me with lust.

#tits   #tease   #teen   #braless   #exhibionist   #innocent   #lesbian   #men   #girls   #flash  

In the 80's at 4 years old I watched my Mom and boyfriend have sex under the covers next to me. My Mom played there while her boyfriend thrusts his dick in and out of her, rocking back and forth on top oh her, rustling the covers on every stroke. They thought I was sleep, but I silently watched in wild satisfaction, smiling to myself, while my young pussy throbbed. Shortly after in pre-K day care I took another 4 year old girl in the bathroom, pulled down both our pants and we grinded our young clits against each other and moaned. At 6 I became sexually active with the girls and boys in my neighborhood, and at 7 it expanded to girls and boys in my church and at one of the recreation centers I went to in the summer. I became almost obsessed with seeing and feeling wet erect penises penitrate my tight pussy gently then, as I grew older, watching them ooze thick cum out of them, and I especially enjoyed sucking the breasts and young clits of my girl friends. I remember inviting one of my school friends to church and over the years sneaking in corners and riding his thick dick, rendering him almost paralyzed until he released his thick cum. At 12 though I started my period, so when he said he was cumming I jumped off and watched in delight. I even grinded clits with one of my distant girl cousins and her cousin. Sometimes in the neighborhood I get caught and lie to my Mom. I went through a period of abstinence in my adult life and I'm not really active now accept for grinding my vibrating wand against my wet pussy when I watch porn or read one of your stories....

#boys   #young   #girls   #sex   #teen   #cum   #dick   #pussy   #clitoris   #wet  

The first time I got a blow job I was 13. We'd met some girls on the beach and after dark, we went back to their camp. They were staying with their parents in a camper. Me and my buddies were camping not too far away, which we did often. We were just screwing around, laughing and stuff. For some reason, I kept putting my hand up the back of this girls shirt and trying to undue the bra of her bikini top. I didn't know what I was doing. She'd sort of stop me and then I'd start again. Nothing too outlandish, but this was back before sex was very common among young people - especially that young.
Anyway, one time I flipped it between my thumb and index finger and it just popped open. She squealed and said "he just undid my bra". A few seconds later her mom opened the camper door. She looked kind of disheveled, with her shirt part way open and her face flushed. She said "whats going on out here", to which the girls said "nothing, we're just laughing and having fun". Mom looked at us suspiciously and said, "OK you can stay out here, but don't go anywhere" and she closed the door.
The girl I was with laughed about how she looked and commented that her bra was undone. They said something like "she must be giving Dad a nooner again". Her sister laughed and said "yeah, geeze, we watched her do it in the front seat on the way up here, you'd think he'd had enough". I asked what they were talking about. She explained that they'd seen her Mom give their Dad blowjobs in a bunch of places - that they thought they were being sneaky, but once the sisters figured out what was going on, they'd sneak up and watch them. She told me that on the way up, the sisters were in the camper and her mom and dad were in the pickup driving. They could see into the pickup through a little window.
They saw their Dad start to reach over and play with their mom's tits and she scooted over next to him (those were the days of bench seats in pickup trucks). He got her shirt open a little and she started rubbing his dick through his shorts. Then she looked around real quick and dropped her head down to his lap. They watched as she pulled his dick out of his shorts and started sucking on it. They said they couldn't hear anything through the thick window and the noisy camper. The girls could see into the front seat pretty, but they couldn't see them in the camper. After a while, her Dad came and mom got it all over her face and shirt and all over his pants. She tried to lick it up but it was a real mess. The girls laughed and talked about another couple of times they'd seen mom with her head between Dads legs.
Now these girls were probably a couple of years older than us. We'd heard about blowjobs, but weren't too sure that really happened. We only had a vague idea what sex was all about. Next thing I knew, the girl next to me started rubbing my dick. Back then, surfers (which we were, through and through) wore "baggies" which were short baggy surfer shorts. Before I knew it she had me hard. The shorts had a mesh lining in them, but mine had mostly ripped out from continual wear, so she could just reach her hand up one leg and there it was.
I looked at her, reached over and tried to kiss her. She gave me a little kiss with a little tongue, giggled, and slipped under the pic-nic table.
Before I knew it, she pulled my hard dick out the leg of my baggies and was sucking on it. Being a young kid with no experience, just her rubbing on it had me hard and about ready to explode. So, it didn't take long before I was ready to come. I tried to act casual, but everyone was looking at me, because they'd seen her go under the table. I don't remember doing it on purpose, but just before I came I reached my hand under the table, grabbed the back of her head by her hair, and held her there with my cock in her mouth.

I shuddered, moaned and shoved my dick deeper in her mouth. I came deep in her throat and it seemed like it went on forever . I expected her to jump back, but instead she clamped her mouth down on my cock and sucked every drop out while I pushed her face all the way against my groin. Then she was back up on the bench and wiped the corner of her mouth with the back of her hand, giving me an evil little grin.
It was weird, but a few seconds later we could hear her Dad make a loud moan and say "Fuck". I always wondered if they knew what had happened outside and it had somehow made them horny - but I'm pretty sure he Dad came about a minute after I did. A couple of minutes later, Mom opened the door and said, "allright girls, a couple more minutes and you have to come inside - it's getting late". Mom closed the door, the girls laughed and asked if we'd noticed that her mom wasn't wearing a bra anymore.

At the time I thought it was funny. We were 13 year old boys. Her mom was standing there in the light of the camper, in a white tank top, with big tits and her nipples poking through the shirt - Of Course we'd noticed! The girls got up and we said our goodbyes. She never even kissed me. Back at the camp, the other two guys couldn't wait to hear the story.

The next morning, after surfing, we walked up to their camp, but they were gone. We never saw them again, but I had discovered something I'd love for the rest of my life.

My neighbor George is a 69 year old man who's been hospitalized and is still in a rehab center because of a stroke. His wife died several years ago and the only relative nearby is his step daughter. My husband and I only moved in here 10 months ago and did become friendly with George. His stepdaughter travels for work and asked me to feed his dog each day and let him out in the yard for awhile which I agreed to do. I only work part time 3 nights a week so while my husband is at work I let the dog a out a couple times and feed him. Curiosity took hold of me but I guess a better word is snooping. I went around the house looking in all the rooms and closets and in the back bedroom was a TV with an old VCR hooked up to it sitting on a large desk. He had a stack of old videos mostly movies and assorted old magazines. As I looked in the desk drawers it was mostly his utility bills and bank statements but in the bottom drawer were 3 more videos with only the number 2, 3 and 5 written on them. My curiosity forced me to view one and I couldn't believe my eyes. It was a naked girl in the a bathroom and it finally occurred to me it was his step daughter when she was around 22 years old or so, she is 45 now. As the video went on it not only showed his stepdaughter showering and going to the bathroom but there were at least 12 other women naked. I have no idea who they are and know this bathroom wasn't in this house since it is so large. About half way through the tape all the sudden there was a variety of naked men mostly younger guys in their 20's and 30's but a few around Georges age at the time. The way the video camera was placed there was a clear view into the shower and the sink and toilet were also in plain site. He must have had two different cameras because the angles were on each side of the room. I don't know who any of these people are but they must have been taken 15 or 20 years ago. Most of them with both the men and women were mainly while in the shower but some of them had them in humiliating situations. The women were most exposed when shaving their legs and many of the younger guys were taped masturbating. Over a weeks time I watched all three videos and some showed 4 of the girls masturbating and many of them tending to their menstrual periods. If any of them ever saw themselves on these tapes they would die of embarrassment. There were so many of his step daughter I'm sure his wife would have divorced him many years ago if she ever discovered them. In the last video with number 5 on it almost and hour of tape was all of his stepdaughter at different times when she had to be in her early to mid 20's. Most were of her in the shower or on the toilet but seven of them showed her masturbating. These tapes must have been taken over a period of a few years and I don't know where this bathroom could have been. I haven't told my husband about it yet and am not sure I should. I could never tell his stepdaughter since she seems to like him very much. The way they are numbered I keep thinking there is probably more of them but so far I haven't found anymore. George has to be some kind of wierdo filming both men and woman since part of the number 3 tape has about an hour each of just the guys and girls while masturbating. I have to admit being mesmerized by them and have been watching some of them almost everyday I go over there. I know I shouldn't but do like watching the young guys masturbate and comparing their penis size. The only other guy I've watched masturbate is my husband and that was only once over a year ago. Most of them on the videos masturbate while in the shower but there is one guy who masturbates and ejaculates into the sink. The girls that I see masturbating is always in the shower. I never thought George the type of man who would do something like that. I could kind of understand filming women but to take those videos of guys is really strange unless he is bisexual. I have thought about destroying them but George would know either his stepdaughter or I found them. I will probably end up telling my husband but I could never tell him how often I have watched them.

#naked   #tapes   #guys   #girls  

Sometimes I date dirty, nasty, skanky girls because they turn me on more and do all the nasty hardcore sick shit I love. Other times I date nice girls and try to turn them out into dirty as it can get them to be without giving myself away

#dirty   #girls   #are   #hot  

Pray and roll the dice for #girls

Confessions by

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