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Embarrassing Confessions

Read the best #embarrassing confession stories

I am a person who can easily memorize all kind of stuff. But not important stuff, only stuff no one needs. For example birthdays of celebrities and embarrassing things of other people. When I meet people I often pretend not to know something about them they told me ages ago because I don't want to be called a creep.

#creep   #memorize   #embarrassing   #celebs   #confession  

My girlfriend and I (m/30) have been together for around 10 years now. Her family is originally from Russia. Shortly, after we got together, she invited me to her birthday party with her family. Up until then, I never met her family or knew much about them. Of course I agreed to come and got her a nice present and some flowers for her mother. I actually thought that it would be a small and quiet celebration.
Oh boy, was I wrong.
When we pulled up to her parents' house, I was overwhelmed. It was (still is) a really big house with fine decour and everything. I got rather nervous that her family would not like me as they obviously were playing in another league than me.
So, it was a huge party and all her family from all around the country and from Russia came to celebrate. And as you might know, the Russians love their vodka. Everyone was very kind and everyone wanted to drink with me. As soon as my glass was empty, another relative came my way holding vodka shots. My girlfriend was very busy talking to everyone and did not notice what happened until it was too late.
So, we danced, we took shots, the food was amazing. Until I noticed that I wasn't feeling so well. I didn't make it back to the bathroom, but puked all over myself, the floor and some landed on my girlfriend's mother... I was mortified!
Somehow, my girlfriend, her mother and her aunt managed to get me into the bathtub and hosed me down. They got me a pyjama of my girlfriend's dad and they put me to bed.

The next morning when I woke up I felt horrible. I was utterly ashamed, but still went down for breakfast. Everyone still present was smirking and laughing at me, but it seemed everything in good fun. Her mother came up to me with a bottle of vodka shortly after and asked if I wanted to do some shots. I almost puked on her again.
So I guess I just wanted to get this off my chest before our wedding in June when I have to see her whole family again.

#girlfriend   #russian   #vodka   #drunk   #puked   #embarrassing   #family   #celebration   #party   #bathroom   #funny   #ashamed   #confession   #wedding   #russia  

I planned to take this to my grave and so this is as far as I'm willing to go with telling anyone what happened. So, I'm pretty sure it was near the end of 6th grade. My stomach had been bothering me all morning long but I kept ignoring it because I thought it would go away eventually. Unfortunately, that's not what happened. I was in my 3rd period class, sitting in the back row (about 5 rows) in front of the windows. I felt a fart coming on and I sat there for a few moments before deciding it felt like a silent one. Then I let it go. Before I continue, I would just like to emphasize how much I regret this decision. I would actually kill for a chance to go back in time and stop myself from doing this. I'm not even joking. Anyways...So, a few seconds passed and there was no smell or sound and I almost sighed in relief. But then it happened. The smell came. My teacher froze for a moment, quickly raising a hand to plug his nose. My TEACHER of all people. All around me other students began sputtering (not as a joke, they were serious.) and choking. I wanted to die. I considered stabbing myself in the heart with my pencil. Deciding that would only show I was the culprit, I suffered through minutes of other students accusing everyone else of doing it while half the class raised their hands to ask if they could leave the classroom. The room was filled with the foul, putrid smell. I can't do the smell justice. Imagine being in a room with someone who wasn't showered in 30 years and then amplify that by 50. It was like 100 skunks had just sprayed the room and then died. It was a corrupt, rancid, rotten smell. Back to the class though.. Someone finally went "It started in the back row!" and that was it. I was done for. I was sure I would be caught as the one who did it. I was starting to wonder how I would explain to my mom why I needed to change schools and change my name. But the world must have spared mercy on my soul, because at the time everyone in my school believed the "girls can't fart" thing. I was the only girl in the back row, and no one batted an eye at me. Then, my teacher finally spoke up and told us we were going to go outside for awhile. Classmates who I had never seen run before (we had recess at my middle school everyday) bolted for the fresh, pure air of the outside world. We spent 20 minutes outside before going back inside. At the end of class, my teacher laughed and said, "I feel really bad for the person who committed the crime. They'll never live that down." He was right. I'll never live that down. I'm in high school now (same school) and sometimes someone will bring it up in class and either laugh or grimace. There is no in between. You either remember it with a smile and laugh or cold dead eyes and a pained look. My friends will sometimes ask me about if I know who it was(they were in the class) and I just laugh and say "I'm not entirely sure any human could make something that awful. I'm pretty sure something died outside the window." but inside I am dying every time I say that. That was the worst day of my entire life, and I've had toilets overflow on me in public, my swimsuit come off in a pool, fall on my face after dropping from a 20 foot zipline into water, and accidentally stolen food worth 40$. Now that I list that stuff off, they seem so small in comparison to what happened on that bedeviled, cursed day. I will never forget this. Ever.

#embarrassing   #farts  

Three months ago, something embarrassing happened to me. I had the bad habit not to wear underwear. Didn't think about it but then it happened. I was walking across the street and got hit by a car. Because I bled very badly, an ambulance came, drove me to hospital and there, a young, handsome doctor came in and said he needed to check me. I refused but after a while, I had to agree.
The highlight was, I hadn't shaved in a long time....
Since then, I always wear underwear.

#underwear   #hospital   #accident   #embarrassing   #confess  

When I was 12 me and my friend were very curious about our bodies. So we both decided we would have a sleepover and we would explore and figure things out. When we had the sleepover we waited for his grandparents and his mom to go to bed and then we took off all of our clothes and started exploring. We knew what masturbating was and tried it but, as soon as we started his mom came down and caught us masturbating. We kind of liked being caught and now to this day (we are 16 and 17) we sleepover and play truth or dare including us masturbating and doing really risky stuf like going outside fully naked!

#embarrassing   #masturbating   #caught  

I need a teddy bear to sleep. Just can't fall asleep without one of my soft cuddle toys.
About 2 months ago, I slept over at my girlfriend's place but forgot to bring Mic, my favourite teddy bear. I was awake all night long. It was horrible. I am scared without my stuffed friends.

Next month, my fiancée and I are getting married. I am 29 years old.

#teddy   #bear   #soft   #cuddle   #bed   #sleep   #marry   #embarrassing  

I was casually watching porn in my room when my phone connected to a bluetooth speaker and my whole house heard it

#embarrassing   #porn  

My name is Barry and my embarrassing confession is that I have a constant craving to suck cocks. I will suck as many as possible and I never get tired of it. It is like an ex-girlfriend of mine (I am not gay) put a spell on me that makes me want to suck cock constantly. My friend Sara says I have a sever case of the "non-stop gobble cocks." Of course, she thinks it is funny and calls me "blowjob Barry" or "cock-gobbling cumslut." I can't stop and it is so embarrassing!

#cock   #barry   #embarrassing   #sex  

I was 8. My 7 year old sister went to tell on me for something I didn't do. Next thing I knew I was being spanked naked on the kitchen table with my family watching. "What did you do ?" Asked dad. "Nothing !" I replied. This went on for a little while until he believed me. Frustrated, he called my sister out to the street and spanked her naked on the sidewalk before leaving her there for 10 minutes naked. When she came back in, she told dad I was lying. Confused, my father warned us that if the liar didn't come clean, he would humiliate us both so badly. Once he left, my sister and I went into our room to talk about it. We agreed to play scissors paper rock and the loser had to confess. I lost and went to be humiated. When my dad found out, he called the entire extended family over for lunch.

When they arrived, I was forced to eat naked and my cousins laughed their head off. Once lunch was over, dad made me put on some undies and hooked my up to a tree, giving me a massive wedgie. Once I was up, he cut off every thing that hid my parts leaving me with a massive wedgie naked. While I was hanging there, they played soccer for 45mins until my "undies" broke. As soon as I was down, dad bent me over and let everyone spank me for as long as they wanted, with a belt. Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, dad went to the fence and asked the neighbours to come over. They did so and also spanked me. Once my but was as red as a tomato, dad got more undies and hung me up again, with the same cutting out. I was forced to stay there for 30mins while the cousins played with my butt as a piñata, hitting we ver and over again with a wooden spoon. When I thought it was finally over, my dad made me walk around the block naked, knocking on all the doors and telling them what I did, before asking them if they wanted to spank me. Most said yes. When I got home, I found out the cousins were going to stay and we were going to camp in the backyard.i asked dad for my clothes back, be he made me stay naked for the entire year when not at school, including when going outside. Anyway, for the rest of the arvo, we swam in the pool, spanked me, wedged me, and watched movies, while spanking me. Then at night, I was forced to sleep outside of the tents, naked, facing upwards. When I was awake, I found I was the first, and hurried inside to get some clothes, but when I walked out of my room, my dad was there. When he saw me dressed, he screamed, ripped them off me, made me put on a swimsuit ( the speedo kind ) and told me to follow him. We went to the table and he installed a hook into the roof, before hanging me on it until breakfast. At breakfast, he spoon fed me puréed apple and told me that today I was everyone's baby and had to what they said, and wasn't allowed to speak properly, shower, or use the toilet. Then he got me down, and put me in a nappy and shoved a binki in my mouth. He then told my little cousin, that I was a baby and needed to be looked after. She squealed with delight and took me to a room. Where I was fed a bottle. I got angry and spat it out, but she told me that if I didn't want my father to know, I had to do something for her. I immediately said yes and she told me I was to let her change my nappy. I obliged, and before I knew it, I was being washed and wiped by my 5 year old cousin. Then she put me in a pink nappy before deciding that she wanted me to not wear anything. So for the rest of the day, I was naked, being spanked, wedged and being wiped in the bum by my cousin. Just before they left, my family took a picture of all of us, and I was in the front, naked, and hating my sister.

#naked   #stripped   #family   #public   #wedgie   #spanking   #punishment   #embarrassing  

I secretly want women to make fun of me for having a tiny little penis, and love sucking dick. Calling me a faggot, and more. I am a closet fag.

#embarrassing   #gay   #nervous  

I was trying to flirt with this guy on a chatroom, and he did this action which made our characters have a sexy hug, and I thought that I'd try something like that, so I clicked on the one that said "KissButt", and I thought it sounded like it could work, so I clicked it... The characters then moved to a position where I bent over and pointed to my butt, and this guy was forced to kiss it, So embarrassing.

#embarrassing   #sexy   #chatroom  

My boyfriend was meeting my family. I went into the bathroom and took a nude and airdropped it. IT SENT TO MY GRANDMA. She gave me a look, went into the bathroom. I got airdropped a picture of her nude.


I would like to make amends and confess. It happened many years ago back in school and in retrospect I feel terrible about it.
There was this one kid in our year and he was kind of unpopular. Maybe not unpopular, but he ran in another circle of friends and was rather shy. So we made fun of him, but really harmless banter mostly.
One day we had this huge event at our school that took place in our gym. A lot of people came... I think round 3,000 people watching the festivites on the ranks around the gym, parents, teacher from other schools, principles,.. so many people....
My year and me had to take part in a rely race, so we had to get in a row and in front of me was that kid. He was a bit on the chubby side and really un-sporty. He wore very worn out pants and that is when I go the idea.
Just seconds before it was his turn to start running I pansed him. (I have no idea how that is spelled... well, I pulled his shorts down all the way). And I not only pulled down his shorts, but also his boxershorts underneath. As he was about to start running, he tripped BUTT NAKED and fell face first to the ground. He had a really small penis.
The whole gym, everyone!! was laughing and pointing. Some where even crying with laughter and I think some took pictures. He was the joke of the whole school for the rest of our time there.
Now I feel rather embarrased for what I have put him through.

#school   #pants   #sport   #chubby   #bullying   #embarrassing   #laughing  

I like imagining I'm pregnant. hugely pregnant.
for some reason. I've always been embarrassed by the idea of getting pregnant- and that turns me on. I love anything that makes me feel humiliated. when you're pregnant, everyone knows you've slept with someone, your breasts get noticeably bigger, you get hornier.. but the weird thing is..
the hottest thing about it to me is the belly. the idea of having a huge pregnant belly get in the way of daily tasks and draw attention to me is humiliating. it's make me feel like a big walking balloon. it makes me so horny thinking about it, though. the thought of trying on shirts that are too small for me.. having trouble getting them over my belly... strangers wanting to rub my tummy.. not being able to see my toes.. being so big that it's hard to move..
it's especially hot to imagine it, since I'm still a teen and I'd be looked down on for it. I'd be seen as a slut.

I'm so ashamed to like this.
seriously, what is wrong with me?

#pregnancy   #fetish   #embarrassing   #pregnant  

male, 37 years old.
I just watched "The Lion King" with my 4 year old daughter.
She didn't bat an eye but I had to leave the room as mufasa was killed. I cried like a baby and hid in our bathroom.

#lion   #king   #daughter   #cry   #embarrassing   #dad   #confession  

Around 3 am this night I woke up and since then I have the worst diarrhea I've ever had. I have to confess that I didn't make it to the toilet the third or fourth time and I had to poop in the kitchen sink. My mom cleaned it without saying a word. Sorry mom!

#diarrhea   #embarrassing   #mom   #sink   #toilet  

I am 14, I have a fairly flat chest and a bubble butt, and constantly get teased about it. One day, walking home from school, (my parents were out of town at the time, with a baby sitter watching me) I took a right to a shortcut in a wooded area, hoping it was quicker. I hadn't realized there were a group of girls (all older than me, bigger and more developed, too) had been waiting for me there, with a small gathering of other students of various ages (some younger, some similar ages to the girls and i) waiting to see what the girls would deem "my punishment." Two girls jumped out and grabbed me, one on each arm, and stripped off my backpack. "Welcome!" Another had said. "Today you will be punished!" "You're always such a posh bitch, pushing people around, flaunting your bubble butt, we decided to teach you a lesson!" She announced, with cheering and clapping from the crowd. I'd been wearing a school uniform white blouse, with a long navy blue skirt, pleated and high waisted. I wore black Mary Jane shoes and white tights with high waisted cotton granny panties with "diva" written all over them. Immediately, I was pinned down onto the forest floor on my back, and felt a tug on my skirt. "No!" I yelled, squirming. "Oh, would you rather do it yourself? Strip your little skirt and leggings off, you can keep the shoes if you want." One girl explained, taking out a camcorder and filming me, another girl ready to take pictures. I relented, "Fine." Thinking that was all I'd have to strip off. The two girls holding me down released me, glancing at me with a warning look not to run. I stood up, with the crowd lookin at me with anticipation. I began to unzip the side of my skirt, slipping out of it and handing it over to a waiting hand. Blushing tremendously, I stepped out of my shoes and hesitated with the edge of my leggings. "Do they HAVE to come off?" I asked. "Yep, now hurry, show us your panties." The girl responded. Finally, I pulled them off, stepping out of those as well, humiliated with my diva panties on show, bunched up around my hips. I pulled them all the way up in order to cover myself more, the waistband going halfway up my back and almost to the edge of my small breasts. Everyone was watching, laughing and snapping pictures. I was ordered to put my hand on my head and twirl around, showing off my panties. "Now take off your blouse for us, you'll do it or these pictures will be everywhere." The lead girl warned. Slowly, i unbuttoned my blouse and took that off as well. "And the bra! We know you barely have breasts anyway." I unclasped my bra from behind and let it drop, allowing it to be taken with the rest of my clothes. Again I was made to twirl around for everyone to see the high waisted panties. I was allowed to keep my shoes still. I only had my undies and shoes left. "Think those undies could go any higher, diva?" A girl had asked. "No, I don't think so..." I replied, confused. Suddenly, I was pinned to the floor face-first, with girls holding my arms above me, spread apart, and my legs spread apart too. "These are snug on your butt, huh?" The lead girl teased, playing with the waistband, groping my ass to further humiliate me. Then she pulled the waistband up, giving me a wedgie and exposing my bubble butt to the chilly wind. She gave two small tugs, then pulled up my underwear a bit more all around, so they weren't bunched up. She gave my butt a playful smack and allowed me to get up. "Don't pick your underwear." Then she took more pictures, directing me to hold my waistband up, so it would look like I gave myself the wedgie, taking more pictures. "You're free to go now." "Can I have my stuff back?" "No, you ungrateful brat. And don't pick your wedgie! I wanna see you walk home with your ads hanging out. You have undies and shoes, you can walk home." "No, please! Don't make me walk home like this!!" "Would you rather do it naked?" She offered. I sighed, "No..." "And we'll be right behind you! So don't think you can cover yourself and pick your wedgie!" "Wait, one more thing before you go! Say you love being in a wedgie and wear only undies and shoes! And smile for the camera!" "I love wedgies and wearing embarrassing undies and shoes, it's my favorite outfit." I said, begrudgingly. I ended up having cars honk and people come up to me to take pictures, slap my ass, or hoot as I passed by on my way home. I made it home, where my babysitter laughed at me and forced me to stay in my undies and only allowed me to wear undies and shoes for the rest of the time my parents were gone, following the girl's instructions given to them. They laughed at my humiliation and gave me wedgies too.

#wedgies   #wedgie   #embarrassing   #humiliating   #embarrassment   #humiliation   #diva   #panties   #undies  

I am man who likes to wear make up. Not in public but at home, alone. My girlfriend once asked me to put mascara on because of my "beautiful long lashes". I did and it looked amazing. Since then, when my girlfriend is at work and I am alone at home, I try different styles and make up tricks.
It's amazing how you easily it is to change your whole appearance. And I guess I can now put on make-up better than my girlfriend. :-)

#makeup   #boy   #lashes   #mascara   #amazing   #embarrassing   #confession  

So one night me and my boyfriend were going at it really hard and he is always asking me if he can try new things with me I am reluctant sometimes but this time I said ok we decided to record on camara our first homemade porn jejeje . So he wanted to try my ass for anal he got the lube and made sure everything was nice and wet before he started fingering my butt to make it more comfortable he did that for a couple minutes before he slowly slid his dick in my ass and started thrusting. We were both laying on our sides at this point and he decided he wanted to switch positions with him behind me while I lay over a pillow so we move around and before he goes to put his dick back inside me he decides he wants to give me a rim job right when he goes to lick my ass I farted and I couldn't stop it because my but was stretched a little still from him fucking me it was the most embarrassing thing of my life thats ever happened during sex

#sex   #shy   #ass   #embarrassing  

Yesterday I finally decided to move out from my parent's house. I am 31 years old (going to turn 32 next monday) and I was always frightened to leave home to live in my own. I now live about 10 minutes away from home, in a small flat and I consider to buy me a cat or something because I feel very lonley. I miss my parents so much, it's awful. But I can't tell anymore because it would be too embarrassing. :(

#parents   #move   #house   #lonely   #awful   #embarrassing   #confess  

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