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Angry Confessions

Read the best #angry confession stories

I try to make my boyfriend angry because he said proudly announced once that no one and nothing can make him upset.
It's my new challenge to show him otherwise. :-)

#angry   #boyfriend   #upset   #challenge   #proud   #funny   #confession  

I want to break this kids jaw at my school. His name is Liam. He’s a boy but he dresses like a slutty school girl. Knee high boots, short shorts, crop top, painted nails. Obviously he’s gay. But my issue is how sensitive he is. So many girls at my school protect him and call him a queen and all this bullshit. He loves the attention. But if a kid even looks at him wrong his whole group of friends record and call the kid out. But a boy dressing like a street hooker isn’t really an everyday thing so looking at you weird is just a given. But yesterday he tried to tell me I was a bad person if I didn’t date a trans person. His group of friends were about to start filming while this kid roasts me for having a preference. I told him I gave no fucks about cameras or being hated online and if he tried to shit talk me while filming I was going to beat the shit out of him. I really didn’t care about being in trouble as long as I’m slammed his head on the concrete I’m fine with that. So they didn’t record and he shut up. But if he snaps at me or I keep seeing him walk around like he owns the school and like he’s better than everyone because his pronouns are whatever then I’m going to beat the fuck out of him and that’s a fact. I’m just pissed that this is what happened in real life now.

#angry   #fight   #mad   #school   #libtard   #anger  

I don't love my girlfriend but I don't break up with her either. I guess I'll break up with her in the next time but I feel guilty about it. I always try to talk to her when something annoys me but she always reacts kind of angry and offended. When I break up with her I am going to tell her all the things that bothers me; no matter what she's saying.

#breakup   #girlfriend   #angry   #annoying   #confession  

One time in class the professor was super upset. A boy had just yelled at her in class, and she was clearly on edge. I muttered something under my breath and she yelled at another girl and kicked her out. The girl tried to deny it, but the professor threatened to have the police escort her out if she didn't leave immediately. This girl got thrown out of class because of me. Horrible right?! I thought of confessing that I was the culprit, but I really needed to be in class.

#college   #professor   #angry   #university  

I’m the roommate who cleans the bathroom endlessly. The mean roommate has been trying to figure out who moves the rugs.
She threw a fit at me. Yelling. Screaming. Cussing. Anger.
OK. So now I laugh when she steps in pee at night. Steps on a wet rug. Finds a sink full of hair. The trash cans flowing over. Shit on the lid. Stopped up toilet. Dirty clothes. Makeup everywhere. A tampon in the floor. Late night live bugs. The overhead light is out. The soap in the bottom of shower. Water all over the floor. I’ll hear her cuss and scream at night.
But there’s one thing going for her. I don’t move the rugs to clean. Of course other people move them to take showers & leave them soaked. I used to dry them while she was gone.
I have large bottles to pee in. I just open my window. Climb out. Pee in the bushes. I even have a fancy Porta toilet. Bags. Sani wipes. I don’t even need that bathroom. I shower at my girlfriends. Even old guys can make booty calls.
She’s also now wondering why the trash cans are suddenly overflowing. Trash is in the floor. One roommate leaves dogs. They get in the trash. I used to train the dogs. Pick up the trash. Haul it out. But I rarely cook. I wash my dishes. I have my own trash in my room & take it out.
She wants to take her shit out on me I will not be mean. I’ll still be pleasant. But I’m not the maid. I’m only going to clean up after me since she had her moment. She got me in line. I’m not moving the rugs anymore. Now get everyone else on line big girl.
I got tickled listening to her when she realized the light was out. It’s called a light bulb. Put one in.
Once she gets over her shit I’ll go back to helping some with things I don’t create. But right now I’m staying out of the range of fire. A mini war has broken out in the house. People mad about all sorts of things.
I go away a few weeks. Come back to everyone yelling. It’s funny though. I got two of them laughing with me yesterday. But then dark cloud rolled in. I went back to my room.
I wonder what her disorder is. I can’t identify one. Is being an angry ass a disorder?
Oh well. I’m going to laugh and smile anyways. My life sucks. Things are terrible. But I only get one shot. I’d rather make people laugh than miserable.
My crime is........I’m a good person.
But they probably should arrest me for distracting people with my good looks. A lady once told me it should be s crime for me to look that good. Hey. I’m sexy and I know it.
She’s in there right now. Bathrooms a disaster.

#happy   #angry  

yeh I believe there has been a turning point and god is angry and avenging. karma is after them. karma is out to get oprah and she knows it and she can't do a thing about it. she knows god is angry and after her for all the bad shit she done. same with all the elites and famous rich and you don't think all the crimes of royals and how they have robbed people out of their homes and stolen relationships is not gonna come out soon too. gods angry man. you better believe it. gods dam seriously angry at all these rich slits and scuzzy people parading around in riches while the poor suffer without jobs and these fling-a-lings are rolling around in merc's and jags and roof diamond stud cars and kids that glow in the dark, genetic engineered kids. all the gays marriages is a turning point for a sign of "let's just wait when they cry battered gay syndrome and husband trans on trans battery and abuse" cuz those kids can't turn out normal with parents that rich and stupid. gods on a rampage you can feel it too! he's gonna come for their kids and everything and take something back to the poor. the turning point has started. its all in the alignment of the solar system and stars too. yeh I believe there has been a turning point and god is angry and avenging. karma is after them. karma is out to get oprah and she knows it and she can't do a thing about it. she knows god is angry and after her for all the bad shit she done. same with all the elites and famous rich and you don't think all the crimes of royals and how they have robbed people out of their homes and stolen relationships is not gonna come out soon too. gods angry man. you better believe it. gods dam seriously angry at all these rich slits and scuzzy people parading around in riches while the poor suffer without jobs and these fling-a-lings are rolling around in merc's and jags and roof diamond stud cars and kids that glow in the dark, genetic engineered kids. all the gays marriages is a turning point for a sign of "let's just wait when they cry battered gay syndrome and husband trans on trans battery and abuse" cuz those kids can't turn out normal with parents that rich and stupid. gods on a rampage you can feel it too! he's gonna come for their kids and everything and take something back to the poor. the turning point has started. its all in the alignment of the solar system and stars too.

#gods   #angry  

Gas prices are actually crazy. I know it’s common to complain about them but damn. In California the gas station closest to me is almost at 7 bucks. It’s like they give no shits about raising the price because everyone else is. Makes me miss trump. Makes me hate California. Every time I drive I gotta stare at the gas tank and prepare to kiss 100 bucks goodbye. I remember the good old days when gas was still 4.75$ a gallon. Pretty sad when 4.75$ is considered cheap. I can’t give anybody rides anymore and I’m not trying to be an asshole but before the spike in price I’d drive a friend over an hour to a doctors appointment no problem. Never asked for gas money. Now if you want a ride up the road that will be a dollar lol. But for real fuck this gas issue.

#gas   #prices   #angry   #mad   #money   #wasted   #missingtrump   #trump  

I'm very disappointed at my father to say the least.. I wish he would get arrested coz i know prison is the only place that can save him from himself.

#disappointed   #angry   #tired   #prison  

Because I was angry with my little brother, I pissed in his bed before he went to bed. The next day he tought he had wet his bed. He doesn't know that it was me up to now.

#little   #brother   #angry   #piss   #bed   #wet  

At the supermarket today: I was waiting in line to pay for my goods when I noticed this really smelly dude behind me. He reeked of urine and sweat you cannot imagine how disgusting!!
Anyway, I took the shower gel from my basket and put it between his own groceries. He noticed it, but he only shook his head, actually bought it and took it back home (I assume). Even the cashier looked glad that he bought it!!
I would like to confess that I am disgusted by those kind of people. Why do those people not show consideration for others around them?? It really puzzles me. Why do they not buy themselves sanitary products? He could afford dog food and beer for christ sake's!

#angry   #disgusted   #smelly   #stink   #reeking   #dude   #supermarket   #hate  

I get so angry that I lash out at anyone near me. I feel so bad but anger just overwhelms me like a wave crashing onto shore.


I feel like I need to please everyone. Everyone wants so much from me. Other people have the mindset that they can get away with anything, and so when people get angry with them they don't care. I really care. If anyone so much as tells me I'm standing in the wrong place, I get all red and stutter. If a teacher tells me that I'm being disobedient, I am close to tears. This somehow makes people get even more angry at me than at other people. I had this one teacher that didn't mind when other students were violent and cursed, but if I ever so zoned out for a bit he would yell at me and make me feel terrible. I try to be perfect, but I'm not perfect.

#sad   #perfect   #angry  

My best friend and I had a terrible fight. Now, I am still angry with her and I want revenge.
The last times, I spat in her coffee and I do everything to make her live miserable.
But I don't feel the satisfaction...

#fight   #angry   #revenge   #satisfaction  

I am madly in love with a girl who lives near my house... I befriended her on fb n we used to chat since last year, don't know when i fell in love wid her... Bt m kinda shy guy so was nt able to make my mind to pro her f2f, so i thought of proposing her on fb, bt again, i was scared that what if she broke friendship wid me, so i made a fake id n expressed my feeling to her, bt don't know how, she guessed ma name instantly, bt i told that i m nt the one who she thinks i m... Then she started asking me on fake id that who am i, she pleaded a lot, then i told her ma name... She got very angry n did what i was scared before, she blocked me on fb n we were no more friends either, bt i again cnvinced her only to be my friend, she agreed... N now we r friends again just on fb,bt we r nt that close we werebefore evan she neva reply on my msg, i apologized her innumerable time on fb,bt shedin't replied.. So i hv stop msging her now n left all to god's wish...
Bt, i can't live widout her, i love her a lot, i cry whole day missing her n m now thinking to die

#love   #facebook   #cry   #angry  

My little brother will start school in fall. I am angry with all my relatives and family and friends right now because everyone is telling him that he has to enjoy going to kindergarten because the fun will be over once he starts going to school.
What the fuck??? He is 5 years old! Come one guys!

#school   #brother   #angry   #anger   #relatives   #family   #kindergarten   #fun  

My ex and I broke up a couple of days ago. I went to her apartment yesterday to get my stuff and I saw some used condoms in her trash can. We broke up like 3 days ago!!! I cannot believe it. To get my revenge and because I was furious, I took some of the unused condoms and poked a hole into them. (I know that she keeps them in a box by her bed). I did that while she was answering her phone (probably her new lover).

#angry   #anger   #ex   #cheating   #sex   #furious   #condoms   #revenge  

The last episode of How I met your mother sucked! I am so angry with the writers right now, I just want to punch someone in the face! Disgusting!

#hate   #himym   #angry   #punch   #disgusting   #episode   #tv  

I am angry. I am so so fucking angry.
At everything. I don't know why but the littlest things infuriate me. I could strangle someone if they look at me the wrong way. I could burn my house down thinking about talking to certain people.
It infuriates me that I am like that.

#angry   #anger   #confession   #feelings  

My birthday was two days ago and no one remembered
I am just so sad
Why am I such a loser

#birthday   #loser   #sad   #angry   #crying  

Today I was shopping with my mom at our local mall and after successfully buying clothes we needed we thought we would get ourselves some nice crêpe, there's a little place in the mall that sells them. There was quite a line in front of the little booth, but we weren't in a hurry and thought we could wait. 10 minutes later, it was almost our turn, when this stupid bitch came by, just pushed in and walked in front of us. I said something along the line like "Are you nuts? What's wrong with you?" but she just ignored me. Well, we weren't in a hurry, so we just let her.
This stupid bitch then ordered 4 crêpes, and if you know how they are made you know that it takes quite a while to make one. I was furious after that but I thought well.. Karma's a bitch, she'll get what she deserves.
I also have to say, she was quite fat, so I guess she got all 4 of them for herself..
After she paid she walked past us and smirked like the stupid bitch she was. She wanted to say something petty or spiteful, I know it but before she could say anything I just flipped and knocked the crêpes out of her hand.They landed on the dirty floor and the woman just gaped at me with an open mouth. It was awesome. She tried to insult me after that but my mom and I just walked away.
I really hope I taught this arrogant and stupid woman a lesson for live.

#angry   #furious   #food   #fat   #ignorant   #anger   #woman   #confession   #noshame  

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